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The following charts give a brief description of the Exec list and queue
functions and assembler macros.  See the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference
Manual: Includes and Autodocs for details about each call.

             Table 23-1: Exec List and Queue Functions
 |                                                                 |
 |  Exec Function  Description                                     |
 |    addhead()  insert a node at the head of a list.              |
 |    addtail()  append a node to the tail of a list.              |
 |    enqueue()  insert or append a node to a system queue.        |
 |   findname()  find a node with a given name in a system list.   |
 |     insert()  insert a node into a list.                        |
 |  IsListEmpty  Test if list is empty                             |
 |    newlist()  initialize a list structure for use.              |
 |    remhead()  remove the head node from a list.                 |
 |     remove()  remove a node from a list.                        |
 |    remtail()  remove the tail node from a list.                 |

          Table 23-2: Exec List and Queue Assembler Macros
 |                                                                 |
 |  Exec Function  Description                                     |
 |      newlist  initialize a list header for use.                 |
 |      tstlist  test if list is empty (list address in register). |
 |               No arbitration needed.                            |
 |      tstlst2  test is list is empty (from effective address of  |
 |               list).  Arbitration needed.                       |
 |         succ  get next node in a list.                          |
 |         pred  get previous node in a list.                      |
 |      ifempty  branch if list is empty.                          |
 |   ifnotempty  branch if list is not empty.                      |
 |      tstnode  get next node, test if at end of list.            |
 |     nextnode  get next node, go to exit label if at end.        |
 |      addhead  add node to head of list.                         |
 |      addtail  add node to tail of list.                         |
 |       remove  remove node from a list.                          |
 |      remhead  remove node from head of list.                    |
 |     remheadq  remove node from head of list quickly.            |
 |      remtail  remove node from tail of list.                    |