The following is an alphabetical list of registered FORMs, generic chunks (shown as (any).chunkname), and registered new chunks for existing FORMs (shown as formname.chunkname). The center column describes where additional information on the FORM or chunk may be found. Items marked "EA_IFF" are described in the main chapters of the EA IFF specs. Those marked "IFF_TP" are described in the third-party specications section. Items marked "propos" are proposals which have been submitted to CATS, some of which are private. And items marked with "----" are private or yet unreleased specifications. New chunks and FORMS should be registered with CATS US, IFF Registry, 1200 Wilson Drive, West Chester, PA. 19380. Please make all submissions on Amiga diskette and include your address, phone, fax. (any).ANNO EA_IFF EA IFF 85 Generic Annotation chunk (any).AUTH EA_IFF EA IFF 85 Generic Author chunk (any).CHRS EA_IFF EA IFF 85 Generic character string chunk (any).CSET.doc IFF_TP chunk for specifying character set (any).FVER.doc IFF_TP chunk for 2.0 VERSION string of an IFF file (any).HLID.doc ---- HotLink IDentification (Contact CATS for info) (any).NAME EA_IFF EA IFF 85 Generic Name of art, music, etc. chunk (any).TEXT EA_IFF EA IFF 85 Generic unformatted ASCII text chunk (any).(c) EA_IFF EA IFF 85 Generic Copyright text chunk 8SVX EA_IFF EA IFF 85 8-bit sound sample form 8SVX.CHAN.PAN.doc IFF_TP Stereo chunks for 8SVX form 8SVX.SEQN.FADE.doc IFF_TP Looping chunks for 8SVX form ACBM.doc IFF_TP Amiga Contiguous Bitmap form AHAM ---- unregistered (???) AIFF.doc IFF_TP Audio 1-32 bit samples (Mac,AppleII,Synthia Pro) ANBM.doc IFF_TP Animated bitmap form (Framer, Deluxe Video) ANIM.brush.doc IFF_TP ANIM brush format ANIM.doc IFF_TP Cel animation form ANIM.op6.doc IFF_TP Stereo (3D) Animations ARC.proposal propos archive format proposal (old) ARES ---- unregistered (???) ATXT ---- temporariliy reserved AVCF ---- AmigaVision flow (format not yet released) AVCF.doc IFF_TP AVCO ---- AmigaVision commands (format not yet released) AVEV ---- AmigaVision events (format not yet released) BANK ---- Soundquest Editor/Librarian MIDI Sysex dump BBSD ---- BBS Database, F.Patnaude,Jr., Phalanx Software C100 ---- Cloanto Italia private format CAT EA_IFF EA IFF 85 group identifier CHBM ---- Chunky bitmap (name reserved by Eric Lavitsky) CLIP ---- CAT CLIP to hold various formats in clipboard CPFM ---- Cloanto Personal FontMaker (doc in their manual) DCCL ---- DCCL - DCTV paint clip DCPA ---- DCPA - DCTV paint palette DCTV ---- DCTV - DCTV raw picture file DECK ---- private format for Inovatronics CanDo DR2D.doc IFF_TP 2-D Object standard format DRAW ---- reserved by Jim Bayless, 12/90 FANT.doc IFF_TP Fantavision movie format FIGR ---- Deluxe Video - reserved FNTR EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved for raster font FNTV EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved for vector font FORM EA_IFF EA IFF 85 group identifier FTXT EA_IFF EA IFF 85 formatted text form GRYP.proposal propos byteplane storage proposal (copyrighted) GSCR EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved gen. music score GUI.proposal propos user interface storage proposal (private) HEAD.doc IFF_TP Flow - New Horizons Software ILBM EA_IFF EA IFF 85 raster bitmap form ILBM.3DCM ---- reserved by Haitex ILBM.3DPA ---- reserved by Haitex ILBM.ASDG ---- private ASDG application chunk ILBM.BHBA ---- private Photon Paint chunk (brushes) ILBM.BHCP ---- private Photon Paint chunk (screens) ILBM.BHSM ---- private Photon Paint chunk ILBM.CLUT.doc IFF_TP Color Lookup Table chunk ILBM.CMYK.doc IFF_TP Cyan,Magenta,Yellow, & Black cmap (Contact CATS) ILBM.CNAM.doc ---- Color naming chunk (Soft-Logik) (Contact CATS) ILBM.CTBL.DYCP.doc IFF_TP Newtek Dynamic Ham color chunks ILBM.DCTV ---- reserved ILBM.DGVW ---- private Newtek DigiView chunk ILBM.DPI.doc IFF_TP Dots per inch chunk ILBM.DPPV.doc IFF_TP DPaint perspective chunk (EA) ILBM.DRNG.doc IFF_TP DPaint IV enhanced color cycle chunk (EA) ILBM.EPSF.doc IFF_TP Encapsulated Postscript chunk ILBM.TMAP ---- Transparency map (temporarily reserved) ILBM.VTAG.proposal propos Viewmode tags chunk suggestion ILBM.XBMI.doc IFF_TP eXtended BitMap Information (Contact CATS) IOBJ ---- reserved by Seven Seas Software ITRF ---- reserved LIST EA_IFF EA IFF 85 group identifier MIDI ---- Circum Design MOVI ---- LIST MOVI - private format MSCX ---- private Music-X format MSMP ---- temporarily reserved MTRX.doc IFF_TP Numerical data storage (MathVision - Seven Seas) NSEQ ---- Numerical sequence (Stockhausen GmbH) OCMP EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved computer prop OCPU EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved processor prop OPGM EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved program prop OSN EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved serial num prop PGTB.doc IFF_TP Program traceback (SAS Institute) PICS EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved Macintosh picture PLBM EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved obsolete name PROP EA_IFF EA IFF 85 group identifier PRSP.doc IFF_TP DPaint IV perspective move form (EA) PTCH ---- Patch file format (SAS Institute) PTXT ---- temporarily reserved README ---- RGB4 ---- 4-bit RGB (format not available) RGBN-RGB8.doc IFF_TP RGB image forms, Turbo Silver (Impulse) RGBX ---- temporarily reserved ROXN ---- private animation form SAMP.doc IFF_TP Sampled sound format SC3D ---- private scene format (Sculpt-3D) SHAK ---- private Shakespeare format SHO1 ---- Reserved by Gary Bonham (private) SHOW ---- Reserved by Gary Bonham (private) SMUS EA_IFF EA IFF 85 simple music score form SYTH ---- SoundQuest Master Librarian MIDI System driver TCDE ---- reserved by Merging Technologies TDDD.doc IFF_TP 3-D rendering data, Turbo Silver (Impulse) UNAM EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved user name prop USCR EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved Uhuru score UVOX EA_IFF EA IFF 85 reserved Uhuru Mac voice VDEO ---- private Deluxe Video format WORD.doc IFF_TP ProWrite document format (New Horizons)