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l_pad            unsigned char in struct List +0x000d exec/lists.h: *27
lastBlissObj     pointer to void in struct GelsInfo
         +0x0022 graphics/rastport.h: *53
lastColor        pointer to pointer to short int in struct GelsInfo
         +0x000e graphics/rastport.h: *50
lci_ID           unsigned long int in struct LocalContextItem
         +0x0008 libraries/iffparse.h: *85
lci_Ident        unsigned long int in struct LocalContextItem
         +0x0010 libraries/iffparse.h: *87
lci_Node         struct MinNode(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct LocalContextItem
         +0x0000 libraries/iffparse.h: *84
lci_Type         unsigned long int in struct LocalContextItem
         +0x000c libraries/iffparse.h: *86
leftmost         short int in struct GelsInfo +0x0016 graphics/rastport.h: *52
lh_Flags         #define lib_Flags  exec/libraries.h: *55
lh_Head          pointer to struct Node in struct List
         +0x0000 exec/lists.h: *23
lh_IdString      #define lib_IdString  exec/libraries.h: *61
lh_NegSize       #define lib_NegSize  exec/libraries.h: *57
lh_Node          #define lib_Node  exec/libraries.h: *54
lh_OpenCnt       #define lib_OpenCnt  exec/libraries.h: *63
lh_PosSize       #define lib_PosSize  exec/libraries.h: *60
lh_Revision      #define lib_Revision  exec/libraries.h: *60
lh_Sum           #define lib_Sum  exec/libraries.h: *62
lh_Tail          pointer to struct Node in struct List
         +0x0004 exec/lists.h: *24
lh_TailPred      pointer to struct Node in struct List
         +0x0008 exec/lists.h: *25
lh_Type          unsigned char in struct List +0x000c exec/lists.h: *26
lh_Version       #define lib_Version  exec/libraries.h: *59
lh_pad           #define lib_pad  exec/libraries.h: *56
lib_Flags        unsigned char in struct Library +0x000e exec/libraries.h: *36
lib_IdString     pointer to void in struct Library
         +0x0018 exec/libraries.h: *42
lib_NegSize      unsigned short int in struct Library
         +0x0010 exec/libraries.h: *38
lib_Node         struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct Library
         +0x0000 exec/libraries.h: *35
lib_OpenCnt      unsigned short int in struct Library
         +0x0020 exec/libraries.h: *44
lib_PosSize      unsigned short int in struct Library
         +0x0012 exec/libraries.h: *39
lib_Revision     unsigned short int in struct Library
         +0x0016 exec/libraries.h: *41
lib_Sum          unsigned long int in struct Library
         +0x001c exec/libraries.h: *43
lib_Version      unsigned short int in struct Library
         +0x0014 exec/libraries.h: *40
lib_pad          unsigned char in struct Library +0x000f exec/libraries.h: *37
linpatcnt        char in struct RastPort +0x001e graphics/rastport.h: *70
ln_Name          pointer to char in struct Node +0x000a exec/nodes.h: *29
ln_Pred          pointer to struct Node in struct Node
         +0x0004 exec/nodes.h: *26
ln_Pri           char in struct Node +0x0009 exec/nodes.h: *28
ln_Succ          pointer to struct Node in struct Node
         +0x0000 exec/nodes.h: *25
ln_Type          unsigned char in struct Node +0x0008 exec/nodes.h: *27
lobs             pointer to struct Layer in struct ClipRect
         +0x0008 graphics/clip.h: *68
log              #define IEEEDPLog  libraries/mathffp.h: *47
                 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *47
log10            #define IEEEDPLog10  libraries/mathffp.h: *48
                 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *48
longreserved     array [2] of unsigned long int in struct RastPort
         +0x0046 graphics/rastport.h: *86
longreserved     long int in struct Layer_Info +0x0054 graphics/layers.h: *42
lsb_ChkSum       long int in struct LoadSegBlock
         +0x0008 devices/hardblocks.h: *188
lsb_HostID       unsigned long int in struct LoadSegBlock
         +0x000c devices/hardblocks.h: *189
lsb_ID           unsigned long int in struct LoadSegBlock
         +0x0000 devices/hardblocks.h: *186
lsb_LoadData     array [123] of unsigned long int in struct LoadSegBlock
         +0x0014 devices/hardblocks.h: *191
lsb_Next         unsigned long int in struct LoadSegBlock
         +0x0010 devices/hardblocks.h: *190
lsb_SummedLongs unsigned long int in struct LoadSegBlock
         +0x0004 devices/hardblocks.h: *187
lv_Flags         unsigned short int in struct LocalVar +0x000e dos/var.h: *29
lv_Len           unsigned long int in struct LocalVar +0x0014 dos/var.h: *31
lv_Node          struct Node(size 0x000e bytes) in struct LocalVar
         +0x0000 dos/var.h: *28
lv_Value         pointer to unsigned char in struct LocalVar
         +0x0010 dos/var.h: *30
LABELIMAGE       #define GFLG_LABELIMAGE = 0x00002000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *64
LABELITEXT       #define GFLG_LABELITEXT = 0x00000000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *62
LABELMASK        #define GFLG_LABELMASK = 0x00003000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *61
LABELSTRING      #define GFLG_LABELSTRING = 0x00001000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *63
LACE             #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004  graphics/view.h: *91
LACEWB           #define (1<< 0) = 0x00000001  intuition/preferences.h: *133
LAYERBACKDROP    #define 0x40 = 0x00000040  graphics/layers.h: *27
LAYERREFRESH     #define 0x80 = 0x00000080  graphics/layers.h: *28
LAYERSIMPLE      #define 1 = 0x00000001  graphics/layers.h: *23
LAYERSMART       #define 2 = 0x00000002  graphics/layers.h: *24
LAYERSUPER       #define 4 = 0x00000004  graphics/layers.h: *25
LAYERUPDATING    #define 0x10 = 0x00000010  graphics/layers.h: *26
LAYER_CLIPRECTS_LOST #define 0x100 = 0x00000100  graphics/layers.h: *29
LAYOUTA_Dummy    #define (TAG_USER + 0x38000) = 0x80038000
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *151
LAYOUTA_LAYOUTOBJ #define LAYOUTA_LayoutObj = 0x80038001
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *225
LAYOUTA_LayoutObj #define (LAYOUTA_Dummy + 0x0001) = 0x80038001
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *152
LAYOUTA_ORIENTATION #define LAYOUTA_Orientation = 0x80038003
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *227
LAYOUTA_Orientation #define (LAYOUTA_Dummy + 0x0003) = 0x80038003
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *154
LAYOUTA_SPACING  #define LAYOUTA_Spacing = 0x80038002
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *226
LAYOUTA_Spacing  #define (LAYOUTA_Dummy + 0x0002) = 0x80038002
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *153
LCMptr           pointer to unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x00e4 graphics/gfxbase.h: *64
LDB_ASSIGNS      #define 4 = 0x00000004  dos/dosextens.h: *428
LDB_DEVICES      #define 2 = 0x00000002  dos/dosextens.h: *424
LDB_ENTRY        #define 5 = 0x00000005  dos/dosextens.h: *430
LDB_READ         #define 0 = 0x00000000  dos/dosextens.h: *434
LDB_VOLUMES      #define 3 = 0x00000003  dos/dosextens.h: *426
LDB_WRITE        #define 1 = 0x00000001  dos/dosextens.h: *436
LDF_ALL          #define (LDF_DEVICES|LDF_VOLUMES|LDF_ASSIGNS) = 0x0000001c
                 dos/dosextens.h: *440
LDF_ASSIGNS      #define (1L << LDB_ASSIGNS) = 0x00000010
                 dos/dosextens.h: *429
LDF_DEVICES      #define (1L << LDB_DEVICES) = 0x00000004
                 dos/dosextens.h: *425
LDF_ENTRY        #define (1L << LDB_ENTRY) = 0x00000020  dos/dosextens.h: *431
LDF_READ         #define (1L << LDB_READ) = 0x00000001  dos/dosextens.h: *435
LDF_VOLUMES      #define (1L << LDB_VOLUMES) = 0x00000008
                 dos/dosextens.h: *427
LDF_WRITE        #define (1L << LDB_WRITE) = 0x00000002  dos/dosextens.h: *437
LEFTBORDER       #define GACT_LEFTBORDER = 0x00000020
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *74
LEFTHIT          #define 4 = 0x00000004  graphics/collide.h: *34
LEFTIMAGE        #define (0x0AL) = 0x0000000a  intuition/imageclass.h: *106
LEN_DATSTRING    #define 16 = 0x00000010  dos/datetime.h: *37
LETTER           #define 0x100 = 0x00000100  intuition/preferences.h: *165
LIBF_CHANGED     #define (1<<1) = 0x00000002  exec/libraries.h: *49
LIBF_DELEXP      #define (1<<3) = 0x00000008  exec/libraries.h: *51
LIBF_SUMMING     #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001  exec/libraries.h: *48
LIBF_SUMUSED     #define (1<<2) = 0x00000004  exec/libraries.h: *50
LIBRARIES_ASL_H  #define 1 = 0x00000001  libraries/asl.h: *2
LIBRARIES_COMMODITIES_H #define  libraries/commodities.h: *2
LIBRARIES_CONFIGREGS_H #define  libraries/configregs.h: *2
                 libraries/configvars.h: 22
LIBRARIES_CONFIGVARS_H #define  libraries/configvars.h: *2
                 libraries/expansionbase.h: 27
LIBRARIES_DISKFONT_H #define  libraries/diskfont.h: *2
LIBRARIES_DOSEXTENS_H #define  libraries/dosextens.h: *2, 1
LIBRARIES_DOS_H  #define  libraries/dos.h: *2, 1
LIBRARIES_EXPANSIONBASE_H #define  libraries/expansionbase.h: *2
LIBRARIES_EXPANSION_H #define  libraries/expansion.h: *2
LIBRARIES_FILEHANDLER_H #define  libraries/filehandler.h: *2
LIBRARIES_GADTOOLS_H #define  libraries/gadtools.h: *2
LIBRARIES_MATHFFP_H #define 1 = 0x00000001  libraries/mathffp.h: *2
LIBRARIES_MATHIEEEDP_H #define  libraries/mathieeedp.h: *2
LIBRARIES_MATHLIBRARY_H #define  libraries/mathlibrary.h: *2
LIBRARIES_TRANSLATOR_H #define  libraries/translator.h: *2
LIBRARY_MINIMUM  #define 33 = 0x00000021  exec/types.h: *85
LIB_BASE         #define (-LIB_VECTSIZE) = 0xfffffffa  exec/libraries.h: *22
LIB_CLOSE        #define (-12) = 0xfffffff4  exec/libraries.h: *28
LIB_EXPUNGE      #define (-18) = 0xffffffee  exec/libraries.h: *29
LIB_EXTFUNC      #define (-24) = 0xffffffe8  exec/libraries.h: *30
LIB_NONSTD       #define (LIB_USERDEF) = 0xffffffe2  exec/libraries.h: *24
LIB_OPEN         #define (-6) = 0xfffffffa  exec/libraries.h: *27
LIB_RESERVED     #define 4 = 0x00000004  exec/libraries.h: *21
                 exec/libraries.h: *23
LIB_VECTSIZE     #define 6 = 0x00000006  exec/libraries.h: *20
LINEMODE         #define 0x1 = 0x00000001  hardware/blit.h: *67
LINK_HARD        #define 0 = 0x00000000  dos/dos.h: *226
LINK_SOFT        #define 1 = 0x00000001  dos/dos.h: *227
                 | ARROWIDCMP) = 0x00400078
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *70
LISTVIEW_KIND    #define 4 = 0x00000004  libraries/gadtools.h: *38
LLOFFSET         macro (1 argument)   rexx/rexxio.h: *51
LLVERS           macro (1 argument)   rexx/rexxio.h: *52
LMN_REGION       #define -1 = 0xffffffff  graphics/layers.h: *32
LOCK_DIFFERENT   #define -1 = 0xffffffff  dos/dos.h: *219
LOCK_SAME        #define 0 = 0x00000000  dos/dos.h: *217
LOCK_SAME_HANDLER #define 1 = 0x00000001  dos/dos.h: *218
LOFCprList       pointer to struct cprlist in struct View
         +0x0004 graphics/view.h: *61
LOFlist          pointer to unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x0032 graphics/gfxbase.h: *32
LOG10            #define ((double) 2.302585092994046)
                 libraries/mathffp.h: *24
                 libraries/mathieeedp.h: *26
LOLDIS           #define 0x0800 = 0x00000800  hardware/custom.h: *148
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *140
LONG             long int  exec/types.h: *38
LONGBITS         unsigned long int  exec/types.h: *40
LONGINT          #define GACT_LONGINT = 0x00000800  intuition/iobsolete.h: *83
LORESDPF2_KEY    #define 0x00000440 = 0x00000440  graphics/displayinfo.h: *169
LORESDPF_KEY     #define 0x00000400 = 0x00000400  graphics/displayinfo.h: *163
LORESLACEDPF2_KEY #define 0x00000444 = 0x00000444
                 graphics/displayinfo.h: *172
LORESLACEDPF_KEY #define 0x00000404 = 0x00000404  graphics/displayinfo.h: *166
LORESLACE_KEY    #define 0x00000004 = 0x00000004  graphics/displayinfo.h: *159
LORES_KEY        #define 0x00000000 = 0x00000000  graphics/displayinfo.h: *155
LORIENT_HORIZ    #define 1 = 0x00000001  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *158
LORIENT_NONE     #define 0 = 0x00000000  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *157
LORIENT_VERT     #define 2 = 0x00000002  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *159
LOWCHECKWIDTH    #define 13 = 0x0000000d  intuition/intuition.h: *1302
LOWCOMMWIDTH     #define 16 = 0x00000010  intuition/intuition.h: *1303
LOWRESGADGET     #define 1 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuitionbase.h: *44
LOWRESPICK       #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuitionbase.h: *37
LVB_IGNORE       #define 7 = 0x00000007  dos/var.h: *43
LVF_IGNORE       #define 0x80 = 0x00000080  dos/var.h: *44
LV_ALIAS         #define 1 = 0x00000001  dos/var.h: *41
LV_VAR           #define 0 = 0x00000000  dos/var.h: *40
LW_RESERVED      #define 1 = 0x00000001  intuition/preferences.h: *134
LaceWB           unsigned char in struct Preferences
         +0x00b9 intuition/preferences.h: *110
LastAlert        array [4] of long int in struct ExecBase
         +0x0202 exec/execbase.h: *99
LastChanceMemory pointer to struct SignalSemaphore in struct GfxBase
         +0x00e0 graphics/gfxbase.h: *63
Layer            structure tag size 0x00a0 graphics/clip.h: *34, 36, 68
                 graphics/rastport.h: 58
                 graphics/layers.h: 36, 37
                 intuition/intuition.h: 161, 890
                 intuition/screens.h: 145
                 intuition/cghooks.h: 38
Layer            pointer to struct Layer in struct RastPort
         +0x0000 graphics/rastport.h: *58
LayerInfo        pointer to struct Layer_Info in struct Layer
         +0x0044 graphics/clip.h: *51
LayerInfo        struct Layer_Info(size 0x0066 bytes) in struct Screen
         +0x00e0 intuition/screens.h: *130
LayerInfo_extra pointer to void in struct Layer_Info
         +0x0062 graphics/layers.h: *48
LayerInfo_extra_size unsigned short int in struct Layer_Info
         +0x005c graphics/layers.h: *46
Layer_Info       structure tag size 0x0066 graphics/clip.h: *51
                 graphics/layers.h: 34
                 intuition/screens.h: 130
Left             short int in struct IBox +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *784
LeftBorder       unsigned short int in struct PropInfo
         +0x0012 intuition/intuition.h: *491
LeftEdge         short int in struct Menu +0x0004 intuition/intuition.h: *65
LeftEdge         short int in struct MenuItem
         +0x0004 intuition/intuition.h: *93
LeftEdge         short int in struct Requester
         +0x0004 intuition/intuition.h: *149
LeftEdge         short int in struct Gadget +0x0004 intuition/intuition.h: *220
LeftEdge         short int in struct IntuiText
         +0x0004 intuition/intuition.h: *574
LeftEdge         short int in struct Border +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *600
LeftEdge         short int in struct Image +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *621
LeftEdge         short int in struct Window +0x0004 intuition/intuition.h: *799
LeftEdge         short int in struct NewWindow
         +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *976
LeftEdge         short int in struct ExtNewWindow
         +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *1046
LeftEdge         short int in struct Screen +0x0008 intuition/screens.h: *103
LeftEdge         short int in struct NewScreen
         +0x0000 intuition/screens.h: *312
LeftEdge         short int in struct ExtNewScreen
         +0x0000 intuition/screens.h: *348
Length           unsigned long int in struct QueryHeader
         +0x000c graphics/displayinfo.h: *47
LibList          struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct ExecBase
         +0x017a exec/execbase.h: *90
LibNode          struct Library(size 0x0022 bytes) in struct ExecBase
         +0x0000 exec/execbase.h: *37
LibNode          struct Library(size 0x0022 bytes) in struct GfxBase
         +0x0000 graphics/gfxbase.h: *27
LibNode          struct Library(size 0x0022 bytes) in struct IntuitionBase
         +0x0000 intuition/intuitionbase.h: *70
LibNode          struct Library(size 0x0022 bytes) in struct ExpansionBase
         +0x0000 libraries/expansionbase.h: *48
Library          structure tag size 0x0022 exec/libraries.h: *34
                 exec/devices.h: 27
                 exec/execbase.h: 37
                 dos/dosextens.h: 229, 237
                 devices/prtbase.h: 52
                 graphics/gfxbase.h: 27
                 intuition/intuitionbase.h: 70
                 libraries/expansionbase.h: 48
                 libraries/mathlibrary.h: 23
                 resources/disk.h: 51, 55, 56
                 rexx/rxslib.h: 27
LinePtrn         unsigned short int in struct RastPort
         +0x0022 graphics/rastport.h: *73
List             structure tag size 0x000e exec/lists.h: *22
                 exec/tasks.h: 47
                 exec/ports.h: 35
                 exec/interrupts.h: 39
                 exec/execbase.h: 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93,
                 devices/keymap.h: 42
                 graphics/monitor.h: 50
                 graphics/layers.h: 41
                 graphics/gfxbase.h: 37, 50, 52, 86
                 intuition/classusr.h: 119
                 libraries/expansionbase.h: 54, 55
                 resources/disk.h: 58
                 resources/filesysres.h: 30
                 rexx/storage.h: 201, 202, 203, 204, 205
                 rexx/rexxio.h: 67
                 rexx/rxslib.h: 58, 60, 62, 64, 66
                 workbench/workbench.h: 85
LoadSegBlock     structure tag size 0x0200 devices/hardblocks.h: *185
LocalContextItem structure tag size 0x0014 libraries/iffparse.h: *83
LocalVar         structure tag size 0x0018 dos/var.h: *27
Lock             struct SignalSemaphore(size 0x002e bytes) in struct Layer
         +0x0048 graphics/clip.h: *52
Lock             struct SignalSemaphore(size 0x002e bytes) in struct
         +0x0018 graphics/layers.h: *40
LockLayersCount char in struct Layer_Info +0x005b graphics/layers.h: *45
LongInt          long int in struct StringInfo
         +0x001c intuition/intuition.h: *553
LongInt          long int in struct SGWork +0x0022 intuition/sghooks.h: *47
LowMemChkSum     short int in struct ExecBase +0x0024 exec/execbase.h: *42