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mc_Bytes         unsigned long int in struct MemChunk
         +0x0004 exec/memory.h: *24
mc_Next          pointer to struct MemChunk in struct MemChunk
         +0x0000 exec/memory.h: *23
mday             unsigned short int in struct ClockData
         +0x0006 utility/date.h: *23
me_Addr          #define me_Un.meu_Addr  exec/memory.h: *52
me_Length        unsigned long int in struct MemEntry
         +0x0004 exec/memory.h: *47
me_Reqs          #define me_Un.meu_Reqs  exec/memory.h: *51
me_Un            union (no tag) (size 0x0004 bytes) in struct MemEntry
         +0x0000 exec/memory.h: *46
me_un            #define me_Un  exec/memory.h: *50
message          struct IOStdReq(size 0x0030 bytes) in struct narrator_rb
         +0x0000 devices/narrator.h: *94
meu_Addr         pointer to void in union (no tag)  +0x0000 exec/memory.h: *45
meu_Reqs         unsigned long int in union (no tag)
         +0x0000 exec/memory.h: *44
mh_Attributes    unsigned short int in struct MemHeader
         +0x000e exec/memory.h: *32
mh_First         pointer to struct MemChunk in struct MemHeader
         +0x0010 exec/memory.h: *33
mh_Free          unsigned long int in struct MemHeader
         +0x001c exec/memory.h: *36
mh_Lower         pointer to void in struct MemHeader +0x0014 exec/memory.h: *34
mh_Node          struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct MemHeader
         +0x0000 exec/memory.h: *31
mh_Upper         pointer to void in struct MemHeader +0x0018 exec/memory.h: *35
min              unsigned short int in struct ClockData
         +0x0002 utility/date.h: *21
min_row          unsigned short int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x002a graphics/monitor.h: *37
minterms         array [8] of unsigned char in struct RastPort
         +0x0028 graphics/rastport.h: *75
ml_ME            array [1] of struct MemEntry(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct
         +0x0010 exec/memory.h: *61
ml_Node          struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct MemList
         +0x0000 exec/memory.h: *59
ml_NumEntries    unsigned short int in struct MemList
         +0x000e exec/memory.h: *60
ml_me            #define ml_ME  exec/memory.h: *64
mlh_Head         pointer to struct MinNode in struct MinList
         +0x0000 exec/lists.h: *34
mlh_Tail         pointer to struct MinNode in struct MinList
         +0x0004 exec/lists.h: *35
mlh_TailPred     pointer to struct MinNode in struct MinList
         +0x0008 exec/lists.h: *36
mln_Pred         pointer to struct MinNode in struct MinNode
         +0x0004 exec/nodes.h: *35
mln_Succ         pointer to struct MinNode in struct MinNode
         +0x0000 exec/nodes.h: *34
mn_Length        unsigned short int in struct Message +0x0012 exec/ports.h: *52
mn_Node          struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct Message
         +0x0000 exec/ports.h: *50
mn_ReplyPort     pointer to struct MsgPort in struct Message
         +0x000e exec/ports.h: *51
mode             unsigned short int in struct narrator_rb
         +0x0034 devices/narrator.h: *97
monitor_id       unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x00f2 graphics/gfxbase.h: *69
month            unsigned short int in struct ClockData
         +0x0008 utility/date.h: *24
mouth_rb         structure tag size 0x005c devices/narrator.h: *128
mouths           unsigned char in struct narrator_rb
         +0x0042 devices/narrator.h: *103
mp_Flags         unsigned char in struct MsgPort +0x000e exec/ports.h: *32
mp_MsgList       struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct MsgPort
         +0x0014 exec/ports.h: *35
mp_Node          struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct MsgPort
         +0x0000 exec/ports.h: *31
mp_SigBit        unsigned char in struct MsgPort +0x000f exec/ports.h: *33
mp_SigTask       pointer to void in struct MsgPort +0x0010 exec/ports.h: *34
mp_SoftInt       #define mp_SigTask  exec/ports.h: *38
ms_Flags         unsigned short int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x0018 graphics/monitor.h: *30
ms_LegalView     struct Rectangle(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x0042 graphics/monitor.h: *45
ms_Node          struct ExtendedNode(size 0x0018 bytes) in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x0000 graphics/monitor.h: *29
ms_OpenCount     unsigned short int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x0030 graphics/monitor.h: *39
ms_Special       pointer to struct SpecialMonitor in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x002c graphics/monitor.h: *38
ms_maxoscan      pointer to function returning long int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x004a graphics/monitor.h: *46
ms_reserved00    unsigned long int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x0094 graphics/monitor.h: *52
ms_reserved01    unsigned long int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x0098 graphics/monitor.h: *53
ms_scale         pointer to function returning long int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x003a graphics/monitor.h: *42
ms_transform     pointer to function returning long int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x0032 graphics/monitor.h: *40
ms_translate     pointer to function returning long int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x0036 graphics/monitor.h: *41
ms_videoscan     pointer to function returning long int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x004e graphics/monitor.h: *47
ms_xoffset       unsigned short int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x003e graphics/monitor.h: *43
ms_yoffset       unsigned short int in struct MonitorSpec
         +0x0040 graphics/monitor.h: *44
MAKE_ID          macro (4 arguments)   libraries/iffparse.h: *143
MALE             #define 0 = 0x00000000  devices/narrator.h: *63
MANUALF0         #define 2 = 0x00000002  devices/narrator.h: *67
MATHIEEERESOURCEF_DBLBAS #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001
                 libraries/mathresource.h: *49
MATHIEEERESOURCEF_DBLTRANS #define (1<<1) = 0x00000002
                 libraries/mathresource.h: *50
MATHIEEERESOURCEF_EXTBAS #define (1<<4) = 0x00000010
                 libraries/mathresource.h: *53
MATHIEEERESOURCEF_EXTTRANS #define (1<<5) = 0x00000020
                 libraries/mathresource.h: *54
MATHIEEERESOURCEF_SGLBAS #define (1<<2) = 0x00000004
                 libraries/mathresource.h: *51
MATHIEEERESOURCEF_SGLTRANS #define (1<<3) = 0x00000008
                 libraries/mathresource.h: *52
MAX              macro (2 arguments)   clib/macros.h: *15
MAXBODY          #define 0xFFFF = 0x0000ffff  intuition/intuition.h: *514
MAXBYTESPERROW   #define 4096 = 0x00001000  hardware/blit.h: *25
MAXCENT          #define 100 = 0x00000064  devices/narrator.h: *88
MAXFONTMATCHWEIGHT #define 32767 = 0x00007fff  graphics/text.h: *87
MAXFONTNAME      #define 32 = 0x00000020  libraries/diskfont.h: *62, 76
MAXFONTPATH      #define 256 = 0x00000100  libraries/diskfont.h: *28, 31, 38
MAXFREQ          #define 28000 = 0x00006d60  devices/narrator.h: *84
MAXINT           #define 0x7FFFFFFF = 0x7fffffff  dos/dos.h: *45
MAXPITCH         #define 320 = 0x00000140  devices/narrator.h: *82
MAXPOT           #define 0xFFFF = 0x0000ffff  intuition/intuition.h: *515
MAXPUBSCREENNAME #define (139) = 0x0000008b  intuition/screens.h: *394
MAXRATE          #define 400 = 0x00000190  devices/narrator.h: *80
MAXRMARG         #define 15 = 0x0000000f  rexx/storage.h: *121
MAXTABS          #define 80 = 0x00000050  devices/conunit.h: *52, 78
MAXVOL           #define 64 = 0x00000040  devices/narrator.h: *86
MAX_MULTIARGS    #define 128 = 0x00000080  dos/rdargs.h: *124
MAX_TEMPLATE_ITEMS #define 100 = 0x00000064  dos/rdargs.h: *117
MCOMPAT_MIXED    #define 0 = 0x00000000  graphics/displayinfo.h: *126
MCOMPAT_NOBODY   #define -1 = 0xffffffff  graphics/displayinfo.h: *128
MCOMPAT_SELF     #define 1 = 0x00000001  graphics/displayinfo.h: *127
MEMCLEAR         #define (1L << 16) = 0x00010000  rexx/storage.h: *221
MEMF_24BITDMA    #define (1L<<9) = 0x00000200  exec/memory.h: *75
MEMF_ANY         #define (0L) = 0x00000000  exec/memory.h: *70
MEMF_CHIP        #define (1L<<1) = 0x00000002  exec/memory.h: *72
MEMF_CLEAR       #define (1L<<16) = 0x00010000  exec/memory.h: *77
MEMF_FAST        #define (1L<<2) = 0x00000004  exec/memory.h: *73
MEMF_LARGEST     #define (1L<<17) = 0x00020000  exec/memory.h: *78
MEMF_LOCAL       #define (1L<<8) = 0x00000100  exec/memory.h: *74
MEMF_PUBLIC      #define (1L<<0) = 0x00000001  exec/memory.h: *71
MEMF_REVERSE     #define (1L<<18) = 0x00040000  exec/memory.h: *79
MEMF_TOTAL       #define (1L<<19) = 0x00080000  exec/memory.h: *80
MEMMASK          #define 0xFFFFFFF0 = 0xfffffff0  rexx/storage.h: *218
MEMQUANT         #define 16L = 0x00000010  rexx/storage.h: *217
MEMQUICK         #define (1L << 0 ) = 0x00000001  rexx/storage.h: *220
MEM_BLOCKMASK    #define (MEM_BLOCKSIZE-1) = 0x00000007  exec/memory.h: *83
MEM_BLOCKSIZE    #define 8L = 0x00000008  exec/memory.h: *82
MENUCANCEL       #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002  intuition/intuition.h: *767
MENUDOWN         #define (IECODE_RBUTTON) = 0x00000069
                 intuition/intuition.h: *1333
MENUENABLED      #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuition.h: *77
MENUHELP         #define IDCMP_MENUHELP = 0x01000000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *138
MENUHOT          #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuition.h: *766
MENUNULL         #define 0xFFFF = 0x0000ffff  intuition/intuition.h: *1288
MENUNUM          macro (1 argument)   intuition/intuition.h: *1266
MENUPICK         #define IDCMP_MENUPICK = 0x00000100
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *122
MENUSTATE        #define WFLG_MENUSTATE = 0x00008000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *163
MENUTOGGLE       #define 0x0008 = 0x00000008  intuition/intuition.h: *121
MENUTOGGLED      #define 0x4000 = 0x00004000  intuition/intuition.h: *137
MENUUP           #define (IECODE_RBUTTON | IECODE_UP_PREFIX) = 0x000000e9
                 intuition/intuition.h: *1332
MENUVERIFY       #define IDCMP_MENUVERIFY = 0x00002000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *127
MENUWAITING      #define 0x0003 = 0x00000003  intuition/intuition.h: *768
MENU_IMAGE       #define 128 = 0x00000080  libraries/gadtools.h: *139
MENU_USERDATA    macro (1 argument)   libraries/gadtools.h: *176
MIDDLEDOWN       #define (IECODE_MBUTTON) = 0x0000006a
                 intuition/intuition.h: *1334
MIDDLEUP         #define (IECODE_MBUTTON | IECODE_UP_PREFIX) = 0x000000ea
                 intuition/intuition.h: *1335
MIDRAWN          #define 0x0100 = 0x00000100  intuition/intuition.h: *80
MIN              macro (2 arguments)   clib/macros.h: *16
MINBYTESPERROW   #define 128 = 0x00000080  hardware/blit.h: *24
MINCENT          #define 0 = 0x00000000  devices/narrator.h: *87
MINFREQ          #define 5000 = 0x00001388  devices/narrator.h: *83
MININT           #define 0x80000000 = 0x80000000  dos/dos.h: *46
MINPITCH         #define 65 = 0x00000041  devices/narrator.h: *81
MINRATE          #define 40 = 0x00000028  devices/narrator.h: *79
MINVOL           #define 0 = 0x00000000  devices/narrator.h: *85
MIN_NTSC_ROW     #define 21 = 0x00000015  graphics/monitor.h: *80
MIN_PAL_ROW      #define 29 = 0x0000001d  graphics/monitor.h: *81
MIN_VGA70_ROW    #define 35 = 0x00000023  graphics/monitor.h: *111
MIN_VGA_ROW      #define 29 = 0x0000001d  graphics/monitor.h: *96
MISCNAME         #define "misc.resource"  resources/misc.h: *43
MKBADDR          macro (1 argument)   dos/dos.h: *113
MODELCLASS       #define "modelclass"  intuition/classusr.h: *54
MODE_640         #define 0x8000 = 0x00008000  graphics/display.h: *16
MODE_NEWFILE     #define 1006 = 0x000003ee  dos/dos.h: *31
MODE_OLDFILE     #define 1005 = 0x000003ed  dos/dos.h: *29
MODE_READWRITE   #define 1004 = 0x000003ec  dos/dos.h: *33
MONITOR_ID_MASK  #define 0xFFFF1000 = 0xffff1000  graphics/displayinfo.h: *145
MONITOR_SPEC_TYPE #define 4 = 0x00000004  graphics/gfxnodes.h: *36
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *117
MOUSEMOVE        #define IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE = 0x00000010
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *118
MOUSE_ACCEL      #define (1<<15) = 0x00008000  intuition/preferences.h: *138
MR_ALLOCMISCRESOURCE #define (LIB_BASE) = 0xfffffffa  resources/misc.h: *40
                 resources/misc.h: *41
MR_PARALLELBITS  #define 3 = 0x00000003  resources/misc.h: *35
MR_PARALLELPORT  #define 2 = 0x00000002  resources/misc.h: *33
MR_SERIALBITS    #define 1 = 0x00000001  resources/misc.h: *31
MR_SERIALPORT    #define 0 = 0x00000000  resources/misc.h: *30
MTYPE_APPICON    #define 8 = 0x00000008  workbench/workbench.h: *99
MTYPE_APPMENUITEM #define 9 = 0x00000009  workbench/workbench.h: *100
MTYPE_APPWINDOW  #define 7 = 0x00000007  workbench/workbench.h: *98
MTYPE_CLOSEDOWN  #define 5 = 0x00000005  workbench/workbench.h: *96
MTYPE_COPYEXIT   #define 10 = 0x0000000a  workbench/workbench.h: *101
MTYPE_DISKCHANGE #define 3 = 0x00000003  workbench/workbench.h: *94
MTYPE_ICONPUT    #define 11 = 0x0000000b  workbench/workbench.h: *102
MTYPE_IOPROC     #define 6 = 0x00000006  workbench/workbench.h: *97
MTYPE_PSTD       #define 1 = 0x00000001  workbench/workbench.h: *92
MTYPE_TIMER      #define 4 = 0x00000004  workbench/workbench.h: *95
MTYPE_TOOLEXIT   #define 2 = 0x00000002  workbench/workbench.h: *93
MULTIPLY_DIMENSIONS #define 0x0080 = 0x00000080  intuition/preferences.h: *251
MUSTDRAW         #define 0x0008 = 0x00000008  graphics/gels.h: *25
MXIDCMP          #define (IDCMP_GADGETDOWN) = 0x00000020
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *72
MXIMAGE          #define (0x0FL) = 0x0000000f  intuition/imageclass.h: *111
MX_KIND          #define 5 = 0x00000005  libraries/gadtools.h: *39
M_ASM            #define ">1"  devices/console.h: *99
M_AWM            #define "?7"  devices/console.h: *100
M_LNM            #define 20 = 0x00000014  devices/console.h: *98
                 devices/conunit.h: 98
Mask             unsigned char in struct RastPort
         +0x0018 graphics/rastport.h: *64
Mask             pointer to unsigned short int in struct BoolInfo
         +0x0002 intuition/intuition.h: *431
MathIEEEBase     structure tag size 0x003c libraries/mathlibrary.h: *21
MathIEEEBase_LibNode struct Library(size 0x0022 bytes) in struct MathIEEEBase
         +0x0000 libraries/mathlibrary.h: *23
MathIEEEBase_TaskCloseLib pointer to function returning int in struct
         +0x0038 libraries/mathlibrary.h: *26
MathIEEEBase_TaskOpenLib pointer to function returning int in struct
         +0x0034 libraries/mathlibrary.h: *25
MathIEEEBase_reserved array [18] of unsigned char in struct MathIEEEBase
         +0x0022 libraries/mathlibrary.h: *24
MathIEEEResource structure tag size 0x002c libraries/mathresource.h: *35
MathIEEEResource_BaseAddr pointer to unsigned short int in struct
         +0x0010 libraries/mathresource.h: *39
MathIEEEResource_DblBasInit pointer to function returning void in struct
         +0x0014 libraries/mathresource.h: *40
MathIEEEResource_DblTransInit pointer to function returning void in struct
         +0x0018 libraries/mathresource.h: *41
MathIEEEResource_ExtBasInit pointer to function returning void in struct
         +0x0024 libraries/mathresource.h: *44
MathIEEEResource_ExtTransInit pointer to function returning void in struct
         +0x0028 libraries/mathresource.h: *45
MathIEEEResource_Flags unsigned short int in struct MathIEEEResource
         +0x000e libraries/mathresource.h: *38
MathIEEEResource_Node struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct
         +0x0000 libraries/mathresource.h: *37
MathIEEEResource_SglBasInit pointer to function returning void in struct
         +0x001c libraries/mathresource.h: *42
MathIEEEResource_SglTransInit pointer to function returning void in struct
         +0x0020 libraries/mathresource.h: *43
MaxChars         short int in struct StringInfo
         +0x000a intuition/intuition.h: *530
MaxCount         short int in struct cprlist +0x0008 graphics/copper.h: *60
MaxCount         short int in struct CopList +0x001e graphics/copper.h: *73
MaxCount         short int in struct AreaInfo +0x0012 graphics/rastport.h: *30
MaxDepth         unsigned short int in struct DimensionInfo
         +0x0010 graphics/displayinfo.h: *95
MaxDisplayColumn unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x00d6 graphics/gfxbase.h: *57
MaxDisplayRow    unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x00d4 graphics/gfxbase.h: *56
MaxExtMem        pointer to void in struct ExecBase
         +0x004e exec/execbase.h: *53
MaxHeight        unsigned short int in struct Window
         +0x0016 intuition/intuition.h: *805
MaxHeight        unsigned short int in struct NewWindow
         +0x002c intuition/intuition.h: *1026
MaxHeight        unsigned short int in struct ExtNewWindow
         +0x002c intuition/intuition.h: *1061
MaxLocMem        unsigned long int in struct ExecBase
         +0x003e exec/execbase.h: *49
MaxOScan         struct Rectangle(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct DimensionInfo
         +0x0022 graphics/displayinfo.h: *101
MaxRasterHeight unsigned short int in struct DimensionInfo
         +0x0018 graphics/displayinfo.h: *99
MaxRasterWidth   unsigned short int in struct DimensionInfo
         +0x0016 graphics/displayinfo.h: *98
MaxWidth         unsigned short int in struct Window
         +0x0014 intuition/intuition.h: *805
MaxWidth         unsigned short int in struct NewWindow
         +0x002a intuition/intuition.h: *1026
MaxWidth         unsigned short int in struct ExtNewWindow
         +0x002a intuition/intuition.h: *1061
MaxX             short int in struct Rectangle +0x0004 graphics/gfx.h: *32
MaxX             long int in struct Rect32 +0x0008 graphics/gfx.h: *38
MaxY             short int in struct Rectangle +0x0006 graphics/gfx.h: *32
MaxY             long int in struct Rect32 +0x000c graphics/gfx.h: *38
MeMask           short int in struct VSprite +0x0020 graphics/gels.h: *102
MemChunk         structure tag size 0x0008 exec/memory.h: *22, 23, 33
MemEntry         structure tag size 0x0008 exec/memory.h: *42, 61
MemHeader        structure tag size 0x0020 exec/memory.h: *30
MemList          structure tag size 0x0018 exec/memory.h: *58
MemList          struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct ExecBase
         +0x0142 exec/execbase.h: *86
Memory           pointer to unsigned char in struct Remember
         +0x0008 intuition/intuition.h: *1235
Menu             structure tag size 0x001e intuition/intuition.h: *62, 64, 809
MenuHBorder      char in struct Screen +0x0022 intuition/screens.h: *121
MenuItem         structure tag
     size 0x0022 intuition/intuition.h: *69, 90, 92, 108
MenuName         pointer to char in struct Menu
         +0x000e intuition/intuition.h: *68
MenuStrip        pointer to struct Menu in struct Window
         +0x001c intuition/intuition.h: *809
MenuVBorder      char in struct Screen +0x0021 intuition/screens.h: *121
Message          structure tag size 0x0014 exec/ports.h: *49
                 exec/io.h: 21, 30
                 devices/audio.h: 55
                 devices/clipboard.h: 44, 60
                 devices/printer.h: 143, 157
                 dos/dosextens.h: 92, 111, 142
                 graphics/text.h: 92
                 intuition/intuition.h: 679
                 dos/notify.h: 42
                 workbench/startup.h: 28
                 resources/disk.h: 44
                 rexx/storage.h: 100
                 workbench/workbench.h: 127
MessageKey       pointer to struct IntuiMessage in struct Window
         +0x005e intuition/intuition.h: *857
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 intuition/classusr.h: *32
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct opSet
         +0x0000 intuition/classusr.h: *79
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct opUpdate
         +0x0000 intuition/classusr.h: *89
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct opGet
         +0x0000 intuition/classusr.h: *109
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct opAddTail
         +0x0000 intuition/classusr.h: *118
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct opMember
         +0x0000 intuition/classusr.h: *125
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct gpHitTest
         +0x0000 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *177
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct gpRender
         +0x0000 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *189
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct gpInput
         +0x0000 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *202
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct gpGoInactive
         +0x0000 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *232
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct impFrameBox
         +0x0000 intuition/imageclass.h: *140
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct impDraw
         +0x0000 intuition/imageclass.h: *153
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct impErase
         +0x0000 intuition/imageclass.h: *173
MethodID         unsigned long int in struct impHitTest
         +0x0000 intuition/imageclass.h: *189
Micros           unsigned long int in struct IntuiMessage
         +0x0028 intuition/intuition.h: *708
Micros           unsigned long int in struct IntuitionBase
         +0x004c intuition/intuitionbase.h: *87
MicrosPerLine    unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x00e8 graphics/gfxbase.h: *65
MinDisplayColumn unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x00ea graphics/gfxbase.h: *66
MinHeight        short int in struct Window +0x0012 intuition/intuition.h: *804
MinHeight        short int in struct NewWindow
         +0x0028 intuition/intuition.h: *1025
MinHeight        short int in struct ExtNewWindow
         +0x0028 intuition/intuition.h: *1060
MinList          structure tag size 0x000c exec/lists.h: *33
                 exec/semaphores.h: 44
                 exec/execbase.h: 142
                 dos/dosextens.h: 65, 251
                 graphics/layers.h: 39
MinNode          structure tag size 0x0008 exec/nodes.h: *33, 34, 35
                 exec/lists.h: 34, 35, 36
                 exec/semaphores.h: 36
                 dos/dosextens.h: 265
                 utility/hooks.h: 25
                 intuition/classes.h: 69
                 libraries/iffparse.h: 70, 84
MinRasterHeight unsigned short int in struct DimensionInfo
         +0x0014 graphics/displayinfo.h: *97
MinRasterWidth   unsigned short int in struct DimensionInfo
         +0x0012 graphics/displayinfo.h: *96
MinRow           unsigned short int in struct MonitorInfo
         +0x0028 graphics/displayinfo.h: *118
MinWidth         short int in struct Window +0x0010 intuition/intuition.h: *804
MinWidth         short int in struct NewWindow
         +0x0026 intuition/intuition.h: *1025
MinWidth         short int in struct ExtNewWindow
         +0x0026 intuition/intuition.h: *1060
MinX             short int in struct Rectangle +0x0000 graphics/gfx.h: *31
MinX             long int in struct Rect32 +0x0000 graphics/gfx.h: *37
MinY             short int in struct Rectangle +0x0002 graphics/gfx.h: *31
MinY             long int in struct Rect32 +0x0004 graphics/gfx.h: *37
Modes            unsigned short int in struct ViewPort
         +0x0020 graphics/view.h: *52
Modes            unsigned short int in struct View +0x0010 graphics/view.h: *65
Modes            unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x009e graphics/gfxbase.h: *39
Modes            unsigned long int in struct SGWork
         +0x0010 intuition/sghooks.h: *39
Monitor          pointer to struct MonitorSpec in struct ViewExtra
         +0x001c graphics/view.h: *74
MonitorInfo      structure tag size 0x0058 graphics/displayinfo.h: *109
MonitorList      struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct GfxBase
         +0x0180 graphics/gfxbase.h: *86
MonitorListSemaphore pointer to struct SignalSemaphore in struct GfxBase
         +0x0192 graphics/gfxbase.h: *88
MonitorSpec      structure tag size 0x009c graphics/monitor.h: *27
                 graphics/view.h: 74
                 graphics/displayinfo.h: 112
                 graphics/gfxbase.h: 85, 87
MoreFlags        unsigned long int in struct Window
         +0x0084 intuition/intuition.h: *901
MountList        struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct ExpansionBase
         +0x004a libraries/expansionbase.h: *55
MouseX           short int in struct IntuiMessage
         +0x0020 intuition/intuition.h: *703
MouseX           short int in struct Window +0x000e intuition/intuition.h: *802
MouseX           short int in struct Screen +0x0012 intuition/screens.h: *106
MouseX           short int in struct IntuitionBase
         +0x0046 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *83
MouseY           short int in struct IntuiMessage
         +0x0022 intuition/intuition.h: *703
MouseY           short int in struct Window +0x000c intuition/intuition.h: *802
MouseY           short int in struct Screen +0x0010 intuition/screens.h: *106
MouseY           short int in struct IntuitionBase
         +0x0044 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *83
Msg              pointer to "UBYTE"  intuition/classusr.h: *34
MsgPort          structure tag size 0x0022 exec/ports.h: *30, 51
                 exec/devices.h: 34
                 exec/semaphores.h: 55
                 devices/conunit.h: 56
                 dos/dosextens.h: 41, 93, 94, 112, 253, 267, 334,
                             364, 411, 447
                 graphics/text.h: 126
                 intuition/intuition.h: 856
                 devices/prtbase.h: 67, 92
                 dos/filehandler.h: 104
                 dos/notify.h: 62, 76
                 workbench/startup.h: 29
                 libraries/commodities.h: 57
                 libraries/iffparse.h: 118, 119
                 rexx/storage.h: 108, 189
                 rexx/rexxio.h: 66
                 rexx/rxslib.h: 55
Mspc             pointer to struct MonitorSpec in struct MonitorInfo
         +0x0010 graphics/displayinfo.h: *112
MutualExclude    long int in struct MenuItem +0x000e intuition/intuition.h: *97
MutualExclude    long int in struct Gadget +0x001e intuition/intuition.h: *253