The expansion bus provides several different voltages designed to supply expansion devices. These are basically the same for the Zorro III bus as they were for the Zorro II bus, with the exception of one pin, and that the specification has been clarified a bit. Note that all Zorro III PICs must list their power consumption specifications. Digital Ground (Ground) This is the digital supply ground used by all expansion cards as the return path for all expansion supplies. Main Supply (+5VDC) This is the main power supply for all expansion cards, and it is capable of sourcing large currents; each PIC can draw up to 2.0 Amps @ +5VDC. Negative Supply (-5VDC) This is a negative version of the main supply, for small current loads only; each PIC can draw up to 60 mA @ -5VDC. High Voltage Supply (+12VDC) This is a higher voltage supply, useful for communications cards and other devices requiring greater that digital voltage levels. This is intended for relatively small current loads only; each PIC can draw up to 500mA @ +12VDC. Negative High Supply (-12VDC) Negative version of the high voltage supply, also used in communications applications, and similarly intended for small loads only; each PIC can draw up to 60 mA @ -12VDC.