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x                short int in struct tPoint +0x0000 graphics/gfx.h: *43
x                unsigned short int in struct SimpleSprite
         +0x0006 graphics/sprite.h: *25
xln_Init         pointer to function returning long int in struct ExtendedNode
         +0x0014 graphics/gfxnodes.h: *28
xln_Library      long int in struct ExtendedNode
         +0x0010 graphics/gfxnodes.h: *27
xln_Name         pointer to char in struct ExtendedNode
         +0x000a graphics/gfxnodes.h: *24
xln_Pred         pointer to struct Node in struct ExtendedNode
         +0x0004 graphics/gfxnodes.h: *21
xln_Pri          char in struct ExtendedNode +0x0009 graphics/gfxnodes.h: *23
xln_Subsystem    unsigned char in struct ExtendedNode
         +0x000e graphics/gfxnodes.h: *25
xln_Subtype      unsigned char in struct ExtendedNode
         +0x000f graphics/gfxnodes.h: *26
xln_Succ         pointer to struct Node in struct ExtendedNode
         +0x0000 graphics/gfxnodes.h: *20
xln_Type         unsigned char in struct ExtendedNode
         +0x0008 graphics/gfxnodes.h: *22
X                short int in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 devices/inputevent.h: *91
X                unsigned short int in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 devices/inputevent.h: *110
X                unsigned short int in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 devices/inputevent.h: *114
X                unsigned short int in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 intuition/screens.h: *71
X                short int in struct VSprite +0x0018 graphics/gels.h: *96
X                short int in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *180
X                short int in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *207
X                short int in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 intuition/imageclass.h: *156
X                short int in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 intuition/imageclass.h: *176
X                short int in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 intuition/imageclass.h: *191
XAccel           short int in struct AnimOb +0x001a graphics/gels.h: *215
XOffset          char in struct Window +0x0050 intuition/intuition.h: *852
XOffset          char in struct Preferences
         +0x0064 intuition/preferences.h: *62
XTrans           short int in struct AnimComp +0x001c graphics/gels.h: *193
XVel             short int in struct AnimOb +0x0016 graphics/gels.h: *214
XY               pointer to short int in struct Border
         +0x0008 intuition/intuition.h: *604