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The following are brief descriptions of the Commodities Exchange functions
covered in this chapter.  All of these functions require Release 2 or a
later version of the Amiga operating system.  See the Amiga ROM Kernel
Reference Manual: Includes and Autodocs for details on each function call.

              Table 31-2: Commodities Exchange Functions
 |                                                                     |
 |         Function              Description                           |
 |         cxbroker()  creates a cxobject of type broker.              |
 |         cxfilter()  creates a cxobject of type filter.              |
 |         cxsender()  creates a cxobject of type sender.              |
 |      cxtranslate()  creates a cxobject of type translate.           |
 |         cxsignal()  creates a cxobject of type signal.              |
 |         cxcustom()  creates a cxobject of type custom.              |
 |          cxdebug()  creates a cxobject of type debug.               |
 |      deletecxobj()  frees a single cxobject                         |
 |   deletecxobjall()  frees a group of connected cxobjects            |
 |    activatecxobj()  activates a newly created cxobject in the       |
 |                     commodities network.                            |
 |     settranslate()  sets up substitution of one input event for     |
 |                     another by translate CxObjects.                 |
 |        cxmsgtype()  finds the type of a cxmessage.                  |
 |        cxmsgdata()  returns the cxmessage data.                     |
 |          cxmsgid()  returns the cxmessage id.                       |
 |       cxobjerror()  returns the cxobject's accumulated error field. |
 |  clearcxobjerror()  clear the cxobject's accumulated error field.   |
 |     argarrayinit()  create a tool types array from argc and argv    |
 |                     (Workbench or Shell).                           |
 |     argarraydone()  free the resources used by argarrayinit().      |
 |        argstring()  return the string associated with a given tool  |
 |                     Type in the array.                              |
 |           argint()  return the integer associated with a given tool |
 |                     Type in the array.                              |
 |      attachcxobj()  attaches a cxobject to the end of a given       |
 |                     CxObject's list.                                |
 |      insertcxobj()  inserts a cxobject in a given position in a     |
 |                     CxObject's list.                                |
 |     enqueuecxobj()  inserts a cxobject in a cxobject's list by      |
 |                     priority.                                       |
 |      setcxobjpri()  sets a cxobject's priority for enqueuecxobj().  |
 |      removecxobj()  removes a cxobject from a list.                 |
 |        setfilter()  set a filter for a cxobject from an input       |
 |                     description string.                             |
 |      setfilterix()  set a filter for a cxobject from an ix data     |
 |                     structure.                                      |
 |          parseix()  convert an input description string to an ix    |
 |                     data structure.                                 |
 |      divertcxmsg()  divert a cxmessage to one cxobject and return   |
 |                     it to another.                                  |
 |       routecxmsg()  redirect a cxmessage to a new cxobject.         |
 |     disposecxmsg()  cancel a cxmessage removing it from the         |
 |                     Commodities network.                            |
 |     invertstring()  creates a linked list of input events that      |
 |                     correspond to a given string.                   |
 |      freeievents()  frees the linked list of input events created   |
 |                     with InvertString().                            |
 |       addievents()  converts a list of input events to cxmessages   |
 |                     and puts them into the network.                 |