The following registers have the same functionality as the standard chip set, however, their behavior is interpreted differently. The POT0 and POT1 registers each read a pair of 8-bit pot counters as before. POT0DAT 012 R P Pot counter data left pair (vertical, horiz) POT1DAT 014 R P Pot counter data right pair (vertical, horiz) However, with programmable scan rates, the values read from these registers will differ. Generally, the faster the scan rate, the smaller these values become. Adjustments to the scan rate are reflected in these values. See Appendix A for more detail on standard operation of these registers. Another register where the interpretation has been extended for the ECS is COPCON. COPCON 02E W A Coprocessor control This 1-bit register, the danger bit (CDANG), when set allows the Coprocessor to write to the Blitter hardware. In the standard chip set, if this is set, the Copper can access the address range from $DFF03E through $DFF07E. Now, in the ECS, if this bit is set, the Copper can access all of the Amiga chip registers. If this bit is clear, the Copper can access the address range from $DFF03E through $DFF07E, the same range as when the danger bit is set in the standard chip set. The AUDxPER register is another register value that varies according to the programmable scan rate. AUDxPER 0A6 W P Audio channel x period With programmable scan rates, the maximum value read from this register will differ. Generally, the faster the scan rate, the smaller the maximum period becomes. Adjustments to the scan rate are reflected in this maximum value. For more information on the AUDxPER register, and any other register in the Amiga standard chip set, see appendix a and appendix b .