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intuition.library/ActivateGadget             intuition.library/ActivateGadget

        ActivateGadget -- Activate a (string or custom) gadget.

        Success = ActivateGadget( Gadget, Window, Request )
        D0                        A0      A1      A2

        BOOL ActivateGadget( struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
                struct Requester * );

        Activates a string or custom gadget.  If successful, this means
        that the user does not need to click in the gadget before typing.

        The window parameter must point to the window which contains the gadget.
        If the gadget is actually in a requester, the window must contain
        the requester, and a pointer to the requester must also be
        passed. The requester parameter must only be valid if the gadget
        has the GTYP_REQGADGET flag set, a requirement for all requester

        The success of this function depends on a rather complex set
        of conditions.  The intent is that the user is never interrupted from
        what interactions he may have underway.

        The current set of conditions includes:
        -   The window must be active.  If you are opening a new window
            and want an active gadget in it, it is not sufficient to
            assume that the WFLG_ACTIVATE flag has taken effect by the time
            OpenWindow() returns, even if you insert a delay of some
            finite amount of time.  Use the IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW IntuiMessage
            to tell when your window really becomes active.  Many
            programs use an event loop that calls ActivateGadget()
            whenever they receive the IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW message, and also
            the IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS messages, and so on, to keep the
            gadget active until it is used (or the user selects some
            other "Cancel" gadget).

        -   No other gadgets may be in use.  This includes system gadgets,
            such as those for window sizing, dragging, etc.
        -   If the gadget is in a requester, that requester must
            be active. (Use IDCMP_REQSET and IDCMP_REQCLEAR).
        -   The right mouse button cannot be held down (e.g. menus)

        NOTE: Don't try to activate a gadget which is disabled or
        not attached to a window or requester.

        Gadget = pointer to the gadget that you want activated.
        Window = pointer to a window structure containing the gadget.
        Requester = pointer to a requester (may by NULL if this isn't
           a requester gadget (i.e. GTYP_REQGADGET is not set)).

        If the conditions above are met, and the gadget is in fact a string
        gadget, then this function will return TRUE, else FALSE.

        At present, this function will not return FALSE if a custom
        gadget declines to be activated.


intuition.library/ActivateWindow             intuition.library/ActivateWindow

        ActivateWindow -- Activate an Intuition window.

        [success =] ActivateWindow( Window )
        [D0]                        A0

        [LONG] ActivateWindow( struct Window * );
        /* returns LONG in V36 and higher */

        Activates an Intuition window.

        Note that this call may have its action deferred: you cannot assume
        that when this call is made the selected window has become active.
        This action will be postponed while the user plays with gadgets and
        menus, or sizes and drags windows.  You may detect when the window
        actually has become active by the IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW IDCMP message.

        This call is intended to provide flexibility but not to confuse the
        user.  Please call this function synchronously with some action
        by the user.

        Window = a pointer to a Window structure

        V35 and before: None.
        V36 and later: returns zero if no problem queuing up
            the request for deferred action

        Calling this function in a tight loop can blow out Intuition's deferred
        action queue.

        OpenWindow(), and the WFLG_ACTIVATE window flag
intuition.library/AddClass                         intuition.library/AddClass

        AddClass -- Make a public class available (V36)

        AddClass( Class )

        VOID AddClass( struct IClass * );

        Adds a public boopsi class to the internal list of classes available
        for public consumption.

        You must call this function after you call MakeClass().

        Class = pointer returned by MakeClass()

        Nothing returned.


        Although there is some protection against creating classes
        with the same name as an existing class, this function
        does not do any checking or other dealings with like-named
        classes.  Until this is rectified, only officially registered
        names can be used for public classes, and there is no
        "class replacement" policy in effect.

        MakeClass(), FreeClass(), RemoveClass()
        Document "Basic Object-Oriented Programming System for Intuition"
        and the "boopsi Class Reference" document.
intuition.library/AddGadget                       intuition.library/AddGadget

        AddGadget -- Add a gadget to the gadget list of a window.

        RealPosition = AddGadget( Window, Gadget, Position )
        D0                        A0      A1      D0

        UWORD  AddGadget( struct Window *, struct Gadget *, UWORD );

        Adds the specified gadget to the gadget list of the given window,
        linked in at the position in the list specified by the position
        argument (that is, if Position == 0, the gadget will be inserted
        at the head of the list, and if Position == 1 then the gadget will
        be inserted after the first gadget and before the second).  If the
        position you specify is greater than the number of gadgets in the
        list, your gadget will be added to the end of the list.

        Calling AddGadget() does not cause your gadget to be redisplayed.
        The benefit of this is that you may add several gadgets without
        having the gadget list redrawn every time.

        This procedure returns the position at which your gadget was added.

        NOTE:  A relatively safe way to add the gadget to the end of the
        list is to specify a position of -1 (i.e., (UWORD) ~0).  That way,
        only the 65536th (and multiples of it) will be inserted at the wrong
        position.  The return value of the procedure will tell you where it was
        actually inserted.

        NOTE:  The system window gadgets are initially added to the
        front of the gadget list.  The reason for this is:  If you position
        your own gadgets in some way that interferes with the graphical
        representation of the system gadgets, the system's ones will be "hit"
        first by user.  If you then start adding gadgets to the front of the
        list, you will disturb this plan, so beware.  On the other hand, if
        you don't violate the design rule of never overlapping your gadgets,
        there's no problem.

        NOTE:  You may not add your own gadgets to a screen.  Gadgets may
        be added to backdrop windows, however, which can be visually similar,
        but also provide an IDCMP channel for gadget input messages.

        Window = pointer to the window to get your gadget
        Gadget = pointer to the new gadget
        Position = integer position in the list for the new gadget (starting
            from zero as the first position in the list)

        Returns the position of where the gadget was actually added.


        AddGList(), RemoveGadget(), RemoveGList()
intuition.library/AddGList                         intuition.library/AddGList

        AddGList -- Add a linked list of gadgets to a window or requester.

        RealPosition = AddGList( Window, Gadget, Position, Numgad, Requester )
        D0                       A0      A1      D0        D1      A2

        UWORD AddGList( struct Window *, struct Gadget *, UWORD, WORD,
                struct Requester * );

        Adds the list of gadgets to the gadget list of the given window
        or requester linked in at the position in the list specified by
        the position argument.

        See AddGadget() for more information about gadget list position,
        and more information about gadgets in general.

        The requester parameter will be ignored unless the GTYP_REQGADGET
        bit is set in the GadgetType field of the first gadget in the list.
        In that case, the gadget list is added to the requester gadgets.
        NOTE: be sure that GTYP_REQGADGET is either set or cleared consistently
        for all gadgets in the list.  NOTE ALSO: The window parameter
        should point to the window that the requester (will) appear in.

        Will add 'Numgad' gadgets from gadget list linked by the field
        NextGadget, or until some NextGadget field is found to be NULL.  Does
        not assume that the Numgad'th gadget has NextGadget equal to NULL.

        NOTE WELL: In order to link your gadget list in, the NextGadget
        field of the Numgad'th (or last) gadget will be modified.  Thus, if
        you are adding the first 3 gadgets from a linked list of five gadgets,
        this call will sever the connection between your third and fourth

        Window = pointer to the window to get your gadget
        Gadget = pointer to the first gadget to be added
        Position = integer position in the list for the new gadget
            (starting from zero as the first position in the list)
        Numgad = the number of gadgets from the linked list to be added
            if Numgad equals -1, the entire null-terminated list of
            gadgets will be added.
        Requester = the requester the gadgets will be added to if the
            GTYP_REQGADGET GadgetType flag is set for the first gadget
            in the list

        Returns the position of where the first gadget in the list was actually


        AddGadget(), RemoveGadget(), RemoveGList()
intuition.library/AllocRemember               intuition.library/AllocRemember

        AllocRemember -- AllocMem() with tracking to make freeing easy.

        MemBlock = AllocRemember( RememberKey, Size, Flags )
        D0                        A0           D0    D1

        APTR AllocRemember( struct Remember **, ULONG, ULONG );

        This routine calls the Exec AllocMem() function for you, but also links
        the parameters of the allocation into a master list, so that
        you can simply call the Intuition routine FreeRemember() at a later
        time to deallocate all allocated memory without being required to
        remember the details of the memory you've allocated.

        This routine will have two primary uses:
       -   Let's say that you're doing a long series of allocations in a
           procedure.  If any one of the allocations fails, your program
            may need to abort the procedure.  Abandoning ship correctly
            involves freeing up what memory you've already allocated.  This
            procedure allows you to free up that memory easily, without being
            required to keep track of how many allocations you've already done,
            what the sizes of the allocations were, or where the memory was

       -   Also, in the more general case, you may do all of the allocations
           in your entire program using this routine.  Then, when your
           program is exiting, you can free it all up at once with a
           simple call to FreeRemember().

        You create the "anchor" for the allocation master list by creating
        a variable that's a pointer to struct Remember, and initializing
        that pointer to NULL.  This is called the RememberKey.  Whenever
        you call AllocRemember(), the routine actually does two memory
        allocations, one for the memory you want and the other for a copy
        of a Remember structure.  The Remember structure is filled in
        with data describing your memory allocation, and it's linked
        into the master list pointed to by your RememberKey.  Then, to
        free up any memory that's been allocated, all you have to do is
        call FreeRemember() with your RememberKey.

        Please read the FreeRemember() function description, too.  As you will
        see, you can select either to free just the link nodes and keep all the
        allocated memory for yourself, or to free both the nodes and your memory

        RememberKey = the address of a pointer to struct Remember.  Before the
        very first call to AllocRemember, initialize this pointer to NULL.

        Size = the size in bytes of the memory allocation.  Please refer to the
            exec.library/AllocMem() function for details.
        Flags = the specifications for the memory allocation.  Please refer to
            the exec.library/AllocMem() function for details.

        struct Remember *RememberKey;
        RememberKey = NULL;
        buffer = AllocRemember(&RememberKey, BUFSIZE, MEMF_CHIP);
        if (buffer)
            /* Use the buffer */
        FreeRemember(&RememberKey, TRUE);

        If the memory allocation is successful, this routine returns the byte
        address of your requested memory block.  Also, the node to your block
        will be linked into the list pointed to by your RememberKey variable.
        If the allocation fails, this routine returns NULL and the list pointed
        to by RememberKey, if any, will be unchanged.

        This function makes two allocations for each memory buffer
        you request.  This is neither fast nor good for memory

        This function should use the exec AllocPool() function internally,
        at least for the Remember headers.

        FreeRemember(), exec.library/AllocMem()
intuition.library/AutoRequest                   intuition.library/AutoRequest

        AutoRequest -- Automatically build and get response from a requester.

        Response = AutoRequest( Window, BodyText, PosText, NegText,
        D0                      A0      A1        A2       A3
                        PosFlags, NegFlags, Width, Height )
                        D0        D1        D2     D3

        BOOL AutoRequest( struct Window *, struct IntuiText *,
                struct IntuiText *, struct IntuiText *,
                ULONG, ULONG, WORD, WORD );

        This procedure automatically builds a requester for you and then
        waits for a response from the user, or for the system to satisfy your
        request.  If the response is positive, this procedure returns TRUE.
        If the response is negative, this procedure returns FALSE.

        An IDCMPFlag specification is created by bitwise "or'ing" your
        PosFlags, NegFlags, and the IDCMP classes IDCMP_GADGETUP and
        IDCMP_RAWKEY.  You may specify zero flags for either the PosFlags
        or NegFlags arguments.

        The IntuiText arguments, and the width and height values, are
        passed directly to the BuildSysRequest() procedure along with
        your window pointer and the IDCMP flags.  Please refer to
        BuildSysRequest() for a description of the IntuiText that you are
        expected to supply when calling this routine.  It's an important
        but long-winded description that need not be duplicated here.

        If the BuildSysRequest() procedure does not return a pointer
        to a window, it will return TRUE or FALSE (not valid structure
        pointers) instead, and these BOOL values will be returned to
        you immediately.

        On the other hand, if a valid window pointer is returned, that
        window will have had its IDCMP ports and flags initialized according
        to your specifications.  AutoRequest() then waits for IDCMP messages
        on the UserPort, which satisfies one of four requirements:
        -   either the message is of a class that matches
            one of your PosFlags arguments (if you've supplied
            any), in which case this routine returns TRUE.  Or
        -   the message class matches one of your NegFlags
            arguments (if you've supplied any), in which case
            this routine returns FALSE.  Or
        -   the IDCMP message is of class IDCMP_GADGETUP, which means that
            one of the two gadgets, as provided with the PosText and NegText
            arguments, was selected by the user.  If the TRUE gadget
            was selected, TRUE is returned.  If the FALSE gadget was
            selected, FALSE is returned.
        -   Lastly, two IDCMP_RAWKEY messages may satisfy the request: those
            for the V and B keys with the left Amiga key depressed.
            These keys, satisfy the gadgets on the left or right side of
            the requester--TRUE or FALSE--, respectively.

            NOTE: For V36, these two keys left-Amiga-B and V are processed
            through the default keymap.

        When the dust has settled, this routine calls FreeSysRequest() if
        necessary to clean up the requester and any other allocated memory.

        NOTE: For V36, this function now switches the processor stack
        to ensure sufficient stack space for the function to succeed.

        Window = pointer to a Window structure.  See BuildSysRequest()
            for a full discussion.
        BodyText = pointer to an IntuiText structure
        PosText = pointer to an IntuiText structure, may by NULL.
        NegText = pointer to an IntuiText structure, MUST be valid!
        PosFlags = flags for the IDCMP
        NegFlags = flags for the IDCMP
        Width, Height = the sizes to be used for the rendering of the requester

        NOTE for V36: The width and height parameters are ignored, as
        are several other specifications in the IntuiText, to make
        AutoRequest() requesters retroactively conform to the new look
        designed for EasyRequest().

        The return value is either TRUE or FALSE.  See the text above for a
        complete description of the chain of events that might lead to either
        of these values being returned.

        When DOS brings up AutoRequests() on your process (eg.
        "Please insert volume XXX in any drive", they normally come
        up on the Workbench screen.  If you set your Process pr_WindowPtr
        field to point to one of your windows, then DOS will bring its
        requesters up on the same screen as that window.  A pr_WindowPtr
        of -1 prevents requesters from coming up at all.
        (Some FileSystem requesters cannot be redirected or supressed).

        The requester no longer devolves into a call to DisplayAlert()
        if there is not enough memory for the requester.

        EasyRequest(), BuildSysRequest(), SysReqHandler()
intuition.library/BeginRefresh                 intuition.library/BeginRefresh

        BeginRefresh -- Sets up a window for optimized refreshing.

        BeginRefresh( Window )

        VOID BeginRefresh( struct Window * );

        This routine sets up your window for optimized refreshing.

        Its role is to provide Intuition integrated access to the Layers
        library function BeginUpdate().  Its additional contribution is
        to be sure that locking protocols for layers are followed, by
        locking both layers of a WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO window only after the
        parent Layer_Info has been locked.  Also, the WFLG_WINDOWREFRESH
        flag is set in your window, for your information.

        The purpose of BeginUpdate(), and hence BeginRefresh(), is to
        restrict rendering in a window (layer) to the region that needs
        refreshing after an operation such as window sizing or uncovering.
        This restriction to the "damage region" persists until you call

        For instance, if you have a WFLG_SIMPLE_REFRESH window which is
        partially concealed and the user brings it to the front, you can
        receive an IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW message asking you to refresh your
        display.  If you call BeginRefresh() before doing any of the
        rendering, then the layer that underlies your window will be arranged
        so that the only rendering that will actually take place will be that
        which goes to the newly-revealed areas.  This is very performance-
        efficient, and visually attractive.

        After you have performed your refresh of the display, you should call
        EndRefresh() to reset the state of the layer and the window.  Then you
        may proceed with rendering to the entire window as usual.

        You learn that your window needs refreshing by receiving either a
        message of class IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW through the IDCMP, or an input
        event of class IECLASS_REFRESHWINDOW through the Console device.
        Whenever you are told that your window needs refreshing, you should
        call BeginRefresh() and EndRefresh() to clear the refresh-needed
        state, even if you don't plan on doing any rendering.  You may relieve
        yourself of even this burden by setting the WFLG_NOCAREREFRESH flag
        when opening your window.

        WARNING: You should only perform graphics refreshing operations
        during the period between calling BeginRefresh() and EndRefresh().
        In particular, do not call RefreshGadgets() or RefreshGList(), since
        the locking protocol internal to Intuition runs the risk of creating
        a deadlock.  Note that Intuition refreshes the gadgets (through
        the damage region) before it sends the IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW message.

        ANOTHER WARNING: The concept of multiple refresh passes using
        EndRefresh( w, FALSE ) is not completely sound without further
        protection.  The reason is that between two sessions, more
        damage can occur to your window.  Your final EndRefresh( w, TRUE )
        will dispose of all damage, including the new, and your
        initial refreshing pass will never get the chance to refresh
        the new damage.

        To avoid this, you must protect your session using LockLayerInfo()
        which will prevent Intuition from performing window operations
        or anything else which might cause further damage from occurring.
        Again, while holding the LayerInfo lock make no Intuition
        function calls dealing with gadgets; just render.

        You can, however, call InstallClipRegion() for the different
        refresh passes, if you have two clip regions.

        SIMILAR WARNING: Your program and Intuition "share" your window
        layer's DamageList.  BeginRefresh() helps arbitrate this
        sharing, but the lower-level function layers.library/BeginUpdate()
        does not.  It isn't really supported to use BeginUpdate() on
        a window's layer, but if you do--for whatever reason--it is
        critical that you first acquire the LayerInfo lock as in
        the above example: even if you only have one pass of refresh
        rendering to do.  Otherwise, the refreshing of your window's
        borders and gadgets can be incomplete, and the problem might
        occur only under certain conditions of task priority and
        system load.

        Code fragment for "two pass" window refreshing, in response
        to an IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW message:
        switch ( imsg->Class )
            window = imsg->IDCMPWindow;

            /* this lock only needed for "two-pass" refreshing */
            LockLayerInfo( &window->WScreen->LayerInfo );

            /* refresh pass for region 1 */
            origclip = InstallClipRegion( window->WLayer, region1 );
            BeginRefresh( window );
            myRefreshRegion1( window );
            EndRefresh( window, FALSE );

            /* refresh pass for region 2 */
            InstallClipRegion( window->WLayer, region2 );
            BeginRefresh( window );
            myRefreshRegion2( window );
            EndRefresh( window, TRUE );         /* and dispose damage list */

            /* restore and unlock */
            InstallClipRegion( window->WLayer, origclip );
            UnlockLayerInfo( &window->WScreen->LayerInfo );

        Window = pointer to the window structure which needs refreshing


        This function should check the return code of
        layers.library/BeginUpdate(), and abort if that function fails.

       EndRefresh(), layers.library/BeginUpdate(), OpenWindow()
        layer.library/InstallClipRegion(), graphics.library/LockLayerInfo()
        The "Windows" chapter of the Intuition Reference Manual
intuition.library/BuildEasyRequestArgs intuition.library/BuildEasyRequestArgs

        BuildEasyRequestArgs -- Simple creation of system request. (V36)
        BuildEasyRequest -- Varargs stub for BuildEasyRequestArgs(). (V36)

        ReqWindow = BuildEasyRequestArgs( RefWindow, easyStruct, IDCMP, Args )
        D0                                A0         A1          D0     A3

        struct Window *BuildEasyRequestArgs( struct Window *,
                struct EasyStruct *, ULONG, APTR );

        ReqWindow = BuildEasyRequest( RefWindow, easyStruct, IDCMP, Arg1, ... )

        struct Window *BuildEasyRequest( struct Window *,
                struct EasyStruct *, ULONG, APTR, ... );

        This function is to EasyRequest() as BuildSysRequest() is to
        AutoRequest(): it returns a pointer to the system requester
        window.  The input from that window can then be processed
        under application control.

        It is recommended that this processing be done with
        SysReqHandler(), so that future enhancement to the
        processing will be enjoyed.

        After you have determined that the requester is satisfied or
        cancelled, you must free this requester using FreeSysRequest().

        Please see the autodoc for EasyRequest().

        NOTE: This function switches the processor stack to ensure
        sufficient stack space for the function to complete.

        Window = reference window for requester: determines the
            requester window title and screen.
        easyStruct = pointer to EasyStruct structure, as described
            in the EasyRequest() autodocs.
        IDCMP = (NOT A POINTER) provided application specific IDCMP
            flags for the system requester window.
        Args = see EasyRequest()

        A pointer to the system request window opened.  In the event
        of problems, you may also be returned the value '0' which
        is to be interpreted as the "FALSE, Cancel" choice, or
        (if you have a second gadget defined) the value '1', which
        is to be taken to mean the equivalent of your corresponding
        left-most gadget.

        If there is a problem creating the window, a recoverable alert may
        be substituted for the requester, and the result, either 0 or 1,

        Does not put up alternative alert.
        See also BUGS listed for EasyRequestArgs().

        EasyRequestArgs(), FreeSysRequest(), SysReqHandler(),
        BuildSysRequest(), AutoRequest()
intuition.library/BuildSysRequest           intuition.library/BuildSysRequest

        BuildSysRequest -- Build and display a system requester.

        ReqWindow = BuildSysRequest( Window, BodyText, PosText, NegText,
        D0                           A0      A1        A2       A3
                           IDCMPFlags, Width, Height )
                           D0          D1     D2

        struct Window *BuildSysRequest( struct Window *, struct IntuiText *,
                struct IntuiText *, struct IntuiText *, ULONG, WORD, WORD );

        This procedure builds a system requester based on the supplied
        information.  If all goes well and the requester is constructed,
        this procedure returns a pointer to the window in which the requester
        appears.  That window will have its IDCMP initialized to reflect the
        flags found in the IDCMPFlags argument.  You may then wait on those
        ports to detect the user's response to your requester, which response
        may include either selecting one of the gadgets or causing some other
        event to be noticed by Intuition (like IDCMP_DISKINSERTED, for
        instance).  After the requester is satisfied, you should call the
        FreeSysRequest() procedure to remove the requester and free up
        any allocated memory.

        See the autodoc for SysReqHandler() for more information on the
        how to handle the IntuiMessages this window will receive.

        The requester used by this function has the NOISYREQ flag bit set,
        which means that the set of IDCMPFlags that may be used here
        include IDCMP_RAWKEY, IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS, and others.

        In release previous to V36, if the requester could not be built,
        this function would try to call DisplayAlert() with the same
        information, with more or less favorable results.  In V36,
        the requesters themselves require less memory (SIMPLEREQ), but
        there is no alert attempt.

        The function may return TRUE (1) or FALSE if it cannot post
        the requester.  (V36 will always return FALSE, but be sure to
        test for TRUE in case somebody reinstates the fallback alert.)

        If the window argument you supply is equal to NULL, a new window will
        be created for you in the Workbench screen, or the default
        public screen, for V36.  If you want the requester
        created by this routine to be bound to a particular window (i.e.,
        to appear in the same screen as the window), you should
        not supply a window argument of NULL.

        New for V36: if you pass a NULL window pointer, the system requester
        will appear on the default public screen, which is not always
        the Workbench.

        The text arguments are used to construct the display.  Each is a
        pointer to an instance of the structure IntuiText.

        The BodyText argument should be used to describe the nature of
        the requester.  As usual with IntuiText data, you may link several
        lines of text together, and the text may be placed in various
        locations in the requester.  This IntuiText pointer will be stored
        in the ReqText variable of the new requester.

        The PosText argument describes the text that you want associated
        with the user choice of "Yes,  TRUE,  Retry,  Good."  If the requester
        is successfully opened, this text will be rendered in a gadget in
        the lower-left of the requester, which gadget will have the
        GadgetID field set to TRUE.  If the requester cannot be opened and
        the DisplayAlert() mechanism is used, this text will be rendered in
        the lower-left corner of the alert display with additional text
        specifying that the left mouse button will select this choice.  This
        pointer can be set to NULL, which specifies that there is no TRUE
        choice that can be made.

        The NegText argument describes the text that you want associated
        with the user choice of "No,  FALSE,  Cancel,  Bad."  If the requester
        is successfully opened, this text will be rendered in a gadget in
        the lower-right of the requester, which gadget will have the
        GadgetID field set to FALSE.  If the requester cannot be opened and
        the DisplayAlert() mechanism is used, this text will be rendered in
        the lower-right corner of the alert display with additional text
        specifying that the right mouse button will select this choice.  This
        pointer cannot be set to NULL.  There must always be a way for the
        user to cancel this requester.

        The Positive and Negative Gadgets created by this routine have
        the following features:
          - GACT_RELVERIFY
          - GTYP_REQGADGET

        When defining the text for your gadgets, you may find it convenient
        to use the special constants used by Intuition for the construction
        of the gadgets.  These include defines like AUTODRAWMODE, AUTOLEFTEDGE,
        AUTOTOPEDGE and AUTOFRONTPEN.  You can find these in your local
        intuition.h (or intuition.i) file.

        These hard-coded constants are not very resolution or font
        sensitive, but V36 will override them to provide more modern

        New for V36, linked lists of IntuiText are not correctly supported
        for gadget labels.

        The width and height values describe the size of the requester.  All
        of your BodyText must fit within the width and height of your
        requester.  The gadgets will be created to conform to your sizes.

        VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:  for this release of this procedure, a new window
        is opened in the same screen as the one containing your window.
        Future alternatives may be provided as a function distinct from this

        NOTE: This function will pop the screen the requester and its
        window appears in to the front of all screens.  New for V36,
        if the user doesn't perform any other screen arrangement before
        finishing with the requester, a popped screen will be pushed
        back behind.

        Window = pointer to a Window structure
        BodyText = pointer to an IntuiText structure
        PosText = pointer to an IntuiText structure
        NegText = pointer to an IntuiText structure
        IDCMPFlags = the IDCMP flags you want used for the initialization of the
           IDCMP of the window containing this requester
        Width, Height = the size required to render your requester

        NOTE for V36: the width and height you pass are ignored, as
        are some of the parameters of your IntuiText, so that Intuition
        can make the Requesters real nice for the new look.

        If the requester was successfully created, the value
        returned by this procedure is a pointer to the window in which the
        requester is rendered.  If the requester could not be created,
        this routine might have called DisplayAlert() before returning
        (it depends on the version) and will pass back TRUE if the user
        pressed the left mouse button and FALSE if the user pressed the
        right mouse button.   If the version of Intuition doesn't
        call DisplayAlert(), or if it does, and there's not enough
        memory for the alert, the value of FALSE is returned.

        This procedure currently opens a window in the Screen which
        contains the window which is passed as a parameter, or the
        default public screen, if that parameter is NULL.  Although
        not as originally envisioned, this will probably always be the
        behavior of this function.

        DisplayAlert() is not called in version V36.

        It's almost impossible to make complete, correct account
        of different system fonts, window border dimensions, and
        screen resolution to get the layout of a System Requester
        just right using this routine.  For V36, we recommend the
        automatic layout implemented in BuildEasyRequest and EasyRequest.

        FreeSysRequest(), DisplayAlert(), ModifyIDCMP(), exec.library/Wait(),
        Request(), AutoRequest(), EasyRequest(), BuildEasyRequestArgs()
intuition.library/ChangeWindowBox           intuition.library/ChangeWindowBox

        ChangeWindowBox -- Change window position and dimensions. (V36)

        ChangeWindowBox( Window, Left, Top, Width, Height )
                         A0      D0    D1   D2     D3

        VOID ChangeWindowBox( struct Window *, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD );

        Makes simultaneous changes in window position and dimensions,
        in absolute (not relative) coordinates.

        Like MoveWindow() and SizeWindow(), the effect of this function
        is deferred until the next input comes along.  Unlike these
        functions, ChangeWindowBox() specifies absolute window position
        and dimensions, not relative.  This makes for more reliable
        results considering that the action is deferred, so this
        function is typically preferable to MoveWindow() and SizeWindow()

        You can detect that this operation has completed by receiving
        the IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW IDCMP message

        The dimensions are limited to legal range, but you should still
        take care to specify sensible inputs based on the window's dimension
        limits and the size of its screen.

        This function limits the position and dimensions to legal

        Window = the window to change position/dimension
        Left, Top, Width, Height = new position and dimensions

        Position and dimension are changed to your specification,
        or as close as possible.
        Returns nothing.


        MoveWindow(), SizeWindow(), ZipWindow(),
intuition.library/ClearDMRequest             intuition.library/ClearDMRequest

        ClearDMRequest -- Clear (detaches) the DMRequest of the window.

        Response = ClearDMRequest( Window )
        D0                         A0

        BOOL ClearDMRequest( struct Window * );

        Attempts to clear the DMRequest from the specified window,
        that is detaches the special requester that you attach to
        the double-click of the menu button which the user can then
        bring up on demand.  This routine WILL NOT clear the DMRequest
        if it's active (in use by the user). The IDCMP message class
        IDCMP_REQCLEAR can be used to detect that the requester is not in use,
        but that message is sent only when the last of perhaps several
        requesters in use in a window is terminated.

        Window = pointer to the window from which the DMRequest is to be cleared.

        If the DMRequest was not currently in use, detaches the DMRequest
        from the window and returns TRUE.

        If the DMRequest was currently in use, doesn't change anything
        and returns FALSE.


        SetDMRequest(), Request()
intuition.library/ClearMenuStrip             intuition.library/ClearMenuStrip

        ClearMenuStrip -- Clear (detach) the menu strip from the window.

        ClearMenuStrip( Window )

        VOID ClearMenuStrip( struct Window * );

        Detaches the current menu strip from the window; menu strips
        are attached to windows using the SetMenuStrip() function
        (or, for V36, ResetMenuStrip() ).

        If the menu is in use (for that matter if any menu is in use)
        this function will block (Wait()) until the user has finished.

        Call this function before you make any changes to the data
        in a Menu or MenuItem structure which is part of a menu
        strip linked into a window.

        Window = pointer to a window structure



        SetMenuStrip(), ResetMenuStrip()
intuition.library/ClearPointer                 intuition.library/ClearPointer

        ClearPointer -- Clear the mouse pointer definition from a window.

        ClearPointer( Window )

        VOID ClearPointer( struct Window * );

        Clears the window of its own definition of the Intuition mouse pointer.
        After calling ClearPointer(), every time this window is the active
        one the default Intuition pointer will be the pointer displayed
        to the user.  If your window is the active one when this routine
        is called, the change will take place immediately.

        Custom definitions of the mouse pointer which this function clears
        are installed by a call to SetPointer().

        Window = pointer to the window to be cleared of its pointer definition



intuition.library/CloseScreen                   intuition.library/CloseScreen

        CloseScreen -- Close an Intuition screen.

        [Success =] CloseScreen( Screen )
        [D0]                     A0

        [BOOL] CloseScreen( struct Screen * );
        /* returns BOOL in V36 and greater */

        Unlinks the screen, unlinks the viewport, deallocates everything that
        Intuition allocated when the screen was opened (using OpenScreen()).
        Doesn't care whether or not there are still any windows attached to the
        screen.  Doesn't try to close any attached windows; in fact, ignores
        them altogether (but see below for changes in V36).

        If this is the last screen to go, attempts to reopen Workbench.

        New for V36: this function will refuse to close the screen
        if there are windows open on the screen when CloseScreen() is
        called.  This avoids the almost certain crash when a screen
        is closed out from under a window.

        Screen = pointer to the screen to be closed.

        New for V36: returns TRUE (1) if screen is closed,
        returns FALSE (0) if screen had open windows when


intuition.library/CloseWindow                   intuition.library/CloseWindow

        CloseWindow -- Close an Intuition window.

        CloseWindow( Window )

        VOID CloseWindow( struct Window * );

        Closes an Intuition window.  Unlinks it from the system, deallocates
        its memory, and makes it disappear.

        When this function is called, all IDCMP messages which have been sent
        to your window are deallocated.  If the window had shared a message
        Port with other windows, you must be sure that there are no unreplied
        messages for this window in the message queue.  Otherwise, your program
        will try to make use of a linked list (the queue) which contains free
        memory (the old messages).  This will give you big problems.
        See the code fragment CloseWindowSafely(), below.

        NOTE:  If you have added a Menu strip to this Window (via
        a call to SetMenuStrip()) you must be sure to remove that Menu strip
        (via a call to ClearMenuStrip()) before closing your Window.

        NOTE: This function may block until it is safe to de-link and free
        your window.  Your program may thus be suspended while the user
        plays with gadgets, menus, or window sizes and position.

        New for V36: If your window is a "Visitor Window" (see OpenWindow)
        CloseWindow will decrement the "visitor count" in the public screen
        on which the window was open.  When the last visitor window is
        closed, a signal will be sent to the public screen task, if this
        was pre-arranged (see OpenScreen).

        Window = a pointer to a Window structure



        OpenWindow(), OpenScreen(), CloseScreen()

    /*  CloseWindowSafely */

        /* these functions close an Intuition window
         * that shares a port with other Intuition
         * windows or IPC customers.
         * We are careful to set the UserPort to
         * null before closing, and to free
         * any messages that it might have been
         * sent.
        #include "exec/types.h"
        #include "exec/nodes.h"
        #include "exec/lists.h"
        #include "exec/ports.h"
        #include "intuition/intuition.h"

        CloseWindowSafely( win )
        struct Window *win;
            /* we forbid here to keep out of race conditions with Intuition */

            /* send back any messages for this window
             * that have not yet been processed
            StripIntuiMessages( win->UserPort, win );

            /* clear UserPort so Intuition will not free it */
            win->UserPort = NULL;

            /* tell Intuition to stop sending more messages */
            ModifyIDCMP( win, 0L );

            /* turn multitasking back on */

            /* and really close the window */
            CloseWindow( win );

        /* remove and reply all IntuiMessages on a port that
         * have been sent to a particular window
         * (note that we don't rely on the ln_Succ pointer
         *  of a message after we have replied it)
        StripIntuiMessages( mp, win )
        struct MsgPort *mp;
        struct Window *win;
            struct IntuiMessage *msg;
            struct Node *succ;

            msg = (struct IntuiMessage *) mp->mp_MsgList.lh_Head;

            while( succ =  msg->ExecMessage.mn_Node.ln_Succ ) {

                if( msg->IDCMPWindow ==  win ) {

                    /* Intuition is about to free this message.
                     * Make sure that we have politely sent it back.
                    Remove( msg );

                    ReplyMsg( msg );

                msg = (struct IntuiMessage *) succ;
intuition.library/CloseWorkBench             intuition.library/CloseWorkBench

        CloseWorkBench -- Closes the Workbench screen.

        Success = CloseWorkBench()

        LONG CloseWorkBench( VOID );

        This routine attempts to close the Workbench screen:
       -   Test whether or not any applications have opened windows on the
           Workbench, and return FALSE if so.  Otherwise ...
       -   Clean up all special buffers
       -   Close the Workbench screen
       -   Make the Workbench program mostly inactive (it will still
           monitor disk activity)
       -   Return TRUE


        TRUE if the Workbench screen closed successfully
        FALSE if the Workbench was not open, or if it has windows
            open which are not Workbench drawers.

        This routine has been drastically rewritten for V36.
        It is much more solid, although we haven't eliminated
        all the problem cases yet.

        The name of this function is improperly spelled.  It ought
        to have been CloseWorkbench().

        It might be more convenient to have it return TRUE if the
        Workbench wasn't opened when called.  The idea as it is now
        is probably this: if you want to free up the memory of the
        Workbench screen when your program begins, you can call
        CloseWorkBench().  The return value of that call indicates
        whether you should call OpenWorkBench() when your program
        exits: if FALSE, that means either the the Workbench existed
        but you could not close it, or that it wasn't around to
        begin with, and you should not try to re-open it.

        We would prefer that you provide a user selection to attempt
        to open or close the Workbench screen from within your application,
        rather than your making assumptions like these.

intuition.library/CurrentTime                   intuition.library/CurrentTime

        CurrentTime -- Get the current time values.

        CurrentTime( Seconds, Micros )
                     A0       A1

        VOID CurrentTime( ULONG *, ULONG * );

        Puts copies of the current time into the supplied argument pointers.

        This time value is not extremely accurate, nor is it of a very fine
        resolution.  This time will be updated no more than sixty times a
        a second, and will typically be updated far fewer times a second.

        Seconds = pointer to a LONG variable to receive the current seconds
        Micros = pointer to a LONG variable for the current microseconds value

        Puts the time values into the memory locations specified by the
        Return value is not defined.


intuition.library/DisplayAlert                 intuition.library/DisplayAlert

        DisplayAlert -- Create the display of an alert message.

        Response = DisplayAlert( AlertNumber, String, Height )
        D0                       D0           A0      D1

        BOOL DisplayAlert( ULONG, UBYTE *, WORD );

        Creates an alert display with the specified message.

        If the system can recover from this alert, it's a RECOVERY_ALERT and
        this routine waits until the user presses one of the mouse buttons,
        after which the display is restored to its original state and a
        BOOL value is returned by this routine to specify whether or not
        the user pressed the LEFT mouse button.

        If the system cannot recover from this alert, it's a DEADEND_ALERT
        and this routine returns immediately upon creating the alert display.
        The return value is FALSE.

        NOTE: Starting with V33, if Intuition can't get enough
        memory for a RECOVERY_ALERT, the value FALSE will be returned.

        AlertNumber is a LONG value, historically related to the value
        sent to the Alert() routine.  But the only bits that are pertinent to
        this routine are the ALERT_TYPE bit(s).  These bits must be set to
        either RECOVERY_ALERT for alerts from which the system may safely
        recover, or DEADEND_ALERT for those fatal alerts.  These states are
        described in the paragraph above.   There is a third type of
        alert, the DAISY_ALERT, which is used only by the Exec.

        The string argument points to an AlertMessage string.  The AlertMessage
        string is comprised of one or more substrings, each of which is
        composed of the following components:
           - first, a 16-bit x-coordinate and an 8-bit y-coordinate,
             describing where on the alert display you want this string
             to appear.  The y-coordinate describes the offset to the
             baseline of the text.
           - then, the bytes of the string itself, which must be
             null-terminated (end with a byte of zero)
           - lastly, the continuation byte, which specifies whether or
             not there's another substring following this one.  If the
             continuation byte is non-zero, there IS another substring
             to be processed in this alert message.  If the continuation
             byte is zero, this is the last substring in the message.

        The last argument, Height, describes how many video lines tall you
        want the alert display to be.

        New for V36: Alerts are always rendered in Topaz 8 (80 column font),
        regardless of the system default font.  Also, RECOVERY_ALERTs are
        displayed in amber, while DEADEND_ALERTs are still red.  Alerts
        no longer push down the application screens to be displayed.  Rather,
        they appear alone in a black display.

        Also new for V36: Alerts block each other out, and input
        during an alert is deprived of the rest of the system.  Internal
        input buffers still cause alert clicks to be processed by
        applications sometimes.

        AlertNumber = the number of this alert message.  The only pertinent
            bits of this number are the ALERT_TYPE bit(s).  The rest of the
           number is ignored by this routine.
        String = pointer to the alert message string, as described above
        Height = minimum display lines required for your message

        A BOOL value of TRUE or FALSE.  If this is a DEADEND_ALERT, FALSE
        is always the return value.  If this is a RECOVERY_ALERT. The return
        value will be TRUE if the user presses the left mouse button in
        response to your message, and FALSE if the user presses the right hand
        button is response to your text, or if the alert could not
        be posted.

        If the system is worse off than you think, the level of your alert
        may become DEADEND_ALERT without you ever knowing about it.  This
        will NOT happen due simply to low memory.  Rather, the alert
        display will be skipped, and FALSE will be returned.

        The left and right button clicks satisfying the alerts are
        unfortunately passed to the normal applications, because of
        some internal system input buffering.


intuition.library/DisplayBeep                   intuition.library/DisplayBeep

        DisplayBeep -- Flash the video display.

        DisplayBeep( Screen )

        VOID DisplayBeep( struct Screen * );

        "Beeps" the video display by flashing the background color of the
        specified screen.  If the screen argument is NULL, every screen
        in the display will be beeped.  Flashing everyone's screen is not
        a polite thing to do, so this should be reserved for dire

        The reason such a routine is supported is because the Amiga has
        no internal bell or speaker.  When the user needs to know of
        an event that is not serious enough to require the use of a requester,
        the DisplayBeep() function may be called.

        New for V36:  Intuition now calls DisplayBeep through the
        external library vector.  This means that if you call SetFunction()
        to replace DisplayBeep with an audible beep, for example, then
        your change will affect even Intuition's calls to DisplayBeep.

        Screen = pointer to a screen.  If NULL, every screen in the display
           will be flashed




intuition.library/DisposeObject               intuition.library/DisposeObject

        DisposeObject -- Deletes a 'boopsi' object. (V36)

        DisposeObject( Object )

        VOID DisposeObject( APTR );

        Deletes a boopsi object and all of it auxiliary data.
        These objects are all created by NewObject().  Objects
        of certain classes "own" other objects, which will also
        be deleted when the object is passed to DisposeObject().
        Read the per-class documentation carefully to be aware
        of these instances.

        Object = abstract pointer to a boopsi object returned by NewObject()

        This function invokes the OM_DISPOSE method.



        NewObject(), SetAttrs(), GetAttr(), MakeClass(),
        Document "Basic Object-Oriented Programming System for Intuition"
        and the "boopsi Class Reference" document.
intuition.library/DoubleClick                   intuition.library/DoubleClick

        DoubleClick -- Test two time values for double-click timing.

        IsDouble = DoubleClick( StartSecs, StartMicros,
        D0                      D0         D1
                CurrentSecs, CurrentMicros )
                D2           D3

        BOOL DoubleClick( ULONG, ULONG, ULONG, ULONG );

        Compares the difference in the time values with the double-click
        timeout range that the user has set (using the "Preferences" tool) or
        some other program has configured into the system.  If the
        difference between the specified time values is within the current
        double-click time range, this function returns TRUE, else it
        returns FALSE.

       These time values can be found in input events and IDCMP messages.
       The time values are not perfect; however, they are precise enough for
       nearly all applications.

        StartSeconds, StartMicros = the timestamp value describing the start of
          the double-click time period you are considering
        CurrentSeconds, CurrentMicros = the timestamp value describing
          the end of the double-click time period you are considering

        If the difference between the supplied timestamp values is within the
        double-click time range in the current set of Preferences, this
        function returns TRUE, else it returns FALSE


intuition.library/DrawBorder                     intuition.library/DrawBorder

        DrawBorder -- Draw the specified Border structure into a RastPort.

        DrawBorder( RastPort, Border, LeftOffset, TopOffset )
                    A0        A1      D0          D1

        VOID DrawBorder( struct RastPort *, struct Border *, WORD, WORD );

        First, sets up the draw mode and pens in the RastPort according to the
        arguments of the Border structure.  Then, draws the vectors of
        the border argument into the RastPort, offset by the left and top

        As with all graphics rendering routines, the border will be clipped to
        to the boundaries of the RastPort's layer, if it exists.  This is
        the case with window RastPorts.

        This routine will draw all borders in the NULL-terminated list linked
        by the NextBorder field of the border argument.

        RastPort = pointer to the RastPort to receive the border rendering
        Border = pointer to a Border structure
        LeftOffset = the offset to be added to each vector's x coordinate
        TopOffset = the offset to be added to each vector's y coordinate




intuition.library/DrawImage                       intuition.library/DrawImage

        DrawImage -- Draw the specified Image structure into a RastPort.

        DrawImage( RastPort, Image, LeftOffset, TopOffset )
                   A0        A1     D0          D1

        VOID DrawImage( struct RastPort *, struct Image *, WORD, WORD );

        First, sets up the draw mode and pens in the RastPort according to the
        arguments of the Image structure.  Then, moves the image data of
        the image argument into the RastPort, offset by the left and top

        This routine does window layer clipping if you pass your window's
        (layered) RastPort -- if you draw an image outside of your window,
        your imagery will be clipped at the window's edge.  If you pass
        a (non-layered) screen RastPort, you MUST be sure your image is
        wholly contained within the rastport bounds.

        If the NextImage field of the image argument is non-NULL,
        the next image is rendered as well, and so on until some
        NextImage field is found to be NULL.

        RastPort = pointer to the RastPort to receive image rendering
        Image = pointer to an image structure
        LeftOffset = the offset which will be added to the image's x coordinate
        TopOffset = the offset which will be added to the image's y coordinate


        Intuition always has and will continue to assume there are
        at least as many planes of data pointed to by ImageData as there
        are '1' bits in the PlanePick field.  Please ensure that
        this is so.  (See the intuition.h include file for full details
        on using PlanePick).


        DrawImageState(), EraseImage()
intuition.library/DrawImageState             intuition.library/DrawImageState

        DrawImageState -- Draw an (extended) Intuition Image with
                special visual state. (V36)

        DrawImageState( RPort, Image, LeftOffset, TopOffset, State, DrawInfo )
                        A0     A1     D0          D1         D2     A2

        VOID DrawImageState( struct RastPort *, struct Image *,
                WORD, WORD, ULONG, struct DrawInfo * );

        This function draws an Intuition Image structure in a variety of
        "visual states," which are defined by constants in
        intuition/imageclass.h.  These include:
        IDS_NORMAL              - like DrawImage()
        IDS_SELECTED            - represents the "selected state" of a Gadget
        IDS_DISABLED            - the "ghosted state" of a gadget
        IDS_BUSY                - for future functionality
        IDS_INDETERMINATE       - for future functionality
        IDS_INACTIVENORMAL      - for gadgets in window border
        IDS_INACTIVESELECTED    - for gadgets in window border
        IDS_INACTIVEDISABLED    - for gadgets in window border

        Only IDS_NORMAL will make sense for traditional Image structures,
        this function is more useful when applied to new custom images
        or "object-oriented image classes."

        Each class of custom images is responsible for documenting which
        visual states it supports, and you typically want to use images
        which support the appropriate states with your custom gadgets.

        The DrawInfo parameter provides information invaluable to
        "rendered" images, such as pen color and resolution.  Each
        image class must document whether this parameter is required.

        RPort   - RastPort for rendering
        Image   - pointer to a (preferably custom) image
        LeftOffset,RightOffset - positional offsets in pixels
        State   - visual state selected from above
        DrawInfo - pointer to packed of pen selections and resolution.


        Provided separately in the DevCon '90 disk set.



        DrawImage(), GetScreenDrawInfo(), intuition/imageclass.h

intuition.library/EasyRequestArgs           intuition.library/EasyRequestArgs

        EasyRequestArgs -- Easy alternative to AutoRequest(). (V36)
        EasyRequest -- Varargs stub for EasyRequestArgs(). (V36)

        num = EasyRequestArgs( Window, easyStruct, IDCMP_ptr, ArgList )
        D0                     A0      A1          A2         A3

        LONG EasyRequestArgs( struct Window *, struct EasyStruct *,
                ULONG *, APTR );

        num = EasyRequest( Window, easyStruct, IDCMP_ptr, Arg1, Arg2, ... )

        LONG EasyRequest( struct Window *, struct EasyStruct *,
                ULONG *, APTR, ... );

        ( from intuition.h )
        struct EasyStruct {
            ULONG       es_StructSize;
            ULONG       es_Flags;
            UBYTE       *es_Title;
            UBYTE       *es_TextFormat;
            UBYTE       *es_GadgetFormat;

        This function provides a simpler method of using a 'System
        Requester' than provided by AutoRequest().  It performs layout
        and size calculations sensitive to the current font and screen

        It provides for the descriptive 'body' text and the gadget
        text to be constructed from 'printf' style format strings.

        It also provides a general way for the requester to be
        sensitive to particular IDCMP messages.

        The first function listed is the actual Intuition library
        function.  It is passed the arguments for the formatting
        operations as a pointer to the first argument.

        The second function uses a C-style variable number of argument
        (varargs) calling convention.  It should be implemented as
        a call to the first function, and might be supplied by your
        compiler vendor, in amiga.lib, or using the first example below,
        for most C compilers.

        NOTE: The formatting is done by exec.library/RawDoFmt(), so
        be aware that to display a 32-bit integer argument, for
        example, you must say "%ld", not "%d", since RawDoFmt() is

        NOTE: This function switches the processor stack to ensure
        sufficient stack space for the function to complete.

        /* varargs interface works for most C compilers */
        EasyRequest( w, es, ip, arg1 )
        struct Window   *w;
        struct EasyStruct *es;
        ULONG             *ip;
        int               arg1;
            return ( EasyRequestArgs( w, es, ip, &arg1 ) );


        /* typical use */
        struct EasyStruct volumeES = {
            sizeof (struct EasyStruct),
            "Volume Request",
            "Please insert volume %s in any drive.",
        #define CANCEL  (0)

        Volume  *
        getVolume( volname )
        UBYTE   *volname;
            Volume      *vptr;
            Volume      *findVolume();
            UWORD       reply;
            ULONG       iflags;

            iflags = IDCMP_DISKINSERTED;

        while ( ((vptr = findVolume( volname )) == NULL) &&
         (EasyRequest( w, &volumeES, &iflags, volname ) != CANCEL) )
                /* loop */ ;

            /* note that in some circumstances, you will have to
               re-initialize the value of 'iflags'.  Here, it
               is either unchanged, or returned as the single
               IDCMPFlag value IDCMP_DISKINSERTED.  If you combine
               multiple  IDCMPFlag values in 'iflags,' only
               one will be returned, so you must reinitialize
               'iflags' to be the combination.
            return ( vptr );

        Window = Reference window pointer, determines the screen and
            title of the requester window.  This can be NULL, which
            means the requester is to appear on the Workbench screen,
            or default public screen, if defined.
        IDCMP_ptr = Pointer to IDCMP flags that you want to terminate
                the requester.  This pointer may be NULL.
        easyStruct = Pointer to EasyStruct structure with fields
                interpreted as follows:

        es_StructSize = sizeof (struct EasyStruct), for future extension.
        es_Flags = 0 for now, in the future may specify other options.
        es_Title = Title of system requester window.  If this is NULL,
            the title will be taken to be the same as the title of 'Window',
            if provided, or else "System Request."
        es_TextFormat = Format string, a la RawDoFmt(), for message in
            requester body.  Lines are separated by '\n'.  Formatting
            '%' functions are supported exactly as in RawDoFmt().
        es_GadgetFormat = Format string for gadgets.  Text for separate
            gadgets is separated by '|'.  Format functions are supported.
            You MUST specify at least one gadget.

        Args = Arguments for format commands.   Arguments for
            GadFmt follow arguments for TextFmt.

        0, 1, ..., N = Successive GadgetID values, for the gadgets
            you specify for the requester.  NOTE: The numbering
            from left to right is actually: 1, 2, ..., N, 0.
            This is for compatibility with AutoRequests which has
            FALSE for the rightmost gadget.

        -1 = Means that one of the caller-supplied IDCMPFlags occurred.
            The IDCMPFlag value is in the longword pointed to by IDCMP_ptr.

        When DOS brings up EasyRequests() on your process (eg.
        "Please insert volume XXX in any drive", they normally come
        up on the default public screen, which is usually the Workbench
        screen.  If you set your Process pr_WindowPtr field to point to
        one of your windows, then DOS will bring its requesters up on the
        same screen as that window.  A pr_WindowPtr of -1 prevents
        requesters from coming up at all.
        (Some FileSystem requesters cannot be redirected or supressed).

        Does not fall back to a recoverable alert if the requester
         cannot be created.

        Does not handle case when gadgets don't fit or window title
        is too long, although it does trim trailing spaces from the
        title for calculating dimensions.

        Possible enhancements include: centering of text, size-sensitive
        layout,  window-relative requester, vertical gadget layout,
        window placement, more keyboard shortcuts.

        We also reserve the use of the newline character '\n' in
        gadget format strings for future use as a line separator.

        exec.library/RawDoFmt(), BuildEasyRequestArgs(), SysReqHandler(),
        AutoRequest(), BuildSysRequest()
intuition.library/EndRefresh                     intuition.library/EndRefresh

        EndRefresh -- End the optimized refresh state of the window.

        EndRefresh( Window, Complete )
                    A0      D0

        VOID EndRefresh( struct Window *, BOOL );

        This function gets you out of the special refresh state of your
        window.  It is called following a call to BeginRefresh(), which
        routine puts you into the special refresh state.  While your window
        is in the refresh state, the only rendering that will be wrought in
        your window will be to those areas which were recently revealed and
        need to be refreshed.

        After you've done all the refreshing you want to do for this window,
        you should call this routine to restore the window to its
        non-refreshing state.  Then all rendering will go to the entire
        window, as usual.

        The 'Complete' argument is a boolean TRUE or FALSE value used to
        describe whether or not the refreshing you've done was all the
        refreshing that needs to be done at this time.  Most often, this
        argument will be TRUE.  But if, for instance, you have multiple
        tasks or multiple procedure calls which must run to completely
        refresh the window, then each can call its own Begin/EndRefresh()
        pair with a Complete argument of FALSE, and only the last calls
        with a Complete argument of TRUE.

        WARNING:  Passing this function the value of FALSE has its
        pitfalls.  Please see the several caveats in the autodoc for

        For your information, this routine calls the Layers library function
        EndUpdate(), unlocks your layers (calls UnlockLayerRom()), clears
        the LAYERREFRESH bit in your Layer Flags, and clears the
        WFLG_WINDOWREFRESH bit in your window Flags.

        Window = pointer to the window currently in optimized-refresh mode
        Complete = Boolean TRUE or FALSE describing whether or not this
           window is completely refreshed



        BeginRefresh(), layers.library/EndUpdate(),
intuition.library/EndRequest                     intuition.library/EndRequest

        EndRequest -- Remove a currently active requester.

        EndRequest( Requester, Window )
                    A0         A1

        VOID EndRequest( struct Requester *, struct Window * );

        Ends the request by erasing the requester and decoupling it from
        the window.

        Note that this doesn't necessarily clear all requesters from the window,
        only the specified one.  If the window labors under other requesters,
        they will remain in the window.

        Requester = pointer to the requester to be removed
        Window = pointer to the Window structure with which this requester
           is associated



intuition.library/EraseImage                     intuition.library/EraseImage

        EraseImage -- Erases an Image. (V36)

        EraseImage( RPort, Image, LeftOffset, TopOffset )
                    A0     A1     D0          D1

        VOID EraseImage( struct RastPort *, struct Image *, WORD, WORD );

        Erases an Image.  For a normal Image structure, this will
        call the graphics function EraseRect() (clear using layer
        backfill, if any) for the Image box (LeftEdge/TopEdge/Width/Height).

        For custom image, the exact behavior is determined by the
        custom image class.

        RPort   - RastPort to erase a part of
        Image   - custom or standard image
        LeftOffset,RightOffset - pixel offsets of Image position






intuition.library/FreeClass                       intuition.library/FreeClass

        FreeClass -- Frees a boopsi class created by MakeClass(). (V36)

        success = FreeClass( ClassPtr )
        D0                   A0

        BOOL FreeClass( struct IClass * );

        For class implementors only.

        Tries to free a boopsi class created by MakeClass().  This
        won't always succeed: classes with outstanding objects or
        with subclasses cannot be freed.  You cannot allow the code
        which implements the class to be unloaded in this case.

        For public classes, this function will *always* remove
        the class (see RemoveClass() ) making it unavailable, whether
        it succeeds or not.

        If you have a dynamically allocated data for your class (hanging
        off of cl_UserData), try to free the class before you free the
        user data, so you don't get stuck with a half-freed class.

        ClassPtr - pointer to a class created by MakeClass().

        Returns FALSE if the class could not be freed.  Reasons include,
        but will not be limited to, having non-zero cl_ObjectCount or

        Returns TRUE if the class could be freed.

        Calls RemoveClass() for the class in either case.

        Freeing a private class with dynamically allocated user data:

        freeMyClass( cl )
        struct IClass   *cl;
            struct MyPerClassData       *mpcd;

            mpcd = (struct MyPerClassData *) cl->cl_UserData;
            if ( FreeClass( cl ) )
                FreeMem( mpcd, sizeof mpcd );
                return ( TRUE );
                return ( FALSE );


        Document "Basic Object-Oriented Programming System for Intuition"
        and the "boopsi Class Reference" document.

intuition.library/FreeRemember                 intuition.library/FreeRemember

        FreeRemember -- Free memory allocated by calls to AllocRemember().

        FreeRemember( RememberKey, ReallyForget )
                      A0           D0

        VOID FreeRemember( struct Remember **, BOOL );

        This function frees up memory allocated by the AllocRemember() function.
        It will either free up just the Remember structures, which supply the
        link nodes that tie your allocations together, or it will deallocate
        both the link nodes AND your memory buffers too.

        If you want to deallocate just the Remember structure link nodes,
        you should set the ReallyForget argument to FALSE.  However, if you
        want FreeRemember to really deallocate all the memory, including
        both the Remember structure link nodes and the buffers you requested
        via earlier calls to AllocRemember(), then you should set the
        ReallyForget argument to TRUE.

        NOTE WELL: Once you call this function passing it FALSE, the
        linkages between all the memory chunks are lost, and you
        cannot subsequently use FreeRemember() to free them.

        RememberKey = the address of a pointer to struct Remember.  This
           pointer should either be NULL or set to some value (possibly
           NULL) by a call to AllocRemember().
        ReallyForget = a BOOL FALSE or TRUE describing, respectively,
           whether you want to free up only the Remember nodes or
           if you want this procedure to really forget about all of
           the memory, including both the nodes and the memory buffers
           referenced by the nodes.

        struct Remember *RememberKey;
        RememberKey = NULL;
        AllocRemember(&RememberKey, BUFSIZE, MEMF_CHIP);
        FreeRemember(&RememberKey, TRUE);



        AllocRemember(), exec.library/FreeMem()
intuition.library/FreeScreenDrawInfo     intuition.library/FreeScreenDrawInfo

        FreeScreenDrawInfo -- Finish using a DrawInfo structure. (V36)

        FreeScreenDrawInfo( Screen, DrInfo )
                            A0      A1

        VOID FreeScreenDrawInfo( struct Screen *, struct DrawInfo * );

        Declares that you are finished with the DrawInfo structure
        returned by GetScreenDrawInfo().

        Screen        - pointer to screen passed to GetScreenDrawInfo()
        DrInfo      - pointer to DrawInfo returned by GetScreenDrawInfo()


        This function, and GetScreenDrawInfo(), don't really do much, but
        they provide an upward compatibility path.  That means that
        if you misuse them today, they probably won't cause a problem,
        although they may someday later.  So, please be very careful
        only to use the DrawInfo structure between calls to
        GetScreenDrawInfo() and FreeScreenDrawInfo(), and be sure
        that you don't forget FreeScreenDrawInfo().



intuition.library/FreeSysRequest             intuition.library/FreeSysRequest

        FreeSysRequest -- Free resources gotten by a call to BuildSysRequest().

        FreeSysRequest( Window )

        VOID FreeSysRequest( struct Window * );

        This routine frees up all memory allocated by a successful call to
        the BuildSysRequest() procedure.  If BuildSysRequest() returned a
        pointer to a window, then you are able to wait on the message port
        of that window to detect an event which satisfies the requester.
        When you want to remove the requester, you call this procedure.  It
        ends the requester and deallocates any memory used in the creation
        of the requester.  It also closes the special window that was opened
        for your system requester.

        For V36: It's OK if you pass a NULL or a TRUE (1) value to
        this function.  Also, this function properly disposes of
        requesters gotten using BuildEasyRequest().

        Window = value of the window pointer returned by a successful call to
           the BuildSysRequest() procedure



        BuildSysRequest(), AutoRequest(), CloseWindow()
intuition.library/GadgetMouse                   intuition.library/GadgetMouse

        GadgetMouse -- Calculate gadget-relative mouse position. (V36)

        GadgetMouse( Gadget, GInfo, MousePoint )
                     A0      A1     A2

        VOID GadgetMouse( struct GadgetInfo *, WORD * );

        Determines the current location of the mouse pointer relative
        to the upper-left corner of a custom gadget.  Typically used
        only in the GM_HANDLEINPUT and GM_GOACTIVE custom gadget hook

        NEWS FLASH!!: These two hook routines are now passed the mouse
        coordinates, so this function has no known usefulness.

        We recommend that you don't call it.

        Note that this function calculates the mouse position taking
        "gadget relativity" (GFLG_RELRIGHT, GFLG_RELBOTTOM) into
        consideration.  If your custom gadget intends to ignore these
        properties, then you should either enjoin or inhibit your users
        from setting those bits, since Intuition won't ask if you respect

        GInfo = A pointer to a GadgetInfo structure as passed to the
                custom gadget hook routine.
        MousePoint = address of two WORDS, or a pointer to a structure of
                type Point.

        Returns nothing.  Fills in the two words pointed to by
        MousePoint with the gadget-relative mouse position.

        Useless, since equivalent information is now passed to every
        function that might have a use for this.


intuition.library/GetAttr                           intuition.library/GetAttr

        GetAttr -- Inquire the value of some attribute of an object. (V36)

        attr = GetAttr( AttrID, Object, StoragePtr )
        D0              D0      A0      A1

        ULONG GetAttr( ULONG, APTR, ULONG * );

        Inquires from the specified object the value of the specified attribute.

        You always pass the address of a long variable, which will
        receive the same value that would be passed to SetAttrs() in
        the ti_Data portion of a TagItem element.  See the documentation
        for the class for exceptions to this general rule.

        Not all attributes will respond to this function.  Those that
        will are documented on a class-by-class basis.

        AttrID = the attribute tag ID understood by the object's class
        Object = abstract pointer to the boopsi object you are interested in
        StoragePtr = pointer to appropriate storage for the answer

        Returns FALSE (0) if the inquiries of attribute are not provided
        by the object's class.

        This function invokes the OM_GET method of the object.


        NewObject(), DisposeObject(), SetAttrs(), MakeClass(),
        Document "Basic Object-Oriented Programming System for Intuition"
        and the "boopsi Class Reference" document.

intuition.library/GetDefaultPubScreen   intuition.library/GetDefaultPubScreen

        GetDefaultPubScreen -- Get name of default public screen. (V36)

        GetDefaultPubScreen( Namebuff )

        VOID GetDefaultPubScreen( UBYTE * );

        Provides the name of the current default public screen.
        Only anticipated use is for Public Screen Manager utilities,
        since it is easy to open a visitor window on the default
        public screen without specifying the name.

        Namebuff = a buffer of MAXPUBSCREENNAME.  This can be NULL.

        None.  Will provide the string "Workbench" in Namebuff if there
        is no current default public screen.

        This function actually "returns" in register D0 a pointer
        to the public screen.  Unfortunately, the lifespan of
        this pointer is not ensured; the screen could be closed
        at any time.  The *ONLY* legitimate use we can see for
        this return value is to compare for identity with the pointer
        to a public screen you either have a window open in, or
        a lock on using LockPubScreen(), to determine if that
        screen is in fact the default screen.

        The function prototype does not reflect the return value.

        SetDefaultPubScreen(), OpenWindow()
intuition.library/GetDefPrefs                   intuition.library/GetDefPrefs

        GetDefPrefs -- Get a copy of the the Intuition default Preferences.

        Prefs = GetDefPrefs( PrefBuffer, Size )
        D0                   A0          D0

        struct Preferences *GetDefPrefs( struct Preferences *, WORD );

        Gets a copy of the Intuition default preferences data.  Writes the
        data into the buffer you specify.  The number of bytes you want
        copied is specified by the size argument.

        The default preferences are those that Intuition uses when it
        is first opened.  If no preferences file is found, these are
        the preferences that are used.  These would also be the startup
        preferences in an AmigaDOS-less environment.

        It is legal to take a partial copy of the Preferences structure.
        The more pertinent preferences variables have been grouped near
        the top of the structure to facilitate the memory conservation
        that can be had by taking a copy of only some of the Preferences

        PrefBuffer = pointer to the memory buffer to receive your copy of the
                Intuition Preferences structure
        Size = the number of bytes in your PrefBuffer, the number of bytes
          you want copied from the system's internal Preference settings

        Returns your parameter PrefBuffer.


intuition.library/GetPrefs                         intuition.library/GetPrefs

        GetPrefs -- Get the current Intuition Preferences structure.

        Prefs = GetPrefs( PrefBuffer, Size )
        D0                A0          D0

        struct Preferences *GetPrefs( struct Preferences *, WORD );

        Gets a copy of the current Intuition Preferences structure.
        Writes the data into the buffer you specify.  The number of bytes you
        want copied is specified by the size argument.

        It is legal to take a partial copy of the Preferences structure.
        The more pertinent preferences variables have been grouped near
        the top of the structure to facilitate the memory conservation
        that can be had by taking a copy of only some of the Preferences

        New for V36:  A new and more extensible method for supplying
        Preferences has been introduced in V36, and relies on file
        system notification.  The Intuition preferences items rely
        also on the IPrefs program.  Certain elements of the
        Preferences structure have been superceded by this new method.
        As much as possible, the Preferences structure returned by
        GetPrefs() reflect the current state of Preferences.  However,
        it is impossible to represent some of the V36-style preferences
        items using the existing Preferences structure.

        PrefBuffer = pointer to the memory buffer to receive your copy of the
           Intuition Preferences
        Size = the number of bytes in your PrefBuffer, the number of bytes
           you want copied from the system's internal Preference settings

        Returns your parameter PrefBuffer.


        GetDefPrefs(), SetPrefs()
intuition.library/GetScreenData               intuition.library/GetScreenData

        GetScreenData -- Get copy of a screen data structure.

        Success = GetScreenData( Buffer, Size, Type, Screen )
        D0                       A0      D0    D1    A1

        BOOL GetScreenData( APTR, UWORD, UWORD, struct Screen * );

        This function copies into the caller's buffer data from a Screen
        structure.  Typically, this call will be used to find the size, title
        bar height, and other values for a standard screen, such as the
        Workbench screen.

        To get the data for the Workbench screen, one would call:
            GetScreenData(buff, sizeof(struct Screen), WBENCHSCREEN, NULL)

        NOTE: if the requested standard screen is not open, this function
        will have the effect of opening it.

        This function has been useful for two basic types of things:
        1) Determining information about the Workbench screen, in
           preparation for opening a window on it.
        2) Attempts at discerning the user's preferences in a working
           screen, for "cloning" the Workbench modes and dimensions
           when opening a similar custom screen.

        Providing compatibility with both of these goals has proven
        difficult, as we introduce new display modes and screen scrolling
        in V36.  Read carefully the somewhat involved exceptions we
        elected to implement ...

        Changes as of V36:

        For V36 and later, the function LockPubScreen() is an improvement
        over this function, in that it doesn't copy the screen data
        but returns a pointer and a guarantee that the screen will not
        be closed.

        If the global public screen SHANGHAI mode is in effect (see
        SetPubScreenModes() ), this function will actually report on
        the default public screen, where "Workbench" windows will
        actually open.

        For V36 and later, this function does some "compatibility tricks"
        when you inquire about the WBENCHSCREEN.  To keep programs from
        "stumbling" into modes they don't understand, and because an NTSC
        machine may be running a PAL Workbench or PRODUCTIVITY, for example,
        the following "false" information is returned.

        The Screen.ViewPort.Modes field will either be HIRES or HIRES+LACE
        (with the SPRITES flag also set, as usual).  HIRES+LACE is
        used if the display mode selected for the Workbench screen
        is an interlaced screen of any type.

        The dimensions returned will be the *smaller* of the OSCAN_TEXT
        dimensions for the returned mode, and the actual dimensions
        of the Workbench screen.

        EXCEPTION: For specific compatibility considerations, if the
        Workbench is in one of the A2024 modes, the mode returned
        in Screen.ViewPort.Modes will be HIRES+LACE (with perhaps
        some "special" bits also set for future improvement), but
        with dimensions equal to the actual A2024-mode Workbench screen.
        This will favor programs which open windows on the A2024
        Workbench, but will cause some problems for programs which
        try to "clone" the Workbench screen using this function.

        If you want the real information about the modern Workbench
        screen, call LockPubScreen( "Workbench" ) and acquire its
        display mode ID by inquiring of the actual ViewPort (using
        graphics.library/GetVPModeID() ).

        You may then use the information you get to clone as many of
        the properties of the Workbench screen that you wish.

        In the long run, it's probably better to provide your user
        with a screen mode selection option, and skip all this.

        Buffer = pointer to a buffer into which data can be copied
        Size   = the size of the buffer provided, in bytes
        Type   = the screen type, as specified in OpenWindow() (WBENCHSCREEN,
            CUSTOMSCREEN, ...)
        Screen = ignored, unless type is CUSTOMSCREEN, which results only in
            copying 'size' bytes from 'screen' to 'buffer'

        TRUE if successful
        FALSE if standard screen of Type 'type' could not be opened.

        You cannot support the new V36 display modes using this function.

        OpenWindow(), LockPubScreen(), graphics.library/GetVPModeID(),
        SetPubScreenModes(), OpenScreen()
intuition.library/GetScreenDrawInfo       intuition.library/GetScreenDrawInfo

        GetScreenDrawInfo -- Get pointer to rendering information. (V36)

        DrInfo = GetScreenDrawInfo( Screen )
        D0                          A0

        struct DrawInfo *GetScreenDrawInfo( struct Screen * );

        Returns a pointer to a DrawInfo structure derived from the
        screen passed.  This data structure is READ ONLY.  The field
        dri_Version identifies which version of struct DrawInfo you
        are given a pointer to.

        Screen        - pointer to a valid, open screen.

        DrInfo - pointer to a system-allocated DrawInfo structure,
        as defined in intuition/screens.h.

        Some information in the DrawInfo structure may in the future
        be calculated the first time this function is called for a
        particular screen.

        You must call FreeScreenDrawInfo() when you are done using the
        returned pointer.

        This function does not prevent a screen from closing.  Apply it
        only to the screens you opened yourself, or apply a protocol
        such as LockPubScreen().

        WARNING: Until further notice, the pointer returned does not
        remain valid after the screen is closed.

        This function and FreeScreenDrawInfo() don't really do much now,
        but they provide an upward compatibility path.  That means that
        if you misuse them today, they probably won't cause a problem,
        although they may someday later.  So, please be very careful
        only to use the DrawInfo structure between calls to
        GetScreenDrawInfo() and FreeScreenDrawInfo(), and be sure
        that you don't forget FreeScreenDrawInfo().

        Does not reflect to changes in screen modes, depth, or pens.

        FreeScreenDrawInfo(), LockPubScreen(), intuition/screens.h

intuition.library/InitRequester               intuition.library/InitRequester

        InitRequester -- Initialize a Requester structure.

        InitRequester( Requester )

        VOID InitRequester( struct Requester * );

        Initializes a requester for general use.  After calling InitRequester,
        you need fill in only those Requester values that fit your needs.
        The other values are set to NULL--or zero--states.

        Note that the example in the early versions of the Intuition
        Reference Manual is flawed because the Requester structure is
        initialized BEFORE InitRequester is called.  Be sure to
        perform your initialization AFTER calling InitRequester.

        Requester = a pointer to a Requester structure


        Since the publication of the first Intuition Manual to this
        day, most people haven't used this function, and for
        compatibility reasons, we'll never be able to assume that
        they do.  Thus, this function is useless.


intuition.library/IntuiTextLength           intuition.library/IntuiTextLength

        IntuiTextLength -- Return the length (pixel-width) of an IntuiText.

        Length = IntuiTextLength( IText )
        D0                        A0

        LONG IntuiTextLength( struct IntuiText * );

        This routine accepts a pointer to an instance of an IntuiText structure,
        and returns the length (the pixel-width) of the string which that
        instance of the structure represents.

        NOTE: if the Font pointer of your IntuiText structure is set to NULL,
        you'll get the pixel-width of your text in terms of the current system
        default font.  You may wish to be sure that the field IText->ITextFont
        for 'default font' text is equal to the Font field of the screen it is
        being measured for.

        IText = pointer to an instance of an IntuiText structure

        Returns the pixel-width of the text specified by the IntuiText data

        Would do better to take a RastPort as argument, so that a NULL in
        the Font pointer would lead automatically to the font for the
        intended target RastPort, rather than the system default font.

intuition.library/ItemAddress                   intuition.library/ItemAddress

        ItemAddress -- Returns the address of the specified MenuItem.

        Item = ItemAddress( MenuStrip, MenuNumber )
        D0                  A0         D0

        struct MenuItem *ItemAddress( struct Menu *, UWORD );

        This routine feels through the specified menu strip and returns the
        address of the item specified by the menu number.  Typically,
        you will use this routine to get the address of a menu item from
        a menu number sent to you by Intuition after user has chosen from
        a window's menus.

       This routine requires that the arguments are well-defined.
        MenuNumber may be equal to MENUNULL, in which case this routine returns
        NULL.  If MenuNumber doesn't equal MENUNULL, it's presumed to be a
        valid item number selector for your menu strip, which includes:
           - a valid menu number
           - a valid item number
           - if the item specified by the above two components has a
             sub-item, the menu number may have a sub-item component, too.

        Note that there must be BOTH a menu number and an item number.
        Because a sub-item specifier is optional, the address returned by
        this routine may point to either an item or a sub-item.

        MenuStrip = a pointer to the first menu in your menu strip
        MenuNumber = the value which contains the packed data that selects
           the menu and item (and sub-item).  See the Intuition Reference
            Manual for information on menu numbers.

        If MenuNumber == MENUNULL, this routine returns NULL,
        else this routine returns the address of the menu item specified
        by MenuNumber.


        The "Menus" chapter of the Intuition Reference Manual,
        or the Amiga Rom Kernel Manual
intuition.library/LockIBase                       intuition.library/LockIBase

        LockIBase -- Invoke semaphore arbitration of IntuitionBase.

        Lock = LockIBase( LockNumber )
        D0                D0

        ULONG LockIBase( ULONG );

        Grabs Intuition internal semaphore so that caller may examine
        IntuitionBase safely.  This function is not a magic "fix all my
        race conditions" panacea.

        The idea here is that you can get the locks Intuition needs before
        such IntuitionBase fields as ActiveWindow and FirstScreen are
        changed, or linked lists of windows and screens are changed.

        Do Not Get Tricky with this entry point, and do not hold these locks
        for long, as all Intuition input processing will wait for you to
        surrender the lock by a call to UnlockIBase().

        NOTE WELL: A call to this function MUST be paired with a subsequent
        call to UnlockIBase(), and soon, please.

        NOTE WELL: Do not call any Intuition functions (nor any graphics,
        layers, dos, or other high-level system function) while
        holding this lock.

        A long unsigned integer, LockNumber, specifies which of Intuition's
        internal locks you want to get.  This parameter should be zero for all
        forseeable uses of this function, which will let you examine active
        fields and linked lists of screens and windows with safety.

        Returns another ULONG which should be passed to UnlockIBase() to
        surrender the lock gotten by this call.

        This function must not be called while holding any other system locks
        such as layer or LayerInfo locks.

        UnlockIBase(), layers.library/LockLayerInfo(),
intuition.library/LockPubScreen               intuition.library/LockPubScreen

        LockPubScreen -- Prevent a public screen from closing. (V36)

        screen = LockPubScreen( Name )
        D0                      A0

        struct Screen *LockPubScreen( UBYTE * );

        Prevents a public screen (or the Workbench) from closing
        while you examine it in preparation of opening a visitor window.

        The sequence you use to open a visitor window that needs to
        examine fields in the screen it is about to open on is:
                ... examine fields ...
                OpenWindow() on public screen
                ... use your window ...

        You needn't hold the "pubscreen lock" for the duration that
        your window is opened.  LockPubScreen() basically has the
        same effect as an open visitor window: it prevents the
        screen from being closed.

        If you pass the string "Workbench" or you pass NULL and there
        is no default public screen, the Workbench screen will
        be automatically opened if it is not already present.

        Name = name string for public screen or NULL for default public
        screen.  The string "Workbench" indicates the Workbench

        Returns pointer to a screen, if successful, else NULL.
        The call can fail for reasons including that the named
        public screen doesn't exist or is in private state.


        OpenWindow(), UnlockPubScreen(), GetScreenData()
intuition.library/LockPubScreenList       intuition.library/LockPubScreenList

        LockPubScreenList -- Prevent changes to the system list. (V36)

        List = LockPubScreenList()

        struct List *LockPubScreenList( VOID );

        Arbitrates access to public screen list while you quickly
        make a copy of it for display to the user.

        Note that this is intended only for the Public Screen Manager

        The nodes on the list are PubScreenNode structures.
        Act quickly while holding this lock.  The restrictions
        on LockIBase() apply here as well.


        A pointer to the public screen list.


        OpenScreen(), Intuition V36 update documentation
intuition.library/MakeClass                       intuition.library/MakeClass

        MakeClass -- Create and initialize a boopsi class. (V36)

        iclass = MakeClass( ClassID, SuperClassID, SuperClassPtr,
        D0                  A0       A1            A2
                InstanceSize, Flags )
                D0            D1

        struct IClass *MakeClass( UBYTE *, UBYTE *, struct IClass *,
                UWORD, ULONG );

        For class implementors only.

        This function creates a new public or private boopsi class.
        The superclass should be defined to be another boopsi class:
        all classes are descendants of the class "rootclass".

        Superclasses can be public or private.  You provide a name/ID
        for your class if it is to be a public class (but you must
        have registered your class name and your attribute ID's with
        Amiga, Inc. before you do this!).  For a public class, you would
        also call AddClass() to make it available after you have
        finished your initialization.

        Returns pointer to an IClass data structure for your
        class.  You then initialize the Hook cl_Dispatcher for
        your class methods code.  You can also set up special data
        shared by all objects in your class, and point cl_UserData at it.
        The last step for public classes is to call AddClass().

        You dispose of a class created by this function by calling

        ClassID = NULL for private classes, the name/ID string for public
        SuperClassID = name/ID of your new class's superclass.  NULL if
                superclass is a private class
        SuperClassPtr = pointer to private superclass.  Only used if
                SuperClassID is NULL.  You are required never to provide
                a NULL superclass.
        InstanceSize = the size of the instance data that your class's
                objects will require, beyond that data defined for
                your superclass's objects.
        Flags = for future enhancement, including possible additional
                parameters.  Provide zero for now.

        Pointer to the resulting class, or NULL if not possible:
        - no memory for class data structure
        - public superclass not found
        - public class of same name/ID as this one already exists


        Creating a private subclass of a public class:

    /* per-object instance data defined by my class     */
    struct MyInstanceData {
        ULONG   mid_SomeData;

    /* some useful table I'll share use for all objects */
    UWORD myTable[] = {
        5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

    struct IClass       *
        ULONG __saveds  myDispatcher();
        ULONG   hookEntry();    /* asm-to-C interface glue      */
        struct IClass   *cl;
        struct IClass   *MakeClass();

        if ( cl =  MakeClass( NULL,
                    SUPERCLASSID, NULL,         /* superclass is public      */
                    sizeof (struct MyInstanceData),
                    0 ))
            /* initialize the cl_Dispatcher Hook        */
            cl->cl_Dispatcher.h_Entry = hookEntry;
            cl->cl_Dispatcher.h_SubEntry = myDispatcher;
            cl->cl_Dispatcher.h_Data = (VOID *) 0xFACE;    /* unused */

            cl-cl_UserData = (ULONG) myTable;
        return ( cl );

        The typedef 'Class' isn't consistently used.  Class pointers
        used blindly should be APTR, or struct IClass for class implementors.

        FreeClass(), AddClass(), RemoveClass(), NewObject(),
        Document "Basic Object-Oriented Programming System for Intuition"
        and the "boopsi Class Reference" document.
intuition.library/MakeScreen                     intuition.library/MakeScreen

        MakeScreen -- Do an Intuition-integrated MakeVPort() of a screen.

        MakeScreen( Screen )

        VOID MakeScreen( struct Screen * );

        This procedure allows you to do a MakeVPort() for the viewport of your
        custom screen in an Intuition-integrated way.  This way you can
        do your own screen manipulations without worrying about interference
        with Intuition's usage of the same viewport.

        The operation of this function is as follows:
            - Block until the Intuition View structure is not in being changed.
            - Set the view modes correctly to reflect if there is a (visible)
              interlaced screen.
            - call MakeVPort(), passing the Intuition View and your screen's
            - Unlocks the Intuition View.

        After calling this routine, you should call RethinkDisplay() to
        incorporate the new viewport of your custom screen into the
        Intuition display.

        NOTE: Intuition may determine that because of a change in global
        interlace needs that all viewports need to be remade, so
        it may effectively call RemakeDisplay().

        Screen = address of the custom screen structure



        RethinkDisplay(), RemakeDisplay(), graphics.library/MakeVPort()
intuition.library/ModifyIDCMP                   intuition.library/ModifyIDCMP

        ModifyIDCMP -- Modify the state of a window's IDCMPFlags.

        [Success =] ModifyIDCMP( Window, IDCMPFlags )
        [D0]                     A0      D0

        [BOOL] ModifyIDCMP( struct Window *, ULONG );
        /* returns BOOL in V37 and greater */

        This routine modifies the state of your window's IDCMP (Intuition
        Direct Communication Message Port).  The state is modified to reflect
        your desires as described by the flag bits in the value IDCMPFlags.

        The four actions that might be taken are:

       - if there is currently no IDCMP in the given window, and IDCMPFlags
         is zero, nothing happens
       - if there is currently no IDCMP in the given window, and any of the
         IDCMPFlags is selected (set), then the IDCMP of the window is
         created, including allocating and initializing the message ports
         and allocating a signal bit for your port.  See the "Input and
         Output Methods" chapter of the Intuition Reference Manual for full
       - if the IDCMP for the given window exists, and the
         IDCMPFlags argument is zero, this says that you want
         Intuition to close the ports, free the buffers and free
         your signal bit.  You MUST be the same task that was active
         when this signal bit was allocated (either by ModifyIDCMP()
          or OpenWindow() ).
       - if the IDCMP for the given window is opened, and the IDCMPFlags
         argument is not zero, this means that you want to change the
         state of which events will be broadcast to you through the IDCMP

        NOTE:  You can set up the Window->UserPort to any port of your own
        before you call ModifyIDCMP().  If IDCMPFlags is non-null but
        your UserPort is already initialized, Intuition will assume that
        it's a valid port with task and signal data preset and Intuition
        won't disturb your set-up at all, Intuition will just allocate
        the Intuition message port half of it.  The converse is true
        as well:  if UserPort is NULL when you call here with
        IDCMPFlags == NULL, Intuition will deallocate only the Intuition
        side of the port.

        This allows you to use a port that you already have allocated:
       - OpenWindow() with IDCMPFlags equal to NULL (open no ports)
       - set the UserPort variable of your window to any valid port of your
         own choosing
       - call ModifyIDCMP with IDCMPFlags set to what you want
       - then, to clean up later, set UserPort equal to NULL before calling
         CloseWindow() (leave IDCMPFlags alone)  BUT FIRST: you must make
          sure that no messages sent your window are queued at the port,
          since they will be returned to the memory free pool.

        For an example of how to close a window with a shared IDCMP,
        see the description for CloseWindow().

        Window = pointer to the Window structure containing the IDCMP ports
        IDCMPFlags = the flag bits describing the new desired state of the IDCMP

        Starting in V37, this function returns NULL if it was unable
        to create the necessary message ports.  (The possibility of
        failure exists in earlier releases, but no return code was offered).
        Do not check the return code under V36 or earlier.


        OpenWindow(), CloseWindow()
intuition.library/ModifyProp                     intuition.library/ModifyProp

        ModifyProp -- Modify the current parameters of a proportional gadget.

        ModifyProp( Gadget, Window, Requester,
                    A0      A1      A2
                    Flags, HorizPot, VertPot, HorizBody, VertBody )
                    D0     D1        D2       D3         D4

        VOID ModifyProp( struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
                struct Requester *, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD );

        Modifies the parameters of the specified proportional gadget.  The
        gadget's internal state is then recalculated and the imagery
        is redisplayed in the window or requester that contains the gadget.

        The requester variable can point to a requester structure.  If the
        gadget has the GTYP_REQGADGET flag set, the gadget is in a requester
        and the window pointer must point to the window of the requester.
        If this is not the gadget of a requester, the requester argument may
        be NULL.

        NOTE: this function causes all gadgets from the proportional
        gadget to the end of the gadget list to be refreshed, for
        reasons of compatibility.
        For more refined display updating, use NewModifyProp().

        New for V36: ModifyProp() refreshing consists of redrawing gadgets
        completely.  NewModifyProp() has changed this behavior (see

        PropGadget = pointer to a proportional gadget
        Window = pointer to the window containing the gadget or the window
            containing the requester containing the gadget.
        Requester = pointer to a requester (may be NULL if this isn't
            a requester gadget)
        Flags = value to be stored in the Flags field of the PropInfo
        HorizPot = value to be stored in the HorizPot field of the PropInfo
        VertPot = value to be stored in the VertPot field of the PropInfo
        HorizBody = value to be stored in the HorizBody field of the PropInfo
        VertBody = value to be stored in the VertBody field of the PropInfo



        The Intuition Reference Manual and Amiga Rom Kernel Manual contain
        more information on Proportional Gadgets.
intuition.library/MoveScreen                     intuition.library/MoveScreen

        MoveScreen -- Attempt to move the screen by the increments provided.

        MoveScreen( Screen, DeltaX, DeltaY )
                    A0      D0      D1

        VOID MoveScreen( struct Screen *, WORD, WORD );

        Moves the screen the specified increment, specified in screen
        pixel resolution coordinates.

        New for V36: Screen movement limits have been greatly relaxed,
        to support screen scrolling.  In particular, negative values
        for screen LeftEdge and TopEdge may now be valid.

       If the DeltaX and DeltaY variables you specify would move the screen
       in a way that violates any restrictions, the screen will be moved
       as far as possible.  You may examine the LeftEdge and TopEdge fields
        of the Screen structure after this function returns to see where
        the screen really ended up.

        In operation, this function determines what the resulting position
        values that are actually to be used, sets these up, and calls
        MakeScreen() and RethinkDisplay().

        Screen = pointer to a Screen structure
        DeltaX = amount to move the screen on the x-axis
                Note that DeltaX no longer (V36) need be set to zero
        DeltaY = amount to move the screen on the y-axis
                Note that these coordinates are in the same resolution
                as the screen (such as HIRES or INTERLACE)



intuition.library/MoveWindow                     intuition.library/MoveWindow

        MoveWindow -- Ask Intuition to move a window.

        MoveWindow( Window, DeltaX, DeltaY )
                    A0      D0      D1

        VOID MoveWindow( struct Window *, WORD, WORD );

        This routine sends a request to Intuition asking to move the window
        the specified distance.  The delta arguments describe how far to
        move the window along the respective axes.

        Note that the window will not be moved immediately, but rather
        will be moved the next time Intuition receives an input event,
        which happens currently at a minimum rate of ten times per second,
        and a maximum of sixty times a second.

        Interactions with other arbitration of Intuition data structures
        may defer this operation longer.  For V36, you can use the new
        IDCMP class IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW to detect when this operation has

        New for V36: Intuition now will do validity checking on the final
        position.  To send absolute movements, or to move and size a
        window in one step, use ChangeWindowBox().

        Window = pointer to the structure of the Window to be moved
        DeltaX = how far to move the Window on the x-axis
        DeltaY = how far to move the Window on the y-axis



        ChangeWindowBox(), SizeWindow(), WindowToFront(), WindowToBack()
intuition.library/MoveWindowInFrontOf   intuition.library/MoveWindowInFrontOf

        MoveWindowInFrontOf -- Arrange the relative depth of a window. (V36)

        MoveWindowInFrontOf( Window, BehindWindow )
                             A0      A1

        VOID MoveWindowInFrontOf( struct Window *, struct Window * );

        Depth-arranges a window in front of an another window.
        Brings out the layers.library MoveLayerInFrontOf() to the
        Intuition user.

        Window =  window to re-position in front of another window
        BehindWindow =  window to re-position in front of

        Repositions window.

        Doesn't respect backdrop windows.

        WindowToFront(), WindowToBack(), layers.library/MoveLayerInFrontOf()
intuition.library/NewModifyProp               intuition.library/NewModifyProp

        NewModifyProp -- ModifyProp(), but with selective refresh.

        NewModifyProp( Gadget, Window, Requester, Flags,
                       A0      A1      A2         D0
                HorizPot, VertPot, HorizBody, VertBody, NumGad )
                D1        D2       D3         D4        D5

        VOID NewModifyProp( struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
                struct Requester *, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, WORD );

        Performs the function of ModifyProp(), but refreshes
        gadgets in the list as specified by the NumGad parameter.
        With NumGad = -1, this function is identical to ModifyProp().

        New for V36: When NumGad = 1, this function will now perform
        an incremental update of the proportional gadget knob image,
        rather than refreshing the entire gadget.  This means much
        less flashing when programmatically scrolling a proportional

        PropGadget = pointer to a proportional gadget
        Window = pointer to the window containing the gadget or the window
            containing the requester containing the gadget.
        Requester = pointer to a requester (may be NULL if this isn't
            a requester gadget)
        Flags = value to be stored in the Flags field of the PropInfo
        HorizPot = value to be stored in the HorizPot field of the PropInfo
        VertPot = value to be stored in the VertPot field of the PropInfo
        HorizBody = value to be stored in the HorizBody field of the PropInfo
        VertBody = value to be stored in the VertBody field of the PropInfo
        NumGad = number of gadgets to be refreshed after propgadget internals
            have been adjusted.  -1 means "to end of list."



        The Intuition Reference Manual contains more information on
        Proportional Gadgets.
intuition.library/NewObject                       intuition.library/NewObject

        NewObjectA -- Create an object from a class. (V36)
        NewObject -- Varargs stub for NewObjectA(). (V36)

        object = NewObjectA( class, classID, tagList )
        D0                   A0     A1       A2

        APTR NewObjectA( struct IClass *, UBYTE *, struct TagItem * );

        object = NewObject( class, classID, Tag1, ... )

        APTR NewObject( struct IClass *, UBYTE *, ULONG, ... );

        This is the general method of creating objects from 'boopsi' classes.
        ('Boopsi' stands for "basic object-oriented programming system for

        You specify a class either as a pointer (for a private class) or
        by its ID string (for public classes).  If the class pointer
        is NULL, then the classID is used.

        You further specify initial "create-time" attributes for the
        object via a TagItem list, and they are applied to the resulting
        generic data object that is returned.  The attributes, their meanings,
        attributes applied only at create-time, and required attributes
        are all defined and documented on a class-by-class basis.

        class = abstract pointer to a boopsi class gotten via MakeClass().
        classID = the name/ID string of a public class.  This parameter is
                only used if 'class' is NULL.
        tagList = pointer to array of TagItems containing attribute/value
                pairs to be applied to the object being created

        A boopsi object, which may be used in different contexts such
        as a gadget or image, and may be manipulated by generic functions.
        You eventually free the object using DisposeObject().

        This function invokes the OM_NEW "method" for the class specified.

        Typedef's for 'Object' and 'Class' are defined in the include
        files but not used consistently.  The generic type APTR is
        probably best used for object and class "handles", with the
        type (UBYTE *) used for classID strings.

        DisposeObject(), SetAttrs(), GetAttr(), MakeClass(),
        Document "Basic Object-Oriented Programming System for Intuition"
        and the "boopsi Class Reference" document.

intuition.library/NextObject                     intuition.library/NextObject

        NextObject -- iterate through the object on an Exec list. (V36)

        object = NextObject( objectPtrPtr )
        D0                   A0

        APTR NextObject( APTR );

        This function is for boopsi class implementors only.

        When you collect a set of boopsi objects on an Exec List
        structure by invoking their OM_ADDMEMBER method, you
        can (only) retrieve them by iterations of this function.

        Works even if you remove and dispose the returned list
        members in turn.

        Initially, you set a pointer variable to equal the
        lh_Head field of the list (or mlh_Head field of a MinList).
        You pass the *address* of that pointer repeatedly
        to NextObject() until it returns NULL.


        /* here is the OM_DISPOSE case of some class's dispatcher */
        case OM_DISPOSE:
            /* dispose members  */
            object_state = mydata->md_CollectionList.lh_Head;
            while ( member_object = NextObject( &object_state ) )
                DoMethod( member_object, OM_REMOVE ); /* remove from list */
                DM( member, msg );      /* and pass along dispose       */

        Returns pointers to each object in the list in turn, and NULL
        when there are no more.



        DisposeObject(), SetAttrs(), GetAttr(), MakeClass(),
        Document "Basic Object-Oriented Programming System for Intuition"
        and the "boopsi Class Reference" document.
intuition.library/NextPubScreen               intuition.library/NextPubScreen

        NextPubScreen -- Identify next public screen in the cycle. (V36)

        Buff = NextPubScreen( Screen, NameBuff )
        D0                    A0      A1

        UBYTE *NextPubScreen( struct Screen *, UBYTE * );

        Returns name of next public screen in system rotation, to
        allow visitor windows to provide function to "jump" among
        public-screens in a cycle.

        Screen = pointer to the screen your window is currently open in,
          or NULL, if you don't have a pointer to a public screen.
        NameBuff = pointer to a buffer of MAXPUBSCREENNAME+1 characters,
          for Intuition to fill in with the name of the next public
          screen in rotation.

        Returns NULL if there are no public screens, otherwise a
        pointer to your NameBuff.

        There is no guarantee that the public screen whose name
        was returned by this function will exist or be in "public" state
        by the time you call LockPubScreen(), etc.  You must handle
        cases where LockPubScreen(), etc. will fail.

        Due to a bug, your buffer needs to be (MAXPUBSCREENNAME + 1)
        characters big, which is one more than originally documented.

        The starting screen and cycle order of the public screens isn't
        defined, so do not draw conclusions about the order you
        see in the current version of Intuition.  We reserve the
        right to add meaning to the ordering at a future time.

        OpenScreen(), Intuition V36 update documentation
intuition.library/ObtainGIRPort               intuition.library/ObtainGIRPort

        ObtainGIRPort -- Set up a RastPort for a custom gadget. (V36)

        RPort = ObtainGIRPort( GInfo )
        D0                     A0

        struct RastPort *ObtainGIRPort( struct GadgetInfo * );

        Sets up a RastPort for use (only) by custom gadget hook routines.
        This function must be called EACH time a hook routine needing
        to perform gadget rendering is called, and must be accompanied
        by a corresponding call to ReleaseGIRPort().

        Note that if a hook function passes you a RastPort pointer,
        e.g., GM_RENDER, you needn't call ObtainGIRPort() in that case.

        A pointer to a GadgetInfo structure, as passed to each custom
        gadget hook function.

        A pointer to a RastPort that may be used for gadget rendering.
        This pointer may be NULL, in which case you should do no rendering.
        You may (optionally) pass a null return value to ReleaseGIRPort().


        ReleaseGIRPort(), Custom Gadget documentation

intuition.library/OffGadget                       intuition.library/OffGadget

        OffGadget -- Disable the specified gadget.

        OffGadget( Gadget, Window, Requester )
                   A0      A1      A2

        VOID OffGadget( struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
                struct Requester * );

        This command disables the specified gadget.  When a gadget is
        disabled, these things happen:
             - its imagery is displayed ghosted
             - the GFLG_DISABLED flag is set
             - the gadget cannot be selected by User

        The window parameter must point to the window which contains the
        gadget, or which contains the requester that contains the gadget.
        The requester parameter must only be valid if the gadget has the
        GTYP_REQGADGET flag set, a requirement for all requester gadgets.

       NOTE:  it's never safe to tinker with the gadget list yourself.  Don't
       supply some gadget that Intuition hasn't already processed in
       the usual way.

        NOTE: for compatibility reasons, this function will refresh all
        gadgets in a requester, and all gadgets from gadget to the
        end of the gadget list if gadget is in a window.

        If you want to improve on this behavior, you may perform the
        equivalent operation yourself: remove a gadget or gadgets,
        change the state of their GFLG_DISABLED flag, replace the
        gadgets using AddGList(), and selectively call RefreshGList().

        Gadget = pointer to the gadget that you want disabled
        Window = pointer to a window structure containing the gadget or
            containing the requester which contains the gadget
        Requester = pointer to a requester (may by NULL if this isn't
           a requester gadget (i.e. GTYP_REQGADGET is not set)).



        AddGadget(), RefreshGadgets()
intuition.library/OffMenu                           intuition.library/OffMenu

        OffMenu -- Disable the given menu or menu item.

        OffMenu( Window, MenuNumber )
                 A0      D0

        VOID OffMenu( struct Window *, UWORD );

        This command disables a sub-item, an item, or a whole menu.
        This depends on the contents of the data packed into MenuNumber,
        which is described in the Intuition Reference Manual.

        Window = pointer to the window
        MenuNumber = the menu piece to be disabled



        OnMenu(), ResetMenuStrip()
intuition.library/OnGadget                         intuition.library/OnGadget

        OnGadget -- Enable the specified gadget.

        OnGadget( Gadget, Window, Requester )
                  A0      A1      A2

        VOID OnGadget( struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
                struct Requester * );

        This command enables the specified gadget.  When a gadget is
        enabled, these things happen:
        - its imagery is displayed normally (not ghosted)
        - the GFLG_DISABLED flag is cleared
        - the gadget can thereafter be selected by the user

        The window parameter must point to the window which contains the
        gadget, or which contains the requester that contains the gadget
        The requester parameter must only be valid if the gadget has the
        GTYP_REQGADGET flag set, a requirement for all requester gadgets.

       NOTE:  it's never safe to tinker with the gadget list yourself.  Don't
       supply some gadget that Intuition hasn't already processed in
       the usual way.

        NOTE: for compatibility reasons, this function will refresh all
        gadgets in a requester, and all gadgets from gadget to the
        end of the gadget list if gadget is in a window.

        If you want to improve on this behavior, you may perform the
        equivalent operation yourself: remove a gadget or gadgets,
        change the state of their GFLG_DISABLED flag, replace the
        gadgets using AddGList(), and selectively call RefreshGList().

        Gadget = pointer to the gadget that you want disabled
        Window = pointer to a window structure containing the gadget or
            containing the requester which contains the gadget
        Requester = pointer to a requester (may by NULL if this isn't
           a requester gadget (i.e. GTYP_REQGADGET is not set)).




intuition.library/OnMenu                             intuition.library/OnMenu

        OnMenu -- Enable the given menu or menu item.

        OnMenu( Window, MenuNumber )
                A0      D0

        VOID OnMenu( struct Window *, UWORD );

        This command enables a sub-item, an item, or a whole menu.
        This depends on the contents of the data packed into MenuNumber,
        which is described in the Intuition Reference Manual.

        Window = pointer to the window
        MenuNumber = the menu piece to be enables



        OffMenu(), ResetMenuStrip()
intuition.library/OpenScreen                     intuition.library/OpenScreen

        OpenScreen -- Open an Intuition screen.

        Screen = OpenScreen( NewScreen )
        D0                   A0

        struct Screen *OpenScreen( struct NewScreen * );


        struct Screen *OpenScreen( struct ExtNewScreen * );

        Opens an Intuition screen according to the specified parameters
        found in the NewScreen structure.

        Does all the allocations, sets up the screen structure and all
        substructures completely, and links this screen's viewport into
        Intuition's View structure.

        Before you call OpenScreen(), you must initialize an instance of
        a NewScreen structure.  NewScreen is a structure that contains
        all of the arguments needed to open a screen.  The NewScreen
        structure may be discarded immediately after OpenScreen() returns.

        The SHOWTITLE flag is set to TRUE by default when a screen is opened.
        To change this, you must call the routine ShowTitle().

        NewScreen = pointer to an instance of a NewScreen structure.

        New for V36:
        In addition to the information contained in the NewScreen structure,
        Intuition now recognizes extended data passed in the form
        of an array of TagItem structures (from <utility/tagitem.h>),
        commonly called a "tag list."

        There are two ways to provide this array.  The first is to
        use the new Intuition entry point OpenScreenTagList() and
        pass the tag list as a parameter.  This is the recommended
        method, and has a convenient format variation for C programs
        using a variable number of arguments.

        An older way used for some V36 development uses the OpenScreen()
        entry point, and an extension of the NewScreen structure named
        ExtNewScreen.  See the documentation of the flag NS_EXTENDED,

        While we recommend that you use OpenScreenTagList() rather than
        OpenScreen() when using the extension tag list, we document
        the tag ID values here, so that all parameters for opening
        a screen can be found in one place.

        NewScreen is initialized with the following information:
        Left = initial x-position of your screen (should be zero for
        releases prior to V36)

        Top = initial y-position of the opening screen
        (Note: Left and Top are specified relative to the Intuition's view,
        in same resolution as the screen pixels.)

        Width = the width for this screen's RastPort

        Height = the height for his screen's RastPort, or the constant
                STDSCREENHEIGHT to get the current default height (at
                this time guaranteed to be at least 200 rows).  The normal
                width and height for a particular system is stored by
                the graphics.library in GfxBase->NormalDisplayRows and
                GfxBase->NormalDisplayColumns.  These values will be different
                depending on factors such as PAL video and overscan.

                For V36, a new constant STDSCREENWIDTH is introduced.  It
                serves the similar function for screen width.  Both
                STDSCREENWIDTH and STDSCREENHEIGHT indicate that your
                screen RastPort is to be the same dimensions as your
                DisplayClip rectangle.  If you do not specify either a
                standard or custom DisplayClip, the OSCAN_TEXT region
                will be used, which corresponds to the standard dimensions
                of V35 and earlier.

                Furthermore, if you are using OpenScreenTagList(), and you
                specify STDSCREENWIDTH, and you DO NOT provide a NewScreen
                pointer, and you DO NOT provide SA_Left, then Intuition
                will automatically set the LeftEdge of the screen to
                be the left edge of the screen's DisplayClip region.
                Likewise for STDSCREENHEIGHT and the screen's TopEdge.

        Depth = number of bitplanes

        DetailPen = pen number for details (like gadgets or text in title bar)
            The common value for this pen is 0.

        BlockPen = pen number for block fills (like title bar)
            The common value for this pen is 1.

        Type = screen type values
            Set these flags as desired from the set:
            CUSTOMSCREEN -- this is your own screen, not a system screen.
            CUSTOMBITMAP -- this custom screen has bit maps supplied
                in the bitmap field of the NewScreen structure.  Intuition is
                not to allocate any raster bitmaps.
            SCREENBEHIND -- your screen will be created behind all other open
                screens.  This allows a program to prepare imagery in the
                screen, change its colors, and so on, bringing it to the
                front when it is presentable.
            SCREENQUIET -- Intuition will not render system screen gadgets or
                screen title.  In concert with the WFLG_RMBTRAP flag on all
                your screen's windows, this flag will prevent Intuition from
                rendering into your screen's bitplanes.  Without WFLG_RMBTRAP
                (or using the IDCMP_MENUVERIFY facility to cancel menu
                operations), this flag will prevent Intuition from clearing
                your menu bar, which is probably unacceptable.  The menu bar
                layer may still overwrite  a portion of your screen bitmap
                when the screen is opened.  (V36: it won't clobber your bits
                any more.)
            NS_EXTENDED for this screen to use extended attributes pointed
                to by the 'Extended' field, below.

        ViewModes = the appropriate argument for the data type ViewPort.Modes.
           These include:
           HIRES for this screen to be HIRES width.
           INTERLACE for the display to switch to interlace.
           SPRITES for this screen to use sprites (the pointer
                sprite is always displayed)
           DUALPF for dual-playfield mode (not supported yet)
            [For V36: The ViewModes field is superceded by a TagItem with
            tag value SA_DisplayID.]

        Font = pointer to the default TextAttr structure for text in this
            screen and all windows that open in this screen.  Text that uses
            this TextAttr includes title bars of both screen and windows,
            string gadgets, and menu titles.  Of course, IntuiText that
            specifies a NULL TextAttr field will use the screen/window default
            fonts.  NOTE: Intuition will *NOT* call OpenDiskFont(), so
            the TextAttr you supply must be in memory.  The ways to ensure
            that are to either use a ROM font (Topaz 8 or 9) or first
            call OpenDiskFont() to load the font, and don't close it
            until after your screen is successfully opened.
            [For V36: this is superceded by SA_Font and SA_SysFont.]

        DefaultTitle = pointer to a line of text that will be displayed along
            the screen's title bar.  Null terminated, or just a NULL pointer
           to get no text
            [For V36: superceded by SA_Title.]

        Gadgets = This field should be set to NULL, since no user gadgets may
            be attached to a screen with the current versions of Intuition.

        CustomBitMap = if you're not supplying a custom bitmap, this value is
           ignored.  However, if you have your own display memory that you
           want used for this screen, the CustomBitMap field should point to
            the BitMap structure that describes your display memory.  See the
           "Screens" chapter and the "Amiga ROM Kernel Manual" for more
           information about bitmaps.
            [For V36: this is superceded by SA_BitMap.]

        [ All TagItem extensions below are new for V36.]
        Extension = if NS_EXTENDED is set in NewScreen.Type, this pointer
            should point to an array (or chain of arrays) of TagItems,
            as defined in the include file <utility/tagitem.h>.   This
            field is only defined in the structure ExtNewScreen.
            The values to use for TagItem.ti_Tag are defined below.  We
            recommend that V36-specific applications use the new Intuition
            entry point OpenScreenTagList(), rather than using this field.
            The ExtNewScreen structure is a convenient way to give V36
            Intuition some information that V34 and earlier Intuition will

            Each TagItem is an optional tagged data structure which identifies
            an additional parameter to OpenScreen().  The applicable tag ID
            values for TagItem.ti_Tag and their corresponding data follow.

            Several of the tag items are alternative (and overriding) versions
            to familiar fields in NewScreen.  They are:

        SA_BitMap (whose existence also implies CUSTOMBITMAP).

            Several tags are Booleans, which means that depending on whether
            their corresponding ti_Data field is zero (FALSE) or non-zero
            (TRUE), they specify Boolean attributes.  The ones corresponding
            to Boolean flags in the NewScreen.Type field are:

        SA_Behind (equiv. to SCREENBEHIND)
        SA_Quiet (equiv. to SCREENQUIET)

            The following tags provide extended information to Intuition
            when creating a screen:

        SA_DisplayID: ti_Data is a 32-bit extended display mode ID
            as defined in <graphics/displayinfo.h>

        SA_Overscan: ti_Data contains a defined constant specifying
            one of the system standard overscan dimensions appropriate for
            the display mode of the screen.  Used with the Width and
            Height dimensions STDSCREENWIDTH and STDSCREEN, this makes
            it trivial to open an overscanned or standard dimension
            screen.  You may also hand-pick your various dimensions
            for overscanned or other screens, by specifying screen position
            and dimensions explicitly, and by using SA_DClip to explicitly
            specify an overscanned DisplayClip region.

            The values for ti_Data of this tag are as follows:

            OSCAN_TEXT - Text Overscan region.  A region which is completely
            on screen and readable ("text safe").  A preferences data
            setting, this is backward equivalent with the old MoreRows,
            and specifies the DisplayClip and default dimensions of the
            Workbench screen.  This is the default.

            OSCAN_STANDARD - Also a preferences setting, this specifies
            a rectangle whose edges are "just out of view."  This yields
            the most efficient position and dimensions of on-monitor
            presentations, such as games and artwork.

            OSCAN_MAX - This is the largest rectangular region that the
            graphics library can handle "comfortably" for a given mode.
            Screens can smoothly scroll (hardware pan) within this region,
            and any DisplayClip or Screen region within this rectangle
            is also legal.  It is not a preferences item, but reflects
            the limits of the graphics hardware and software.

            OSCAN_VIDEO - This is the largest region that the graphics
            library can display, comfortable or not.  There is no guarantee
            that all smaller rectangles are valid.  This region is
            typically out of sight on any monitor or TV, but provides our
            best shot at "edge-to-edge" video generation.

            Remember, using overscan drastically effects memory use and
            chip memory bandwidth.  Always use the smallest (standard)
            overscan region that works for your application.

        SA_DClip: ti_Data is a pointer to a rectangle which explicitly
            defines a DisplayClip region for this screen.  See QueryOverscan()
            for the role of the DisplayClip region.

            Except for overscan display screens, this parameter is
            unnecessary, and specifying a standard value using SA_Overscan
            is normally an easier way to get overscan.

        SA_AutoScroll: this is a Boolean tag item, which specifies that
            this screens is to scroll automatically when the mouse pointer
            reaches the edge of the screen.  The operation of this requires
            that the screen dimensions be larger than its DisplayClip

        SA_PubName: If this field is present (and ti_Data is non-NULL),
            it means that the screen is a public screen, and that
            the public screen name string is pointed to by ti_Data.
            Public screens are opened in "PRIVATE" mode and must
            be made public using PubScreenStatus().

        SA_Pens: The ti_Data field (if non-NULL) points to a UWORD
            array of pen specification, as defined for struct DrawInfo.
            This array will be used to initialize the screen's
            DrawInfo.dri_Pens array.

            SA_Pens is also used to decide that a screen is ready
            to support the full-blown "new look" graphics.  If you
            want the 3D embossed look, you must provide this tag,
            and the ti_Data value cannot be NULL.  If it points
            to a "minimal" array, containing just the terminator ~0,
            you can specify "new look" without providing any values
            for the pen array.

        The following two tag items specify the task and signal to be issued
        to notify when the last "visitor" window closes on a public screen.
        This support is to assist envisioned public screen manager programs.

        SA_PubTask:  Task to be signalled.  If absent (and SA_PubSig is
            valid), use the task which called OpenScreen() or

        SA_PubSig:  Data is a UBYTE signal number (not flag) used to notify
            a task when the last visitor window closes on a public screen.

        SA_Colors: ti_Data points to an array of ColorSpec structures
            (terminated with ColorIndex = -1) which specify initial
            values of the screen's color palette.

        SA_FullPalette: this is a Boolean attribute.  Prior to V36, there
            were just 7 RGB color values that Intuition maintained
            in its user preferences (playfield colors 0-3, and colors
            17-19 for the sprite).  When opening a screen, the color
            map for the screens viewport is first initialized by
            graphics (graphics.library/GetColorMap()) then these
            seven values are overridden to take the preferences values.

            In V36, Intuition maintains a full set of 32 preferences colors.
            If you specify TRUE for SA_FullPalette, Intuition will
            override ALL color map entries with its full suite of
            preferred colors.

        SA_ErrorCode: ti_Data points to a ULONG in which Intuition will
            stick an extended error code if OpenScreen[TagList]() fails.
            Values are of this include 0, for success, and:
            OSERR_NOMONITOR     - monitor for display mode not available.
            OSERR_NOCHIPS       - you need newer custom chips for display mode.
            OSERR_NOMEM         - couldn't get normal memory
            OSERR_NOCHIPMEM     - couldn't get chip memory
            OSERR_PUBNOTUNIQUE  - public screen name already used
            OSERR_UNKNOWNMODE   - don't recognize display mode requested

            NOTE: These values are not the same as some similar return
            values defined in graphics.library/ModeNotAvailable().

        SA_SysFont: ti_Data selects one of the system standard fonts
            specified in preferences.  This tag item overrides the
            NewScreen.Font field and the SA_Font tag item.

            Values recognized in ti_Data at present are:
                0 - old DefaultFont, fixed-width, the default.
                1 - Workbench screen preferred font.  You have to
                    be very font sensitive to handle a proportional or
                    larger than traditional screen font.

            NOTE WELL: if you select sysfont 1, windows opened on
            your screen will not inherit the screen font, but rather
            the window RastPort will be initialized to the old-style
            DefaultFont (sysfont 0).

        If all is well, returns the pointer to your new screen
        If anything goes wrong, returns NULL, with further error
        specification in the variable pointed to by the SA_ErrorCode
        data field (V36 and later).

        By default, AmigaDOS requesters related to your process are put on
        the Workbench screen (these are messages like "Disk Full").  If
        you wish them to show up on custom screens, DOS must be told.
        This fragment shows the procedure.  More information is available
        in the AmigaDOS manuals.  Sample code fragment:

        #include "libraries/dosextens.h"
        struct Process  *process;
        struct Window   *window;
        APTR            temp;
                process = (struct Process *) FindTask(NULL);
                temp = process->pr_WindowPtr;      (save old value)
                process->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR) window;
                ( use a pointer to any open window on your screen )
                your code goes here
                process->pr_WindowPtr = temp;
                ( restore value BEFORE CloseWindow() )


        OpenScreenTagList(), OpenWindow(), PrintIText(), CloseScreen(),
        QueryOverscan() PubScreenStatus(), The Intuition Reference Manual,
        utility/tagitem.h, graphics.library/ModeNotAvailable(),
        diskfont.library/OpenDiskFont(), graphics.library/GetColorMap()
intuition.library/OpenScreenTagList       intuition.library/OpenScreenTagList

        OpenScreenTagList -- OpenScreen() with TagItem extension array. (V36)
        OpenScreenTags -- Varargs stub for OpenScreenTagList. (V36)

        Screen = OpenScreenTagList( NewScreen, TagItems )
        D0                          A0         A1

        struct Screen *OpenScreenTagList( struct NewScreen *,
                struct TagItem * );

        Screen = OpenScreenTags( NewScreen, Tag1, ... )

        struct Screen *OpenScreenTags( struct NewScreen *,
                ULONG, ... );

        Provides an extension to the parameters passed to OpenScreen().
        This extensions is in the form of (a pointer to) an array of
        TagItem structures, which have to fields: ti_Tag, an ID identifying
        the meaning of the other field, ti_Data.  See <utility/tagitem.h>.

        The tag items can supplement or override the values in NewScreen.
        In fact, you can pass a NULL value of the NewScreen pointer.
        For that matter, if you pass NULL in both arguments, you'll get
        a screen with defaults in all fields, including display mode,
        depth, colors, dimension, title, and so on.  We ask that
        you at least supply a title when you open a screen.

        See OpenScreen() documentation for parameter specifications.

        NewScreen     - (optional) pointer to a NewScreen structure.
        TagItems      - (optional) pointer to (an array of) TagItem
                        structures, terminated by the value TAG_END.

        Screen  - an open Intuition screen.  See OpenScreen() for
                extended error codes when Screen is returned NULL.

        The version using a variable number of arguments must be
        created for each particular compiler, and may not have
        an analogue in all versions.  For vanilla, 32-bit C
        parameter passing conventions, this works (and will
        appear in amiga.lib):

        struct Screen   *
        OpenScreenTags( ns, tag1 )
        struct NewScreen        *ns;
        ULONG                   tag1;
            struct Screen       *OpenScreenTagList();

            return ( OpenScreenTagList( ns, (struct TagItem *) &tag1 ) );

        We recommend this extension to OpenScreen() over using the
        field ExtNewScreen.Extension.  However, the ExtNewScreen.Extension
        is a convenient way to supply a few tags to V36 Intuition which
        will be ignored by V34 Intuition.  See OpenScreen() documentation
        for lots of details.



intuition.library/OpenWindow                     intuition.library/OpenWindow

        OpenWindow -- Open an Intuition window.

        Window = OpenWindow( NewWindow )
        D0                   A0

        struct Window *OpenWindow( struct NewWindow * );

        Opens an Intuition window of the given dimensions and position,
        with the properties specified in the NewWindow structure.
        Allocates everything you need to get going.

        New for V36: there is an extensive discussion of public Screens
        and visitor windows at the end of this section.  Also,
        you can provide extensions to the NewWindow parameters using
        and array of TagItem structures.  See the discussion below,
        and the documentation for the function OpenScreenTagList().

        Before you call OpenWindow(), you must initialize an instance of
        a NewWindow structure.  NewWindow is a structure that contains
        all of the arguments needed to open a window.  The NewWindow
        structure may be discarded immediately after it is used to open
        the window.

        If Type == CUSTOMSCREEN, you must have opened your own screen
        already via a call to OpenScreen().  Then Intuition uses your screen
        argument for the pertinent information needed to get your window
        going.  On the other hand, if type == one of the Intuition's standard
        screens, your screen argument is ignored.  Instead,
        Intuition will check to see whether or not that screen
        already exists:  if it doesn't, it will be opened first before
        Intuition opens your window in the standard screen.

        New for V36: If you specify Type == WBENCHSCREEN, then your
        window will appear on the Workbench screen, unless the global
        public screen mode SHANGHAI is set, in which case your window
        will be "hijacked" to the default public screen.  See also

        New for V36: If the WFLG_NW_EXTENDED flag is set, it means that the
        field 'ExtNewWindow->Extension' points to an array of TagItems, as
        defined in intuition/tagitem.h.  This provides an extensible means
        of providing extra parameters to OpenWindow.  For compatibility
        reasons, we could not add the 'Extension' field to the NewWindow
        structure, so we have define a new structure ExtNewWindow, which
        is identical to NewWindow with the addition of the Extension field.

        We recommend that rather than using ExtNewWindow.Extension, you
        use the new Intuition function OpenWindowTagList() and its
        varargs equivalent OpenWindowTags().  We document the window
        attribute tag ID's (ti_Tag values) here, rather than in
        OpenWindowTagList(), so that you can find all the parameters
        for a new window defined in one place.

        If the WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP flag is set, the bitmap variable must point
        to your own bitmap.

        The DetailPen and the BlockPen are used for system rendering; for
        instance, the title bar is first filled using the BlockPen, and then
        the gadgets and text are rendered using DetailPen.  You can either
        choose to supply special pens for your window, or, by setting either
        of these arguments to -1, the screen's pens will be used instead.

        Note for V36: The DetailPen and BlockPen no longer determine
        what colors will be used for window borders, if your window
        opens on a "full-blown new look screen."

        NewWindow = pointer to an instance of a NewWindow structure.  That
               structure is initialized with the following data:
        Left = the initial x-position for your window
        Top = the initial y-position for your window
        Width = the initial width of this window
        Height = the initial height of this window

        DetailPen = pen number (or -1) for the rendering of window details
         (like gadgets or text in title bar)
        BlockPen = pen number (or -1) for window block fills (like title bar)
        [For V36: Title bar colors are determined otherwise.]

        Flags = specifiers for your requirements of this window, including:
             which system gadgets you want attached to your window:

            - WFLG_DRAGBAR allows this window to be dragged
            - WFLG_DEPTHGADGET lets the user depth-arrange this window
            - WFLG_CLOSEGADGET attaches the standard close gadget
            - WFLG_SIZEGADGET allows this window to be sized.

            If you ask for the WFLG_SIZEGADGET gadget, you must specify one or
            both of the flags WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT and WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM below; if
            you don't, the default is WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT.  See the following items
            WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT and WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM for more details.

            - WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT is a special system gadget flag that
              you set to specify whether or not you want the
              RIGHT border adjusted to account for the physical size
              of the sizing gadget.  The sizing gadget must, after
              all, take up room in either the right or bottom border
              (or both, if you like) of the window.  Setting either
              this or the WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM flag selects which edge
              will take up the slack.  This will be particularly
              useful to applications that want to use the extra space
              for other gadgets (like a proportional gadget and two
              Booleans done up to look like scroll bars) or, for
              for instance, applications that want every possible
              horizontal bit and are willing to lose lines vertically.
              NOTE:  if you select WFLG_SIZEGADGET, you must select
              either WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT or WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM or both.  If
              you select neither, the default is WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT.
            - WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM is a special system gadget flag that
              you set to specify whether or not you want the
              BOTTOM border adjusted to account for the physical size
              of the sizing gadget.  For details, refer to
              WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT above.

            - WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO for easy but expensive output

            what type of window layer you want, either:
            - WFLG_SMART_REFRESH
            - WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP

            - WFLG_BACKDROP for whether or not you want this window to be one
              of Intuition's special backdrop windows.  See WFLG_BORDERLESS
              as well.

            - WFLG_REPORTMOUSE for whether or not you want to "listen" to
              mouse movement events whenever your window is the active
              one.  After you've opened your window, if you want to change
              you can later change the status of this via a call to
              ReportMouse().  Whether or not your window is listening to
              mouse is affected by gadgets too, since they can cause you
              to start getting reports too if you like.  The mouse move
              reports (either InputEvents or messages on the IDCMP) that
              you get will have the x/y coordinates of the current mouse
              position, relative to the upper-left corner of your window
              (WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO notwithstanding).  This flag can work in
              conjunction with the IDCMP Flag called IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE, which
              allows you to listen via the IDCMP.

            - WFLG_BORDERLESS should be set if you want a window with no
              border padding.  Your window may have the border variables
              set anyway, depending on what gadgetry you've requested for
              the window, but you won't get the standard border lines and
              spacing that comes with typical windows.

              This is a good way to take over the entire screen, since you
              can have a window cover the entire width of the screen using
              this flag.  This will work particularly well in conjunction
              with the WFLG_BACKDROP flag (see above), since it allows you
              to open a window that fills the ENTIRE screen.  NOTE:  this is
              not a flag that you want to set casually, since it may cause
              visual confusion on the screen.  The window borders are the
              only dependable visual division between various windows and
              the background screen.  Taking away that border takes away
              that visual cue, so make sure that your design doesn't need
              it at all before you proceed.

            - WFLG_ACTIVATE is the flag you set if you want this window to
              automatically become the active window.  The active
              window is the one that receives input from the keyboard and
              mouse.  It's usually a good idea to to have the window you
              open when your application first starts up be an ACTIVATED
              one, but all others opened later not be ACTIVATED (if the
              user is off doing something with another screen, for
              instance, your new window will change where the input is
              going, which would have the effect of yanking the input rug
              from under the user).  Please use this flag thoughtfully and

              Some notes: First, your window may or may not be active
              by the time this function returns.  Use the IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW
              IDCMP message to know when your window has become active.
              Also, be very careful not to mistakenly specify the
              obsolete flag names WINDOWACTIVE or ACTIVEWINDOW.  These are
              used in other contexts, and their values unintentionally added
              to your flags can cause most unfortunate results.  To avoid
              confusion, they are now know as WFLG_WINDOWACTIVE and

            - WFLG_RMBTRAP, when set, causes the right mouse button events
              to be trapped and broadcast as events.  You can receive
              these events through either the IDCMP or the console.

            - WFLG_NOCAREREFRESH indicates that you do not wish to
              be responsible for calling BeginRefresh() and EndRefresh()
              when your window has exposed regions (i.e., when the
              IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW message would be generated).  See also
              the descriptions of these two functions.

            - WFLG_NW_EXTENDED (V36) indicates that NewWindow in fact points
              to an ExtNewWindow structure, and that the 'Extension'
              field points to an array of TagItem structures, with
              meaning described below.

        IDCMPFlags = IDCMP is the acronym for Intuition Direct Communications
            Message Port.  (It's Intuition's sole acronym.) If any of the
            IDCMP Flags is selected, Intuition will create a pair of
            message ports and use them for direct communications with the
            task opening this window (as compared with broadcasting
            information via the Console device).  See the "Input and
            Output Methods" chapter of the Intuition Reference Manual for
            complete details.

            You request an IDCMP by setting any of these flags.  Except
            for the special VERIFY flags, every other flag you set tells
            Intuition that if a given event occurs which your program
            wants to know about, it is to broadcast the details of that
            event through the IDCMP rather than via the Console device.
            This allows a program to interface with Intuition directly,
            rather than going through the Console device.

            Many programs have elected to use IDCMP communication
            exclusively, and not to associate a console with their
            windows at all.  Some operations, such as IDCMP_MENUVERIFY,
            can ONLY be achieved using IDCMP.

            The IDCMP flags you can set are:

            - IDCMP_REQVERIFY is the flag which, like IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY and ...

            - IDCMP_MENUVERIFY (see immediately below), specifies that you
              want to make sure that your graphical state is quiescent
              before something extraordinary happens.  In this case, the
              extraordinary event is that a rectangle of graphical data is
              about to be blasted into your Window.  If you're drawing
              directly into its screen, you probably will wish to make sure
              that you've ceased drawing before the user is allowed to bring
              up the DMRequest you've set up, and the same for when system
              has a request for the user.  Set this flag to ask for that
              verification step.

            - IDCMP_REQCLEAR is the flag you set to hear a message whenever
              a requester is cleared from your window.  If you are using
              IDCMP_REQVERIFY to arbitrate access to your screen's bitmap, it
              is safe to start your output once you have heard an
              IDCMP_REQCLEAR for each IDCMP_REQSET.

            - IDCMP_REQSET is a flag that you set to receive a broadcast
              for each requester that is opened in your window.  Compare
              this with IDCMP_REQCLEAR above.  This function is distinct
              from IDCMP_REQVERIFY.  This functions merely tells you that a
              requester has opened, whereas IDCMP_REQVERIFY requires you to
              respond before the requester is opened.

            - IDCMP_MENUVERIFY is the flag you set to have Intuition stop
              and wait for you to finish all graphical output to your
              window before rendering the menus.  Menus are currently
              rendered in the most memory-efficient way, which involves
              interrupting output to all windows in the screen before the
              menus are drawn.  If you need to finish your graphical
              output before this happens, you can set this flag to make
              sure that you do.

            - IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY means that you will be doing output to your
              window which depends on a knowledge of the current size of the
              window.  If the user wants to resize the window,  you may want
              to make sure that any queued output completes before the sizing
              takes place (critical text, for instance).  If this is the
              case, set this flag.   Then, when the user wants to size,
              Intuition will send you the IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY message and Wait()
              until you reply that it's OK to proceed with the sizing. NOTE:
              when we say that Intuition will Wait() until you reply, what
              we're really saying is that user will WAIT until you reply, which
              suffers the great negative potential of User-Unfriendliness.
              So remember:  use this flag sparingly, and, as always with any
              IDCMP Message you receive, reply to it promptly!  Then, after
              user has sized the window, you can find out about it using

            With all the "VERIFY" functions, it is not save to leave them
            enabled at any time when your task may not be able to respond
            for a long period.

            It is NEVER safe to call AmigaDOS, directly or indirectly, when
            a "VERIFY" function is active.  If AmigaDOS needs to put up a
            disk requester for you, your task might end up waiting for the
            requester to be satisfied, at the same time as Intuition is
            waiting for your response.  The result is a complete machine
            lockup.  USE ModifyIDCMP() TO TURN OFF ANY VERIFY MESSAGES
            BEFORE CALLING dos.library!!

            For V36: If you do not respond to the verification IntuiMessages
            within the user specified timeout duration, Intuition will abort
            the operation.  This eliminates the threat of these easy
            deadlocks, but can result in a confused user.  Please try
            hard to continue to avoid "logical deadlocks".

            - IDCMP_NEWSIZE is the flag that tells Intuition to send an IDCMP
              message to you after the user has resized your window.  At
              this point, you could examine the size variables in your
              window structure to discover the new size of the window.
              See also the IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW IDCMP flag.

            - IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW when set will cause a message to be sent
              whenever your window needs refreshing.  This flag makes
              sense only with WFLG_SIMPLE_REFRESH and WFLG_SMART_REFRESH

            - IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS will get reports about mouse-button up/down
              events broadcast to you (Note:  only the ones that
              don't mean something to Intuition.  If the user clicks the
              select button over a gadget, Intuition deals with it and you
              don't find out about it through here).

            - IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE will work only if you've set the
              WFLG_REPORTMOUSE flag above, or if one of your gadgets has the
              GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE flag set.  Then all mouse movements will be
              reported here, providing your window is active.

            - IDCMP_GADGETDOWN means that when the User "selects" a gadget
              you've created with the GACT_IMMEDIATE flag set, the fact
              will be broadcast through the IDCMP.

            - IDCMP_GADGETUP means that when the user "releases" a gadget that
              you've created with the GACT_RELVERIFY flag set, the fact
              will be broadcast through the IDCMP.  This message is
              only generated if the release is "good", such as releasing
              the select button over a Boolean gadget, or typing ENTER
              in a string gadget.

            - IDCMP_MENUPICK selects that menu number data will be sent via
              the IDCMP.

            - IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW means broadcast the IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW event
              through the IDCMP rather than the console.

            - IDCMP_RAWKEY selects that all IDCMP_RAWKEY events are
              transmitted via the IDCMP.  Note that these are absolutely RAW
              keycodes, which you will have to translate before using.
              Setting this and the MOUSE flags effectively eliminates the need
              to open a Console device to get input from the keyboard and
              mouse.  Of course, in exchange you lose all of the console
              features, most notably the "cooking" of input data and
              the systematic output of text to your window.

            - IDCMP_VANILLAKEY is for developers who don't want the hassle
              of IDCMP_RAWKEYS.  This flag will return all the keycodes after
              translation via the current country-dependent keymap.  When
              you set this flag, you will get IntuiMessages where the Code
              field has a decoded ANSI character code representing the key
              struck on the keyboard.  Only codes that map to a single
              character are returned: you can't read such keys as HELP or
              the function keys with IDCMP_VANILLAKEY.

              NOTE FOR V36: If you have both IDCMP_RAWKEY and IDCMP_VANILLAKEY
              set, Intuition will send an IDCMP_RAWKEY event for those
              *downstrokes* which do not map to single-byte characters
              ("non-vanilla" keys).  In this way you can easily detect cursor
              keys, function keys, and the Help key without sacrificing the
              convenience of IDCMP_VANILLAKEY.

            - IDCMP_INTUITICKS gives you simple timer events from Intuition
              when your window is the active one; it may help you avoid
              opening and managing the timer device.  With this flag set,
              you will get only one queued-up INTUITICKS message at a
              time.  If Intuition notices that you've been sent an
              IDCMP_INTUITICKS message and haven't replied to it, another
              message will not be sent.  Intuition receives timer events and
              considers sending you an IDCMP_INTUITICKS message approximately
              ten times a second.

            - IDCMP_DELTAMOVE gives raw (unscaled) input event delta X/Y
              values.  This is so you can detect mouse motion regardless of
              screen/window/display boundaries.  This works a little
              strangely: if you set both IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE and IDCMP_DELTAMOVE.
              IDCMPFlags, you will get IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE messages with delta
              x/y values in the MouseX and MouseY fields of the

            - IDCMP_NEWPREFS indicates you wish to be notified when the
              system-wide Preferences changes.  For V36, there is a new
              environment mechanism to replace Preferences, which we
              recommend you consider using instead.

            - Set IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW and IDCMP_INACTIVEWINDOW to get messages
              when those events happen to your window.  Take care not to
              confuse this "ACTIVEWINDOW" with the familiar sounding, but
              totally different "WINDOWACTIVE" flag.  These two flags have
              been supplanted by "IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW" and "WFLG_WINDOWACTIVE".
              Use the new equivalent terms to avoid confusion.

            - Set IDCMP_DISKINSERTED or IDCMP_DISKREMOVED to learn when
              removable disks are inserted or removed, respectively.

            - IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE is a new class for V36 which is used as
              a channel of communication from custom and boopsi gadgets
              to your application.

            - IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW is a new class for V36 that will be sent
              to your window whenever its dimensions or position are changed
              by the user or the functions SizeWindow(), MoveWindow(),
              ChangeWindowBox(), or ZipWindow().

            - IDCMP_MENUHELP is new for V37.  If you specify the WA_MenuHelp
              tag when you open your window, then when the user presses the
              HELP key on the keyboard during a menu session, Intuition will
              terminate the menu session and issue this even in place of an
              IDCMP_MENUPICK message.
                - NEVER follow the NextSelect link for MENUHELP messages.
                - You will be able to hear MENUHELP for ghosted menus.
                  (This lets you tell the user why the option is ghosted.)
                - Be aware that you can receive a MENUHELP message whose code
                  corresponds to a menu header or an item that has sub-items
                  (which does not happen for MENUPICK).  The code may also be
                - LIMITATION:  if the user extend-selects some checkmarked
                  items with the mouse, then presses MENUHELP, your
                  application will only hear the MENUHELP report.  You
                  must re-examine the state of your checkmarks when you
                  get a MENUHELP.
                - Availability of MENUHELP in V36 is not directly
                  controllable.  We apologize...

        Gadgets = the pointer to the first of a linked list of the your own
              Gadgets which you want attached to this Window.  Can be NULL
              if you have no Gadgets of your own

       CheckMark = a pointer to an instance of the struct Image where can
              be found the imagery you want used when any of your
              menu items is to be checkmarked.  If you don't want to
              supply your own imagery and you want to just use
              Intuition's own checkmark, set this argument to NULL

       Text = a null-terminated line of text to appear on the title bar of
              your window (may be null if you want no text)

       Type = the screen type for this window.  If this equal CUSTOMSCREEN,
              you must have already opened a CUSTOMSCREEN (see text above).
              Types available include:
                  - WBENCHSCREEN
                  - CUSTOMSCREEN
                  - PUBLICSCREEN (new for V36, see text below)

       Screen = if your type is one of Intuition's standard screens, then
              this argument is ignored.  However, if Type == CUSTOMSCREEN,
              this must point to the structure of your own screen

       BitMap = if you have specified WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP as the type of
               refreshing you want for this window, then this value points to a
               instance of the struct bitmap.  However, if the refresh type
               is NOT WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP, this pointer is ignored.

       MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight = the size limits for this
              window.  These must be reasonable values, which is to say that
              the minimums cannot be greater than the current size, nor can
              the maximums be smaller than the current size.  If they are,
              they're ignored.  Any one of these can be initialized to zero,
              which means that that limit will be set to the current
              dimension of that axis.  The limits can be changed after the
              Window is opened by calling the WindowLimits() routine.

              NOTE: ORIGINALLY, we stated that:

              "If you haven't requested the WFLG_SIZEGADGET option, these
              variables are ignored so you don't have to initialize them."

              It is now clear that a variety of programs take it upon
              themselves to call SizeWindow() (or ChangeWindowBox()) without
              your program's consent or consulting your WFLG_SIZEGADGE
              option.  To protect yourself against the results, we strongly
              urge that if you supply suitable values for these fields even
              if you do not specify WFLG_SIZEGADGET.

              The maximums may be LARGER than the current size, or even
              larger than the current screen.  The maximums should be set to
              the highest value your application can handle.  This allows
              users with larger display devices to take full advantage of
              your software.  If there is no good reason to limit the size,
              then don't.  -1 or ~0 indicates that the maximum size is only
              limited by the size of the window's screen.

              See also the docs on the function WindowLimits() for more

       Extension (New for V36) = a pointer to an array (or chain of arrays)
            of TagItems to specify additional parameters to OpenWindow().
            TagItems in general are described in utility/tagitem.h,
            and the OpenWindow tags are defined in intuition/intuition.h
            and described here.  For items pertaining to Public Screens
            and visitor windows, please see below.

        Here are the TagItem.ti_Tag values that are defined for OpenWindow
        (and OpenWindowTagList()).

        Certain tags simply override equivalent values in NewWindow,
        and allow you to open a window using OpenWindowTagList() without
        having a NewWindow structure at all.  In each case, cast
        the corresponding data to ULONG and put it in ti_Data.

        The compatible tag items include:

        WA_Flags        - initial values for Flags before looking at other
                        Boolean component Tag values
        WA_CustomScreen - also implies CUSTOMSCREEN property
        WA_SuperBitMap - also implies WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP refresh mode.

        These Boolean tag items are alternatives to the NewWindow.Flags
        Boolean attributes with similar names.

        WA_SizeGadget           - equivalent to WFLG_SIZEGADGET
        WA_DragBar              - equivalent to WFLG_DRAGBAR
        WA_DepthGadget          - equivalent to WFLG_DEPTHGADGET
        WA_CloseGadget          - equivalent to WFLG_CLOSEGADGET
        WA_Backdrop             - equivalent to WFLG_BACKDROP
        WA_ReportMouse          - equivalent to WFLG_REPORTMOUSE
        WA_NoCareRefresh        - equivalent to WFLG_NOCAREREFRESH
        WA_Borderless           - equivalent to WFLG_BORDERLESS
        WA_Activate             - equivalent to WFLG_ACTIVATE
        WA_RMBTrap              - equivalent to WFLG_RMBTRAP
        WA_WBenchWindow         - equivalent to WFLG_WBENCHWINDOW
                                  (system PRIVATE)
        WA_SimpleRefresh        - only specify if TRUE
        WA_SmartRefresh         - only specify if TRUE
        WA_SizeBRight           - equivalent to WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT
        WA_SizeBBottom          - equivalent to WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM
        WA_GimmeZeroZero        - equivalent to WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO

        The following tag items specify new attributes of a window.

        WA_ScreenTitle - You can specify the screen title associated
            with your window this way, and avoid a call to SetWindowTitles()
            when your window opens.

        WA_AutoAdjust - a Boolean attribute which says that it's OK
            to move or even shrink the dimensions of this window
            to fit it on the screen, within the dimension
            limits specified by MinWidth and MinHeight.
            Someday, this processing might be sensitive to the
            currently visible portion of the screen the window
            will be opening on, so don't draw too many conclusions
            about the auto-adjust algorithms.
            (Normally, this attribute defaults to FALSE.  However,
            if you call OpenWindowTags() or OpenWindowTagList()
            with a NULL NewWindow pointer, this attribute defaults
            to TRUE).

        WA_InnerHeight - You can specify the dimensions of the interior
            region of your window, independent of what the border
            thicknesses will be.  You probably want to specify
            WA_AutoAdjust to allow Intuition to move your window
            or even shrink it so that it is completely on screen.

            Note: using these tags puts some reasonable restrictions
            on the gadgets you can specify as "border" gadgets when
            you open your window.  Since border gadgets determine
            the border dimensions and hence the overall dimensions of
            your window, those dimensions cannot be used calculating
            the position or dimensions of border gadgets.

            Here's the complete list of restrictions:
            - GACT_LEFTBORDER gadgets cannot be GFLG_RELWIDTH if
              WA_InnerWidth is used.
            - GACT_RIGHTBORDER gadgets MUST be GFLG_RELRIGHT if
              WA_InnerWidth is used.
            - GACT_TOPBORDER gadgets cannot be GFLG_RELHEIGHT if
              WA_InnerHeight is used.
              WA_InnerHeight is used.

        WA_PubScreenName - This tag item declares that you want your window
            to open as a visitor window on the public screen whose name
            is pointed to by (UBYTE *) ti_Data.

        WA_PubScreen - Open as a visitor window on the public screen
            whose address if provided as (struct Screen *) ti_Data.
            To ensure that this screen remains open long enough, you
            must either:
                1) Be the screen's owner
                2) have another window already open on the screen
                3) use LockPubScreen()
            Using exec.library/Forbid() is not sufficient.

            You can provide ti_Data to be NULL (zero), without any
            of the above precautions, to specify the default public screen.

        WA_PubScreenFallBack - This Boolean attribute specifies that a
            visitor window should "fall back" to opening on the default
            public screen if the explicitly specify public screen is not

        WA_WindowName - this visionary specification of a window
            rendezvous name string is not yet implemented.

        WA_Colors - this equally great idea about associating a palette
            specification with the active window may not ever be implemented.

        WA_Zoom - ti_Data points to an array of four WORD's to be used
            as the initial Left/Top/Width/Height of the "alternate
            Zoom position and dimensions."  The presence of this tag
            item implies that you want a Zoom gadget, even though you
            might not have a sizing gadget.

        WA_MouseQueue - This tag specifies a limit for the number
            of outstanding IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE IntuiMessages that Intuition
            will send to your window.  You can change the value of this
            limit after the window is open using SetMouseQueue().

        WA_RptQueue - This tag specifies a limit for the number of
            outstanding repeated-IDCMP_RAWKEY, repeated-IDCMP_VANILLAKEY,
            and repeated-IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE IntuiMessages that Intuition will
            send to your window.  Currently, there is no function to adjust
            the repeat-key queue.

        WA_BackFill - ti_Data is a pointer to a Hook structure that
            the Layers library will call when your window needs
            "backfilling."  See layers.library/InstallLayerHook().

        WA_MenuHelp - ti_Data is a boolean.  If true, enables the MenuHelp
            feature for this window.  See IDCMP_MENUHELP above.  (Ignored
            in V36 and earlier).

        Regarding Public Screens, you can specify a window to be a
        "visitor window" on a public screen in one of several ways.
        In each case, you must be sure not to specify a NewWindow
        type of CUSTOMSCREEN.  You should use the value PUBLICSCREEN.

        There are actually several ways you can specify which screen
        you want a visitor window to be opened on:

            1) Specify the name of the public screen WA_PubScreenName,
            or a NULL pointer, in ti_Data.  The name might have been
            provided by the user.  A NULL pointer means to use the
            default public screen.

            If the named screen cannot be found, the default public screen
            will be used if the Boolean attribute WA_PubScreenFallBack
            is TRUE.

            2) Specify a pointer to a public screen using the
            WA_PubScreen tag item.  The WA_PubScreenFallBack
            attribute has no effect.  You can specify the default
            public screen by providing a NULL pointer.

            You can also specify the pointer by setting NewWindow.Type
            to PUBLICSCREEN, and specifying the public screen pointer
            in NewWindow.Screen.  The WA_PubScreen tag item has precedent
            over this technique.

            Unless NULL, the screen pointer provided MUST be a valid
            public screen.  You may ensure this several ways:

            - Be the owner of the screen.
            - Have a window already open on the screen.
            - Use LockPubScreen() to prevent the screen from closing.
            - specifying the WFLG_VISITOR bit in NewWindow.Flags is not

            It is anticipated that the last will be the most common method
            of opening public screens because you often want to examine
            properties of the screen your window will be using in order
            to compensate for differences in dimension, depth, and font.

            The standard sequence for this method is as follows:
            LockPubScreen()     - obtain a pointer and a promise
            layout window       - adapt your window to the screen you will use
            OpenWindow()        - using the pointer you specify
            UnlockPubScreen()   - once your window is open, you can let go
                                  of the lock on the public screen
            ... normal window even processing ...

        Regarding "service" windows, such as those opened for a system
        requester or file requester associated with a given "client"window.
        These windows should NOT be "visitor" windows.  Open them
        using NewWindow.Type = CUSTOMSCREEN and NewWindow.Screen
        equal to the screen of the client window (window->WScreen).
        You can also use WA_CustomScreen, which has precedence.

        This ensures that the requester service window will be allowed to
        open on the same screen as the client window, even if that
        screen is not a public screen, or has private status.

        This has an implication for service/client protocol: when you
        pass a window pointer to any system requester routine or
        to a routine which creates some other other service window,
        you MUST keep your window open until the client window
        is closed.

        If a requester service will allow a NULL client window, this
        should indicate to open the service window on the default public
        screen (probably Workbench).  The correct way to get a pointer
        to this screen is to call LockPubScreen( NULL ).  In this
        case, you want to open as a visitor window, which means you
        should use either PUBLICSCREEN or WA_PubScreen, described above.
        You should call UnlockPubScreen() after your visitor window is open.

        As of V36, gadgets in the right and bottom border
        (specified with GACT_RIGHTBORDER and GACT_BOTTOMBORDER) only
        contribute to the dimensions of the borders if they are also
        GFLG_RELRIGHT and GFLG_RELBOTTOM, respectively.

        If all is well, returns the pointer to your new Window
        If anything goes wrong, returns NULL

        When you open a window, Intuition will set the font of
        the window's RastPort to the font of the window's screen.
        This does not work right for GimmeZeroZero windows: the
        BorderRPort RastPort has the font set correctly, but
        Window.RPort is set up with the system default font.
        For compatibility reasons, we won't be fixing this problem.

        Also, there is a compatibility trick going on with the
        default font of your window's RastPort if the screen's
        font is "fancy."  See the SA_SysFont attribute described
        under OpenScreen().

        Unless you arrange otherwise, each window you open will allocate
        a signal for your task from the 16 "user signals."
        If no signal is available, your window will not be able
        to be opened.  In early V36 versions and before, Intuition didn't
        check this condition, but just left you with an unusable port.

       OpenWindowTagList(), OpenScreen(), ModifyIDCMP(), SetWindowTitles(),
        LockPubScreen(), SetDefaultPubScreen(), ZipWindow(),
        layers.library/InstallLayerHook(), SetPubScreenModes()
intuition.library/OpenWindowTagList       intuition.library/OpenWindowTagList

        OpenWindowTagList -- OpenWindow() with TagItem extension. (V36)
        OpenWindowTags -- Varargs stub for OpenWindowTagList (V36)

        Window = OpenWindowTagList( NewWindow, TagItems )
        D0                          A0         A1

        struct Window *OpenWindowTagList( struct NewWindow *,
                struct TagItem * );

        Window = OpenWindowTags( NewWindow, Tag1, ... )

        struct Window *OpenWindowTags( struct NewWindow *, ULONG, ... );

        A variation of OpenWindow() that allow direct specification of
        a TagItem array of extension data.  Recommended over using the
        ExtNewWindow.Extension field.

        If you omit the NewWindow (pass NULL), a set of defaults
        are used, and overridden by the tag items.  Even without
        any tag items at all, a reasonable window opens on the Workbench
        or default public screen.

        See OpenWindow() for all the details.

        NewWindow - (optional) pointer to a NewWindow structure.
        TagItems - (optional) pointer to TagItem array, with tag
                values as described under the description for

        Window - newly created window, per your specifications.

        See OpenScreenTagList() for an example of how to create
        a "varargs" version of this function for convenient C
        language programming.




intuition.library/OpenWorkBench               intuition.library/OpenWorkBench

        OpenWorkBench -- Open the Workbench screen.

        WBScreen = OpenWorkBench()

        ULONG OpenWorkBench( VOID );

        This routine attempts to reopen the Workbench.  The actions taken are:
            - general good stuff and nice things, and then return a non-null
              pointer to the Workbench screen.
            - find that something has gone wrong, and return NULL

        The return value, if not NULL, is indeed the address of the Workbench
        screen, although you should not use it as such.  This is because the
        Workbench may be closed by other programs, which can invalidate
        the address at any time.  We suggest that you regard the return
        value as a ULONG indication that the routine has succeeded, if
        you pay any attention to it at all.


        non-zero if Workbench screen opened successfully, or was already
        zero if anything went wrong and the Workbench screen isn't out there

        The name of this routine is spelled wrong: it ought to have been


intuition.library/PointInImage                 intuition.library/PointInImage

        PointInImage -- Tests whether an image "contains" a point. (V36)

        DoesContain = PointInImage( Point, Image )
        D0                          D0     A0

        BOOL PointInImage( struct Point, struct Image * );

        Tests whether a point is properly contained in an image.
        The intention of this is to provide custom gadgets a means
        to delegate "image mask" processing to the Image, where
        it belongs (superceding things like BOOLMASK).  After all,
        a rounded rect image with a drop shadow knows more about
        what points are inside it than anybody else should.

        For traditional Intuition Images, this routine checks if
        the point is in the Image box (LeftEdge/RightEdge/Width/Height).

        Point   - Two words, X/Y packed into a LONG, with high word
                containing 'X'.  This is what you get if you pass
                a Point structure (not a pointer!) using common
                C language parameter conventions.
        Image - a pointer to a standard or custom Image data object.
            NOTE: If 'Image' is NULL, this function returns TRUE.

        DoesContain - Boolean result of the test.



        Only applies to the first image, does not follow NextImage
        linked list.  This might be preferred.


intuition.library/PrintIText                     intuition.library/PrintIText

        PrintIText -- Print text described by the IntuiText argument.

        PrintIText( RastPort, IText, LeftOffset, TopOffset )
                    A0        A1     D0          D1

        VOID PrintIText( struct RastPort *, struct IntuiText *, WORD, WORD );

        Prints the IntuiText into the specified RastPort.  Sets up the RastPort
        as specified by the IntuiText values, then prints the text into the
        RastPort at the IntuiText x/y coordinates offset by the left/top
        arguments.  Note, though, that the IntuiText structure itself
        may contain further text position coordinates: those coordinates
        and the Left/TopOffsets are added to obtain the true position of
        the text to be rendered.

        This routine does window layer clipping as appropriate -- if you
        print text outside of your window, your characters will be
        clipped at the window's edge, providing you pass your window's
        (layered) RastPort.

        If the NextText field of the IntuiText argument is non-NULL,
        the next IntuiText is rendered as well, and so on until some
        NextText field is NULL.

        IntuiText with the ITextFont field NULL are displayed in the
        font of the RastPort.  If the RastPort font is also NULL, the
        system default font, as set via the Preferences tool, will be used.

        RastPort = the RastPort destination of the text
        IText = pointer to an instance of the structure IntuiText
        LeftOffset = left offset of the IntuiText into the RastPort
        TopOffset = top offset of the IntuiText into the RastPort




intuition.library/PubScreenStatus           intuition.library/PubScreenStatus

        PubScreenStatus -- Change status flags for a public screen. (V36)

        ResultFlags = PubScreenStatus( Screen, StatusFlags )
        D0                             A0      D0

        UWORD PubScreenStatus( struct Screen *, UWORD );

        Changes status flags for a given public screen.

        Do not apply this function to a screen if your program
        isn't the screen's "owner", in particular, don't call
        this function for the Workbench screen.

        Screen = pointer to public screen
        StatusFlags = values currently:
          PSNF_PRIVATE: make this screen unavailable to visitor windows

        Returns 0 in the lowest order bit of the return value
        if the screen wasn't public, or because it can not be taken
        private because visitors are open in it.

        All other bits in the return code are reserved for future


        OpenScreen(), Intuition V36 update documentation
intuition.library/QueryOverscan               intuition.library/QueryOverscan

        QueryOverscan -- Inquire about a standard overscan region. (V36)

        success = QueryOverscan( DisplayID, Rect, OScanType )
        D0                       A0         A1    D0

        LONG QueryOverscan( ULONG, struct Rectangle *, WORD );

        This function fills in a rectangle with one of the system
        overscan dimensions, scaled appropriately for the mode of
        the DisplayID it is passed.

        There are three types of system overscan values:
        OSCAN_TEXT: completely visible, by user preference.  Used
          for Workbench screen and screen dimensions STDSCREENWIDTH
          and STDSCREENHEIGHT.  Left/Top is always 0,0.
        OSCAN_STANDARD: just beyond visible bounds of monitor, by
          user preference.  Left/Top may be negative.
        OSCAN_MAX: The largest region we can display, AND display
          any smaller region (see note below).
        OSCAN_VIDEO: The absolute largest region that the graphics.library
          can display.  This region must be used as-is.

        DisplayID -- A 32-bit identifier for a display mode, as
          defined in graphics/displayinfo.h.

          NOTE: If you only intend to use one of the four standard
          overscan dimensions as is, and open your screen to exactly
          the DisplayClip dimensions, you can specify one of
          the OSCAN_ values in the ExtNewScreen tag SA_StdDClip,
          and specify STDSCREENWIDTH and STDSCREENHEIGHT as the
          dimensions to more easily open up an overscanned screen
          (or use no NewScreen in OpenScreenTagList() and accept
          the default standard screen dimensions).

        Rect -- pointer to a Rectangle structure which this function
          will fill out with its return values.  Note that to convert
          a rectangle to a screen "Height" you do (MaxY - MinY + 1), and
          similarly for "Width."  The rectangle may be passed directly
          to OpenScreen() as a DisplayClip region (SA_DClip).

        0 (FALSE) if the MonitorSpec your NewScreen requests
        does not exist.  Non-zero (TRUE) if it does.

        Change in parameter V36.A17 might cause problems for some.

        OpenScreen(), Intuition V36 update documentation
intuition.library/RefreshGadgets             intuition.library/RefreshGadgets

        RefreshGadgets -- Refresh (redraw) the gadget display.

        RefreshGadgets( Gadgets, Window, Requester )
                        A0       A1      A2

        VOID RefreshGadgets( struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
                struct Requester * );

        Refreshes (redraws) all of the gadgets in the gadget list starting
        from the specified gadget.

        The window parameter must point to the window which contains the
        gadget, or which contains the requester that contains the gadget
        The requester parameter must only be valid if the gadget has the
        GTYP_REQGADGET flag set, a requirement for all requester gadgets.

        The Pointer argument points to a Window structure.

        The two main reasons why you might want to use this routine are:
        first, that you've modified the imagery of the gadgets in your
        display and you want the new imagery to be displayed; secondly,
        if you think that some graphic operation you just performed
        trashed the gadgetry of your display, this routine will refresh
        the imagery for you.

        Note that to modify the imagery of a gadget, you must first remove
        that gadget from the window's gadget list, using RemoveGadget() (or
        RemoveGList()).  After changing the image, border, text (including
        text for a string gadget), the gadget is replaced in the gadget list
        (using AddGadget() or AddGList()).  Adding gadgets does not cause
        them to be displayed (refreshed), so this function, or RefreshGList()
        is typically called.

        A common technique is to set or reset the GFLG_SELECTED flag of a
        Boolean gadget and then call RefreshGadgets() to see it displayed
        highlighted if and only if GFLG_SELECTED is set.  If you wish to do
        this and be completely proper, you must RemoveGadget(), change the
        GFLG_SELECTED flag, AddGadget(), and RefreshGadgets(), or the

        The gadgets argument can be a copy of the FirstGadget variable in
        the Window structure that you want refreshed:
        the effect of this will be that all gadgets will be redrawn.
        However, you can selectively refresh just some of the gadgets
        by starting the refresh part-way into the list:  for instance,
        redrawing your window non-GTYP_GZZGADGET gadgets only, which you've
        conveniently grouped at the end of your gadget list.

        Even more control is available using the RefreshGList() routine which
        enables you to refresh a single gadget, or number of your choice.

        NOTE:  It's never safe to tinker with the gadget list yourself.  Don't
        supply some gadget list that Intuition hasn't already processed in
        the usual way.

        Gadgets = pointer to the first in the list of gadgets wanting
        Window = pointer to the window containing the gadget or its requester
        Requester = pointer to a requester (ignored if gadget is not attached
            to a requester).



        RefreshGList(), RemoveGadget(), RemoveGList(), AddGadget(), AddGList()
intuition.library/RefreshGList                 intuition.library/RefreshGList

        RefreshGList -- Refresh (redraw) a chosen number of gadgets.

        RefreshGList( Gadgets, Window, Requester, NumGad )
                      A0       A1      A2         D0

        VOID RefreshGList( struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
                struct Requester *, WORD );

        Refreshes (redraws) gadgets in the gadget list starting
        from the specified gadget.  At most NumGad gadgets are redrawn.
        If NumGad is -1, all gadgets until a terminating NULL value
        in the NextGadget field is found will be refreshed, making this
        routine a superset of RefreshGadgets().

        The Requester parameter can point to a Requester structure.  If
        the first gadget in the list has the GTYP_REQGADGET flag set, the
        gadget list refers to gadgets in a requester and the pointer
        must necessarily point to a window.  If these are not the gadgets
        of a requester, the requester argument may be NULL.

        Be sure to see the RefreshGadgets() function description, as this
        function is simply an extension of that.

        Gadgets = pointer to the first in the list of gadgets wanting
        Window = pointer to the window containing the gadget or its requester
        Requester = pointer to a requester (ignored if Gadget is not attached
            to a Requester).
        NumGad  = maximum number of gadgets to be refreshed.  A value of -1
          will cause all gadgets to be refreshed from gadget to the
          end of the list.  A value of -2 will also do this, but if 'Gadgets'
          points to a Requester Gadget (GTYP_REQGADGET) ALL gadgets in the
          requester will be refreshed (this is a mode compatible with v1.1



intuition.library/RefreshWindowFrame     intuition.library/RefreshWindowFrame

        RefreshWindowFrame -- Ask Intuition to redraw your window border.

        RefreshWindowFrame( Window )

        VOID RefreshWindowFrame( struct Window * );

        Refreshes the border of a window, including title region and all
        of the window's gadgets.

        You may use this call if you wish to update the display of your borders.
        The expected use of this is to correct unavoidable corruption.

        Window = a pointer to a Window structure




intuition.library/ReleaseGIRPort             intuition.library/ReleaseGIRPort

        ReleaseGIRPort -- Release a custom gadget RastPort. (V36)

        ReleaseGIRPort( RPort )

        VOID ReleaseGIRPort( struct RastPort * );

        The corresponding function to ObtainGIRPort(), it releases
        arbitration used by Intuition for gadget RastPorts.

        Pointer to the RastPort returned by ObtainGIRPort().
        This pointer can be NULL, in which case nothing happens.



        ObtainGIRPort(), Custom Gadget documentation
intuition.library/RemakeDisplay               intuition.library/RemakeDisplay

        RemakeDisplay -- Remake the entire Intuition display.


        VOID RemakeDisplay( VOID );

        This is the big one.

        This procedure remakes the entire View structure for the
        Intuition display.  It does the equivalent of MakeScreen() for
        every screen in the system, and then it calls the internal
        equivalent of RethinkDisplay().

        WARNING:  This routine can take many milliseconds to run, so
        do not use it lightly.

        Calling MakeScreen() followed by RethinkDisplay() is typically
        a more efficient method for affecting changes to a single
        screen's ViewPort.




        MakeScreen(), RethinkDisplay(), graphics.library/MakeVPort()
        graphics.library/MrgCop(), graphics.library/LoadView()
intuition.library/RemoveClass                   intuition.library/RemoveClass

        RemoveClass -- Make a public boopsi class unavailable. (V36)

        RemoveClass( classPtr )

        VOID RemoveClass( struct IClass * );

        Makes a public class unavailable for public consumption.
        It's OK to call this function for a class which is not
        yet in the internal public class list, or has been
        already removed.

        ClassPtr = pointer to *public* class created by MakeClass(),
                may be NULL.




        MakeClass(), FreeClass(), AddClass()
        Document "Basic Object-Oriented Programming System for Intuition"
        and the "boopsi Class Reference" document.

intuition.library/RemoveGadget                 intuition.library/RemoveGadget

        RemoveGadget -- Remove a gadget from a window.

        Position = RemoveGadget( Window, Gadget )
        D0                       A0      A1

        UWORD RemoveGadget( struct Window *, struct Gadget * );

        Removes the given gadget from the gadget list of the specified
        window.  Returns the ordinal position of the removed gadget.

        If the gadget is in a requester attached the the window, this
        routine will look for it and remove it if it is found.

        If the gadget pointer points to a gadget that isn't in the
        appropriate list, -1 is returned.  If there aren't any gadgets in the
        list, -1 is returned.  If you remove the 65535th gadget from the list
        -1 is returned.

        New with V37: If one of the gadgets you wish to remove
        is the active gadget, this routine will wait for the user
        to release the mouse button before deactivating and removing
        the gadget.

        Window = pointer to the window containing the gadget or the requester
            containing the gadget to be removed.
        Gadget = pointer to the gadget to be removed.  The gadget itself
            describes whether this is a gadget that should be removed from the
            window or some requester.

        Returns the ordinal position of the removed gadget.  If the gadget
        wasn't found in the appropriate list, or if there are no gadgets in
        the list, returns -1.


        AddGadget(), AddGList(), RemoveGList()
intuition.library/RemoveGList                   intuition.library/RemoveGList

        RemoveGList -- Remove a sublist of gadgets from a window.

        Position = RemoveGList( Window, Gadget, Numgad )
        D0                      A0      A1      D0

        UWORD RemoveGList( struct Window *, struct Gadget *, WORD );

        Removes 'Numgad' gadgets from the gadget list of the specified
        window.  Will remove gadgets from a requester if the first
        gadget's GadgetType flag GTYP_REQGADGET is set.

        Otherwise identical to RemoveGadget().

        The last gadget in the list does NOT have its link zeroed.
        New with V36: OK, last gadget's NextGadget field is set to NULL.

        New with V37: If one of the gadgets you wish to remove
        is the active gadget, this routine will wait for the user
        to release the mouse button before deactivating and removing
        the gadget.

        Window = pointer to the window containing the gadget or the requester
            containing the gadget to be removed.
        Gadget = pointer to the gadget to be removed.  The gadget itself
           describes whether this is a gadget that should be removed
           from the window or some requester.
        Numgad = number of gadgets to be removed.  If -1, remove all gadgets
            to end of window gadget list

        Returns the ordinal position of the removed gadget.  If the gadget
        wasn't found in the appropriate list, or if there are no gadgets in
        the list, returns -1.


        RemoveGadget(), AddGadget(), AddGList()
intuition.library/ReportMouse                   intuition.library/ReportMouse
        ReportMouse -- Tell Intuition whether to report mouse movement.

        ReportMouse( Boolean, Window )
                     D0       A0        <-note

        VOID ReportMouse( BOOL, struct Window * );

        Some compilers and link files switch the arguments to this function
        about in unpredictable ways.  We apologize for this confusion
        wrapped around an error enclosing a mistake.
        The call will take one of two forms:

                ReportMouse(Boolean, Window);
                ReportMouse(Window, (ULONG)Boolean);

        The first form is the one that corresponds to the amiga.lib supplied
        by Amiga, Inc.  The linker libraries and "pragmas" of some compilers
        supply the alternate form.

        A key point to remember is that the form of the function in ROM
        has always been the same, so there has always been object code
        compatibility.  However some care should be taken when switching
        compilers or switching between stubs and pragmas.

        From assembler the interface has always been:
                Boolean in D0, Window in A0

        Also, it is still endorsed to simply set the WFLG_REPORTMOUSE flag bit
        in Window->Flags, or reset it, on your own.  Make the operation
        an atomic assembly instruction (OR.W #WFLG_REPORTMOUSE,wd_Flags+2(A0)
        where A0 contains your window pointer).  Most compilers will produce
        an atomic operation when faced with:
                        Window->Flags |= WFLG_REPORTMOUSE;
                        Window->Flags &=~WFLG_REPORTMOUSE;
        or else bracket the operation between Forbid()/Permit().

        Tells Intuition whether or not to broadcast mouse-movement events to
        your window when it's the active one.  The Boolean value specifies
        whether to start or stop broadcasting position information of
        mouse-movement.  If the window is the active one, mouse-movement reports
        start coming immediately afterwards.  This same routine will change
        the current state of the GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE function of a
        currently-selected gadget too.

        Note that calling ReportMouse() when a gadget is selected will only
        temporarily change whether or not mouse movements are reported while
        that gadget remains selected; the next time the gadget is selected, its
        GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE flag is examined anew.

        Note also that calling ReportMouse() when no gadget is currently
        selected will change the state of the window's WFLG_REPORTMOUSE flag,
        but will have no effect on any gadget that may be subsequently
        selected. (This is all fixed in V36.)

        The ReportMouse() function is first performed when OpenWindow()
        is first called; if the flag WFLG_REPORTMOUSE is included among
        the options, then all mouse-movement events are reported
        to the opening task and will continue to be reported
        until ReportMouse() is called with a Boolean value of FALSE.
        If WFLG_REPORTMOUSE is not set, then no mouse-movement reports will
        be broadcast until ReportMouse() is called with a Boolean of TRUE.

        Note that the WFLG_REPORTMOUSE flag, as managed by this routine,
        determines IF mouse messages are to be broadcast.  Determining HOW
        they are to be broadcast is determined by the IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE

        Window = pointer to a Window structure associated with this request
        Boolean = TRUE or FALSE value specifying whether to turn this
             function on or off


        See above

        The Input and Output section of the Intuition Reference Manual
intuition.library/Request                           intuition.library/Request

        Request -- Activate a requester.

        Success = Request( Requester, Window )
        D0                 A0         A1

        BOOL Request( struct Requester *, struct Window * );

        Links in and displays a requester into the specified window.

        This routine ignores the window's IDCMP_REQVERIFY flag.

        Requester = pointer to the requester to be displayed
        Window = pointer to the window into which this requester goes

        New for V36: the POINTREL flag now has meaning if the requester
        is not a DMR (Double-Menu Requester):
        If POINTREL is set this requester should be placed in the center
        of the window, offset by Requester.RelLeft and Requester.RelTop.
        If the requester doesn't fit in the window, its position will be
        adjusted to show the upper-left corner.

        If the requester is successfully opened, TRUE is returned.  Otherwise,
        if the requester could not be opened, FALSE is returned.

        There is a maximum of 8 requesters that are supported in
        a window that can be changed in size, position, or depth.

        The Requesters section of the Intuition Reference Manual
intuition.library/ResetMenuStrip             intuition.library/ResetMenuStrip

        ResetMenuStrip -- Re-attach a menu strip to a window. (V36)

        Success = ResetMenuStrip( Window, Menu )
        D0                        A0      A1

        BOOL ResetMenuStrip( struct Window *, struct Menu * );

        This function is simply a "fast" version of SetMenuStrip() that
        doesn't perform the precalculations of menu page sizes that
        SetMenuStrip() does.

        You may call this function ONLY IF the menu strip and all items
        and sub-items have not changed since the menu strip was passed to
        SetMenuStrip(), with the following exceptions:

        - You may change the CHECKED flag to turn a checkmark on or off.
        - You may change the ITEMENABLED flag to enable/disable some
          MenuItem or Menu structures.

        In all other ways, this function performs like SetMenuStrip().

        The new sequence of events you can use is:
        - OpenWindow()
        - SetMenuStrip()
        zero or more iterations of:
            - ClearMenuStrip()
            - change CHECKED or ITEMENABLED flags
            - ResetMenuStrip()
        - ClearMenuStrip()
        - CloseWindow()

        Window = pointer to a Window structure
        Menu = pointer to the first menu in the menu strip

        TRUE always.


        SetMenuStrip(), ClearMenuStrip()
intuition.library/RethinkDisplay             intuition.library/RethinkDisplay

        RethinkDisplay -- Grand manipulation of the entire Intuition display.


        VOID RethinkDisplay( VOID );

        This function performs the Intuition global display reconstruction.
        This includes rethinking about all of the  ViewPorts and their
        relationship to one another and reconstructing the entire display
        based on the results of this rethinking.

        Specifically, and omitting many internal details, the operation
        consists of this:

            Determine which ViewPorts are invisible and set their VP_HIDE
            ViewPort Mode flag. VP_HIDE flags are also set for screens that
            may not be simultaneously displayed with the frontmost (V36).

            If a change to a viewport height, or changing interlace or
            monitor scan rates require, MakeVPort() is called for specific
            screen viewports.  After this phase, the intermediate Copper lists
            for each screen's viewport are correctly set up.

            MrgCop() and LoadView() are then called to get these Copper lists
            in action, thus establishing the new state of the Intuition

        You may perform a MakeScreen() on your Custom Screen before calling
        this routine.  The results will be incorporated in the new display, but
        changing the INTERLACE ViewPort mode for one screens must be reflected
        in the Intuition View, which is left to Intuition.

        WARNING:  This routine can take several milliseconds to run, so
        do not use it lightly.

        New for V36: This routine is substantially changed to support
        new screen modes.  In particular, if screen rearrangement has
        caused a change in interlace mode or scan rate, this routine
        will remake the copper lists for each screen's viewport.



        In V35 and earlier, an interlaced screen coming to the front
        may not trigger a complete remake as required when the global
        interlace state is changed.  In some cases, this can be compensated
        for by setting the viewport DHeight field to 0 for hidden screens.

        RemakeDisplay(), graphics.library/MakeVPort(), graphics.library/MrgCop(),
        graphics.library/LoadView(), MakeScreen()
intuition.library/ScreenToBack                 intuition.library/ScreenToBack

        ScreenToBack -- Send the specified screen to the back of the display.

        ScreenToBack( Screen )

        VOID ScreenToBack( struct Screen * );

        Sends the specified screen to the back of the display.

        Screen = pointer to a Screen structure



intuition.library/ScreenToFront               intuition.library/ScreenToFront

        ScreenToFront -- Make the specified screen the frontmost.

        ScreenToFront( Screen )

        VOID ScreenToFront( struct Screen * );

        Brings the specified Screen to the front of the display.

        Screen = a pointer to a Screen structure



intuition.library/SetAttrsA                       intuition.library/SetAttrsA

        SetAttrsA -- Specify attribute values for an object. (V36)
        SetAttrs -- Varargs stub for SetAttrsA(). (V36)

        result = SetAttrsA( Object, TagList )
        D0                  A0      A1

        ULONG SetAttrsA( APTR, struct TagItem * );

        result = SetAttrs( Object, Tag1, ... )

        ULONG SetAttrs( APTR, ULONG, ... );

        Specifies a set of attribute/value pairs with meaning as
        defined by a 'boopsi' object's class.

        This function does not provide enough context information or
        arbitration for boopsi gadgets which are attached to windows
        or requesters.  For those objects, use SetGadgetAttrs().

        Object = abstract pointer to a boopsi object.
        TagList = array of TagItem structures with attribute/value pairs.

        The object does whatever it wants with the attributes you provide.
        The return value tends to be non-zero if the changes would require
        refreshing gadget imagery, if the object is a gadget.

        This function invokes the OM_SET method with a NULL GadgetInfo


        NewObject(), DisposeObject(), GetAttr(), MakeClass(),
        Document "Basic Object-Oriented Programming System for Intuition"
        and the "boopsi Class Reference" document.
intuition.library/SetDefaultPubScreen   intuition.library/SetDefaultPubScreen

        SetDefaultPubScreen -- Choose a new default public screen. (V36)

        SetDefaultPubScreen( Name )

        VOID SetDefaultPubScreen( UBYTE * );

        Establishes a new default public screen for visitor windows.

        This screen is used by windows asking for a named public screen
        that doesn't exist and the FALLBACK option is selected, and for
        windows asking for the default public screen directly.

        Name = name of chosen public screen to be the new default.
        A value of NULL means that the Workbench screen is to
        be the default public screen.



        OpenWindow(), OpenScreen(), Intuition V36 update documentation
intuition.library/SetDMRequest                 intuition.library/SetDMRequest

        SetDMRequest -- Set the DMRequest of a window.

        success = SetDMRequest( Window, DMRequest )
        D0                      A0      A1

        BOOL SetDMRequest( struct Window *, struct Requester * );

        Attempts to set the DMRequest into the specified window.
        The DMRequest is the special requester that you attach to
        the double-click of the menu button which the user can then
        bring up on demand.  This routine WILL NOT change the DMRequest
        if it's already set and is currently active (in use by the user).
        After having called SetDMRequest(), if you want to change the
        DMRequest, the correct way to start is by calling ClearDMRequest()
        until it returns a value of TRUE; then you can call SetDMRequest()
        with the new DMRequest.

        If the POINTREL flag is set in the DMRequest, the DMR will open as
        close to the pointer as possible.  The RelLeft/Top fields are
        for fine-tuning the position.

        Window = pointer to the window from which the DMRequest is to be set
        DMRequest = a pointer to a requester

        If the current DMRequest was not in use, sets the DMRequest
            pointer into the window and returns TRUE.
        If the DMRequest was currently in use, doesn't change the pointer
            and returns FALSE


        ClearDMRequest(), Request()
intuition.library/SetEditHook                   intuition.library/SetEditHook

        SetEditHook -- Set global processing for string gadgets. (V36)

        OldHook = SetEditHook( Hook )
        D0                     A0

        struct Hook *SetEditHook( struct Hook * );

        Sets new global editing hook for string gadgets.

        WARNING: This function is wholly untested.  Do *NOT* use
        this in a commercial product until further notice.

        Hook -- A pointer to a struct Hook which determines a function
          in your code to be called every time the user types a key.
          This is done before control is passed to the gadget custom
          editing hook, so effects ALL string gadgets.

        Returns previous global edit hook structure.

        Unknown, risky.


intuition.library/SetGadgetAttrsA           intuition.library/SetGadgetAttrsA

        SetGadgetAttrsA -- Specify attribute values for a boopsi gadget. (V36)
        SetGadgetAttrs -- Varargs stub for SetGadgetAttrsA(). (V36)

        result = SetGadgetAttrsA( Gadget, Window, Requester, TagList )
        D0                        A0      A1      A2         A3

        ULONG SetGadgetAttrsA( struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
                struct Requester *, struct TagItem * );

        result = SetGadgetAttrs( Gadget, Window, Requester, Tag1, ...)

        ULONG SetGadgetAttrs( struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
                struct Requester *, ULONG, ... );

        Same as SetAttrs(), but provides context information and
        arbitration for classes which implement custom Intuition gadgets.

        You should use this function for boopsi gadget objects which have
        already been added to a requester or a window, or for "models" which
        propagate information to gadget already added.

        Typically, the gadgets will refresh their visuals to reflect
        changes to visible attributes, such as the value of a slider,
        the text in a string-type gadget, the selected state of a button.

        You can use this as a replacement for SetAttrs(), too, if you
        specify NULL for the 'Window' and 'Requester' parameters.

        Gadget = abstract pointer to a boopsi gadget
        Window = window gadget has been added to using AddGList() or AddGadget()
        Requester = for REQGADGETs, requester containing the gadget
        TagList = array of TagItem structures with attribute/value pairs.

        The object does whatever it wants with the attributes you provide,
        which might include updating its gadget visuals.

        The return value tends to be non-zero if the changes would require
        refreshing gadget imagery, if the object is a gadget.

        This function invokes the OM_SET method with a GadgetInfo
        derived from the 'Window' and 'Requester' pointers.

        There should be more arbitration between this function and
        the calls that Intuition's input task will make to the
        gadgets.  In the meantime, this function, input processing,
        and refreshing must be mutually re-entrant.

        NewObject(), DisposeObject(), GetAttr(), MakeClass(),
        Document "Basic Object-Oriented Programming System for Intuition"
        and the "boopsi Class Reference" document.
intuition.library/SetMenuStrip                 intuition.library/SetMenuStrip

        SetMenuStrip -- Attach a menu strip to a window.

        Success = SetMenuStrip( Window, Menu )
        D0                      A0      A1

        BOOL SetMenuStrip( struct Window *, struct Menu * );

        Attaches the menu strip to the window.  After calling this routine,
        if the user presses the menu button, this specified menu strip
        will be displayed and accessible by the user.

        Menus with zero menu items are not allowed.

        NOTE:  You should always design your menu strip changes to be a
        two-way operation, where for every menu strip you add to your
        window you should always plan to clear that strip sometime.  Even
        in the simplest case, where you will have just one menu strip for
        the lifetime of your window, you should always clear the menu strip
        before closing the window.  If you already have a menu strip attached
        to this window, the correct procedure for changing to a new menu
        strip involves calling ClearMenuStrip() to clear the old first.

        The sequence of events should be:
        - OpenWindow()
        - zero or more iterations of:
        - SetMenuStrip()
        - ClearMenuStrip()
        - CloseWindow()

        Window = pointer to a Window structure
        Menu = pointer to the first menu in the menu strip

        TRUE if there were no problems.  TRUE always, since this routine
        will wait until it is OK to proceed.


        ClearMenuStrip(), ResetMenuStrip()
intuition.library/SetMouseQueue               intuition.library/SetMouseQueue

        SetMouseQueue -- Change limit on pending mouse messages. (V36)

        oldQueueLength = SetMouseQueue( Window, QueueLength )
        D0                              A0      D0

        LONG SetMouseQueue( struct Window *, UWORD );

        Changes the number of mouse messages that Intuition will allow
        to be outstanding for your window.

        Window = your window
        QueueLength = the new value of outstanding mouse movement messages
          you wish to allow.

        -1 if 'Window' is not known
        Otherwise the previous value of the queue limit.
        The corresponding function for changing the repeat key
        queue limit is not yet implemented.


intuition.library/SetPointer                     intuition.library/SetPointer

        SetPointer -- Specify a pointer sprite image for a window.

        SetPointer( Window, Pointer, Height, Width, XOffset, YOffset )
                    A0      A1       D0      D1     D2       D3

        VOID SetPointer( struct Window *, UWORD *, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD );

        Sets up the window with the sprite definition for the pointer.
        Then, whenever the window is the active one, the pointer
        image will change to the window's version.  If the window is
        the active one when this routine is called, the change takes
        place immediately.

        The XOffset and YOffset parameters are used to offset the
        upper-left corner of the hardware sprite image from what Intuition
        regards as the current position of the pointer.  Another way of
        describing it is as the offset from the "hot spot" of the pointer
        to the top-left corner of the sprite.  For instance, if you specify
        offsets of zero, zero, then the top-left corner of your sprite
        image will be placed at the mouse position.  On the other hand,
        if you specify an XOffset of -7 (remember, sprites are 16 pixels
        wide) then your sprite will be centered over the mouse position.
        If you specify an XOffset of -15, the right-edge of the sprite
        will be over the mouse position.

        Window = pointer to the window to receive this pointer definition
        Pointer = pointer to the data definition of a sprite
        Height = the height of the pointer
        Width = the width of the sprite (must be less than or equal to sixteen)
        XOffset = the offset for your sprite from the mouse position
        YOffset = the offset for your sprite from the mouse position



        ClearPointer(), Intuition Reference Manual or Amiga Rom
        Kernel Manual
intuition.library/SetPrefs                         intuition.library/SetPrefs

        SetPrefs -- Set Intuition preferences data.

        Prefs = SetPrefs( PrefBuffer, Size, Inform )
        D0                A0          D0    D1

        struct Preferences *SetPrefs( struct Preferences *, LONG, BOOL );

        Sets new preferences values.  Copies the first 'Size' bytes
        from your preferences buffer to the system preferences table,
        and puts them into effect.

        The 'Inform' parameter, if TRUE, indicates that an IDCMP_NEWPREFS
        message is to be sent to all windows that have the IDCMP_NEWPREFS
        IDCMPFlag set.

        It is legal to set a partial copy of the Preferences structure.
        The most frequently changed values are grouped at the beginning
        of the Preferences structure.

        New for V36:  A new and more extensible method for supplying
        Preferences has been introduced in V36, and relies on file
        system notification.  The Intuition preferences items rely
        also on the IPrefs program.  Certain elements of the
        Preferences structure have been superceded by this new method.
        Pointer changes submitted through SetPrefs() are only heeded
        until the first time IPrefs informs Intuition of a V36-style
        pointer.ilbm preferences file.  The Preferences FontHeight and
        LaceWB fields are respected only from the system-configuration
        file, and never thereafter.  As well, the view centering and
        size apply only to the default monitor, and not to such modes
        as Productivity.  Other fields may be superceded in the future.

        PrefBuffer = pointer to the memory buffer which contains your
            desired settings for Intuition preferences
        Size = the number of bytes in your PrefBuffer, the number of bytes
           you want copied to the system's internal preference settings
        Inform = whether you want the information of a new preferences
            setting propagated to all windows.

        Unless you are responding to a user's explicit request to
        change Preferences (for example, you are writing a Preferences
        editor), you should probably avoid using this function.
        The user's Preferences should be respected, not overridden.

        Returns your parameter PrefBuffer.


        GetDefPrefs(), GetPrefs()
intuition.library/SetPubScreenModes       intuition.library/SetPubScreenModes

        SetPubScreenModes -- Establish global public screen behavior. (V36)

        OldModes = SetPubScreenModes( Modes )
        D0                            D0

        UWORD SetPubScreenModes( UWORD );

        Sets GLOBAL Intuition public screen modes.

        Modes = new global modes flags.  Values for flag bits are:
          SHANGHAI: workbench windows are to be opened on the
                default public screen
          POPPUBSCREEN: when a visitor window is opened, the public
                screen it opens on is to be brought to the front.

        OldModes = previous global mode settings


        OpenScreen(), Intuition V36 update documentation
intuition.library/SetWindowTitles           intuition.library/SetWindowTitles

        SetWindowTitles -- Set the window's titles for both window and screen.

        SetWindowTitles( Window, WindowTitle, ScreenTitle )
                         A0      A1           A2

        VOID SetWindowTitles( struct Window *, UBYTE *, UBYTE * );

        Allows you to set the text which appears in the Window and/or Screen
        title bars.

        The window title appears at all times along the window title bar.
        The window's screen title appears at the screen title bar whenever
        this window is the active one.

        When this routine is called, your window title will be changed
        immediately.  If your window is the active one when this routine is
        called, the screen title will be changed immediately.

        You can specify a value of -1 (i.e. (UBYTE *) ~0) for either of
        the title pointers.  This designates that you want Intuition to leave
        the current setting of that particular title alone, and modify
        only the other one.  Of course, you could set both to -1.

        Furthermore, you can set a value of 0 (zero) for either of the
        title pointers.  Doing so specifies that you want no title to
        appear (the title bar will be blank).

        Both of the titles are rendered in the default font of the window's
        screen, as set using OpenScreen().

        In setting the window's title, Intuition may do some other rendering
        in the top border of your window.  If your own rendering sometimes
        appears in your window border areas, you may want to restore the entire
        window border frame.  The function SetWindowTitles() does not do this
        in the newer versions.  The function RefreshWindowFrame() is provided
        to do this kind of thing for you.

        Window = pointer to your window structure
        WindowTitle = pointer to a null-terminated text string, or set to
           either the value of -1 (negative one) or 0 (zero)
        ScreenTitle = pointer to a null-terminated text string, or set to
           either the value of -1 (negative one) or 0 (zero)



        OpenWindow(), RefreshWindowFrame(), OpenScreen()
intuition.library/ShowTitle                       intuition.library/ShowTitle

        ShowTitle -- Set the screen title bar display mode.

        ShowTitle( Screen, ShowIt )
                   A0      D0

        VOID ShowTitle( struct Screen *, BOOL );

        This routine sets the SHOWTITLE flag of the specified screen, and
        then coordinates the redisplay of the screen and its windows.

        The screen title bar can appear either in front of or behind
        WFLG_BACKDROP windows.  This is contrasted with the fact that
        non-WFLG_BACKDROP windows always appear in front of the screen title
        bar.  You specify whether you want the screen title bar to be in front
        of or behind the screen's WFLG_BACKDROP windows by calling this

        The ShowIt argument should be set to either TRUE or FALSE.  If TRUE,
       the screen's title bar will be shown in front of WFLG_BACKDROP windows
       If FALSE, the title bar will be rendered behind all windows.

       When a screen is first opened, the default setting of the SHOWTITLE
       flag is TRUE.

       Screen = pointer to a Screen structure
       ShowIt = Boolean TRUE or FALSE describing whether to show or hide the
           screen title bar




intuition.library/SizeWindow                     intuition.library/SizeWindow

        SizeWindow -- Ask Intuition to size a window.

        SizeWindow( Window, DeltaX, DeltaY )
                    A0      D0      D1

        VOID SizeWindow( struct Window *, WORD, WORD );

        This routine sends a request to Intuition asking to size the window
        the specified amounts.  The delta arguments describe how much to
        size the window along the respective axes.

        Note that the window will not be sized immediately, but rather
        will be sized the next time Intuition receives an input event,
        which happens currently at a minimum rate of ten times per second,
        and a maximum of sixty times a second.  You can discover when
        you window has finally been sized by setting the IDCMP_NEWSIZE flag
        of the IDCMP of your window.  See the "Input and Output Methods"
        chapter of The Intuition Reference Manual for description of the IDCMP.

        New for V36: Intuition now will do validity checking on the final
        dimensions.  To change to new absolute dimensions, or to move and
        size a window in one step, use ChangeWindowBox().

        However, limit checking against window MinWidth, MinHeight,
        MaxWidth, and MaxHeight was not done prior to V36, and
        these fields are still ignored (as documented) if you have
        no sizing gadget (WFLG_SIZEGADGET is not set).  The *are*
        respected now (V36) if WFLG_SIZEGADGET is set.

        New for V36: you can determine when the change in size has
        taken effect by receiving the IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW IDCMP message.

        Window = pointer to the structure of the window to be sized
        DeltaX = signed value describing how much to size the window
         on the x-axis
        DeltaY = signed value describing how much to size the window
         on the y-axis



        ChangeWindowBox(), MoveWindow(), WindowToFront(), WindowToBack()
intuition.library/SysReqHandler               intuition.library/SysReqHandler

        SysReqHandler -- Handle system requester input. (V36)

        num = SysReqHandler( Window, IDCMPFlagsPtr, WaitInput )
        D0                   A0      A1             D0

        LONG SysReqHandler( struct Window *, ULONG *, BOOL );

        Handles input for a window returned by either BuildSysRequest()
        or BuildEasyRequest().  These functions with SysReqHandler()
        you can perform an "asynchronous" EasyRequest() or AutoRequest().
        That is to say, you can perform other processing while you
        wait for the requester to be satisfied.

        Each time this function is called, it will process all
        IDCMPMessages that the window has received.  If the parameter
        'WaitInput' is non-zero, SysReqHandler() will wait for input
        (by calling WaitPort()) if there are no IDCMP messages.

        SysReqHandler() returns the same values as EasyRequest(): A gadget
        ID greater than equal to 0, and  -1 if one of the other IDCMP
        events were received.

        An additional value of -2 is returned if the input processed
        does not satisfy the requester.  In this case, you might
        perform some processing and call SysReqHandler() again.

        Note: this function does NOT terminate the system request.
        Not only must you call FreeSysRequest() to eliminate the request,
        but you may also continue processing after an event which would
        normally terminate a normal call to EasyRequest().

        Implementation of EasyRequest() input loop:

        window = BuildEasyRequest( ZZZZ )
        while ( (retval = SysReqHandler( window, idcmp_ptr, TRUE )) == -2 )
            /* loop     */;
        FreeSysRequest( window );

        Request a volume, but don't remove the requester when the
        user inserts the wrong disk:

        struct EasyStruct volumeES = {
            sizeof (struct EasyStruct),
            "Volume Request",
            "Please insert volume %s in any drive.",

        Volume *
        getVolume( volname )
        UBYTE   *volname;
            struct Window       *window;
            Volume              *volume = NULL;
            Volume              *findVolume();
            int                 retval;

            window = BuildEasyRequest( NULL, &volumeES, IDCMP_DISKINSERTED,
                      volname );

            while ( (retval = SysReqHandler( window, NULL, TRUE )) != 0 )
                /* not cancelled yet    */

                /* when IDCMP_DISKINSERTED, check for volume */
                if (( retval == -1 ) && (volume = findVolume( volname )))
            FreeSysRequest( window );
            return ( volume );

        Window = Window pointer returned from BuildSysRequest() or
                BuildEasyRequest().  Those functions can also return
                values '0' or '1', and these values may also be
                passed to SysReqHandler(), which will immediately
                return the same value.

        IDCMPFlagsPtr = If you passed application specific IDCMP
                flags to BuildSysRequest() or BuildEasyRequest(),
                SysReqHandler() will return -1 if that IDCMP message
                is received.  If IDCMPFlagsPtr is non-null, it
                points to a ULONG where the IDCMP class received
                will be copied for your examination.

                This pointer can be NULL if you have provided no
                application specific IDCMP flags or if you do
                not need to know which application specific IDCMP
                event occurred.

                If you provide more than on flag in the flags variable
                this pointer points to, you will have to refresh
                the variable whenever -1 is returned, since the
                variable will have been changed to show just the
                single IDCMP Class bit that caused the return.

        WaitInput = Specifies that you want SysReqHandler() to
                to wait for IDCMP input if there is none pending.

        0, 1, ..., N = Successive GadgetID values, for the gadgets
            you specify for the requester.  NOTE: The numbering
            from left to right is actually: 1, 2, ..., N, 0.
            This is for compatibility with AutoRequests which has
            FALSE for the rightmost gadget.

        -1 = Means that one of the caller-supplied IDCMPFlags occurred.
            The IDCMPFlag value is in the longword pointed to by UDCMP_ptr.

        -2 = input processed did not satisfy the requester. One example
            is a keystroke that does not satisfy the requester.  Another
            example is if there is no input pending and you specified
            FALSE for WaitInput.


intuition.library/UnlockIBase                   intuition.library/UnlockIBase

        UnlockIBase -- Surrender an Intuition lock gotten by LockIBase().

        UnlockIBase( Lock )

        VOID UnlockIBase( ULONG );


        Surrenders lock gotten by LockIBase().

        Calling this function when you do not own the specified lock will
        immediately crash the system.

        The value returned by LockIBase() should be passed to this function,
        to specify which internal lock is to be freed.

        Note that the parameter is passed in A0, not D0, for historical reasons.



intuition.library/UnlockPubScreen           intuition.library/UnlockPubScreen

        UnlockPubScreen -- Release lock on a public screen. (V36)

        UnlockPubScreen( Name, [Screen] )
                         A0    A1

        VOID UnlockPubScreen( UBYTE *, struct Screen * );

        Releases lock gotten by LockPubScreen().
        It is best to identify the locked public screen by
        the pointer returned from LockPubScreen().  To do this,
        supply a NULL 'Name' pointer and the screen pointer.

        In rare circumstances where it would be more convenient to pass
        a non-NULL pointer to the public screen name string, the
        'Screen' parameter is ignored.

        Name = pointer to name of public screen.  If Name is NULL,
            then argument 'Screen' is used as a direct pointer to
            a public screen.
        Screen = pointer to a public screen.  Used only if Name
            is NULL.  This pointer MUST have been returned
            by LockPubScreen().
            It is safe to call UnlockPubScreen() with NULL Name
            and Screen (the function will have no effect).



intuition.library/UnlockPubScreenList   intuition.library/UnlockPubScreenList

        UnlockPubScreenList -- Release public screen list semaphore. (V36)


        VOID UnlockPubScreenList( VOID );

        Releases lock gotten by LockPubScreenList().




intuition.library/ViewAddress                   intuition.library/ViewAddress

        ViewAddress -- Return the address of the Intuition View structure.

        view = ViewAddress()

        struct View *ViewAddress( VOID );

        Returns the address of the Intuition View structure.  If you
        want to use any of the graphics, text, or animation primitives
        in your window and that primitive requires a pointer to a view,
        this routine will return the address of the view for you.


        Returns the address of the Intuition View structure


intuition.library/ViewPortAddress           intuition.library/ViewPortAddress

        ViewPortAddress -- Return the address of a window's viewport.

        ViewPort = ViewPortAddress( Window )
        D0                          A0

        struct ViewPort *ViewPortAddress( struct Window * );

        Returns the address of the viewport associated with the specified
        window.  The viewport is actually the viewport of the screen within
        which the window is displayed.  If you want to use any of the graphics,
        text, or animation primitives in your window and that primitive
        requires a pointer to a viewport, you can use this call.

        This pointer is only valid as long as your window's screen remains
        open, which is ensured by keeping your window open.

        Window = pointer to the window for which you want the viewport address

        Returns the address of the Intuition ViewPort structure for
        your window's screen .

        This routine is unnecessary: you can just use the expression

intuition.library/WBenchToBack                 intuition.library/WBenchToBack

        WBenchToBack -- Send the Workbench screen in back of all screens.

        Success = WBenchToBack()

        BOOL WBenchToBack( VOID );

        Causes the Workbench screen, if it's currently opened, to go behind
        all other screens.  This does not 'move' the screen up or down,
        instead only affects the depth-arrangement of the screens.


        If the Workbench screen was opened, this function returns TRUE,
        otherwise it returns FALSE.


        WBenchToFront(), ScreenToFront()
intuition.library/WBenchToFront               intuition.library/WBenchToFront

        WBenchToFront -- Bring the Workbench screen in front of all screens.

        Success = WBenchToFront()

        BOOL WBenchToFront( VOID );

        Causes the Workbench Screen, if it's currently opened, to come to
        the foreground.  This does not 'move' the screen up or down, instead
        only affects the depth-arrangement of the screen.


        If the Workbench screen was opened, this function returns TRUE,
        otherwise it returns FALSE.


        WBenchToBack(), ScreenToBack()
intuition.library/WindowLimits                 intuition.library/WindowLimits

        WindowLimits -- Set the minimum and maximum limits of a window.

        Success = WindowLimits( Window, MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth,
        D0                      A0      D0        D1         D2
                                MaxHeight )

        BOOL WindowLimits( struct Window *, WORD, WORD, UWORD, UWORD );

        Sets the minimum and maximum limits of the window's size.  Until this
        routine is called, the window's size limits are equal to the initial
        values established in the OpenWindow() function.

        After a call to this routine, the Window will be able to be sized
        to any dimensions within the specified limits.

        If you don't want to change any one of the dimensions, set the limit
        argument for that dimension to zero.  If any of the limit arguments
        is equal to zero, that argument is ignored and the initial setting
        of that parameter remains undisturbed.

        If any of the arguments is out of range (minimums greater than the
        current size, maximums less than the current size), that limit
        will be ignored, though the others will still take effect if they
        are in range.  If any are out of range, the return value from this
        procedure will be FALSE.  If all arguments are valid, the return
        value will be TRUE.

        If you want your window to be able to become "as large as possible"
        you may put -1 (i.e. ~0) in either or both Max arguments.  But
        please note: screen sizes may vary for several reasons, and you
        must be able to handle any possible size of window you might end
        up with if you use this method.  Note that you can use the function
        GetScreenData() to find out how big the screen your window appears in
        is.  That function is particularly useful if your window is in
        the Workbench screen.  You may also refer to the WScreen field
        in your window structure, providing that your window remains open,
        which will ensure that the screen remains open, and thus the
        pointer remains valid.

        If the user is currently sizing this window, the new limits will
        not take effect until after the sizing is completed.

        Window = pointer to a Window structure
        MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight = the new limits for the size
            of this window.  If any of these is set to zero, it will
            be ignored and that setting will be unchanged.

        Returns TRUE if everything was in order.  If any of the parameters was
        out of range (minimums greater than current size, maximums less than
        current size), FALSE is returned and the errant limit request is
        not fulfilled (though the valid ones will be).


intuition.library/WindowToBack                 intuition.library/WindowToBack

        WindowToBack -- Ask Intuition to send a window behind others.

        WindowToBack( Window )

        VOID WindowToBack( struct Window * );

        This routine sends a request to Intuition asking to send the window
        in back of all other windows in the screen.

        Note that the window will not be depth-arranged immediately, but rather
        will be arranged the next time Intuition receives an input event,
        which happens currently at a minimum rate of ten times per second,
        and a maximum of sixty times a second.

        Remember that WFLG_BACKDROP windows cannot be depth-arranged.

        Window = pointer to the structure of the window to be sent to the back



        MoveWindow(), SizeWindow(), WindowToFront(), MoveWindowInFrontOf()
intuition.library/WindowToFront               intuition.library/WindowToFront

        WindowToFront -- Ask Intuition to bring a window to the front.

        WindowToFront( Window )

        VOID WindowToFront( struct Window * );

        This routine sends a request to Intuition asking to bring the window
        in front of all other windows in the screen.

        Note that the window will not be depth-arranged immediately, but rather
        will be arranged the next time Intuition receives an input event,
        which happens currently at a minimum rate of ten times per second,
        and a maximum of sixty times a second.

        Remember that WFLG_BACKDROP windows cannot be depth-arranged.

        Window = pointer to the structure of the window to be brought to front



        MoveWindow(), SizeWindow(), WindowToBack(), MoveWindowInFrontOf()
intuition.library/ZipWindow                       intuition.library/ZipWindow

        ZipWindow -- Change window to "alternate" position and
                     dimensions. (V36)

        ZipWindow( Window )

        VOID ZipWindow( struct Window * );

        Changes the position and dimension of a window to the values
        at the last occasion of ZipWindow being called (or invoked
        via the "zoom" gadget).

        Typically this is used to snap between a normal, large, working
        dimension of the window to a smaller, more innocuous position
        and dimension.

        Like MoveWindow(), SizeWindow(), and ChangeWindowBox(), the action of
        this function is deferred to the Intuition input handler.

        More tuning needs to be done to establish initial values for
        the first invocation of this function for a window.  You can
        provide initial values using the OpenWindow() tag item

        It could also use a new name, but "ZoomWindow" is misleading,
        since "Zoom" normally implies "scale."

        The zoom gadget will appear (in the place of the old "toback"
        gadget) when you open your window if you either specify a
        sizing gadget or use WA_Zoom.

        You can detect that this function has taken effect by receiving
        an IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW IDCMP message.

        Window -- window to be changed.


        OpenWindow() assumes that the proper default "other" dimensions
        are "full size."

        ChangeWindowBox(), MoveWindow(), SizeWindow()