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**      $Filename: dos/dostags.i $
**      $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
**      $Revision: 36.13 $
**      $Date: 91/04/29 $
**      Tag definitions for all Dos routines using tags
**      (C) Copyright 1989-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**          All Rights Reserved

     INCLUDE "utility/tagitem.i"

* definitions for the System() call

SYS_Dummy       EQU     TAG_USER+32
SYS_Input       EQU     SYS_Dummy+1     ; specifies the input filehandle
SYS_Output      EQU     SYS_Dummy+2     ; specifies the output filehandle
SYS_Asynch      EQU     SYS_Dummy+3     ; run asynch, close input/output(!)
SYS_UserShell   EQU     SYS_Dummy+4   ; send to user shell instead of boot shell
SYS_CustomShell EQU     SYS_Dummy+5   ; send to a specific shell (data is name)
*SYS_Error      EQU     SYS_Dummy+?

* definitions for the CreateNewProc() call
* you MUST specify one of NP_Seglist or NP_Entry.  All else is optional.

NP_Dummy        EQU TAG_USER+1000
NP_Seglist      EQU NP_Dummy+1   ; seglist of code to run for the process
NP_FreeSeglist  EQU NP_Dummy+2   ; free seglist on exit - only valid for
                                 ; for NP_Seglist.  Default is TRUE.
NP_Entry        EQU NP_Dummy+3   ; entry point to run - mutually exclusive
                                 ; with NP_Seglist.
NP_Input        EQU NP_Dummy+4   ; filehandle - default is Open("NIL:"...)
NP_Output       EQU NP_Dummy+5   ; filehandle - default is Open("NIL:"...)
NP_CloseInput   EQU NP_Dummy+6   ; close input filehandle on exit
                                 ; default TRUE
NP_CloseOutput  EQU NP_Dummy+7   ; close output filehandle on exit
                                 ; default TRUE
NP_Error        EQU NP_Dummy+8   ; filehandle - default is Open("NIL:"...)
NP_CloseError   EQU NP_Dummy+9   ; close error filehandle on exit
                                 ; default TRUE
NP_CurrentDir   EQU NP_Dummy+10  ; lock - default is parent's current dir
NP_StackSize    EQU NP_Dummy+11  ; stacksize for process - default 4000
NP_Name         EQU NP_Dummy+12  ; name for process - default "New Process"
NP_Priority     EQU NP_Dummy+13  ; priority - default same as parent
NP_ConsoleTask  EQU NP_Dummy+14  ; consoletask - default same as parent
NP_WindowPtr    EQU NP_Dummy+15  ; window ptr - default is same as parent
NP_HomeDir      EQU NP_Dummy+16  ; home directory - default current home dir
NP_CopyVars     EQU NP_Dummy+17  ; boolean to copy local vars-default TRUE
NP_Cli          EQU NP_Dummy+18  ; create cli structure - default FALSE
NP_Path         EQU NP_Dummy+19  ; path - default is copy of parents path
                                 ; only valid if a cli process!
NP_CommandName  EQU NP_Dummy+20  ; commandname - valid only for CLI
NP_Arguments    EQU NP_Dummy+21
; cstring of arguments - passed with str in a0, length in d0.
; (copied and freed on exit.)  Default is 0-length NULL ptr.
; NOTE: not operational until V37 - see BIX/TechNotes for
; more info/workaround.  In V36, the registers were random.
; You must NEVER use NP_Arguments with a NP_Input of NULL.

NP_NotifyOnDeath EQU NP_Dummy+22 ; notify parent on death - default FALSE
                                 ; Not functional yet.
NP_Synchronous  EQU NP_Dummy+23  ; don't return until process finishes -
                                 ; default FALSE.
                                 ; Not functional yet.
NP_ExitCode     EQU NP_Dummy+24  ; code to be called on process exit
NP_ExitData     EQU NP_Dummy+25  ; optional argument for NP_EndCode rtn -
                                 ; default NULL

* tags for AllocDosObject
ADO_Dummy       EQU     TAG_USER+2000
ADO_FH_Mode     EQU     ADO_Dummy+1     ; for type DOS_FILEHANDLE only
                                ; sets up FH for the type of open being done
                                ; This can make a big difference for buffered
                                ; files.

        ; The following are for DOS_CLI
        ; If you do not specify these, dos will use it's preferred values
        ; which may change from release to release.  The BPTRs to these
        ; will be set up correctly for you.  Everything will be zero,
        ; except cli_FailLevel (10) and cli_Background (DOSTRUE).
        ; NOTE: you may also use these 4 tags with CreateNewProc.

ADO_DirLen      EQU     ADO_Dummy+2     ; size in bytes for current dir buffer
ADO_CommNameLen EQU     ADO_Dummy+3     ; size in bytes for command name buffer
ADO_CommFileLen EQU     ADO_Dummy+4     ; size in bytes for command file buffer
ADO_PromptLen   EQU     ADO_Dummy+5     ; size in bytes for the prompt buffer

* tags for NewLoadSeg
* no tags are defined yet for NewLoadSeg

        ENDC    ; DOS_DOSTAGS_I