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        LibFreePooled -- Free pooled memory  (V33)

                      a0         a1     d0

        void LibFreePooled(void *,void *,ULONG);

        This function is a copy of the pool functions in V39 and up of
        EXEC.  In fact, if you are running in V39, this function will
        notice and call the EXEC function.  This function works in
        V33 and up (1.2) Amiga system.

        The C code interface is _LibFreePooled() and takes its arguments
        from the stack just like the C code interface for freepooled()
        in amiga.lib.  The assembly code interface is with the symbol
        _AsmFreePooled: and takes the parameters in registers with the
        additional parameter of execbase being in a6 which can be used
        from SAS/C 6 by a prototype of:

        void __asm AsmFreePooled(register __a0 void *,
                                 register __a1 void *,
                                 register __d0 ULONG,
                                 register __a6 struct execbase *);

        Deallocates memory allocated by liballocpooled().  the size of the
        allocation *MUST* match the size given to liballocpooled().
        The reason the pool functions do not track individual allocation
        sizes is because many of the uses of pools have small allocation
        sizes and the tracking of the size would be a large overhead.

        Only memory allocated by liballocpooled() may be freed with this

        Doing a libdeletepool() on the pool will free all of the puddles
        and thus all of the allocations done with liballocpooled() in that
        pool.  (No need to LibFreePooled() each allocation)

        memory - pointer to memory allocated by allocpooled.
        poolHeader - a specific private pool header.

        The pool function do not protect an individual pool from
        multiple accesses.  The reason is that in most cases the pools
        will be used by a single task.  If your pool is going to
        be used by more than one task you must Semaphore protect
        the pool from having more than one task trying to allocate
        within the same pool at the same time.  Warning:  forbid()
        protection *will not work* in the future.  *Do NOT* assume
        that we will be able to make it work in the future.  LibFreePooled()
        may well break a forbid() and as such can only be protected
        by a semaphore.

        To track sizes yourself, the following code can be used:
        *Assumes a6=ExecBase*

        ; Function to do AllocVecPooled(Pool,memSize)
        AllocVecPooled: addq.l  #4,d0           ; Get space for tracking
                        move.l  d0,-(sp)        ; Save the size
                        jsr     liballocpooled    ; call pool...
                        move.l  (sp)+,d1        ; Get size back...
                        tst.l   d0              ; Check for error
                        beq.s   avp_fail        ; If NULL, failed!
                        move.l  d0,a0           ; Get pointer...
                        move.l  d1,(a0)+        ; Store size
                        move.l  a0,d0           ; Get result
        avp_fail:       rts                     ; return

        ; Function to do LibFreeVecPooled(pool,memory)
        FreeVecPooled:  move.l  -(a1),d0        ; Get size / ajust pointer
                        jmp     LibFreePooled

        allocpooled(), createpool(), deletepool(),
        liballocpooled(), libcreatepool(), libdeletepool()