NAME AddAppMenuItemA - add a menu item to Workbench's list (V36) of AppMenuItems. SYNOPSIS AppMenuItem = AddAppMenuItemA(id, userdata, text, msgport, taglist) D0 D0 D1 A0 A1 A2 struct AppMenuItem *AddAppMenuItemA(ULONG, ULONG, char *, struct msgport *, struct tagitem *); Alternate, varargs version: struct AppMenuItem *AddAppMenuItem(ULONG, ULONG, char *, struct msgport *, tag1, data1, tag2, data2, ... TAG_END ); FUNCTION Attempt to add the text as a menu item to Workbench's list of AppMenuItems (the 'Tools' menu strip). INPUTS id - this variable is strictly for your own use and is ignored by Workbench. Typical uses in C are in switch and case statements, and in assembly language table lookup. userdata - this variable is strictly for your own use and is ignored by Workbench. text - text for the menu item (char *); starting with V44, any menu label consisting entirely of '-', '_' or '~' characters will result in a separator bar to be added in place of a textual item. msgport - pointer to message port Workbench will use to send you an appmessage message of type 'mtype_appmenuitem' when your menuitem gets selected. taglist - ptr to a list of tag items. Must be NULL for V2.0. TAGS WBAPPMENUA_CommandKeyString (STRPTR) -- Command key to assign to this AppMenu. This must be a NUL-terminated string. If the string is empty, it will be ignored. Also, if the command key is already in use by a different menu item it will be ignored, too. In any case, only the first character of the string will be used (V44). This tag defaults to NULL. RESULTS AppMenuItem - a pointer to an appmenuitem structure which you pass to removeappmenuitem when you want to remove the menuitem from Workbench's list of AppMenuItems. NULL if workbench was unable to add your menu item; typically happens when Workbench is not running or under low memory conditions. Starting with V44 NULL will be returned if you attempt to add an AppMenu item to a menu which already contains 63 menu items. NOTES For this function call to succeed, Workbench must be open. This means that the LoadWB command was executed and the Workbench screen has been opened. SEE ALSO workbench.library/removeappmenuitem BUGS workbench.library V37 through V40 does not limit the number of menu items to 63. Any menu items after the 63rd will not be selectable. This bug was fixed in V44.