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        BltTemplate -- Cookie cut a shape in a rectangle to the rastport.

        BltTemplate(SrcTemplate, SrcX, SrcMod, rp,
                    A0           D0:16  D1:16  A1
            DstX,  DstY, SizeX, SizeY)
            D2:16  D3:16 D4:16  D5:16

        void BltTemplate(UWORD *, WORD, WORD, struct rastport *,
             WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD);

        This function draws the image in the template into the
        rastport in the current color and drawing mode at the
        specified position.  The template is assumed not to overlap
        the destination.
        If the template falls outside the rastport boundary, it is
        truncated to that boundary.

        Note: the SrcTemplate pointer should point to the "nearest" word
           (rounded down) of the template mask. Fine alignment of the mask
           is achieved by setting the SrcX bit offseet within the range
           of 0 to 15 decimal.

        SrcTemplate  - pointer to the first (nearest) word of the template mask.
        SrcX         - x bit offset into the template mask (range 0..15).
        SrcMod       - number of bytes per row in template mask.
        rp           - pointer to destination rastport.
        DstX, DstY   - x and y coordinates of the upper left
                       corner of the destination for the blit.
        SizeX, SizeY - size of the rectangle to be used as the

        o   This function may use the blitter.

        bltbitmap()  graphics/rastport.h