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Special care must be taken to be compatible with the entire family of
68000 processors:

*  Do not use the upper 8 bits of a pointer for storing unrelated
   information.  The 68020, 68030, and 68040 use all 32 bits for

*  Do not use signed variables or signed math for addresses.

*  Do not use software delay loops, and do not make assumptions about the
   order in which asynchronous tasks will finish.

*  The stack frame used for exceptions is different on each member of the
   68000 family.  The type identification in the frame must be checked! In
   addition, the interrupt autovectors may reside in a different location
   on processors with a VBR register.

*  Do not use the MOVE SR,<dest> instruction!  This 68000 instruction acts
   differently on other members of the 68000 family.  If you want to get a
   copy of the processor condition codes, use the exec.library/GetCC()

*  Do not use the CLR instruction on a hardware register which is
   triggered by Write access.  The 68020 CLR instruction does a single
   Write access. The 68000 CLR instruction does a Read access first,
   then a Write access. This can cause a hardware register to be
   triggered twice.  Use MOVE.x #0, <address> instead.

*  Self-modifying code is strongly discouraged.  All 68000 family
   processors have a pre-fetch feature.  This means the CPU loads
   instructions ahead of the current program counter.  Hence, if your code
   modifies or decrypts itself just ahead of the program counter, the
   pre-fetched instructions may not match the modified instructions. The
   more advanced processors prefetch more words.  If self-modifying code
   must be used, flushing the cache is the safest way to prevent troubles.

*  The 68020, 68030, and 68040 processors all have instruction caches.
   These caches store recently used instructions, but do not monitor
   writes.  After modifying or directly loading instructions, the cache
   must be flushed.  See the exec.library/CacheClearU() Autodoc for more
   details.  If your code takes over the machine, flushing the cache will
   be trickier.  You can account for the current processors, and hope the
   same techniques will work in the future:

        CACRF_ClearI    EQU      $0008  ;Bit for clear instruction cache
                        ;Supervisor mode only.  Use only if you have taken
                        ;over the machine.  Read and store the ExecBase
                        ;processor AttnFlags flags at boot time, call this
                        ;code only if the "68020 or better" bit was set.
        ClearICache:    dc.w    $4E7A,$0002   ;MOVEC CACR,D0
                        tst.w   d0            ;movec does not affect CC's
                        bmi.s   cic_040       ;A 68040 with enabled cache!
                        ori.w   #CACRF_ClearI,d0
                        dc.w    $4E7B,$0002   ;MOVEC D0,CACR
                        bra.s   cic_exit
        cic_040:        dc.w    $f4b8         ;CPUSHA (IC)