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a2024_sync_raster pointer to long int in struct GfxBase
         +0x0174 graphics/gfxbase.h: *82
aBMS             #define 63 = 0x0000003f  devices/printer.h: *125
aCAM             #define 66 = 0x00000042  devices/printer.h: *128
aDEN1            #define 26 = 0x0000001a  devices/printer.h: *67
aDEN2            #define 25 = 0x00000019  devices/printer.h: *66
aDEN3            #define 24 = 0x00000018  devices/printer.h: *65
aDEN4            #define 23 = 0x00000017  devices/printer.h: *64
aDEN5            #define 22 = 0x00000016  devices/printer.h: *63
aDEN6            #define 21 = 0x00000015  devices/printer.h: *62
aEXTEND          #define 75 = 0x0000004b  devices/printer.h: *138
aFNT0            #define 34 = 0x00000022  devices/printer.h: *77
aFNT1            #define 35 = 0x00000023  devices/printer.h: *78
aFNT10           #define 44 = 0x0000002c  devices/printer.h: *87
aFNT2            #define 36 = 0x00000024  devices/printer.h: *79
aFNT3            #define 37 = 0x00000025  devices/printer.h: *80
aFNT4            #define 38 = 0x00000026  devices/printer.h: *81
aFNT5            #define 39 = 0x00000027  devices/printer.h: *82
aFNT6            #define 40 = 0x00000028  devices/printer.h: *83
aFNT7            #define 41 = 0x00000029  devices/printer.h: *84
aFNT8            #define 42 = 0x0000002a  devices/printer.h: *85
aFNT9            #define 43 = 0x0000002b  devices/printer.h: *86
aHTS             #define 67 = 0x00000043  devices/printer.h: *130
aIND             #define 2 = 0x00000002  devices/printer.h: *40
aJFY0            #define 52 = 0x00000034  devices/printer.h: *112
aJFY1            #define 54 = 0x00000036  devices/printer.h: *114
aJFY3            #define 53 = 0x00000035  devices/printer.h: *113
aJFY5            #define 49 = 0x00000031  devices/printer.h: *109
aJFY6            #define 51 = 0x00000033  devices/printer.h: *111
aJFY7            #define 50 = 0x00000032  devices/printer.h: *110
aLMS             #define 60 = 0x0000003c  devices/printer.h: *122
aNEL             #define 3 = 0x00000003  devices/printer.h: *41
aPERF            #define 58 = 0x0000003a  devices/printer.h: *119
aPERF0           #define 59 = 0x0000003b  devices/printer.h: *120
aPLD             #define 33 = 0x00000021  devices/printer.h: *75
aPLU             #define 32 = 0x00000020  devices/printer.h: *74
aPROP0           #define 47 = 0x0000002f  devices/printer.h: *107
aPROP1           #define 46 = 0x0000002e  devices/printer.h: *106
aPROP2           #define 45 = 0x0000002d  devices/printer.h: *105
aRAW             #define 76 = 0x0000004c  devices/printer.h: *140
aRI              #define 4 = 0x00000004  devices/printer.h: *42
aRIN             #define 1 = 0x00000001  devices/printer.h: *39
aRIS             #define 0 = 0x00000000  devices/printer.h: *38
aRMS             #define 61 = 0x0000003d  devices/printer.h: *123
aSBC             #define 13 = 0x0000000d  devices/printer.h: *52
aSFC             #define 12 = 0x0000000c  devices/printer.h: *51
aSGR0            #define 5 = 0x00000005  devices/printer.h: *44
aSGR1            #define 10 = 0x0000000a  devices/printer.h: *49
aSGR22           #define 11 = 0x0000000b  devices/printer.h: *50
aSGR23           #define 7 = 0x00000007  devices/printer.h: *46
aSGR24           #define 9 = 0x00000009  devices/printer.h: *48
aSGR3            #define 6 = 0x00000006  devices/printer.h: *45
aSGR4            #define 8 = 0x00000008  devices/printer.h: *47
aSHORP0          #define 14 = 0x0000000e  devices/printer.h: *54
aSHORP1          #define 16 = 0x00000010  devices/printer.h: *56
aSHORP2          #define 15 = 0x0000000f  devices/printer.h: *55
aSHORP3          #define 18 = 0x00000012  devices/printer.h: *58
aSHORP4          #define 17 = 0x00000011  devices/printer.h: *57
aSHORP5          #define 20 = 0x00000014  devices/printer.h: *60
aSHORP6          #define 19 = 0x00000013  devices/printer.h: *59
aSLPP            #define 57 = 0x00000039  devices/printer.h: *118
aSLRM            #define 65 = 0x00000041  devices/printer.h: *127
aSTBM            #define 64 = 0x00000040  devices/printer.h: *126
aSUS0            #define 31 = 0x0000001f  devices/printer.h: *73
aSUS1            #define 28 = 0x0000001c  devices/printer.h: *70
aSUS2            #define 27 = 0x0000001b  devices/printer.h: *69
aSUS3            #define 30 = 0x0000001e  devices/printer.h: *72
aSUS4            #define 29 = 0x0000001d  devices/printer.h: *71
aTBC0            #define 69 = 0x00000045  devices/printer.h: *132
aTBC1            #define 71 = 0x00000047  devices/printer.h: *134
aTBC3            #define 70 = 0x00000046  devices/printer.h: *133
aTBC4            #define 72 = 0x00000048  devices/printer.h: *135
aTBCALL          #define 73 = 0x00000049  devices/printer.h: *136
aTBSALL          #define 74 = 0x0000004a  devices/printer.h: *137
aTMS             #define 62 = 0x0000003e  devices/printer.h: *124
aTSS             #define 48 = 0x00000030  devices/printer.h: *108
aVERP0           #define 55 = 0x00000037  devices/printer.h: *116
aVERP1           #define 56 = 0x00000038  devices/printer.h: *117
aVTS             #define 68 = 0x00000044  devices/printer.h: *131
abs              function returning "LONG"   libraries/mathffp.h: *64
ac_dat           unsigned short int in struct AudChannel
         +0x000a hardware/custom.h: *102
ac_len           unsigned short int in struct AudChannel
         +0x0004 hardware/custom.h: *99
ac_pad           array [2] of unsigned short int in struct AudChannel
         +0x000c hardware/custom.h: *103
ac_per           unsigned short int in struct AudChannel
         +0x0006 hardware/custom.h: *100
ac_ptr           pointer to unsigned short int in struct AudChannel
         +0x0000 hardware/custom.h: *98
ac_vol           unsigned short int in struct AudChannel
         +0x0008 hardware/custom.h: *101
acos             #define IEEEDPAcos  libraries/mathffp.h: *42
                 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *42
adkcon           unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x009e hardware/custom.h: *96
adkconr          unsigned short int in struct Custom
         +0x0010 hardware/custom.h: *36
af_Attr          struct TextAttr(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct AvailFonts
         +0x0002 libraries/diskfont.h: *97
af_Type          unsigned short int in struct AvailFonts
         +0x0000 libraries/diskfont.h: *96
afh_NumEntries   unsigned short int in struct AvailFontsHeader
         +0x0000 libraries/diskfont.h: *106
afp              function returning "LONG"   libraries/mathffp.h: *78
ai_PRIVATE       pointer to void in struct AppIcon
         +0x0000 workbench/workbench.h: *147
al_Lock          long int in struct AssignList +0x0004 dos/dosextens.h: *398
al_Next          pointer to struct AssignList in struct AssignList
         +0x0000 dos/dosextens.h: *397
am_ArgList       pointer to struct WBArg in struct AppMessage
         +0x0022 workbench/workbench.h: *132
am_Class         unsigned short int in struct AppMessage
         +0x0028 workbench/workbench.h: *134
am_ID            unsigned long int in struct AppMessage
         +0x001a workbench/workbench.h: *130
am_Message       struct Message(size 0x0014 bytes) in struct AppMessage
         +0x0000 workbench/workbench.h: *127
am_Micros        unsigned long int in struct AppMessage
         +0x0032 workbench/workbench.h: *138
am_MouseX        short int in struct AppMessage
         +0x002a workbench/workbench.h: *135
am_MouseY        short int in struct AppMessage
         +0x002c workbench/workbench.h: *136
am_NumArgs       long int in struct AppMessage
         +0x001e workbench/workbench.h: *131
am_Reserved      array [8] of unsigned long int in struct AppMessage
         +0x0036 workbench/workbench.h: *139
am_Seconds       unsigned long int in struct AppMessage
         +0x002e workbench/workbench.h: *137
am_Type          unsigned short int in struct AppMessage
         +0x0014 workbench/workbench.h: *128
am_UserData      unsigned long int in struct AppMessage
         +0x0016 workbench/workbench.h: *129
am_Version       unsigned short int in struct AppMessage
         +0x0026 workbench/workbench.h: *133
ami_PRIVATE      pointer to void in struct AppMenuItem
         +0x0000 workbench/workbench.h: *148
an_Child         pointer to struct AChain in struct AChain
         +0x0000 dos/dosasl.h: *99
an_Flags         char in struct AChain +0x0110 dos/dosasl.h: *103
an_Info          struct FileInfoBlock(size 0x0104 bytes) in struct AChain
         +0x000c dos/dosasl.h: *102
an_Lock          long int in struct AChain +0x0008 dos/dosasl.h: *101
an_Parent        pointer to struct AChain in struct AChain
         +0x0004 dos/dosasl.h: *100
an_String        array [1] of unsigned char in struct AChain
         +0x0111 dos/dosasl.h: *104
ap_Base          pointer to struct AChain in struct AnchorPath
         +0x0000 dos/dosasl.h: *55
ap_BreakBits     long int in struct AnchorPath +0x0008 dos/dosasl.h: *59
ap_Buf           array [1] of unsigned char in struct AnchorPath
         +0x0118 dos/dosasl.h: *66
ap_Current       #define ap_Last  dos/dosasl.h: *58
ap_First         #define ap_Base  dos/dosasl.h: *56
ap_Flags         char in struct AnchorPath +0x0010 dos/dosasl.h: *61
ap_FoundBreak    long int in struct AnchorPath +0x000c dos/dosasl.h: *60
ap_Info          struct FileInfoBlock(size 0x0104 bytes) in struct AnchorPath
         +0x0014 dos/dosasl.h: *65
ap_Last          pointer to struct AChain in struct AnchorPath
         +0x0004 dos/dosasl.h: *57
ap_Length        #define ap_Flags  dos/dosasl.h: *64
ap_Reserved      char in struct AnchorPath +0x0011 dos/dosasl.h: *62
ap_Strlen        short int in struct AnchorPath +0x0012 dos/dosasl.h: *63
articulate       unsigned char in struct narrator_rb
         +0x004e devices/narrator.h: *115
asi_Start        unsigned short int in struct AnalogSignalInterval
         +0x0000 graphics/monitor.h: *138
asi_Stop         unsigned short int in struct AnalogSignalInterval
         +0x0002 graphics/monitor.h: *139
asin             #define IEEEDPAsin  libraries/mathffp.h: *44
                 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *44
atan             #define IEEEDPAtan  libraries/mathffp.h: *40
                 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *40
aud              array [4] of struct AudChannel(size 0x0010 bytes) in struct
         +0x00a0 hardware/custom.h: *104
aw_PRIVATE       pointer to void in struct AppWindow
         +0x0000 workbench/workbench.h: *146
A1adj            char in struct narrator_rb +0x004b devices/narrator.h: *112
A2024FIFTEENHERTZ_KEY #define 0x00049000 = 0x00049000
                 graphics/displayinfo.h: *210
A2024TENHERTZ_KEY #define 0x00041000 = 0x00041000
                 graphics/displayinfo.h: *209
A2024_MONITOR_ID #define 0x00041000 = 0x00041000  graphics/displayinfo.h: *207
A2adj            char in struct narrator_rb +0x004c devices/narrator.h: *113
A3adj            char in struct narrator_rb +0x004d devices/narrator.h: *114
ABC              #define 0x80 = 0x00000080  hardware/blit.h: *32
ABNC             #define 0x40 = 0x00000040  hardware/blit.h: *33
ABORT_BUSY       #define 288 = 0x00000120  dos/dosextens.h: *460
ABORT_DISK_ERROR #define 296 = 0x00000128  dos/dosextens.h: *459
ABS              macro (1 argument)   clib/macros.h: *17
ABSOLUTE_DIMENSIONS #define 0x0020 = 0x00000020  intuition/preferences.h: *249
ACCESS_READ      #define -2 = 0xfffffffe  dos/dos.h: *50
ACCESS_WRITE     #define -1 = 0xffffffff  dos/dos.h: *52
ACTION_ADD_NOTIFY #define 4097 = 0x00001001  dos/dosextens.h: *211
ACTION_CHANGE_MODE #define 1028 = 0x00000404  dos/dosextens.h: *201
ACTION_CHANGE_SIGNAL #define 995 = 0x000003e3  dos/dosextens.h: *193
ACTION_COPY_DIR  #define 19 = 0x00000013  dos/dosextens.h: *162
ACTION_COPY_DIR_FH #define 1030 = 0x00000406  dos/dosextens.h: *203
ACTION_CREATE_DIR #define 22 = 0x00000016  dos/dosextens.h: *165
ACTION_CURRENT_VOLUME #define 7 = 0x00000007  dos/dosextens.h: *153
ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT #define 16 = 0x00000010  dos/dosextens.h: *159
ACTION_DIE       #define 5 = 0x00000005  dos/dosextens.h: *151
ACTION_DISK_CHANGE #define 33 = 0x00000021  dos/dosextens.h: *176
ACTION_DISK_INFO #define 25 = 0x00000019  dos/dosextens.h: *168
ACTION_DISK_TYPE #define 32 = 0x00000020  dos/dosextens.h: *175
ACTION_END       #define 1007 = 0x000003ef  dos/dosextens.h: *187
ACTION_EVENT     #define 6 = 0x00000006  dos/dosextens.h: *152
ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL #define 1033 = 0x00000409  dos/dosextens.h: *205
ACTION_EXAMINE_FH #define 1034 = 0x0000040a  dos/dosextens.h: *206
ACTION_EXAMINE_NEXT #define 24 = 0x00000018  dos/dosextens.h: *167
ACTION_EXAMINE_OBJECT #define 23 = 0x00000017  dos/dosextens.h: *166
ACTION_FH_FROM_LOCK #define 1026 = 0x00000402  dos/dosextens.h: *199
ACTION_FINDINPUT #define 1005 = 0x000003ed  dos/dosextens.h: *185
ACTION_FINDOUTPUT #define 1006 = 0x000003ee  dos/dosextens.h: *186
ACTION_FINDUPDATE #define 1004 = 0x000003ec  dos/dosextens.h: *184
ACTION_FLUSH     #define 27 = 0x0000001b  dos/dosextens.h: *170
ACTION_FORMAT    #define 1020 = 0x000003fc  dos/dosextens.h: *194
ACTION_FREE_LOCK #define 15 = 0x0000000f  dos/dosextens.h: *158
ACTION_FREE_RECORD #define 2009 = 0x000007d9  dos/dosextens.h: *209
ACTION_GET_BLOCK #define 2 = 0x00000002  dos/dosextens.h: *149
ACTION_INFO      #define 26 = 0x0000001a  dos/dosextens.h: *169
ACTION_INHIBIT   #define 31 = 0x0000001f  dos/dosextens.h: *174
ACTION_IS_FILESYSTEM #define 1027 = 0x00000403  dos/dosextens.h: *200
ACTION_LOCATE_OBJECT #define 8 = 0x00000008  dos/dosextens.h: *154
ACTION_LOCK_RECORD #define 2008 = 0x000007d8  dos/dosextens.h: *208
ACTION_MAKE_LINK #define 1021 = 0x000003fd  dos/dosextens.h: *195
ACTION_MORE_CACHE #define 18 = 0x00000012  dos/dosextens.h: *161
ACTION_NIL       #define 0 = 0x00000000  dos/dosextens.h: *147
ACTION_PARENT    #define 29 = 0x0000001d  dos/dosextens.h: *172
ACTION_PARENT_FH #define 1031 = 0x00000407  dos/dosextens.h: *204
ACTION_QUEUE     #define 2003L = 0x000007d3  rexx/rexxio.h: *81
ACTION_READ      #define 'R' = 0x00000052  dos/dosextens.h: *157
ACTION_READ_LINK #define 1024 = 0x00000400  dos/dosextens.h: *198
ACTION_READ_RETURN #define 1001 = 0x000003e9  dos/dosextens.h: *181
ACTION_REMOVE_NOTIFY #define 4098 = 0x00001002  dos/dosextens.h: *212
ACTION_RENAME_DISK #define 9 = 0x00000009  dos/dosextens.h: *155
ACTION_RENAME_OBJECT #define 17 = 0x00000011  dos/dosextens.h: *160
ACTION_SAME_LOCK #define 40 = 0x00000028  dos/dosextens.h: *192
ACTION_SCREEN_MODE #define 994 = 0x000003e2  dos/dosextens.h: *179
ACTION_SEEK      #define 1008 = 0x000003f0  dos/dosextens.h: *183
ACTION_SET_COMMENT #define 28 = 0x0000001c  dos/dosextens.h: *171
ACTION_SET_DATE  #define 34 = 0x00000022  dos/dosextens.h: *177
ACTION_SET_FILE_SIZE #define 1022 = 0x000003fe  dos/dosextens.h: *188
ACTION_SET_MAP   #define 4 = 0x00000004  dos/dosextens.h: *150
ACTION_SET_PROTECT #define 21 = 0x00000015  dos/dosextens.h: *164
ACTION_STACK     #define 2002L = 0x000007d2  rexx/rexxio.h: *80
ACTION_STARTUP   #define 0 = 0x00000000  dos/dosextens.h: *148
ACTION_TIMER     #define 30 = 0x0000001e  dos/dosextens.h: *173
ACTION_WAIT_CHAR #define 20 = 0x00000014  dos/dosextens.h: *163
ACTION_WRITE     #define 'W' = 0x00000057  dos/dosextens.h: *156
ACTION_WRITE_PROTECT #define 1023 = 0x000003ff  dos/dosextens.h: *189
ACTION_WRITE_RETURN #define 1002 = 0x000003ea  dos/dosextens.h: *182
ACTIVATE         #define WFLG_ACTIVATE = 0x00001000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *160
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *86
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *132
AChain           structure tag size 0x0112 dos/dosasl.h: *55, 57, 98, 99, 100
ADALLOC_MAXPREC  #define 127 = 0x0000007f  devices/audio.h: *24
ADALLOC_MINPREC  #define -128 = 0xffffff80  devices/audio.h: *23
ADCMD_ALLOCATE   #define 32 = 0x00000020  devices/audio.h: *32
ADCMD_FINISH     #define (CMD_NONSTD+2) = 0x0000000b  devices/audio.h: *28
ADCMD_FREE       #define (CMD_NONSTD+0) = 0x00000009  devices/audio.h: *26
ADCMD_LOCK       #define (CMD_NONSTD+4) = 0x0000000d  devices/audio.h: *30
ADCMD_PERVOL     #define (CMD_NONSTD+3) = 0x0000000c  devices/audio.h: *29
ADCMD_SETPREC    #define (CMD_NONSTD+1) = 0x0000000a  devices/audio.h: *27
ADCMD_WAITCYCLE  #define (CMD_NONSTD+5) = 0x0000000e  devices/audio.h: *31
ADHARD_CHANNELS  #define 4 = 0x00000004  devices/audio.h: *21
ADIOB_NOWAIT     #define 6 = 0x00000006  devices/audio.h: *38
ADIOB_PERVOL     #define 4 = 0x00000004  devices/audio.h: *34
ADIOB_SYNCCYCLE  #define 5 = 0x00000005  devices/audio.h: *36
ADIOB_WRITEMESSAGE #define 7 = 0x00000007  devices/audio.h: *40
ADIOERR_ALLOCFAILED #define -11 = 0xfffffff5  devices/audio.h: *44
ADIOERR_CHANNELSTOLEN #define -12 = 0xfffffff4  devices/audio.h: *45
ADIOERR_NOALLOCATION #define -10 = 0xfffffff6  devices/audio.h: *43
ADIOF_NOWAIT     #define (1<<6) = 0x00000040  devices/audio.h: *39
ADIOF_PERVOL     #define (1<<4) = 0x00000010  devices/audio.h: *35
ADIOF_SYNCCYCLE  #define (1<<5) = 0x00000020  devices/audio.h: *37
ADIOF_WRITEMESSAGE #define (1<<7) = 0x00000080  devices/audio.h: *41
ADKB_FAST        #define 8 = 0x00000008  hardware/adkbits.h: *22
ADKB_MFMPREC     #define 12 = 0x0000000c  hardware/adkbits.h: *18
ADKB_MSBSYNC     #define 9 = 0x00000009  hardware/adkbits.h: *21
ADKB_PRECOMP0    #define 13 = 0x0000000d  hardware/adkbits.h: *17
ADKB_PRECOMP1    #define 14 = 0x0000000e  hardware/adkbits.h: *16
ADKB_SETCLR      #define 15 = 0x0000000f  hardware/adkbits.h: *15
ADKB_UARTBRK     #define 11 = 0x0000000b  hardware/adkbits.h: *19
ADKB_USE0P1      #define 4 = 0x00000004  hardware/adkbits.h: *26
ADKB_USE0V1      #define 0 = 0x00000000  hardware/adkbits.h: *30
ADKB_USE1P2      #define 5 = 0x00000005  hardware/adkbits.h: *25
ADKB_USE1V2      #define 1 = 0x00000001  hardware/adkbits.h: *29
ADKB_USE2P3      #define 6 = 0x00000006  hardware/adkbits.h: *24
ADKB_USE2V3      #define 2 = 0x00000002  hardware/adkbits.h: *28
ADKB_USE3PN      #define 7 = 0x00000007  hardware/adkbits.h: *23
ADKB_USE3VN      #define 3 = 0x00000003  hardware/adkbits.h: *27
ADKB_WORDSYNC    #define 10 = 0x0000000a  hardware/adkbits.h: *20
ADKF_FAST        #define (1<<8) = 0x00000100  hardware/adkbits.h: *39
ADKF_MFMPREC     #define (1<<12) = 0x00001000  hardware/adkbits.h: *35
ADKF_MSBSYNC     #define (1<<9) = 0x00000200  hardware/adkbits.h: *38
ADKF_PRE000NS    #define 0 = 0x00000000  hardware/adkbits.h: *49
ADKF_PRE140NS    #define (ADKF_PRECOMP0) = 0x00002000  hardware/adkbits.h: *50
ADKF_PRE280NS    #define (ADKF_PRECOMP1) = 0x00004000  hardware/adkbits.h: *51
ADKF_PRE560NS    #define (ADKF_PRECOMP0|ADKF_PRECOMP1) = 0x00006000
                 hardware/adkbits.h: *52
ADKF_PRECOMP0    #define (1<<13) = 0x00002000  hardware/adkbits.h: *34
ADKF_PRECOMP1    #define (1<<14) = 0x00004000  hardware/adkbits.h: *33
ADKF_SETCLR      #define (1<<15) = 0x00008000  hardware/adkbits.h: *32
ADKF_UARTBRK     #define (1<<11) = 0x00000800  hardware/adkbits.h: *36
ADKF_USE0P1      #define (1<<4) = 0x00000010  hardware/adkbits.h: *43
ADKF_USE0V1      #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001  hardware/adkbits.h: *47
ADKF_USE1P2      #define (1<<5) = 0x00000020  hardware/adkbits.h: *42
ADKF_USE1V2      #define (1<<1) = 0x00000002  hardware/adkbits.h: *46
ADKF_USE2P3      #define (1<<6) = 0x00000040  hardware/adkbits.h: *41
ADKF_USE2V3      #define (1<<2) = 0x00000004  hardware/adkbits.h: *45
ADKF_USE3PN      #define (1<<7) = 0x00000080  hardware/adkbits.h: *40
ADKF_USE3VN      #define (1<<3) = 0x00000008  hardware/adkbits.h: *44
ADKF_WORDSYNC    #define (1<<10) = 0x00000400  hardware/adkbits.h: *37
ADNB_STARTPROC   #define 0 = 0x00000000  libraries/expansion.h: *18
ADNF_STARTPROC   #define (1L<<0) = 0x00000001  libraries/expansion.h: *19
ADO_CommFileLen  #define (ADO_Dummy + 4) = 0x800007d4  dos/dostags.h: *132
ADO_CommNameLen  #define (ADO_Dummy + 3) = 0x800007d3  dos/dostags.h: *130
ADO_DirLen       #define (ADO_Dummy + 2) = 0x800007d2  dos/dostags.h: *128
ADO_Dummy        #define (TAG_USER + 2000) = 0x800007d0  dos/dostags.h: *115
ADO_FH_Mode      #define (ADO_Dummy + 1) = 0x800007d1  dos/dostags.h: *116
ADO_PromptLen    #define (ADO_Dummy + 5) = 0x800007d5  dos/dostags.h: *134
AFB_68010        #define 0 = 0x00000000  exec/execbase.h: *153
AFB_68020        #define 1 = 0x00000001  exec/execbase.h: *154
AFB_68030        #define 2 = 0x00000002  exec/execbase.h: *155
AFB_68040        #define 3 = 0x00000003  exec/execbase.h: *156
AFB_68881        #define 4 = 0x00000004  exec/execbase.h: *157
AFB_68882        #define 5 = 0x00000005  exec/execbase.h: *158
AFB_DISK         #define 1 = 0x00000001  libraries/diskfont.h: *87
AFB_MEMORY       #define 0 = 0x00000000  libraries/diskfont.h: *85
AFB_SCALED       #define 2 = 0x00000002  libraries/diskfont.h: *89
AFB_TAGGED       #define 16 = 0x00000010  libraries/diskfont.h: *92
AFF_68010        #define (1L<<0) = 0x00000001  exec/execbase.h: *160
AFF_68020        #define (1L<<1) = 0x00000002  exec/execbase.h: *161
AFF_68030        #define (1L<<2) = 0x00000004  exec/execbase.h: *162
AFF_68040        #define (1L<<3) = 0x00000008  exec/execbase.h: *163
AFF_68881        #define (1L<<4) = 0x00000010  exec/execbase.h: *164
AFF_68882        #define (1L<<5) = 0x00000020  exec/execbase.h: *165
AFF_DISK         #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002  libraries/diskfont.h: *88
AFF_MEMORY       #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001  libraries/diskfont.h: *86
AFF_SCALED       #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004  libraries/diskfont.h: *90
AFF_TAGGED       #define 0x10000L = 0x00010000  libraries/diskfont.h: *93
AFbias           char in struct narrator_rb +0x0055 devices/narrator.h: *119
AGNUS            #define  graphics/gfx.h: *22, 23
AG_BadParm       #define 0x00080000 = 0x00080000  exec/alerts.h: *53
AG_CloseDev      #define 0x000A0000 = 0x000a0000  exec/alerts.h: *55
AG_CloseLib      #define 0x00090000 = 0x00090000  exec/alerts.h: *54
AG_IOError       #define 0x00060000 = 0x00060000  exec/alerts.h: *51
AG_MakeLib       #define 0x00020000 = 0x00020000  exec/alerts.h: *47
AG_NoMemory      #define 0x00010000 = 0x00010000  exec/alerts.h: *46
AG_NoSignal      #define 0x00070000 = 0x00070000  exec/alerts.h: *52
AG_OpenDev       #define 0x00040000 = 0x00040000  exec/alerts.h: *49
AG_OpenLib       #define 0x00030000 = 0x00030000  exec/alerts.h: *48
AG_OpenRes       #define 0x00050000 = 0x00050000  exec/alerts.h: *50
AG_ProcCreate    #define 0x000B0000 = 0x000b0000  exec/alerts.h: *56
ALERTLAYERSNOMEM #define 0x83010000 = 0x83010000  graphics/layers.h: *52
ALERT_TYPE       #define 0x80000000 = 0x80000000  intuition/intuition.h: *1310
ALPHA_P_101      #define 0x01 = 0x00000001  intuition/preferences.h: *193
ALTKEYMAP        #define GACT_ALTKEYMAP = 0x00001000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *84
ALTLEFT          #define (IEQUALIFIER_LALT) = 0x00000010
                 intuition/intuition.h: *1336
ALTRIGHT         #define (IEQUALIFIER_RALT) = 0x00000020
                 intuition/intuition.h: *1337
AMIGAKEYS        #define (AMIGALEFT | AMIGARIGHT) = 0x000000c0
                 intuition/intuition.h: *1340
AMIGALEFT        #define (IEQUALIFIER_LCOMMAND) = 0x00000040
                 intuition/intuition.h: *1338
AMIGARIGHT       #define (IEQUALIFIER_RCOMMAND) = 0x00000080
                 intuition/intuition.h: *1339
AM_VERSION       #define 1 = 0x00000001  workbench/workbench.h: *124
ANBC             #define 0x20 = 0x00000020  hardware/blit.h: *34
ANBNC            #define 0x10 = 0x00000010  hardware/blit.h: *35
ANFRACSIZE       #define 6 = 0x00000006  graphics/gels.h: *46
ANIMHALF         #define 0x0020 = 0x00000020  graphics/gels.h: *47
ANTI_ALIAS       #define 0x0800 = 0x00000800  intuition/preferences.h: *259
AN_AddSWGadget   #define 0x8401000A = 0x8401000a  exec/alerts.h: *151
AN_AsyncPkt      #define 0x07000004 = 0x07000004  exec/alerts.h: *166
AN_AudioDev      #define 0x10000000 = 0x10000000  exec/alerts.h: *193
AN_BadChkSum     #define 0x07000009 = 0x07000009  exec/alerts.h: *171
AN_BadExpansionFree #define 0x0A000001 = 0x0a000001  exec/alerts.h: *187
AN_BadFreeAddr   #define 0x0100000F = 0x0100000f  exec/alerts.h: *116
AN_BadGadget     #define 0x04000001 = 0x04000001  exec/alerts.h: *142
AN_BadInitFunc   #define 0x0700000D = 0x0700000d  exec/alerts.h: *175
AN_BadMessage    #define 0x8400000D = 0x8400000d  exec/alerts.h: *154
AN_BadOverlay    #define 0x0700000C = 0x0700000c  exec/alerts.h: *174
AN_BadSegList    #define 0x08000001 = 0x08000001  exec/alerts.h: *180
AN_BadState      #define 0x8400000C = 0x8400000c  exec/alerts.h: *153
AN_BaseChkSum    #define 0x01000002 = 0x01000002  exec/alerts.h: *100
AN_BitMap        #define 0x07000007 = 0x07000007  exec/alerts.h: *169
AN_BltBitMap     #define 0x8201000A = 0x8201000a  exec/alerts.h: *125
AN_BogusExcpt    #define 0x8100000A = 0x8100000a  exec/alerts.h: *109
AN_BootError     #define 0x30000001 = 0x30000001  exec/alerts.h: *228
AN_BootStrap     #define 0x30000000 = 0x30000000  exec/alerts.h: *227
AN_CIARsrc       #define 0x20000000 = 0x20000000  exec/alerts.h: *216
AN_ConsoleDev    #define 0x11000000 = 0x11000000  exec/alerts.h: *196
AN_CreatePort    #define 0x84010002 = 0x84010002  exec/alerts.h: *143
AN_DOSLib        #define 0x07000000 = 0x07000000  exec/alerts.h: *162
AN_DRHasDisk     #define 0x21000001 = 0x21000001  exec/alerts.h: *220
AN_DRIntNoAct    #define 0x21000002 = 0x21000002  exec/alerts.h: *221
AN_DiskBlkSeq    #define 0x07000006 = 0x07000006  exec/alerts.h: *168
AN_DiskCopy      #define 0x32000000 = 0x32000000  exec/alerts.h: *252
AN_DiskError     #define 0x0700000A = 0x0700000a  exec/alerts.h: *172
AN_DiskRsrc      #define 0x21000000 = 0x21000000  exec/alerts.h: *219
AN_DiskfontLib   #define 0x0B000000 = 0x0b000000  exec/alerts.h: *190
AN_EndTask       #define 0x07000002 = 0x07000002  exec/alerts.h: *164
AN_ExcptVect     #define 0x01000001 = 0x01000001  exec/alerts.h: *99
AN_ExecLib       #define 0x01000000 = 0x01000000  exec/alerts.h: *98
AN_ExpansionLib  #define 0x0A000000 = 0x0a000000  exec/alerts.h: *186
AN_FileReclosed  #define 0x0700000E = 0x0700000e  exec/alerts.h: *176
AN_FreeTwice     #define 0x01000009 = 0x01000009  exec/alerts.h: *108
AN_FreeVec       #define 0x07000005 = 0x07000005  exec/alerts.h: *167
AN_GadTools      #define 0x33000000 = 0x33000000  exec/alerts.h: *255
AN_GadgetType    #define 0x84000001 = 0x84000001  exec/alerts.h: *141
AN_GamePortDev   #define 0x12000000 = 0x12000000  exec/alerts.h: *200
AN_GfxFreeError  #define 0x0200000D = 0x0200000d  exec/alerts.h: *129
AN_GfxNewError   #define 0x0200000C = 0x0200000c  exec/alerts.h: *128
AN_GfxNoLCM      #define 0x82011234 = 0x82011234  exec/alerts.h: *131
AN_GfxNoMem      #define 0x82010000 = 0x82010000  exec/alerts.h: *120
AN_GfxNoMemMspc  #define 0x82010001 = 0x82010001  exec/alerts.h: *121
AN_GraphicsLib   #define 0x02000000 = 0x02000000  exec/alerts.h: *119
AN_IOAfterClose  #define 0x0100000D = 0x0100000d  exec/alerts.h: *113
AN_IOUsedTwice   #define 0x0100000B = 0x0100000b  exec/alerts.h: *110
AN_IconLib       #define 0x09000000 = 0x09000000  exec/alerts.h: *183
AN_InitAPtr      #define 0x01000007 = 0x01000007  exec/alerts.h: *105
AN_IntrMem       #define 0x81000006 = 0x81000006  exec/alerts.h: *104
AN_Intuition     #define 0x04000000 = 0x04000000  exec/alerts.h: *140
AN_ItemAlloc     #define 0x04010003 = 0x04010003  exec/alerts.h: *144
AN_ItemBoxTop    #define 0x84000006 = 0x84000006  exec/alerts.h: *147
AN_KeyFree       #define 0x07000008 = 0x07000008  exec/alerts.h: *170
AN_KeyRange      #define 0x0700000B = 0x0700000b  exec/alerts.h: *173
AN_KeyboardDev   #define 0x13000000 = 0x13000000  exec/alerts.h: *203
AN_LayersLib     #define 0x03000000 = 0x03000000  exec/alerts.h: *136
AN_LayersNoMem   #define 0x83010000 = 0x83010000  exec/alerts.h: *137
AN_LibChkSum     #define 0x01000003 = 0x01000003  exec/alerts.h: *101
AN_LongFrame     #define 0x82010006 = 0x82010006  exec/alerts.h: *122
AN_MakeVPort     #define 0x82010030 = 0x82010030  exec/alerts.h: *127
AN_MathLib       #define 0x05000000 = 0x05000000  exec/alerts.h: *159
AN_MemCorrupt    #define 0x81000005 = 0x81000005  exec/alerts.h: *103
AN_MemoryInsane  #define 0x0100000C = 0x0100000c  exec/alerts.h: *112
AN_MiscRsrc      #define 0x22000000 = 0x22000000  exec/alerts.h: *224
AN_NoConsole     #define 0x8400000F = 0x8400000f  exec/alerts.h: *156
AN_NoFonts       #define 0xB1000001 = 0xb1000001  exec/alerts.h: *232
AN_NoWindow      #define 0x11000001 = 0x11000001  exec/alerts.h: *197
AN_ObsoleteFont  #define 0x02000401 = 0x02000401  exec/alerts.h: *133
AN_OpenScreen    #define 0x84010007 = 0x84010007  exec/alerts.h: *148
AN_OpenScrnRast  #define 0x84010008 = 0x84010008  exec/alerts.h: *149
AN_OpenWindow    #define 0x8401000B = 0x8401000b  exec/alerts.h: *152
AN_PlaneAlloc    #define 0x84010005 = 0x84010005  exec/alerts.h: *146
AN_QPktFail      #define 0x07000003 = 0x07000003  exec/alerts.h: *165
AN_RAMLib        #define 0x08000000 = 0x08000000  exec/alerts.h: *179
AN_RegionMemory  #define 0x8201000B = 0x8201000b  exec/alerts.h: *126
AN_SemCorrupt    #define 0x01000008 = 0x01000008  exec/alerts.h: *107
AN_ShortFrame    #define 0x82010007 = 0x82010007  exec/alerts.h: *123
AN_StackProbe    #define 0x0100000E = 0x0100000e  exec/alerts.h: *114
AN_StartMem      #define 0x07010001 = 0x07010001  exec/alerts.h: *163
AN_SubAlloc      #define 0x04010004 = 0x04010004  exec/alerts.h: *145
AN_SysScrnType   #define 0x84000009 = 0x84000009  exec/alerts.h: *150
AN_TDCalibSeek   #define 0x14000001 = 0x14000001  exec/alerts.h: *207
AN_TDDelay       #define 0x14000002 = 0x14000002  exec/alerts.h: *208
AN_TMBadReq      #define 0x15000001 = 0x15000001  exec/alerts.h: *212
AN_TMBadSupply   #define 0x15000002 = 0x15000002  exec/alerts.h: *213
AN_TextTmpRas    #define 0x02010009 = 0x02010009  exec/alerts.h: *124
AN_TimerDev      #define 0x15000000 = 0x15000000  exec/alerts.h: *211
AN_TrackDiskDev  #define 0x14000000 = 0x14000000  exec/alerts.h: *206
AN_Unknown       #define 0x35000000 = 0x35000000  exec/alerts.h: *261
AN_UtilityLib    #define 0x34000000 = 0x34000000  exec/alerts.h: *258
AN_WBAddToolMenuItem #define 0xB1010008 = 0xb1010008  exec/alerts.h: *241
AN_WBBadIOMsg    #define 0x31000003 = 0x31000003  exec/alerts.h: *235
AN_WBBadStartupMsg1 #define 0x31000001 = 0x31000001  exec/alerts.h: *233
AN_WBBadStartupMsg2 #define 0x31000002 = 0x31000002  exec/alerts.h: *234
AN_WBCreateWBMenusCreateMenus1 #define 0xB1010005 = 0xb1010005
                 exec/alerts.h: *238
AN_WBCreateWBMenusCreateMenus2 #define 0xB1010006 = 0xb1010006
                 exec/alerts.h: *239
AN_WBInitLayerDemon #define 0xB101000B = 0xb101000b  exec/alerts.h: *244
AN_WBInitPotionAllocDrawer #define 0xB1010004 = 0xb1010004
                 exec/alerts.h: *237
AN_WBInitScreenAndWindows1 #define 0xB101000D = 0xb101000d
                 exec/alerts.h: *246
AN_WBInitScreenAndWindows2 #define 0xB101000E = 0xb101000e
                 exec/alerts.h: *247
AN_WBInitScreenAndWindows3 #define 0xB101000F = 0xb101000f
                 exec/alerts.h: *248
AN_WBLayoutWBMenusLayoutMenus #define 0xB1010007 = 0xb1010007
                 exec/alerts.h: *240
AN_WBMAlloc      #define 0xB1010010 = 0xb1010010  exec/alerts.h: *249
AN_WBReLayoutToolMenu #define 0xB1010009 = 0xb1010009  exec/alerts.h: *242
AN_WBinitTimer   #define 0xB101000A = 0xb101000a  exec/alerts.h: *243
AN_WBinitWbGels  #define 0xB101000C = 0xb101000c  exec/alerts.h: *245
AN_WeirdEcho     #define 0x8400000E = 0x8400000e  exec/alerts.h: *155
AN_Workbench     #define 0x31000000 = 0x31000000  exec/alerts.h: *231
AO_AudioDev      #define 0x00008010 = 0x00008010  exec/alerts.h: *72
AO_BootStrap     #define 0x00008030 = 0x00008030  exec/alerts.h: *83
AO_CIARsrc       #define 0x00008020 = 0x00008020  exec/alerts.h: *79
AO_ConsoleDev    #define 0x00008011 = 0x00008011  exec/alerts.h: *73
AO_DOSLib        #define 0x00008007 = 0x00008007  exec/alerts.h: *65
AO_DiskCopy      #define 0x00008032 = 0x00008032  exec/alerts.h: *85
AO_DiskRsrc      #define 0x00008021 = 0x00008021  exec/alerts.h: *80
AO_DiskfontLib   #define 0x0000800B = 0x0000800b  exec/alerts.h: *69
AO_ExecLib       #define 0x00008001 = 0x00008001  exec/alerts.h: *60
AO_ExpansionLib  #define 0x0000800A = 0x0000800a  exec/alerts.h: *68
AO_GadTools      #define 0x00008033 = 0x00008033  exec/alerts.h: *86
AO_GamePortDev   #define 0x00008012 = 0x00008012  exec/alerts.h: *74
AO_GraphicsLib   #define 0x00008002 = 0x00008002  exec/alerts.h: *61
AO_IconLib       #define 0x00008009 = 0x00008009  exec/alerts.h: *67
AO_Intuition     #define 0x00008004 = 0x00008004  exec/alerts.h: *63
AO_KeyboardDev   #define 0x00008013 = 0x00008013  exec/alerts.h: *75
AO_LayersLib     #define 0x00008003 = 0x00008003  exec/alerts.h: *62
AO_MathLib       #define 0x00008005 = 0x00008005  exec/alerts.h: *64
AO_MiscRsrc      #define 0x00008022 = 0x00008022  exec/alerts.h: *81
AO_RAMLib        #define 0x00008008 = 0x00008008  exec/alerts.h: *66
AO_TimerDev      #define 0x00008015 = 0x00008015  exec/alerts.h: *77
AO_TrackDiskDev  #define 0x00008014 = 0x00008014  exec/alerts.h: *76
AO_Unknown       #define 0x00008035 = 0x00008035  exec/alerts.h: *87
AO_UtilityLib    #define 0x0000800C = 0x0000800c  exec/alerts.h: *70
AO_Workbench     #define 0x00008031 = 0x00008031  exec/alerts.h: *84
AOlPen           char in struct RastPort +0x001b graphics/rastport.h: *67
APB_DIDDIR       #define 3 = 0x00000003  dos/dosasl.h: *85
APB_DODIR        #define 2 = 0x00000002  dos/dosasl.h: *80
APB_DODOT        #define 5 = 0x00000005  dos/dosasl.h: *91
APB_DOWILD       #define 0 = 0x00000000  dos/dosasl.h: *71
APB_DirChanged   #define 6 = 0x00000006  dos/dosasl.h: *94
APB_ITSWILD      #define 1 = 0x00000001  dos/dosasl.h: *74
APB_NOMEMERR     #define 4 = 0x00000004  dos/dosasl.h: *88
APF_DIDDIR       #define 8 = 0x00000008  dos/dosasl.h: *86
APF_DODIR        #define 4 = 0x00000004  dos/dosasl.h: *81
APF_DODOT        #define 32 = 0x00000020  dos/dosasl.h: *92
APF_DOWILD       #define 1 = 0x00000001  dos/dosasl.h: *72
APF_DirChanged   #define 64 = 0x00000040  dos/dosasl.h: *95
APF_ITSWILD      #define 2 = 0x00000002  dos/dosasl.h: *75
APF_NOMEMERR     #define 16 = 0x00000010  dos/dosasl.h: *89
APTR             typedef pointer to void  exec/types.h: *36
APTR_TYPEDEF     #define  exec/types.h: *35
AREAOUTLINE      #define 0x08 = 0x00000008  graphics/rastport.h: *107
ARG0             macro (1 argument)   rexx/storage.h: *117
ARG1             macro (1 argument)   rexx/storage.h: *118
ARG2             macro (1 argument)   rexx/storage.h: *119
                 | IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS) = 0x00400068
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *64
ASHIFTSHIFT      #define 12 = 0x0000000c  hardware/blit.h: *63
ASL_BackPen      #define ASL_Dummy+15 = 0x8008000f  libraries/asl.h: *210
ASL_CancelText   #define ASL_Dummy+19 = 0x80080013  libraries/asl.h: *215
ASL_Dir          #define ASL_Dummy+9 = 0x80080009  libraries/asl.h: *202
ASL_Dummy        #define (TAG_USER + 0x80000) = 0x80080000
                 libraries/asl.h: *190
ASL_ExtFlags1    #define ASL_Dummy+22 = 0x80080016  libraries/asl.h: *219
ASL_File         #define ASL_Dummy+8 = 0x80080008  libraries/asl.h: *201
ASL_FileRequest  #define 0 = 0x00000000  libraries/asl.h: *183
ASL_FontFlags    #define ASL_Dummy+13 = 0x8008000d  libraries/asl.h: *208
ASL_FontHeight   #define ASL_Dummy+11 = 0x8008000b  libraries/asl.h: *206
ASL_FontName     #define ASL_Dummy+10 = 0x8008000a  libraries/asl.h: *205
ASL_FontRequest  #define 1 = 0x00000001  libraries/asl.h: *184
ASL_FontStyles   #define ASL_Dummy+12 = 0x8008000c  libraries/asl.h: *207
ASL_FrontPen     #define ASL_Dummy+14 = 0x8008000e  libraries/asl.h: *209
ASL_FuncFlags    #define ASL_Dummy+20 = 0x80080014  libraries/asl.h: *216
ASL_Hail         #define ASL_Dummy+1 = 0x80080001  libraries/asl.h: *192
ASL_Height       #define ASL_Dummy+6 = 0x80080006  libraries/asl.h: *197
ASL_HookFunc     #define ASL_Dummy+7 = 0x80080007  libraries/asl.h: *198
ASL_LeftEdge     #define ASL_Dummy+3 = 0x80080003  libraries/asl.h: *194
ASL_MaxHeight    #define ASL_Dummy+17 = 0x80080011  libraries/asl.h: *212
ASL_MinHeight    #define ASL_Dummy+16 = 0x80080010  libraries/asl.h: *211
ASL_ModeList     #define ASL_Dummy+21 = 0x80080015  libraries/asl.h: *218
ASL_OKText       #define ASL_Dummy+18 = 0x80080012  libraries/asl.h: *214
ASL_Pattern      #define ASL_FontName = 0x8008000a  libraries/asl.h: *221
ASL_TopEdge      #define ASL_Dummy+4 = 0x80080004  libraries/asl.h: *195
ASL_Width        #define ASL_Dummy+5 = 0x80080005  libraries/asl.h: *196
ASL_Window       #define ASL_Dummy+2 = 0x80080002  libraries/asl.h: *193
ASPECT_HORIZ     #define 0x00 = 0x00000000  intuition/preferences.h: *176
ASPECT_VERT      #define 0x01 = 0x00000001  intuition/preferences.h: *177
AT_DeadEnd       #define 0x80000000 = 0x80000000  exec/alerts.h: *41
AT_Recovery      #define 0x00000000 = 0x00000000  exec/alerts.h: *42
AUDIONAME        #define "audio.device"  devices/audio.h: *19
AUL              #define 0x4 = 0x00000004  hardware/blit.h: *78
AUTOBACKPEN      #define 1 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuition.h: *1321
AUTODRAWMODE     #define JAM2 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuition.h: *1322
AUTOFRONTPEN     #define 0 = 0x00000000  intuition/intuition.h: *1320
AUTOITEXTFONT    #define NULL = 0x00000000  intuition/intuition.h: *1325
AUTOKNOB         #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuition.h: *497
AUTOLEFTEDGE     #define 6 = 0x00000006  intuition/intuition.h: *1323
AUTONEXTTEXT     #define NULL = 0x00000000  intuition/intuition.h: *1326
AUTOSCROLL       #define 0x4000 = 0x00004000  intuition/screens.h: *182
AUTOTOPEDGE      #define 3 = 0x00000003  intuition/intuition.h: *1324
AUserExt         short int in struct AnimOb +0x0028 graphics/gels.h: *225
AUserStuff       #define WORD  graphics/gels.h: *64, 224
AVbias           char in struct narrator_rb +0x0054 devices/narrator.h: *118
A_OR_B           #define ABC|ANBC|NABC | ABNC|ANBNC|NABNC = 0x000000fc
                 hardware/blit.h: *42
A_OR_C           #define ABC|NABC|ABNC | ANBC|NANBC|ANBNC = 0x000000fa
                 hardware/blit.h: *43
A_TO_D           #define ABC|ANBC|ABNC|ANBNC = 0x000000f0
                 hardware/blit.h: *45
A_XOR_C          #define NABC|ABNC | NANBC|ANBNC = 0x0000005a
                 hardware/blit.h: *44
ActiView         pointer to struct View in struct GfxBase
         +0x0022 graphics/gfxbase.h: *28
ActiViewCprSemaphore pointer to struct SignalSemaphore in struct GfxBase
         +0x019a graphics/gfxbase.h: *90
Actions          unsigned long int in struct SGWork
         +0x001e intuition/sghooks.h: *46
Activation       unsigned short int in struct Gadget
         +0x000e intuition/intuition.h: *225
ActivePens       array [2] of unsigned char in struct StringExtend
         +0x0006 intuition/sghooks.h: *23
ActiveScreen     pointer to struct Screen in struct IntuitionBase
         +0x0038 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *75
ActiveWindow     pointer to struct Window in struct IntuitionBase
         +0x0034 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *74
After            pointer to struct Bob in struct Bob
         +0x000e graphics/gels.h: *154
AlertData        pointer to void in struct ExecBase
         +0x004a exec/execbase.h: *52
AlgoStyle        unsigned char in struct RastPort
         +0x0038 graphics/rastport.h: *79
AltKeyMap        pointer to struct KeyMap in struct StringInfo
         +0x0020 intuition/intuition.h: *560
AnOldX           short int in struct AnimOb +0x000e graphics/gels.h: *208
AnOldY           short int in struct AnimOb +0x000c graphics/gels.h: *208
AnX              short int in struct AnimOb +0x0012 graphics/gels.h: *211
AnY              short int in struct AnimOb +0x0010 graphics/gels.h: *211
AnalogSignalInterval structure tag
     size 0x0004 graphics/monitor.h: *136, 150, 151, 152, 153
AnchorPath       structure tag size 0x0119 dos/dosasl.h: *54
AnimBob          pointer to struct Bob in struct AnimComp
         +0x0022 graphics/gels.h: *197
AnimCRoutine     pointer to function returning short int in struct AnimComp
         +0x0016 graphics/gels.h: *190
AnimComp         structure tag
     size 0x0026 graphics/gels.h: *158, 165, 183, 184, 187, 188,
AnimORoutine     pointer to function returning short int in struct AnimOb
         +0x0020 graphics/gels.h: *219
AnimOb           structure tag size 0x002a graphics/gels.h: *195, 200, 203
AppIcon          structure tag size 0x0004 workbench/workbench.h: *147
AppMenuItem      structure tag size 0x0004 workbench/workbench.h: *148
AppMessage       structure tag size 0x0056 workbench/workbench.h: *126
AppWindow        structure tag size 0x0004 workbench/workbench.h: *146
AreaCircle       macro (4 arguments)   graphics/gfxmacros.h: *44
AreaInfo         structure tag size 0x0018 graphics/rastport.h: *23, 62
AreaInfo         pointer to struct AreaInfo in struct RastPort
         +0x0010 graphics/rastport.h: *62
AreaPtSz         char in struct RastPort +0x001d graphics/rastport.h: *69
AreaPtrn         pointer to unsigned short int in struct RastPort
         +0x0008 graphics/rastport.h: *60
AslName          #define "asl.library"  libraries/asl.h: *50
AssignList       structure tag size 0x0008 dos/dosextens.h: *386, 396, 397
AttnFlags        unsigned short int in struct ExecBase
         +0x0128 exec/execbase.h: *73
AttnResched      unsigned short int in struct ExecBase
         +0x012a exec/execbase.h: *75
AudChannel       structure tag (size 0x0010 bytes)in struct Custom
                 hardware/custom.h: *97
AvailFonts       structure tag size 0x000a libraries/diskfont.h: *95
AvailFontsHeader structure tag size 0x0002 libraries/diskfont.h: *105