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back             pointer to struct Layer in struct Layer
         +0x0004 graphics/clip.h: *36
backgroundPen    #define BACKGROUNDPEN = 0x00000007
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *268
bb_chksum        long int in struct BootBlock +0x0004 devices/bootblock.h: *21
bb_dosblock      long int in struct BootBlock +0x0008 devices/bootblock.h: *22
bb_id            array [4] of unsigned char in struct BootBlock
         +0x0000 devices/bootblock.h: *20
bbb_BlockPairs   array [61] of struct BadBlockEntry(size 0x0008 bytes) in
                 struct BadBlockBlock
         +0x0018 devices/hardblocks.h: *121
bbb_ChkSum       long int in struct BadBlockBlock
         +0x0008 devices/hardblocks.h: *117
bbb_HostID       unsigned long int in struct BadBlockBlock
         +0x000c devices/hardblocks.h: *118
bbb_ID           unsigned long int in struct BadBlockBlock
         +0x0000 devices/hardblocks.h: *115
bbb_Next         unsigned long int in struct BadBlockBlock
         +0x0010 devices/hardblocks.h: *119
bbb_Reserved     unsigned long int in struct BadBlockBlock
         +0x0014 devices/hardblocks.h: *120
bbb_SummedLongs unsigned long int in struct BadBlockBlock
         +0x0004 devices/hardblocks.h: *116
bbe_BadBlock     unsigned long int in struct BadBlockEntry
         +0x0000 devices/hardblocks.h: *110
bbe_GoodBlock    unsigned long int in struct BadBlockEntry
         +0x0004 devices/hardblocks.h: *111
beamcon0         unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x01dc hardware/custom.h: *137
beamsync         short int in struct bltnode +0x000c hardware/blit.h: *96
blitbuff         pointer to short int in struct Layer_Info
         +0x005e graphics/layers.h: *47
blitsize         short int in struct bltnode +0x000a hardware/blit.h: *95
blitter          pointer to long int in struct GfxBase
         +0x002e graphics/gfxbase.h: *31
blockPen         #define BLOCKPEN = 0x00000001  intuition/iobsolete.h: *262
bltadat          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0074 hardware/custom.h: *79
bltafwm          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0044 hardware/custom.h: *61
bltalwm          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0046 hardware/custom.h: *62
bltamod          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0064 hardware/custom.h: *74
bltapt           pointer to void in struct Custom
         +0x0050 hardware/custom.h: *65
bltbdat          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0072 hardware/custom.h: *78
bltbmod          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0062 hardware/custom.h: *73
bltbpt           pointer to void in struct Custom
         +0x004c hardware/custom.h: *64
bltcdat          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0070 hardware/custom.h: *77
bltcmod          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0060 hardware/custom.h: *72
bltcon0          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0040 hardware/custom.h: *59
bltcon0l         unsigned char in struct Custom +0x005b hardware/custom.h: *69
bltcon1          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0042 hardware/custom.h: *60
bltcpt           pointer to void in struct Custom
         +0x0048 hardware/custom.h: *63
bltddat          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0000 hardware/custom.h: *28
bltdmod          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0066 hardware/custom.h: *75
bltdpt           pointer to void in struct Custom
         +0x0054 hardware/custom.h: *66
blthd            pointer to struct bltnode in struct GfxBase
         +0x003a graphics/gfxbase.h: *34
bltnode          structure tag size 0x0012 graphics/gfxbase.h: *34, 35
                 hardware/blit.h: 90, 92
bltsize          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0058 hardware/custom.h: *67
bltsizh          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x005e hardware/custom.h: *71
bltsizv          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x005c hardware/custom.h: *70
bltsrv           struct Interrupt(size 0x0016 bytes) in struct GfxBase
         +0x0076 graphics/gfxbase.h: *36
blttl            pointer to struct bltnode in struct GfxBase
         +0x003e graphics/gfxbase.h: *34
bn_DeviceNode    pointer to void in struct BootNode
         +0x0010 libraries/expansionbase.h: *39
bn_Flags         unsigned short int in struct BootNode
         +0x000e libraries/expansionbase.h: *38
bn_Node          struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct BootNode
         +0x0000 libraries/expansionbase.h: *37
bottommost       short int in struct GelsInfo +0x001c graphics/rastport.h: *52
bounds           struct Rectangle(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct Layer
         +0x0010 graphics/clip.h: *39
bounds           struct Rectangle(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct ClipRect
         +0x0010 graphics/clip.h: *70
bounds           struct Rectangle(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct RegionRectangle
         +0x0008 graphics/regions.h: *26
bounds           struct Rectangle(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct Region
         +0x0000 graphics/regions.h: *31
bpl1mod          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0108 hardware/custom.h: *110
bpl2mod          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x010a hardware/custom.h: *111
bplcon0          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0100 hardware/custom.h: *106
bplcon1          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0102 hardware/custom.h: *107
bplcon2          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0104 hardware/custom.h: *108
bplcon3          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0106 hardware/custom.h: *109
bpldat           array [8] of unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0110 hardware/custom.h: *114
bplhmod          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x010c hardware/custom.h: *112
bplhstop         unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x01d6 hardware/custom.h: *134
bplhstrt         unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x01d4 hardware/custom.h: *133
bplpt            array [8] of pointer to void in struct Custom
         +0x00e0 hardware/custom.h: *105
bsa_DestBitMap   pointer to struct BitMap in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x001c graphics/scale.h: *27
bsa_DestHeight   unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0012 graphics/scale.h: *24
bsa_DestWidth    unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0010 graphics/scale.h: *24
bsa_DestX        unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x000c graphics/scale.h: *23
bsa_DestY        unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x000e graphics/scale.h: *23
bsa_Flags        unsigned long int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0020 graphics/scale.h: *28
bsa_Reserved1    long int in struct BitScaleArgs +0x0028 graphics/scale.h: *30
bsa_Reserved2    long int in struct BitScaleArgs +0x002c graphics/scale.h: *31
bsa_SrcBitMap    pointer to struct BitMap in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0018 graphics/scale.h: *26
bsa_SrcHeight    unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0006 graphics/scale.h: *21
bsa_SrcWidth     unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0004 graphics/scale.h: *21
bsa_SrcX         unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0000 graphics/scale.h: *20
bsa_SrcY         unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0002 graphics/scale.h: *20
bsa_XDDA         unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0024 graphics/scale.h: *29
bsa_XDestFactor unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0014 graphics/scale.h: *25
bsa_XSrcFactor   unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0008 graphics/scale.h: *22
bsa_YDDA         unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0026 graphics/scale.h: *29
bsa_YDestFactor unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x0016 graphics/scale.h: *25
bsa_YSrcFactor   unsigned short int in struct BitScaleArgs
         +0x000a graphics/scale.h: *22
bsblthd          pointer to struct bltnode in struct GfxBase
         +0x0042 graphics/gfxbase.h: *35
bsblttl          pointer to struct bltnode in struct GfxBase
         +0x0046 graphics/gfxbase.h: *35
bytereserved     unsigned char in struct GfxBase
         +0x00a7 graphics/gfxbase.h: *45
B2BOBBER         #define 2 = 0x00000002  graphics/gels.h: *253
B2NORM           #define 0 = 0x00000000  graphics/gels.h: *251
B2SWAP           #define 1 = 0x00000001  graphics/gels.h: *252
BACKDROP         #define WFLG_BACKDROP = 0x00000100
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *156
BACKGROUNDPEN    #define (0x0007) = 0x00000007  intuition/screens.h: *89
BACKSAVED        #define 0x0100 = 0x00000100  graphics/gels.h: *27
BADDR            macro (1 argument)   dos/dos.h: *110
BASEOBJECT       macro (1 argument)   intuition/classes.h: *77
BATTCLOCKNAME    #define "battclock.resource"  resources/battclock.h: *15
BATTMEMNAME      #define "battmem.resource"  resources/battmem.h: *15
BATTMEM_AMIGA_AMNESIA_ADDR #define 0 = 0x00000000
                 resources/battmembitsamiga.h: *32
BATTMEM_AMIGA_AMNESIA_LEN #define 1 = 0x00000001
                 resources/battmembitsamiga.h: *33
BATTMEM_SCSI_HOST_ID_ADDR #define 65 = 0x00000041
                 resources/battmembitsshared.h: *44
BATTMEM_SCSI_HOST_ID_LEN #define 3 = 0x00000003
                 resources/battmembitsshared.h: *45
BATTMEM_SCSI_LUNS_ADDR #define 2 = 0x00000002
                 resources/battmembitsamiga.h: *61
BATTMEM_SCSI_LUNS_LEN #define 1 = 0x00000001
                 resources/battmembitsamiga.h: *62
BATTMEM_SCSI_SYNC_XFER_ADDR #define 68 = 0x00000044
                 resources/battmembitsshared.h: *58
BATTMEM_SCSI_SYNC_XFER_LEN #define 1 = 0x00000001
                 resources/battmembitsshared.h: *59
BATTMEM_SCSI_TIMEOUT_ADDR #define 1 = 0x00000001
                 resources/battmembitsamiga.h: *47
BATTMEM_SCSI_TIMEOUT_LEN #define 1 = 0x00000001
                 resources/battmembitsamiga.h: *48
BATTMEM_SHARED_AMNESIA_ADDR #define 64 = 0x00000040
                 resources/battmembitsshared.h: *32
BATTMEM_SHARED_AMNESIA_LEN #define 1 = 0x00000001
                 resources/battmembitsshared.h: *33
BAUD_110         #define 0x00 = 0x00000000  intuition/preferences.h: *145
BAUD_1200        #define 0x02 = 0x00000002  intuition/preferences.h: *147
BAUD_19200       #define 0x06 = 0x00000006  intuition/preferences.h: *151
BAUD_2400        #define 0x03 = 0x00000003  intuition/preferences.h: *148
BAUD_300         #define 0x01 = 0x00000001  intuition/preferences.h: *146
BAUD_4800        #define 0x04 = 0x00000004  intuition/preferences.h: *149
BAUD_9600        #define 0x05 = 0x00000005  intuition/preferences.h: *150
BAUD_MIDI        #define 0x07 = 0x00000007  intuition/preferences.h: *152
BBID_DOS         #define { 'D', 'O', 'S', '0' }  devices/bootblock.h: *27
BBID_KICK        #define { 'K', 'I', 'C', 'K' }  devices/bootblock.h: *28
BBNAME_DOS       #define 0x444F5300 = 0x444f5300  devices/bootblock.h: *30
BBNAME_KICK      #define 0x4B49434B = 0x4b49434b  devices/bootblock.h: *31
BC0B_DEST        #define 8 = 0x00000008  hardware/blit.h: *47
BC0B_SRCA        #define 11 = 0x0000000b  hardware/blit.h: *50
BC0B_SRCB        #define 10 = 0x0000000a  hardware/blit.h: *49
BC0B_SRCC        #define 9 = 0x00000009  hardware/blit.h: *48
BC0F_DEST        #define 0x100 = 0x00000100  hardware/blit.h: *51
BC0F_SRCA        #define 0x800 = 0x00000800  hardware/blit.h: *54
BC0F_SRCB        #define 0x400 = 0x00000400  hardware/blit.h: *53
BC0F_SRCC        #define 0x200 = 0x00000200  hardware/blit.h: *52
BC1F_DESC        #define 2 = 0x00000002  hardware/blit.h: *56
BDRAWN           #define 0x0200 = 0x00000200  graphics/gels.h: *39
BEEPING          #define 0x0020 = 0x00000020  intuition/screens.h: *167
BITCLR           #define 0 = 0x00000000  graphics/gfx.h: *20
BITSET           #define 0x8000 = 0x00008000  graphics/gfx.h: *19
BITSPERBYTE      #define 8 = 0x00000008  dos/dos.h: *42
BITSPERLONG      #define 32 = 0x00000020  dos/dos.h: *44
BLITMSG_FAULT    #define 4 = 0x00000004  graphics/gfxbase.h: *100
BLITREVERSE      #define 0x2 = 0x00000002  hardware/blit.h: *74
BLOCKPEN         #define (0x0001) = 0x00000001  intuition/screens.h: *83
BNDRYOFF         macro (1 argument)   graphics/gfxmacros.h: *36
BOBISCOMP        #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002  graphics/gels.h: *36
BOBNIX           #define 0x0800 = 0x00000800  graphics/gels.h: *41
BOBSAWAY         #define 0x0400 = 0x00000400  graphics/gels.h: *40
BOBUPDATE        #define 0x0200 = 0x00000200  graphics/gels.h: *28
BOOL             typedef short  exec/types.h: *66
BOOLEXTEND       #define GACT_BOOLEXTEND = 0x00002000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *79
BOOLGADGET       #define GTYP_BOOLGADGET = 0x00000001
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *104
BOOLMASK         #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuition.h: *444
BOOTSECTS        #define 2 = 0x00000002  devices/bootblock.h: *25
BORDERHIT        #define 0 = 0x00000000  graphics/collide.h: *23
BORDERLESS       #define WFLG_BORDERLESS = 0x00000800
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *159
BORDERSNIFF      #define GACT_BORDERSNIFF = 0x00008000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *77
BORDER_BLANKING  #define 0x04 = 0x00000004  graphics/view.h: *142
BORDER_NOTRANSPARENCY #define 0x08 = 0x00000008  graphics/view.h: *143
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *76
BOTTOMHIT        #define 2 = 0x00000002  graphics/collide.h: *33
BOUNDED_DIMENSIONS #define 0x0010 = 0x00000010  intuition/preferences.h: *248
BPLCON2_ZDBPEN   #define (1<<11) = 0x00000800  hardware/custom.h: *166
BPLCON2_ZDBPSEL0 #define (1<<12) = 0x00001000  hardware/custom.h: *167
BPLCON2_ZDBPSEL1 #define (1<<13) = 0x00002000  hardware/custom.h: *168
BPLCON2_ZDBPSEL2 #define (1<<14) = 0x00004000  hardware/custom.h: *169
BPLCON2_ZDCTEN   #define (1<<10) = 0x00000400  hardware/custom.h: *165
BPLCON3_BRDNBLNK #define (1<<5) = 0x00000020  hardware/custom.h: *176
BPLCON3_BRDNTRAN #define (1<<4) = 0x00000010  hardware/custom.h: *175
BPLCON3_EXTBLKZD #define (1<<1) = 0x00000002  hardware/custom.h: *173
BPLCON3_EXTBLNKEN #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001  hardware/custom.h: *172
BPLCON3_ZDCLKEN  #define (1<<2) = 0x00000004  hardware/custom.h: *174
BPTR             typedef long  dos/dos.h: *102
BROADCAST_BEAMCON #define ( LOLDIS | CSBLANK ) = 0x00000808
                 graphics/monitor.h: *132
BROADCAST_HBSTOP #define 0x27 = 0x00000027  graphics/monitor.h: *127
BROADCAST_HBSTRT #define 0x01 = 0x00000001  graphics/monitor.h: *124
BROADCAST_HSSTOP #define 0x17 = 0x00000017  graphics/monitor.h: *126
BROADCAST_HSSTRT #define 0x06 = 0x00000006  graphics/monitor.h: *125
BROADCAST_VBSTOP #define 0x1C40 = 0x00001c40  graphics/monitor.h: *131
BROADCAST_VBSTRT #define 0x0000 = 0x00000000  graphics/monitor.h: *128
BROADCAST_VSSTOP #define 0x054C = 0x0000054c  graphics/monitor.h: *130
BROADCAST_VSSTRT #define 0x02A6 = 0x000002a6  graphics/monitor.h: *129
BROTHER_15XL     #define 0x02 = 0x00000002  intuition/preferences.h: *194
BSHIFTSHIFT      #define 12 = 0x0000000c  hardware/blit.h: *64
BSTR             typedef long  dos/dos.h: *103
BUF_FULL         #define 1 = 0x00000001  dos/stdio.h: *28
BUF_LINE         #define 0 = 0x00000000  dos/stdio.h: *27
BUF_NONE         #define 2 = 0x00000002  dos/stdio.h: *29
BUSERFLAGS       #define 0x00FF = 0x000000ff  graphics/gels.h: *34
BUTTONGCLASS     #define "buttongclass"  intuition/classusr.h: *50
BUTTONIDCMP      #define (IDCMP_GADGETUP) = 0x00000040
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *66
BUTTON_KIND      #define 1 = 0x00000001  libraries/gadtools.h: *35
BUserExt         short int in struct Bob +0x001e graphics/gels.h: *162
BUserStuff       #define WORD  graphics/gels.h: *59, 162
BWAITING         #define 0x0100 = 0x00000100  graphics/gels.h: *38
BYTE             char  exec/types.h: *45
BYTEBITS         unsigned char  exec/types.h: *50
BYTEMASK         #define 0xFF = 0x000000ff  exec/types.h: *80
BYTESPERLONG     #define 4 = 0x00000004  dos/dos.h: *43
BackFill         pointer to struct Hook in struct Layer
         +0x0076 graphics/clip.h: *53
BackFill         unsigned char in struct Requester
         +0x001e intuition/intuition.h: *159
BackPen          unsigned char in struct IntuiText
         +0x0001 intuition/intuition.h: *572
BackPen          unsigned char in struct Border
         +0x0005 intuition/intuition.h: *601
BadBlockBlock    structure tag size 0x0200 devices/hardblocks.h: *114
BadBlockEntry    structure tag size 0x0008 devices/hardblocks.h: *109, 121
BarHBorder       char in struct Screen +0x0020 intuition/screens.h: *121
BarHeight        char in struct Screen +0x001e intuition/screens.h: *121
BarLayer         pointer to struct Layer in struct Screen
         +0x014e intuition/screens.h: *145
BarVBorder       char in struct Screen +0x001f intuition/screens.h: *121
BaudRate         unsigned short int in struct Preferences
         +0x0002 intuition/preferences.h: *53
BeamCon0         unsigned short int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x0028 graphics/monitor.h: *36
BeamSync         short int in struct GfxBase +0x00a2 graphics/gfxbase.h: *42
BeatX            short int in struct Menu +0x001a intuition/intuition.h: *72
BeatY            short int in struct Menu +0x001c intuition/intuition.h: *72
Before           pointer to struct Bob in struct Bob
         +0x000a graphics/gels.h: *153
BgPen            char in struct RastPort +0x001a graphics/rastport.h: *66
BitMap           structure tag size 0x0028 graphics/gfx.h: *48
                 graphics/clip.h: 43, 69
                 graphics/view.h: 110
                 graphics/rastport.h: 59
                 intuition/intuition.h: 171, 1011, 1058
                 intuition/screens.h: 129, 332, 355
                 graphics/scale.h: 26, 27
BitMap           pointer to struct BitMap in struct ClipRect
         +0x000c graphics/clip.h: *69
BitMap           pointer to struct BitMap in struct RasInfo
         +0x0004 graphics/view.h: *110
BitMap           pointer to struct BitMap in struct RastPort
         +0x0004 graphics/rastport.h: *59
BitMap           pointer to struct BitMap in struct NewWindow
         +0x0022 intuition/intuition.h: *1011
BitMap           pointer to struct BitMap in struct ExtNewWindow
         +0x0022 intuition/intuition.h: *1058
BitMap           struct BitMap(size 0x0028 bytes) in struct Screen
         +0x00b8 intuition/screens.h: *129
BitScaleArgs     structure tag size 0x0030 graphics/scale.h: *19
BlitLock         short int in struct GfxBase +0x00aa graphics/gfxbase.h: *47
BlitNest         short int in struct GfxBase +0x00ac graphics/gfxbase.h: *48
BlitOwner        pointer to struct Task in struct GfxBase
         +0x00bc graphics/gfxbase.h: *51
BlitWaitQ        struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct GfxBase
         +0x00ae graphics/gfxbase.h: *50
BlockPen         unsigned char in struct Window
         +0x0063 intuition/intuition.h: *859
BlockPen         unsigned char in struct NewWindow
         +0x0009 intuition/intuition.h: *979
BlockPen         unsigned char in struct ExtNewWindow
         +0x0009 intuition/intuition.h: *1049
BlockPen         unsigned char in struct Screen
         +0x014b intuition/screens.h: *137
BlockPen         unsigned char in struct NewScreen
         +0x000b intuition/screens.h: *314
BlockPen         unsigned char in struct ExtNewScreen
         +0x000b intuition/screens.h: *349
BlockPen         unsigned char in struct (no tag)
         +0x0001 intuition/cghooks.h: *54
Blue             unsigned short int in struct ColorSpec
         +0x0006 intuition/intuition.h: *1245
Bob              structure tag
     size 0x0020 graphics/gels.h: *116, 136, 153, 154, 197
BobComp          pointer to struct AnimComp in struct Bob
         +0x0016 graphics/gels.h: *158
BobVSprite       pointer to struct VSprite in struct Bob
         +0x0012 graphics/gels.h: *156
BoolInfo         structure tag size 0x000a intuition/intuition.h: *428
BootBlock        structure tag size 0x000c devices/bootblock.h: *19
BootNode         structure tag size 0x0014 libraries/expansionbase.h: *35
Border           structure tag
     size 0x0010 intuition/intuition.h: *154, 598, 605
BorderBottom     char in struct Window +0x0039 intuition/intuition.h: *832
BorderLeft       char in struct Window +0x0036 intuition/intuition.h: *832
BorderLine       pointer to short int in struct VSprite
         +0x0028 graphics/gels.h: *110
BorderRPort      pointer to struct RastPort in struct Window
         +0x003a intuition/intuition.h: *833
BorderRight      char in struct Window +0x0038 intuition/intuition.h: *832
BorderTop        char in struct Window +0x0037 intuition/intuition.h: *832
BufBuffer        pointer to short int in struct DBufPacket
         +0x0008 graphics/gels.h: *237
BufPath          pointer to struct VSprite in struct DBufPacket
         +0x0004 graphics/gels.h: *233
BufX             short int in struct DBufPacket +0x0002 graphics/gels.h: *232
BufY             short int in struct DBufPacket +0x0000 graphics/gels.h: *232
Buffer           pointer to unsigned char in struct StringInfo
         +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *527
BufferPos        short int in struct StringInfo
         +0x0008 intuition/intuition.h: *529
BufferPos        short int in struct SGWork +0x001a intuition/sghooks.h: *44
BytesPerRow      unsigned short int in struct BitMap
         +0x0000 graphics/gfx.h: *50