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openscreentaglist() and its variants return a pointer to a screen
structure on the successful creation of a new screen and NULL on failure.
With V36, the call now supports extended error codes on failure.  The
error returns provide information on the type of failure, giving the
application a greater chance of recovery.  To get the extended error code,
you need to use the sa_errorcode tag; the code itself will be placed into
the LONG pointed to by the tagitem.ti_data field.  here are the codes:

    The monitor needed to display the requested mode is not available. An
    example of this error would be opening a Productivity mode screen on
    a system without a VGA or multisync monitor.

    Newer custom chips are required for this screen mode.  For instance,
    the ECS Denise is required for the productivity modes.

    Could not allocate enough memory.

    Could not allocate enough Chip memory.

    Could not create public screen--name already used.  the system
    requires that public screen names be unique.

    Display mode requested was not recognized.  The system does not
    understand the value specified with the sa_displayid tag.