The fire buttons are normally opened switches routed to the 8520 adapter PRA0 as follows: PRA0 bit 7 = Fire* left controller port PRA0 bit 6 = Fire* right controller port Before reading this register, the corresponding bits of the data direction register must be cleared to define input mode: DDRA0<7:6> cleared as appropriate NOTE: ----- Do not disturb the settings of other bits in DDRA0 (Use of ROM kernel calls is recommended). Fire buttons are always valid and may be read at any time. CONNECTOR PIN USAGE FOR FIRE BUTTON INPUTS ------------------------------------------ PIN MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION --- -------- ----------- 1 -x- 2 -x- 3 -x- 4 -x- 5 -x- 6 FIRE* Left mouse button/fire button 7 -x- 8 ground 9 -x- ___________ ___________ PORT 0 / \ PORT 1 / \ | o o o o o | | o o o o o | \ 6 / \ 6 / \ o o o o / \ o o o o / \|______/ \|______/ FIRE 0\ _ _ _ _ _ _| | | FIRE 1\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| | 7 | 0 ___v___________________________________________________ | | | | | PRA |FIRE 1\|FIRE 0\| | $BFE001 | |_______|___ ___|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______| ^ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _| _______________________________________________________ | | | | Data | 0 | 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 | direction |_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______| DDRA $BFE201 IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Figure E-1: Reading Fire Buttons