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        SetChooserNodeAttrsA -- Set attributes of a Chooser node.

        VOID SetChooserNodeAttrs(struct node *, tag, ...)
        SetChooserNodeAttrs(node, firsttag, ...)

        VOID SetChooserNodeAttrsA(struct node *, struct tagitem *)
        SetChooserNodeAttrsA(node, taglist)

        Changes attributes for a Chooser node.  since the chooser
        class uses a private node structure, this is the only way to change
        node attributes.

        You may NOT change node attributes when the node is in a list
        attached to a Chooser gadget.  You must first detach the list
        with CHOOSER_Labels, ~0 before you can change attributes, and
        then re-attach the list.

        CNA_Text (STRPTR)
        text string to appear as a line in the chooser menu. this tag
        must be supplied for the node.

        CNA_Image (struct image *)
        image to be placed to the left of the cna_text in the chooser menu.

        CNA_SelImage (struct image *)
        Selected state image to be placed to the left of the cna_text in
        the Chooser menu.

        CNA_ReadOnly (BOOL) (V41.4)
        Item will not be highlight rendered when selected.

        CNA_Disabled (BOOL) (V41.5)
        Item can not be selected. No GADGETUP message is generated.

        CNA_Separator (BOOL) (V41.7)
        Separator (~~~~) Bar Item can not be selected. Simular to the
        separator bars in Intuition menus. No GADGETUP message is generated.

        node - node whose attributes you are changing.
        taglist - tag list of attributes to change.
