At power-on or reset time, you must initialize one of the Copper location registers (cop1lc or cop2lc) and write to its strobe address before Copper DMA is turned on. This ensures a known start address and known state. Usually, cop1lc is used because this particular register is reused during each vertical blanking time. the following sequence of instructions shows how to initialize a location register . it is assumed that the user has already created the correct copper instruction list at location "mycoplist." ; ; Install the copper list ; LEA CUSTOM,a1 ; a1 = address of custom chips LEA MYCOPLIST(pc),a0 ; Address of our copper list MOVE.L a0,cop1lc(a1) ; write whole longword address MOVE.W copjmp1(a1),d0 ; causes copper to load pc from cop1lc ; ; Then enable copper and raster dma ; MOVE.W #(DMAF_SETCLR!DMAF_COPPER!DMAF_RASTER!DMAF_MASTER),dmacon(a1) ; Now, if the contents of cop1lc are not changed, every time vertical blanking occurs the copper will restart at the same location for each subsequent video screen. This forms a repeatable loop which, if the list is correctly formulated, will cause the displayed screen to be stable.