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        GT_SetGadgetAttrsA -- change the attributes of a GadTools gadget. (V36)
        GT_SetGadgetAttrs -- varargs stub for GT_SetGadgetAttrsA(). (V36)

        GT_SetGadgetAttrsA(gad, win, req, tagList)
                           A0   A1   A2   A3

        VOID GT_SetGadgetAttrsA(struct gadget *, struct window *,
                                struct requester *, struct tagitem *);

        GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad, win, req, firsttag, ...)

        VOID GT_SetGadgetAttrs(struct gadget *, struct window *,
                               struct requester *, tag, ...);

        Change the attributes of the specified gadget, according to the
        attributes chosen in the tag list. If an attribute is not provided
        in the tag list, its value remains unchanged.

        gad - pointer to the gadget in question. Starting with V39, this
              value may be NULL in which case this function does nothing
        win - pointer to the window containing the gadget. Starting with V39,
              this value may be NULL in which case the internal attributes of
              the gadgets are altered but no rendering occurs.
        req - reserved for future use, should always be NULL
        tagList - pointer to an array of tags providing optional extra
                  parameters, or NULL.

        GA_Disabled (BOOL) - Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise.

        GA_Disabled (BOOL) - Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise.
        GTCB_Checked (BOOL) - State of checkbox. (V36)

        GA_Disabled (BOOL) - Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise
        GTCY_Active (UWORD) - The ordinal number (counting from zero) of
            the active choice of a cycle gadget. (V36)
        GTCY_Labels (STRPTR *) - Pointer to NULL-terminated array of strings
            that are the choices offered by the cycle gadget. (V37)

        GA_Disabled (BOOL) - Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise
        GTIN_Number (ULONG) - New value of the integer gadget (V36)

        GA_Disabled (BOOL) - Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise
        GTLV_Top (WORD) - Top item visible in the listview.  This value
            will be made reasonable if out-of-range. (V36)
        GTLV_MakeVisible (WORD) - Number of an item that should be forced
            within the visible area of the listview by doing minimal scrolling.
            This tag overrides GTLV_Top. (V39)
        GTLV_Labels (struct list *) - list of nodes whose ln_name fields
            are to be displayed in the listview.  Use a value of ~0 to
            "detach" your list from the display.  you must detach your list
            before modifying the list structure, since gadtools reserves
            the right to traverse it on another task's schedule.  When you
            are done, attach the list by using the tag pair
            {GTLV_Labels, list}. (V36)
        GTLV_Selected (UWORD) - Ordinal number of currently selected
            item. Starting with V39, you can provide ~0 to cause the currently
            selected item to be deselected. (V36)

        GA_Disabled (BOOL) - Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise
        GTMX_Active (UWORD) - The ordinal number (counting from zero) of
            the active choice of an mx gadget. (V36)

        GTNM_Number (LONG) - A signed long integer to be displayed in
            the number gadget. (V36)
        GTNM_FrontPen (UBYTE) - The pen to use when rendering the number. (V39)
        GTNM_BackPen (UBYTE) - The pen to use when rendering the background
            of the number. (V39)
        GTNM_Justification (UBYTE) - Determines how the number is rendered
            within the gadget box. GTJ_LEFT will make the rendering be
            flush with the left side of the gadget, GTJ_RIGHT will make it
            flush with the right side, and GTJ_CENTER will center the number
            within the gadget box. (V39)
        GTNM_Format (STRPTR) - C-Style formatting string to apply on the number
            before display. Be sure to use the 'l' (long) modifier. This string
            is processed using exec.library/rawdofmt(), so refer to that
            function for details. (V39)

        GA_Disabled (BOOL) - Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise
        GTPA_Color (UBYTE) - Selected color of the palette. This
            number is a pen number, and not the ordinal color number within
            the palette gadget itself. (V36)
        GTPA_ColorOffset (UBYTE) - First color to use in palette (V39)
        GTPA_ColorTable (UBYTE *) - Pointer to a table of pen numbers
            indicating  which colors should be used and edited by the palette
            gadget. This array must contain as many entries as there are
            colors displayed in the palette gadget. The array provided with
            this tag must remain valid for the life of the gadget or until a
            new table is provided. A NULL table pointer causes a 1-to-1
            mapping of pen numbers. (V39)

        GA_Disabled (BOOL) - Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise
        GTSC_Top (WORD) - Top visible in scroller. (V36)
        GTSC_Total (WORD) - Total in scroller area. (V36)
        GTSC_Visible (WORD) - Number visible in scroller. (V36)

        GA_Disabled (BOOL) - Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise
        GTSL_Min (WORD) - Minimum level for slider. (V36)
        GTSL_Max (WORD) - Maximum level for slider. (V36)
        GTSL_Level (WORD) - Current level of slider. (V36)
        GTSL_LevelFormat (STRPTR) - C-Style formatting string for slider
            level.  Be sure to use the 'l' (long) modifier.  This string
            is processed using exec.library/rawdofmt(), so refer to that
            function for details. (V39)
        GTSL_DispFunc ( long (*function)(struct gadget *, word) ) - function
            to calculate level to be displayed.  A number-of-colors slider
            might want to set the slider up to think depth, and have a
            (1 << n) function here.  Your function must
            take a pointer to gadget as the first parameter, the level
            (a WORD) as the second, and return the result as a long. (v39)
        GTSL_Justification (UBYTE) - Determines how the level display is to
            be justified within its alotted space. Choose one of GTJ_LEFT,
            GTJ_RIGHT, or GTJ_CENTER. (V39)

        GA_Disabled (BOOL) - Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise
        GTST_String (STRPTR) - New contents of the string gadget,
            or NULL to reset the gadget to the empty state. (V36)

        GTTX_Text - New NULL terminated string to be displayed in the text
            gadget. NULL means to clear the gadget. (V36)
        GTTX_FrontPen (UBYTE) - The pen to use when rendering the text. (V39)
        GTTX_BackPen (UBYTE) - The pen to use when rendering the background
            of the text. (V39)
        GTTX_Justification (UBYTE) - Determines how the text is rendered
            within the gadget box. GTJ_LEFT will make the rendering be
            flush with the left side of the gadget, GTJ_RIGHT will make it
            flush with the right side, and GTJ_CENTER will center the text
            within the gadget box. (V39)

        This function may not be called inside of a gt_beginrefresh() /
        gt_endrefresh() session.  (as always, restrict yourself to simple
        rendering functions).
