The prevseq, nextseq, prevcomp and nextcomp linkages have no bearing on the order in which animcomps in any given video frame are drawn. to specify the inter-component priorities (so that the closest objects appear frontmost) the before and after pointers in the initially active AnimComp's underlying bob structure are linked in to the rest of the system, as described previously in the discussion of Bobs. This setup needs to be done once, for the initially active animcomps of the animob only. The animation system adjusts the before and after pointers of all the underlying bob structures to constantly maintain the inter-component drawing sequence, even though different components are being made active as sequencing occurs. These pointers also assure that one complete object always has priority over another object. The bob before and after pointers are used to link together the last animcomp's bob of one animob to the first animcomp's bob of the next AnimOb.