Again, most of these fields are optional, and defaults are supplied. However, if there is a FACE chunk, there must also be a CLST chunk, an RLST chunk and a TLST chunk -- all with matching "count" fields. The SHAP chunk is not optional. Defaults are: Colors set to (240,240,240); reflection and transmission coefficients set to zero; illegal shape; no story or special surface types; position at (0,0,0); axes aligned to the world axes; size fields all 32.0; intensity at 300; no name; no points/edges or faces; texture parameters set to zero; refraction type 0 with index 1.00; specular, hardness and roughness set to zero; blending at 255; glossy off; phong shading on; not a light source; not brightly lit; In Imagine, defaults are the same, but with colors (255,255,255).