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  AddBob(), 641
  Animate(), 660
    animation concepts, 652
    AnimComp flags, 659
    custom animation routine, 660
    ring motion control, 654
    sequenced drawing, 654
    sequencing components, 656
    sequencing within components, 655
    setting animation timing, 655
    setting component position, 655
    setting up ring motion control, 659
    setting up simple motion control, 658
    simple motion control, 654
    specifying components, 655
  AnimOb, 656
    adding an AnimOb, 659
    custom animation routine, 660
    moving the objects, 660
    setting AnimOb position, 658
    special numbering system, 661
    the AnimKey, 659
    typical function call sequence, 660
    attaching a Bob to a VSprite, 635
    behavior for unselected bitplanes, 639
    Bob flags, 636
    changing a Bob, 642
    double-buffering, 645
    ImageShadow, 635
    setting bitplanes, 639
    setting collision detection, 639
    setting color, 638
    setting depth, 638
    setting image, 637
    setting rendering priority, 640
    setting rendering restrictions, 640
    setting shadow mask, 638
    setting shape, 637
    setting size, 637
    struct VSprite differences for Bobs, 634
    system selected rendering priorities, 640
    using Bobs, 634
    VSprite flags for Bobs, 634
  collision detection, 646
    adding user-defined data to GELs, 651
    AUserStuff, 651
    BorderLine for faster detection, 648
    boundary collision flags, 650
    building the collision handler table, 646
    BUserStuff, 651
    initializing collision detection, 646
    parameters to user-defined routines, 650, 650
    processing of multiple collisions, 650
    selective collision detection, 649
    sensitive areas, 647
    setting the collision mask, 647
    specifying collision boundaries, 650
    UserExt, 651
    VUserStuff, 651
  DoCollision(), 646
  DrawGList(), 642
  Examples - complete bobs example, 642
  InitMasks(), 648
  introduction, 613
  RemBob(), 641
  RemIBob(), 641
  SetCollision(), 647
  SortGList(), 642
  struct Bob, 635
  struct CollTable, 646
  struct DBufPacket, 645