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        LibCreatePool -- Generate a private memory pool header (V33)

        a0                    d0       d1         d2

        void *LibCreatePool(ULONG,ULONG,ULONG);

        This function is a copy of the pool functions in V39 and up of
        EXEC.  In fact, if you are running in V39, this function will
        notice and call the EXEC function.  This function works in
        V33 and up (1.2) Amiga system.

        The C code interface is _LibCreatePool() and takes its arguments
        from the stack just like the C code interface for createpool()
        in amiga.lib.  The assembly code interface is with the symbol
        _AsmCreatePool: and takes the parameters in registers with the
        additional parameter of execbase being in a6 which can be used
        from SAS/C 6 by a prototype of:

        void * __asm AsmCreatePool(register __d0 ULONG,
                                   register __d1 ULONG,
                                   register __d2 ULONG,
                                   register __a6 struct execbase *);

        allocate and prepare a new memory pool header.    each pool is a
        separate tracking system for memory of a specific type.  Any number
        of pools may exist in the system.

        Pools automatically expand and shrink based on demand.  Fixed sized
        "puddles" are allocated by the pool manager when more total memory
        is needed.  Many small allocations can fit in a single puddle.
        Allocations larger than the threshSize are allocation in their own

        At any time individual allocations may be freed.  Or, the entire
        pool may be removed in a single step.

        memFlags - a memory flags specifier, as taken by allocmem.
        puddleSize - the size of Puddles...
        threshSize - the largest allocation that goes into normal puddles
                     This *MUST* be less than or equal to puddleSize
                     (LibCreatePool() will fail if it is not)

        The address of a new pool header, or NULL for error.

        deletepool(), allocpooled(), freepooled(), exec/memory.i,
        libdeletepool(), liballocpooled(), libfreepooled()