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gelHead          pointer to struct VSprite in struct GelsInfo
         +0x0002 graphics/rastport.h: *46
gelTail          pointer to struct VSprite in struct GelsInfo
         +0x0006 graphics/rastport.h: *46
genloc           array [4] of unsigned short int in struct copinit
         +0x005c graphics/copper.h: *100
gi_Domain        struct IBox(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct GadgetInfo
         +0x0014 intuition/cghooks.h: *49
gi_DrInfo        pointer to struct DrawInfo in struct GadgetInfo
         +0x001e intuition/cghooks.h: *61
gi_Layer         pointer to struct Layer in struct GadgetInfo
         +0x0010 intuition/cghooks.h: *38
gi_Pens          struct (no tag) (size 0x0002 bytes) in struct GadgetInfo
         +0x001c intuition/cghooks.h: *55
gi_RastPort      pointer to struct RastPort in struct GadgetInfo
         +0x000c intuition/cghooks.h: *37
gi_Requester     pointer to struct Requester in struct GadgetInfo
         +0x0008 intuition/cghooks.h: *31
gi_Reserved      array [6] of unsigned long int in struct GadgetInfo
         +0x0022 intuition/cghooks.h: *66
gi_Screen        pointer to struct Screen in struct GadgetInfo
         +0x0000 intuition/cghooks.h: *29
gi_Window        pointer to struct Window in struct GadgetInfo
         +0x0004 intuition/cghooks.h: *30
gpGoInactive     structure tag size 0x000c intuition/gadgetclass.h: *231
gpHitTest        structure tag size 0x000c intuition/gadgetclass.h: *176
gpInput          structure tag size 0x0014 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *201
gpRender         structure tag size 0x0010 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *188
gpgi_Abort       unsigned long int in struct gpGoInactive
         +0x0008 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *236
gpgi_GInfo       pointer to struct GadgetInfo in struct gpGoInactive
         +0x0004 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *233
gpht_GInfo       pointer to struct GadgetInfo in struct gpHitTest
         +0x0004 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *178
gpht_Mouse       struct (no tag) (size 0x0004 bytes) in struct gpHitTest
         +0x0008 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *182
gpi_GInfo        pointer to struct GadgetInfo in struct gpInput
         +0x0004 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *203
gpi_IEvent       pointer to struct InputEvent in struct gpInput
         +0x0008 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *204
gpi_Mouse        struct (no tag) (size 0x0004 bytes) in struct gpInput
         +0x0010 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *209
gpi_Termination pointer to long int in struct gpInput
         +0x000c intuition/gadgetclass.h: *205
gpr_GInfo        pointer to struct GadgetInfo in struct gpRender
         +0x0004 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *190
gpr_RPort        pointer to struct RastPort in struct gpRender
         +0x0008 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *191
gpr_Redraw       long int in struct gpRender
         +0x000c intuition/gadgetclass.h: *192
gpt_Keys         unsigned short int in struct GamePortTrigger
         +0x0000 devices/gameport.h: *39
gpt_Timeout      unsigned short int in struct GamePortTrigger
         +0x0002 devices/gameport.h: *40
gpt_XDelta       unsigned short int in struct GamePortTrigger
         +0x0004 devices/gameport.h: *41
gpt_YDelta       unsigned short int in struct GamePortTrigger
         +0x0006 devices/gameport.h: *42
gs_Head          struct List(size 0x000e bytes) in struct Layer_Info
         +0x0046 graphics/layers.h: *41
GACT_ACTIVEGADGET #define 0x4000 = 0x00004000  intuition/intuition.h: *385
GACT_ALTKEYMAP   #define 0x1000 = 0x00001000  intuition/intuition.h: *372
GACT_BOOLEXTEND  #define 0x2000 = 0x00002000  intuition/intuition.h: *365
GACT_BORDERSNIFF #define 0x8000 = 0x00008000  intuition/intuition.h: *362
GACT_BOTTOMBORDER #define 0x0080 = 0x00000080  intuition/intuition.h: *361
GACT_ENDGADGET   #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004  intuition/intuition.h: *342
GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE #define 0x0008 = 0x00000008  intuition/intuition.h: *352
GACT_IMMEDIATE   #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002  intuition/intuition.h: *336
GACT_LEFTBORDER  #define 0x0020 = 0x00000020  intuition/intuition.h: *359
GACT_LONGINT     #define 0x0800 = 0x00000800  intuition/intuition.h: *371
GACT_RELVERIFY   #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuition.h: *330
GACT_RIGHTBORDER #define 0x0010 = 0x00000010  intuition/intuition.h: *358
GACT_STRINGCENTER #define 0x0200 = 0x00000200  intuition/intuition.h: *369
GACT_STRINGEXTEND #define 0x2000 = 0x00002000  intuition/intuition.h: *373
GACT_STRINGLEFT  #define 0x0000 = 0x00000000  intuition/intuition.h: *368
GACT_STRINGRIGHT #define 0x0400 = 0x00000400  intuition/intuition.h: *370
GACT_TOGGLESELECT #define 0x0100 = 0x00000100  intuition/intuition.h: *364
GACT_TOPBORDER   #define 0x0040 = 0x00000040  intuition/intuition.h: *360
GADGBACKFILL     #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001  workbench/workbench.h: *111
GADGDISABLED     #define GFLG_DISABLED = 0x00000100
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *60
GADGET0002       #define GTYP_GADGET0002 = 0x00000002
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *105
GADGETCLASS      #define "gadgetclass"  intuition/classusr.h: *47
GADGETCOUNT      #define 8 = 0x00000008  intuition/intuitionbase.h: *46
GADGETDOWN       #define IDCMP_GADGETDOWN = 0x00000020
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *119
GADGETTYPE       #define GTYP_GADGETTYPE = 0x0000fc00
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *91
GADGETUP         #define IDCMP_GADGETUP = 0x00000040
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *120
GADGET_BOX       macro (1 argument)   intuition/imageclass.h: *28
GADGHBOX         #define GFLG_GADGHBOX = 0x00000001
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *51
GADGHCOMP        #define GFLG_GADGHCOMP = 0x00000000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *50
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *49
GADGHIMAGE       #define GFLG_GADGHIMAGE = 0x00000002
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *52
GADGHNONE        #define GFLG_GADGHNONE = 0x00000003
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *53
GADGIMAGE        #define GFLG_GADGIMAGE = 0x00000004
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *54
GADGIMMEDIATE    #define GACT_IMMEDIATE = 0x00000002
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *70
GADTOOLBIT       #define (0x8000) = 0x00008000  libraries/gadtools.h: *55
GADTOOLMASK      #define (~GADTOOLBIT) = 0xffff7fff  libraries/gadtools.h: *57
GA_BORDER        #define GA_Border = 0x8003000b  intuition/iobsolete.h: *190
GA_BOTTOMBORDER  #define GA_BottomBorder = 0x8003001b
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *205
GA_Border        #define (GA_Dummy + 0x000B) = 0x8003000b
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *44
GA_BottomBorder  #define (GA_Dummy + 0x001B) = 0x8003001b
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *60
GA_DISABLED      #define GA_Disabled = 0x8003000e  intuition/iobsolete.h: *193
GA_DRAWINFO      #define GA_DrawInfo = 0x80030021  intuition/iobsolete.h: *211
GA_Disabled      #define (GA_Dummy + 0x000E) = 0x8003000e
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *47
GA_DrawInfo      #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0021) = 0x80030021
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *79
GA_Dummy         #define (TAG_USER +0x30000) = 0x80030000
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *33
GA_ENDGADGET     #define GA_EndGadget = 0x80030014
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *198
GA_EndGadget     #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0014) = 0x80030014
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *53
GA_FOLLOWMOUSE   #define GA_FollowMouse = 0x80030017
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *201
GA_FollowMouse   #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0017) = 0x80030017
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *56
GA_GZZGADGET     #define GA_GZZGadget = 0x8003000f
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *194
GA_GZZGadget     #define (GA_Dummy + 0x000F) = 0x8003000f
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *48
GA_HEIGHT        #define GA_Height = 0x80030007  intuition/iobsolete.h: *186
GA_HIGHLIGHT     #define GA_Highlight = 0x8003000d
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *192
GA_Height        #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0007) = 0x80030007
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *40
GA_Highlight     #define (GA_Dummy + 0x000D) = 0x8003000d
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *46
GA_ID            #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0010) = 0x80030010
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *49
GA_IMAGE         #define GA_Image = 0x8003000a  intuition/iobsolete.h: *189
GA_IMMEDIATE     #define GA_Immediate = 0x80030015
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *199
GA_INTUITEXT     #define GA_IntuiText = 0x80030022
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *212
GA_Image         #define (GA_Dummy + 0x000A) = 0x8003000a
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *43
GA_Immediate     #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0015) = 0x80030015
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *54
GA_IntuiText     #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0022) = 0x80030022
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *85
GA_LABELIMAGE    #define GA_LabelImage = 0x80030023
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *213
GA_LEFT          #define GA_Left = 0x80030001  intuition/iobsolete.h: *180
GA_LEFTBORDER    #define GA_LeftBorder = 0x80030019
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *203
GA_LabelImage    #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0023) = 0x80030023
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *88
GA_Left          #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0001) = 0x80030001
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *34
GA_LeftBorder    #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0019) = 0x80030019
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *58
GA_NEXT          #define GA_Next = 0x80030020  intuition/iobsolete.h: *210
GA_Next          #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0020) = 0x80030020
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *76
GA_PREVIOUS      #define GA_Previous = 0x8003001f  intuition/iobsolete.h: *209
GA_Previous      #define (GA_Dummy + 0x001F) = 0x8003001f
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *69
GA_RELBOTTOM     #define GA_RelBottom = 0x80030004
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *183
GA_RELHEIGHT     #define GA_RelHeight = 0x80030008
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *187
GA_RELRIGHT      #define GA_RelRight = 0x80030002  intuition/iobsolete.h: *181
GA_RELVERIFY     #define GA_RelVerify = 0x80030016
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *200
GA_RELWIDTH      #define GA_RelWidth = 0x80030006  intuition/iobsolete.h: *185
GA_RIGHTBORDER   #define GA_RightBorder = 0x80030018
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *202
GA_RelBottom     #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0004) = 0x80030004
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *37
GA_RelHeight     #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0008) = 0x80030008
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *41
GA_RelRight      #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0002) = 0x80030002
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *35
GA_RelVerify     #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0016) = 0x80030016
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *55
GA_RelWidth      #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0006) = 0x80030006
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *39
GA_RightBorder   #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0018) = 0x80030018
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *57
GA_SELECTED      #define GA_Selected = 0x80030013  intuition/iobsolete.h: *197
GA_SELECTRENDER  #define GA_SelectRender = 0x8003000c
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *191
GA_SPECIALINFO   #define GA_SpecialInfo = 0x80030012
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *196
GA_SYSGADGET     #define GA_SysGadget = 0x8003001d
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *207
GA_SYSGTYPE      #define GA_SysGType = 0x8003001e  intuition/iobsolete.h: *208
GA_SelectRender  #define (GA_Dummy + 0x000C) = 0x8003000c
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *45
GA_Selected      #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0013) = 0x80030013
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *52
GA_SpecialInfo   #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0012) = 0x80030012
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *51
GA_SysGType      #define (GA_Dummy + 0x001E) = 0x8003001e
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *66
GA_SysGadget     #define (GA_Dummy + 0x001D) = 0x8003001d
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *64
GA_TEXT          #define GA_Text = 0x80030009  intuition/iobsolete.h: *188
GA_TOGGLESELECT  #define GA_ToggleSelect = 0x8003001c
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *206
GA_TOP           #define GA_Top = 0x80030003  intuition/iobsolete.h: *182
GA_TOPBORDER     #define GA_TopBorder = 0x8003001a
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *204
GA_TabCycle      #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0024) = 0x80030024
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *93
GA_Text          #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0009) = 0x80030009
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *42
GA_ToggleSelect  #define (GA_Dummy + 0x001C) = 0x8003001c
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *61
GA_Top           #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0003) = 0x80030003
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *36
GA_TopBorder     #define (GA_Dummy + 0x001A) = 0x8003001a
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *59
GA_USERDATA      #define GA_UserData = 0x80030011  intuition/iobsolete.h: *195
GA_UserData      #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0011) = 0x80030011
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *50
GA_WIDTH         #define GA_Width = 0x80030005  intuition/iobsolete.h: *184
GA_Width         #define (GA_Dummy + 0x0005) = 0x80030005
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *38
GELGONE          #define 0x0400 = 0x00000400  graphics/gels.h: *29
GENERIC_KIND     #define 0 = 0x00000000  libraries/gadtools.h: *34
GENLOC           #define 2 = 0x00000002  graphics/gfxbase.h: *96
GENLOCK_AUDIO    #define 0x0100 = 0x00000100  graphics/view.h: *95
GENLOCK_VIDEO    #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002  graphics/view.h: *90
GFLG_DISABLED    #define 0x0100 = 0x00000100  intuition/intuition.h: *297
GFLG_GADGHBOX    #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuition.h: *269
GFLG_GADGHCOMP   #define 0x0000 = 0x00000000  intuition/intuition.h: *268
GFLG_GADGHIGHBITS #define 0x0003 = 0x00000003  intuition/intuition.h: *267
GFLG_GADGHIMAGE  #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002  intuition/intuition.h: *270
GFLG_GADGHNONE   #define 0x0003 = 0x00000003  intuition/intuition.h: *271
GFLG_GADGIMAGE   #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004  intuition/intuition.h: *276
GFLG_LABELIMAGE  #define 0x2000 = 0x00002000  intuition/intuition.h: *310
GFLG_LABELITEXT  #define 0x0000 = 0x00000000  intuition/intuition.h: *308
GFLG_LABELMASK   #define 0x3000 = 0x00003000  intuition/intuition.h: *307
GFLG_LABELSTRING #define 0x1000 = 0x00001000  intuition/intuition.h: *309
GFLG_RELBOTTOM   #define 0x0008 = 0x00000008  intuition/intuition.h: *286
GFLG_RELHEIGHT   #define 0x0040 = 0x00000040  intuition/intuition.h: *289
GFLG_RELRIGHT    #define 0x0010 = 0x00000010  intuition/intuition.h: *287
GFLG_RELWIDTH    #define 0x0020 = 0x00000020  intuition/intuition.h: *288
GFLG_SELECTED    #define 0x0080 = 0x00000080  intuition/intuition.h: *291
GFLG_STRINGEXTEND #define 0x0400 = 0x00000400  intuition/intuition.h: *323
GFLG_TABCYCLE    #define 0x0200 = 0x00000200  intuition/intuition.h: *315
GFXB_BIG_BLITS   #define 0 = 0x00000000  graphics/gfxbase.h: *103
GFXB_HR_AGNUS    #define 0 = 0x00000000  graphics/gfxbase.h: *104
GFXB_HR_DENISE   #define 1 = 0x00000001  graphics/gfxbase.h: *105
GFXF_BIG_BLITS   #define 1 = 0x00000001  graphics/gfxbase.h: *107
GFXF_HR_AGNUS    #define 1 = 0x00000001  graphics/gfxbase.h: *108
GFXF_HR_DENISE   #define 2 = 0x00000002  graphics/gfxbase.h: *109
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *158
GLOBAL           #define extern  exec/types.h: *20
GLOBALSZ         #define 200 = 0x000000c8  rexx/storage.h: *185, 188
GMR_GADGETHIT    #define (0x00000004) = 0x00000004
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: *185
GMR_MEACTIVE     #define (0) = 0x00000000  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *217
GMR_NEXTACTIVE   #define (1 << 4) = 0x00000010  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *227
GMR_NOREUSE      #define (1 << 1) = 0x00000002  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *218
GMR_PREVACTIVE   #define (1 << 5) = 0x00000020  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *228
GMR_REUSE        #define (1 << 2) = 0x00000004  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *219
GMR_VERIFY       #define (1 << 3) = 0x00000008  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *220
GM_Dummy         #define (-1) = 0xffffffff  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *164
GM_GOACTIVE      #define (2) = 0x00000002  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *169
GM_GOINACTIVE    #define (4) = 0x00000004  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *171
GM_HANDLEINPUT   #define (3) = 0x00000003  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *170
GM_HITTEST       #define (0) = 0x00000000  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *167
GM_RENDER        #define (1) = 0x00000001  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *168
GPCT_ABSJOYSTICK #define 3 = 0x00000003  devices/gameport.h: *51
GPCT_ALLOCATED   #define -1 = 0xffffffff  devices/gameport.h: *46
GPCT_MOUSE       #define 1 = 0x00000001  devices/gameport.h: *49
GPCT_NOCONTROLLER #define 0 = 0x00000000  devices/gameport.h: *47
GPCT_RELJOYSTICK #define 2 = 0x00000002  devices/gameport.h: *50
GPDERR_SETCTYPE  #define 1 = 0x00000001  devices/gameport.h: *55
GPD_ASKCTYPE     #define (CMD_NONSTD+1) = 0x0000000a  devices/gameport.h: *25
GPD_ASKTRIGGER   #define (CMD_NONSTD+3) = 0x0000000c  devices/gameport.h: *27
GPD_READEVENT    #define (CMD_NONSTD+0) = 0x00000009  devices/gameport.h: *24
GPD_SETCTYPE     #define (CMD_NONSTD+2) = 0x0000000b  devices/gameport.h: *26
GPD_SETTRIGGER   #define (CMD_NONSTD+4) = 0x0000000d  devices/gameport.h: *28
GPTB_DOWNKEYS    #define 0 = 0x00000000  devices/gameport.h: *33
GPTB_UPKEYS      #define 1 = 0x00000001  devices/gameport.h: *35
GPTF_DOWNKEYS    #define (1<<0) = 0x00000001  devices/gameport.h: *34
GPTF_UPKEYS      #define (1<<1) = 0x00000002  devices/gameport.h: *36
GRAPHICSNAME     #define "graphics.library"  graphics/gfxbase.h: *111
GRAPHICS_CLIP_H  #define  graphics/clip.h: *2, 1
                 intuition/screens.h: 23
GRAPHICS_COLLIDE_H #define  graphics/collide.h: *2
GRAPHICS_COPPER_H #define  graphics/copper.h: *2, 1
GRAPHICS_DISPLAYINFO_H #define  graphics/displayinfo.h: *2
GRAPHICS_DISPLAY_H #define  graphics/display.h: *2
GRAPHICS_GELS_H  #define  graphics/gels.h: *2
GRAPHICS_GFXBASE_H #define  graphics/gfxbase.h: *2
GRAPHICS_GFXMACROS_H #define  graphics/gfxmacros.h: *2
GRAPHICS_GFXNODES_H #define  graphics/gfxnodes.h: *2, 1
                 graphics/monitor.h: 19
GRAPHICS_GFX_H   #define  graphics/gfx.h: *2, 1
                 graphics/clip.h: 19
                 graphics/view.h: 21
                 graphics/monitor.h: 23
                 graphics/rastport.h: 19
                 graphics/text.h: 19
                 intuition/screens.h: 19
                 graphics/displayinfo.h: 19
                 graphics/regions.h: 19
GRAPHICS_GRAPHINT_H #define  graphics/graphint.h: *2
GRAPHICS_LAYERS_H #define  graphics/layers.h: *2, 1
                 intuition/screens.h: 35
GRAPHICS_MONITOR_H #define  graphics/monitor.h: *2, 1
                 graphics/displayinfo.h: 23
GRAPHICS_RASTPORT_H #define  graphics/rastport.h: *2, 1
                 intuition/screens.h: 31
                 graphics/gfxmacros.h: 19
GRAPHICS_REGIONS_H #define  graphics/regions.h: *2
GRAPHICS_SCALE_H #define  graphics/scale.h: *2
GRAPHICS_SPRITE_H #define  graphics/sprite.h: *2
GRAPHICS_TEXT_H  #define  graphics/text.h: *2, 1
                 libraries/asl.h: 40
                 libraries/diskfont.h: 24
GRAPHICS_VIDEOCONTROL_H #define  graphics/videocontrol.h: *2
GRAPHICS_VIEW_H  #define  graphics/view.h: *2, 1
                 intuition/screens.h: 27
GREDRAW_REDRAW   #define (1) = 0x00000001  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *197
GREDRAW_TOGGLE   #define (0) = 0x00000000  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *198
GREDRAW_UPDATE   #define (2) = 0x00000002  intuition/gadgetclass.h: *196
GRELBOTTOM       #define GFLG_RELBOTTOM = 0x00000008
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *55
GRELHEIGHT       #define GFLG_RELHEIGHT = 0x00000040
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *58
GRELRIGHT        #define GFLG_RELRIGHT = 0x00000010
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *56
GRELWIDTH        #define GFLG_RELWIDTH = 0x00000020
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *57
GREY_SCALE2      #define 0x1000 = 0x00001000  intuition/preferences.h: *260
GROUPGCLASS      #define "groupgclass"  intuition/classusr.h: *52
GTBB_Recessed    #define GT_TagBase+51 = 0x80080033
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *246
GTCB_Checked     #define GT_TagBase+4 = 0x80080004  libraries/gadtools.h: *195
GTCY_Active      #define GT_TagBase+15 = 0x8008000f
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *213
GTCY_Labels      #define GT_TagBase+14 = 0x8008000e
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *212
GTIN_MaxChars    #define GT_TagBase+48 = 0x80080030
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *241
GTIN_Number      #define GT_TagBase+47 = 0x8008002f
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *240
GTLV_Labels      #define GT_TagBase+6 = 0x80080006  libraries/gadtools.h: *198
GTLV_ReadOnly    #define GT_TagBase+7 = 0x80080007  libraries/gadtools.h: *200
GTLV_ScrollWidth #define GT_TagBase+8 = 0x80080008  libraries/gadtools.h: *201
GTLV_Selected    #define GT_TagBase+54 = 0x80080036
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *254
GTLV_ShowSelected #define GT_TagBase+53 = 0x80080035
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *252
GTLV_Top         #define GT_TagBase+5 = 0x80080005  libraries/gadtools.h: *197
GTMENUITEM_USERDATA macro (1 argument)   libraries/gadtools.h: *173
GTMENU_INVALID   #define 0x00000002 = 0x00000002  libraries/gadtools.h: *181
GTMENU_NOMEM     #define 0x00000003 = 0x00000003  libraries/gadtools.h: *182
GTMENU_TRIMMED   #define 0x00000001 = 0x00000001  libraries/gadtools.h: *180
GTMENU_USERDATA macro (1 argument)   libraries/gadtools.h: *172
GTMN_FrontPen    #define GT_TagBase+50 = 0x80080032
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *244
GTMN_FullMenu    #define GT_TagBase+62 = 0x8008003e
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *274
GTMN_Menu        #define GT_TagBase+60 = 0x8008003c
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *267
GTMN_SecondaryError #define GT_TagBase+63 = 0x8008003f
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *276
GTMN_TextAttr    #define GT_TagBase+49 = 0x80080031
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *243
GTMX_Active      #define GT_TagBase+10 = 0x8008000a
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *204
GTMX_Labels      #define GT_TagBase+9 = 0x80080009  libraries/gadtools.h: *203
GTMX_Spacing     #define GT_TagBase+61 = 0x8008003d
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *270
GTNM_Border      #define GT_TagBase+58 = 0x8008003a
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *261
GTNM_Number      #define GT_TagBase+13 = 0x8008000d
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *210
GTNW_Active      #define GTCY_Active = 0x8008000f  libraries/gadtools.h: *289
GTNW_Labels      #define GTCY_Labels = 0x8008000e  libraries/gadtools.h: *288
GTPA_Color       #define GT_TagBase+17 = 0x80080011
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *216
GTPA_ColorOffset #define GT_TagBase+18 = 0x80080012
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *217
GTPA_Depth       #define GT_TagBase+16 = 0x80080010
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *215
GTPA_IndicatorHeight #define GT_TagBase+20 = 0x80080014
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *219
GTPA_IndicatorWidth #define GT_TagBase+19 = 0x80080013
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *218
GTSC_Arrows      #define GT_TagBase+59 = 0x8008003b
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *264
GTSC_Overlap     #define GT_TagBase+24 = 0x80080018
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *224
GTSC_Top         #define GT_TagBase+21 = 0x80080015
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *221
GTSC_Total       #define GT_TagBase+22 = 0x80080016
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *222
GTSC_Visible     #define GT_TagBase+23 = 0x80080017
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *223
GTSL_DispFunc    #define GT_TagBase+44 = 0x8008002c
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *235
GTSL_Level       #define GT_TagBase+40 = 0x80080028
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *230
GTSL_LevelFormat #define GT_TagBase+42 = 0x8008002a
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *232
GTSL_LevelPlace  #define GT_TagBase+43 = 0x8008002b
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *233
GTSL_Max         #define GT_TagBase+39 = 0x80080027
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *229
GTSL_MaxLevelLen #define GT_TagBase+41 = 0x80080029
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *231
GTSL_Min         #define GT_TagBase+38 = 0x80080026
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *228
GTST_MaxChars    #define GT_TagBase+46 = 0x8008002e
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *238
GTST_String      #define GT_TagBase+45 = 0x8008002d
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *237
GTTX_Border      #define GT_TagBase+57 = 0x80080039
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *259
GTTX_CopyText    #define GT_TagBase+12 = 0x8008000c
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *208
GTTX_Text        #define GT_TagBase+11 = 0x8008000b
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *206
GTVI_NWTags      #define GT_TagBase+2 = 0x80080002  libraries/gadtools.h: *191
GTVI_NewWindow   #define GT_TagBase+1 = 0x80080001  libraries/gadtools.h: *190
GTYPEMASK        #define GTYP_GTYPEMASK = 0x00000007
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *109
GTYP_BOOLGADGET  #define 0x0001 = 0x00000001  intuition/intuition.h: *410
GTYP_CLOSE       #define 0x0080 = 0x00000080  intuition/intuition.h: *408
GTYP_CUSTOMGADGET #define 0x0005 = 0x00000005  intuition/intuition.h: *414
GTYP_GADGET0002  #define 0x0002 = 0x00000002  intuition/intuition.h: *411
GTYP_GADGETTYPE  #define 0xFC00 = 0x0000fc00  intuition/intuition.h: *395
GTYP_GTYPEMASK   #define 0x0007 = 0x00000007  intuition/intuition.h: *415
GTYP_GZZGADGET   #define 0x2000 = 0x00002000  intuition/intuition.h: *398
GTYP_PROPGADGET  #define 0x0003 = 0x00000003  intuition/intuition.h: *412
GTYP_REQGADGET   #define 0x1000 = 0x00001000  intuition/intuition.h: *399
GTYP_SCRGADGET   #define 0x4000 = 0x00004000  intuition/intuition.h: *397
GTYP_SDOWNBACK   #define 0x0070 = 0x00000070  intuition/intuition.h: *407
GTYP_SDRAGGING   #define 0x0030 = 0x00000030  intuition/intuition.h: *403
GTYP_SIZING      #define 0x0010 = 0x00000010  intuition/intuition.h: *401
GTYP_STRGADGET   #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004  intuition/intuition.h: *413
GTYP_SUPFRONT    #define 0x0050 = 0x00000050  intuition/intuition.h: *405
GTYP_SYSGADGET   #define 0x8000 = 0x00008000  intuition/intuition.h: *396
GTYP_WDOWNBACK   #define 0x0060 = 0x00000060  intuition/intuition.h: *406
GTYP_WDRAGGING   #define 0x0020 = 0x00000020  intuition/intuition.h: *402
GTYP_WUPFRONT    #define 0x0040 = 0x00000040  intuition/intuition.h: *404
GT_Private0      #define GT_TagBase+3 = 0x80080003  libraries/gadtools.h: *193
GT_Reserved0     #define GT_TagBase+55 = 0x80080037
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *255
GT_Reserved1     #define GT_TagBase+56 = 0x80080038
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *256
GT_TagBase       #define TAG_USER + 0x80000 = 0x80080000
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *188
GT_Underscore    #define GT_TagBase+64 = 0x80080040
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *279
GT_VisualInfo    #define GT_TagBase+52 = 0x80080034
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *248
GVB_BINARY_VAR   #define 10 = 0x0000000a  dos/var.h: *53
GVB_GLOBAL_ONLY  #define 8 = 0x00000008  dos/var.h: *49
GVB_LOCAL_ONLY   #define 9 = 0x00000009  dos/var.h: *51
GVF_BINARY_VAR   #define 0x400 = 0x00000400  dos/var.h: *54
GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY  #define 0x100 = 0x00000100  dos/var.h: *50
GVF_LOCAL_ONLY   #define 0x200 = 0x00000200  dos/var.h: *52
GZZGADGET        #define GTYP_GZZGADGET = 0x00002000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *94
GZZHeight        short int in struct Window +0x0072 intuition/intuition.h: *881
GZZMouseX        short int in struct Window +0x006c intuition/intuition.h: *875
GZZMouseY        short int in struct Window +0x006e intuition/intuition.h: *876
GZZWidth         short int in struct Window +0x0070 intuition/intuition.h: *880
Gadget           structure tag
     size 0x002c intuition/intuition.h: *153, 216, 218, 841, 990,
                 intuition/screens.h: 135, 324, 354
                 intuition/sghooks.h: 35
                 workbench/workbench.h: 65
Gadget           pointer to struct Gadget in struct SGWork
         +0x0000 intuition/sghooks.h: *35
GadgetID         unsigned short int in struct Gadget
         +0x0026 intuition/intuition.h: *260
GadgetInfo       structure tag size 0x003a intuition/cghooks.h: *27
                 intuition/classusr.h: 81, 91
                 intuition/gadgetclass.h: 178, 190, 203, 233
                 intuition/sghooks.h: 49
GadgetInfo       pointer to struct GadgetInfo in struct SGWork
         +0x0026 intuition/sghooks.h: *49
GadgetRender     pointer to void in struct Gadget
         +0x0012 intuition/intuition.h: *233
GadgetText       pointer to struct IntuiText in struct Gadget
         +0x001a intuition/intuition.h: *240
GadgetType       unsigned short int in struct Gadget
         +0x0010 intuition/intuition.h: *227
Gadgets          pointer to struct Gadget in struct NewScreen
         +0x0018 intuition/screens.h: *324
Gadgets          pointer to struct Gadget in struct ExtNewScreen
         +0x0018 intuition/screens.h: *354
GamePortTrigger structure tag size 0x0008 devices/gameport.h: *38
GelsInfo         structure tag size 0x0026 graphics/rastport.h: *41, 63
GelsInfo         pointer to struct GelsInfo in struct RastPort
         +0x0014 graphics/rastport.h: *63
GfxBase          structure tag size 0x01a6 graphics/gfxbase.h: *25
Green            unsigned short int in struct ColorSpec
         +0x0004 intuition/intuition.h: *1244