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        AllocEntry -- allocate many regions of memory

        memList = AllocEntry(memList)
        D0                   A0

        struct memlist *allocentry(struct memlist *);

        This function takes a memList structure and allocates enough memory
        to hold the required memory as well as a memlist structure to keep
        track of it.

        These memlist structures may be linked together in a task control
        block to keep track of the total memory usage of this task. (See
        the description of TC_MEMENTRY under RemTask).

        memList -- A memlist structure filled in with mementry structures.

        memList -- A different memlist filled in with the actual memory
            allocated in the me_Addr field, and their sizes in me_Length.
            If enough memory cannot be obtained, then the requirements of
            the allocation that failed is returned and bit 31 is set.

            WARNING: The result is unusual!  Bit 31 indicates failure.

        The user wants five regions of 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 bytes in size
        with requirements of MEMF_CLEAR, MEMF_PUBLIC, MEMF_CHIP!MEMF_CLEAR,
        MEMF_CLEAR, and MEMF_PUBLIC!MEMF_CLEAR respectively.  The
        following code fragment would do that:

                DS.B    LN_SIZE             * reserve space for list node
                DC.W    5                   * number of entries
                DC.L    MEMF_CLEAR                  * entry #0
                DC.L    2
                DC.L    MEMF_PUBLIC                 * entry #1
                DC.L    4
                DC.L    MEMF_CHIP!MEMF_CLEAR        * entry #2
                DC.L    8
                DC.L    MEMF_CLEAR                  * entry #3
                DC.L    16
                DC.L    MEMF_PUBLIC!MEMF_CLEAR      * entry #4
                DC.L    32

                LEA.L   MemListDecl(PC),A0
                JSR     _LVOAllocEntry(a6)
                BCLR.L  #31,D0
                BEQ.S   success

                ------- Type of memory that we failed on is in D0

        If any one of the allocations fails, this function fails to back
        out fully.  This is fixed by the "SetPatch" program on V1.3
        Workbench disks.
