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Class:                  groupgclass
Superclass:             gadgetclass
Include File:           <intuition/gadgetclass.h>

This is a class of objects that maintains an internal list of gadgets.
Its purpose is to make it easier to layout a group of gadgets.  Any
gadgets that are a member of a groupgclass object are rendered relative to
the groupgclass object's GA_Left and GA_Top attributes.  As new gadgets
are added to the groupgclass object, the groupgclass object's dimensions
grow to enclose the new gadgets.  When the groupgclass object receives an
om_dispose message, it not only disposes of itself, it also disposes of
all the gadgets in its list.  Groupgclass does not support the gadget
relative flags (ga_relwidth, ga_relheight, ga_relbottom, and ga_relright).

New Methods:

Changed Methods:
 om_set          gm_hittest 
 om_addmember    gm_render 
 om_remmember    gm_goactive/gm_goinactive/gm_handleinput 

 ga_left, ga_top (is)