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This drawing shows the basic Zorro III PIC, with both Zorro III and the
Amiga Video Slot fingers specified.  All of the dimensions are in
millimeters. Please consult the A500/A2000 Technical Reference Manual for
the form factor specification of a video-only card that will fit both
Amiga 2000 and Amiga 3000 computers.

        |<----------------------- 337.19 -------------------------->|
        |                                                 7.62 -->| |<--

  ----- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
  ^     |                                                         | |
  |     |---+                                         DIA 3.5 __    |
  |     |   |                                                   \---|
  |  -- |-o |                                                   |\| |
  |  ^  |   |                                                   | o-| --
  |  |  |---+                                                   | | |  ^
     |  |                                                       +---|  |
114.5|  |                                     10x12mm (3 PL) __/  | |
     |  |                                                           | 60
  |     |                                                         | |
  |100.5|                                                           |  |
  |     |                                                       +---|  |
  |  |  |                                                       | | |  v
  |  |  |                                                       | o-| --
  |  |  |                                  47.38±0.1  47.38±0.1 |   |
  |  |  |       |<-- 129.26±0.1 -->|       |<----->|  |<----->| +---| 22.4
  |  |  |       |                  |       |       |  |       |     |
  v  v  |                                                           |
  ----- +-------+ #              # +-------+ #   # +--+ #   # +-----+ --
                | #              # |       | #   # |  | #   # |        ^
                +------------------+       +-------+  +-------+     |  |
                                                        |   |       |
                  |              |           |   | 43.18|<->| 23.495|<--
                  |              |           |   |                  |
                  |              |      43.18|<->|<---- 76.835 ---->|
                  |              |                                  |
                  |<-- 124.46 -->|<------------ 165.735 ----------->|

                    Figure K-16: PIC with Video Option