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**      $Filename: libraries/configregs.i $
**      $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
**      $Revision: 36.11 $
**      $Date: 90/11/03 $
**      AutoConfig (tm) hardware register and bit definitions
**      (C) Copyright 1985-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**          All Rights Reserved

        IFND    EXEC_TYPES_I
        INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
        ENDC    ;EXEC_TYPES_I

** AutoConfig (tm) boards each contain a 32 byte "ExpansionRom" area that is
** read by the system software at configuration time.  Configuration of each
** board starts when the ConfigIn* signal is passed from the previous board
** (or from the system for the first board).  Each board will present it's
** ExpansionRom structure at location $00E80000 to be read by the system.
** This file defines the appearance of the ExpansionRom area.
** Expansion boards are actually organized such that only one nybble per
** 16 bit word contains valid information.  The low nybbles of each
** word are combined to fill the structure below. (This table is structured
** as LOGICAL information.  This means that it never corresponds exactly
** with a physical implementation.)
** The ExpansionRom space is further split into two regions:  The first 16
** bytes are read-only.  Except for the er_type field, this area is inverted
** by the system software when read in.  The second 16 bytes contain the
** control portion, where all read/write registers are located.
** The system builds one "ConfigDev" structure for each board found.  The
** list of boards can be examined using the expansion.library/FindConfigDev
** function.
** A special "hacker" Manufacturer ID number is reserved for test use:
** 2011 ($7DB).  When inverted this will look like $F824.

 STRUCTURE ExpansionRom,0       ;-First 16 bytes of the expansion ROM
    UBYTE       er_Type         ;Board type, size and flags
    UBYTE       er_Product      ;Product number, assigned by manufacturer
    UBYTE       er_Flags        ;Flags
    UBYTE       er_Reserved03   ;Must be zero ($ff inverted)
    UWORD       er_Manufacturer ;Unique ID,ASSIGNED BY AMIGA, INC.!
    ULONG       er_SerialNumber ;Available for use by manufacturer
    UWORD       er_InitDiagVec  ;Offset to optional "DiagArea" structure
    UBYTE       er_Reserved0c
    UBYTE       er_Reserved0d
    UBYTE       er_Reserved0e
    UBYTE       er_Reserved0f
    LABEL       ExpansionRom_SIZEOF

** Note that use of the ec_BaseAddress register is tricky.  The system
** will actually write twice.  First the low order nybble is written
** to the ec_BaseAddress register+2 (D15-D12).  Then the entire byte is
** written to ec_BaseAddress (D15-D8).  This allows writing of a byte-wide
** address to nybble size registers.

 STRUCTURE ExpansionControl,0   ;-Second 16 bytes of the expansion ROM
    UBYTE       ec_Interrupt    ;Optional interrupt control register
    UBYTE       ec_Z3_HighBase  ;Zorro III   : Bits 24-31 of config address
    UBYTE       ec_BaseAddress  ;Zorro II/III: Bits 16-23 of config address
    UBYTE       ec_Shutup       ;The system writes here to shut up a board
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved14
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved15
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved16
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved17
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved18
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved19
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved1a
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved1b
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved1c
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved1d
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved1e
    UBYTE       ec_Reserved1f
    LABEL       ExpansionControl_SIZEOF

** many of the constants below consist of a triplet of equivalent
** definitions: xxMASK is a bit mask of those bits that matter.
** xxBIT is the starting bit number of the field.  xxSIZE is the
** number of bits that make up the definition.  This method is
** used when the field is larger than one bit.
** If the field is only one bit wide then the xxB_xx and xxF_xx convention
** is used (xxB_xx is the bit number, and xxF_xx is mask of the bit).

** manifest constants **
E_SLOTSIZE              EQU     $10000
E_SLOTMASK              EQU     $ffff
E_SLOTSHIFT             EQU     16

** these define the free regions of Zorro memory space.
E_EXPANSIONBASE         EQU     $00e80000       ;Zorro II  config address
EZ3_EXPANSIONBASE       EQU     $ff000000       ;Zorro III config address

E_EXPANSIONSIZE         EQU     $00080000       ;Zorro II  I/O type cards

E_MEMORYBASE            EQU     $00200000       ;Zorro II  8MB space
E_MEMORYSIZE            EQU     $00800000
E_MEMORYSLOTS           EQU     128

EZ3_CONFIGAREA          EQU     $40000000       ;Zorro III space
EZ3_CONFIGAREAEND       EQU     $7FFFFFFF       ;Zorro III space
EZ3_SIZEGRANULARITY     EQU     $00080000       ;512K increments

***** er_Type definitions (ttldcmmm) ****************************************

** er_Type board type bits -- the OS ignores "old style" boards **
ERT_TYPEMASK            EQU     $c0     ;Bits 7-6
ERT_TYPEBIT             EQU     6
ERT_TYPESIZE            EQU     2
ERT_NEWBOARD            EQU     $c0
ERT_ZORROIII            EQU     $80

** other bits defined in er_Type **
        BITDEF  ERT,MEMLIST,5           ; Link RAM into free memory list
        BITDEF  ERT,DIAGVALID,4         ; ROM vector is valid
        BITDEF  ERT,CHAINEDCONFIG,3     ; Next config is part of the same card

** er_Type field memory size bits **
ERT_MEMMASK             EQU     $07     ;Bits 2-0
ERT_MEMBIT              EQU     0
ERT_MEMSIZE             EQU     3

***** er_Flags byte -- for those things that didn't fit into the type byte ****
***** the hardware stores this byte in inverted form                       ****
        BITDEF  ERF,MEMSPACE,7          ; Wants to be in 8 meg space.
                                        ; (NOT IMPLEMENTED)

        BITDEF  ERF,NOSHUTUP,6          ; Board can't be shut up.

        BITDEF  ERF,EXTENDED,5          ; Zorro III: Use extended size table
                                        ;            for bits 0-2 of er_Type.
                                        ; Zorro II : Must be 0

        BITDEF  ERF,ZORRO_III,4         ; Zorro III: must be 1
                                        ; Zorro II : must be 0

ERT_Z3_SSMASK           EQU     $0F     ; Bits 3-0.  Zorro III Sub-Size.  How
ERT_Z3_SSBIT            EQU     0       ; much space the card actually uses
ERT_Z3_SSSIZE           EQU     4       ; (regardless of config granularity)
                                        ; Zorro II : must be 0

** ec_Interrupt register (unused) *********************************************

** these are the specifications for the diagnostic area.  If the Diagnostic
** Address Valid bit is set in the Board Type byte (the first byte in
** expansion space) then the Diag Init vector contains a valid offset.
** The Diag Init vector is actually a word offset from the base of the
** board.  The resulting address points to the base of the DiagArea
** structure.  The structure may be physically implemented either four,
** eight, or sixteen bits wide.  The code will be copied out into
** ram first before being called.
** The da_Size field, and both code offsets (da_DiagPoint and da_BootPoint)
** are offsets from the diag area AFTER it has been copied into ram, and
** "de-nybbleized" (if needed). (In other words, the byte size is the size of
** the actual information, not how much address space is required to
** store it.)
** All bits are encoded with uninverted logic (e.g. 5 volts on the bus
** is a logic one).
** If your board is to make use of the boot facility then it must leave
** its config area available even after it has been configured.  Your
** boot vector will be called AFTER your board's final address has been
** set.

    UBYTE       da_Config       ; see below for definitions
    UBYTE       da_Flags        ; see below for definitions
    UWORD       da_Size ; the size (in bytes) of the total diag area
    UWORD       da_DiagPoint    ; where to start for diagnostics, or zero
    UWORD       da_BootPoint    ; where to start for booting
    UWORD       da_Name ; offset in diag area where a string
                                ;   identifier can be found (or zero if no
                                ;   identifier is present).

    UWORD       da_Reserved01   ; two words of reserved data.  must be zero.
    UWORD       da_Reserved02
    LABEL       DiagArea_SIZEOF

; da_Config definitions
** DAC_BYTEWIDE can be simulated using DAC_NIBBLEWIDE.
DAC_BUSWIDTH    EQU     $C0     ; two bits for bus width
DAC_NIBBLEWIDE  EQU     $00     ; (indicates information is nybble wide)
DAC_BYTEWIDE    EQU     $40     ; BUG: Will not work under V34 Kickstart!

DAC_BOOTTIME    EQU     $30     ; two bits for when to boot
DAC_NEVER       EQU     $00     ; obvious
DAC_CONFIGTIME  EQU     $10     ; call da_BootPoint when first configing
                                ;   the device
DAC_BINDTIME    EQU     $20     ; run when binding drivers to boards

** These are the calling conventions for the diagnostic callback
** (from da_DiagPoint).
** A7 -- points to at least 2K of stack
** A6 -- ExecBase
** A5 -- ExpansionBase
** A3 -- your board's ConfigDev structure
** A2 -- Base of diag/init area that was copied
** A0 -- Base of your board
** Your board must return a value in D0.  If this value is NULL, then
** the diag/init area that was copied in will be returned to the free
** memory pool.