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**      $VER: gels.h 39.0 (21.8.1991)
**      Includes Release 44.1
**      include file for AMIGA GELS (Graphics Elements)
**      (C) Copyright 1985-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**          All Rights Reserved

#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
#include <exec/types.h>

/* VSprite flags */
/* user-set VSprite flags: */
#define SUSERFLAGS  0x00FF    /* mask of all user-settable VSprite-flags */
#define VSPRITE     0x0001    /* set if VSprite, clear if Bob */
#define SAVEBACK    0x0002    /* set if background is to be saved/restored */
#define OVERLAY     0x0004    /* set to mask image of Bob onto background */
#define MUSTDRAW    0x0008    /* set if VSprite absolutely must be drawn */
/* system-set VSprite flags: */
#define BACKSAVED   0x0100    /* this Bob's background has been saved */
#define BOBUPDATE   0x0200    /* temporary flag, useless to outside world */
#define GELGONE     0x0400    /* set if gel is completely clipped (offscreen) */
#define VSOVERFLOW  0x0800    /* VSprite overflow (if MUSTDRAW set we draw!) */

/* Bob flags */
/* these are the user flag bits */
#define BUSERFLAGS  0x00FF    /* mask of all user-settable Bob-flags */
#define SAVEBOB     0x0001    /* set to not erase Bob */
#define BOBISCOMP   0x0002    /* set to identify Bob as AnimComp */
/* these are the system flag bits */
#define BWAITING    0x0100    /* set while Bob is waiting on 'after' */
#define BDRAWN      0x0200    /* set when Bob is drawn this DrawG pass*/
#define BOBSAWAY    0x0400    /* set to initiate removal of Bob */
#define BOBNIX      0x0800    /* set when Bob is completely removed */
#define SAVEPRESERVE 0x1000   /* for back-restore during double-buffer*/
#define OUTSTEP     0x2000    /* for double-clearing if double-buffer */

/* defines for the animation procedures */
#define ANFRACSIZE  6
#define ANIMHALF    0x0020
#define RINGTRIGGER 0x0001

/* UserStuff definitions
 *  the user can define these to be a single variable or a sub-structure
 *  if undefined by the user, the system turns these into innocuous variables
 *  see the manual for a thorough definition of the UserStuff definitions
#ifndef VUserStuff            /* VSprite user stuff */
#define VUserStuff WORD

#ifndef BUserStuff            /* Bob user stuff */
#define BUserStuff WORD

#ifndef AUserStuff            /* AnimOb user stuff */
#define AUserStuff WORD

/*********************** GEL STRUCTURES ***********************************/

struct VSprite
/* --------------------- SYSTEM VARIABLES ------------------------------- */
/* GEL linked list forward/backward pointers sorted by y,x value */
    struct VSprite   *NextVSprite;
    struct VSprite   *PrevVSprite;

/* GEL draw list constructed in the order the Bobs are actually drawn, then
 *  list is copied to clear list
 *  must be here in VSprite for system boundary detection
    struct VSprite   *DrawPath;     /* pointer of overlay drawing */
    struct VSprite   *ClearPath;    /* pointer for overlay clearing */

/* the VSprite positions are defined in (y,x) order to make sorting
 *  sorting easier, since (y,x) as a long integer
    WORD OldY, OldX;          /* previous position */

/* --------------------- COMMON VARIABLES --------------------------------- */
    WORD Flags;       /* VSprite flags */

/* --------------------- USER VARIABLES ----------------------------------- */
/* the VSprite positions are defined in (y,x) order to make sorting
 *  sorting easier, since (y,x) as a long integer
    WORD Y, X;                /* screen position */

    WORD Height;
    WORD Width;       /* number of words per row of image data */
    WORD Depth;       /* number of planes of data */

    WORD MeMask;              /* which types can collide with this VSprite*/
    WORD HitMask;             /* which types this VSprite can collide with*/

    WORD *ImageData;          /* pointer to VSprite image */

/* borderLine is the one-dimensional logical OR of all
 *  the VSprite bits, used for fast collision detection of edge
    WORD *BorderLine;         /* logical OR of all VSprite bits */
    WORD *CollMask;           /* similar to above except this is a matrix */

/* pointer to this VSprite's color definitions (not used by Bobs) */
    WORD *SprColors;

    struct Bob *VSBob;        /* points home if this VSprite is part of
                                   a Bob */

/* planePick flag:  set bit selects a plane from image, clear bit selects
 *  use of shadow mask for that plane
 * OnOff flag: if using shadow mask to fill plane, this bit (corresponding
 *  to bit in planePick) describes whether to fill with 0's or 1's
 * There are two uses for these flags:
 *      - if this is the VSprite of a Bob, these flags describe how the Bob
 *        is to be drawn into memory
 *      - if this is a simple VSprite and the user intends on setting the
 *        MUSTDRAW flag of the VSprite, these flags must be set too to describe
 *        which color registers the user wants for the image
    BYTE PlanePick;
    BYTE PlaneOnOff;

    VUserStuff VUserExt;      /* user definable:  see note above */

struct Bob
/* blitter-objects */
/* --------------------- SYSTEM VARIABLES --------------------------------- */

/* --------------------- COMMON VARIABLES --------------------------------- */
    WORD Flags; /* general purpose flags (see definitions below) */

/* --------------------- USER VARIABLES ----------------------------------- */
    WORD *SaveBuffer;   /* pointer to the buffer for background save */

/* used by Bobs for "cookie-cutting" and multi-plane masking */
    WORD *ImageShadow;

/* pointer to BOBs for sequenced drawing of Bobs
 *  for correct overlaying of multiple component animations
    struct Bob *Before; /* draw this Bob before Bob pointed to by before */
    struct Bob *After;  /* draw this Bob after Bob pointed to by after */

    struct VSprite   *BobVSprite;   /* this Bob's VSprite definition */

    struct AnimComp  *BobComp;      /* pointer to this Bob's AnimComp def */

    struct DBufPacket *DBuffer;     /* pointer to this Bob's dBuf packet */

    BUserStuff BUserExt;            /* Bob user extension */

struct AnimComp
/* --------------------- SYSTEM VARIABLES --------------------------------- */

/* --------------------- COMMON VARIABLES --------------------------------- */
    WORD Flags;             /* AnimComp flags for system & user */

/* timer defines how long to keep this component active:
 *  if set non-zero, timer decrements to zero then switches to nextSeq
 *  if set to zero, AnimComp never switches
    WORD Timer;

/* --------------------- USER VARIABLES ----------------------------------- */
/* initial value for timer when the AnimComp is activated by the system */
    WORD TimeSet;

/* pointer to next and previous components of animation object */
    struct AnimComp  *NextComp;
    struct AnimComp  *PrevComp;

/* pointer to component component definition of next image in sequence */
    struct AnimComp  *NextSeq;
    struct AnimComp  *PrevSeq;

/* address of special animation procedure */
    WORD (*AnimCRoutine) __CLIB_PROTOTYPE((struct AnimComp *));

    WORD YTrans;     /* initial y translation (if this is a component) */
    WORD XTrans;     /* initial x translation (if this is a component) */

    struct AnimOb    *HeadOb;

    struct Bob       *AnimBob;

struct AnimOb
/* --------------------- SYSTEM VARIABLES --------------------------------- */
    struct AnimOb    *NextOb, *PrevOb;

/* number of calls to Animate this AnimOb has endured */
    LONG Clock;

    WORD AnOldY, AnOldX;            /* old y,x coordinates */

/* --------------------- COMMON VARIABLES --------------------------------- */
    WORD AnY, AnX;                  /* y,x coordinates of the AnimOb */

/* --------------------- USER VARIABLES ----------------------------------- */
    WORD YVel, XVel;                /* velocities of this object */
    WORD YAccel, XAccel;            /* accelerations of this object */

    WORD RingYTrans, RingXTrans;    /* ring translation values */

                                    /* address of special animation
                                       procedure */
    WORD (*AnimORoutine) __CLIB_PROTOTYPE((struct AnimOb *));

    struct AnimComp  *HeadComp;     /* pointer to first component */

    AUserStuff AUserExt;            /* AnimOb user extension */

/* dBufPacket defines the values needed to be saved across buffer to buffer
 *  when in double-buffer mode
struct DBufPacket
    WORD BufY, BufX;                /* save the other buffers screen coordinates */
    struct VSprite   *BufPath;      /* carry the draw path over the gap */

/* these pointers must be filled in by the user */
/* pointer to other buffer's background save buffer */
    WORD *BufBuffer;

/* ************************************************************************ */

/* these are GEL functions that are currently simple enough to exist as a
 *  definition.  It should not be assumed that this will always be the case
#define InitAnimate(animKey) {*(animKey) = NULL;}
#define RemBob(b) {(b)->Flags |= BOBSAWAY;}

/* ************************************************************************ */

#define B2NORM      0
#define B2SWAP      1
#define B2BOBBER    2

/* ************************************************************************ */

/* a structure to contain the 16 collision procedure addresses */
struct collTable
    /* NOTE: This table actually consists of two different types of
     *       pointers. The first table entry is for collision testing,
     *       the other are for reporting collisions. The first function
     *       pointer looks like this:
     *          LONG (*collPtrs[0])(struct VSprite *,WORD);
     *       The remaining 15 function pointers look like this:
     *          VOID (*collPtrs[1..15])(struct VSprite *,struct VSPrite *);
    LONG (*collPtrs[16]) __CLIB_PROTOTYPE((struct VSprite *,struct VSPrite *));

#endif  /* GRAPHICS_GELS_H */