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All Intuition mouse activities can be emulated using the keyboard, by
combining the Amiga command keys with other keystrokes.

The pointer can be moved by holding down either Amiga key along with one
of the four cursor keys. The mouse pointer accelerates the longer these
keys are held down. Additionally, holding down either Shift key will make
the pointer jump in larger increments. The pointer position may also be
adjusted in very fine increments through this technique. By holding down
either Amiga key and briefly pressing one of the cursor keys, the pointer
may be moved one pixel in any direction.

Press the left Alt key and either one of the Amiga keys simultaneously
emulates the left button of the mouse.  Similarly, pressing the right Alt
key and either one of the Amiga keys simultaneously emulates the right
button of the mouse.  These key combinations permit users to make gadget
selections and perform menu operations using the keyboard alone.