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**      $Filename: intuition/intuition.i $
**      $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
**      $Revision: 36.30 $
**      $Date: 91/03/28 $
**      Interface definitions for Intuition applications
**      (C) Copyright 1985-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**          All Rights Reserved

        INCLUDE "exec/types.i"

        INCLUDE "graphics/gfx.i"

        INCLUDE "graphics/clip.i"

        INCLUDE "graphics/view.i"

        INCLUDE "graphics/rastport.i"

        INCLUDE "graphics/layers.i"

        INCLUDE "graphics/text.i"

        INCLUDE "exec/ports.i"

        INCLUDE "devices/timer.i"

        INCLUDE "devices/inputevent.i"

        INCLUDE "utility/tagitem.i"

* NOTE:  intuition/iobsolete.i is included at the END of this file!

; ========================================================================;
; === Menu ===============================================================;
; ========================================================================;

    APTR  mu_NextMenu   ; menu pointer, same level
    WORD mu_LeftEdge    ; position of the select box
    WORD mu_TopEdge     ; position of the select box
    WORD mu_Width       ; dimensions of the select box
    WORD mu_Height      ; dimensions of the select box
    WORD mu_Flags       ; see flag definitions below
    APTR mu_MenuName    ; text for this Menu Header
    APTR  mu_FirstItem  ; pointer to first in chain

    ; these mysteriously-named variables are for internal use only
    WORD mu_JazzX
    WORD mu_JazzY
    WORD mu_BeatX
    WORD mu_BeatY


MENUENABLED EQU $0001   ; whether or not this menu is enabled

MIDRAWN EQU $0100       ; this menu's items are currently drawn

; ========================================================================;
; === MenuItem ===========================================================;
; ========================================================================;

    APTR mi_NextItem    ; pointer to next in chained list
    WORD mi_LeftEdge    ; position of the select box
    WORD mi_TopEdge     ; position of the select box
    WORD mi_Width       ; dimensions of the select box
    WORD mi_Height      ; dimensions of the select box
    WORD mi_Flags       ; see the defines below

    LONG mi_MutualExclude ; set bits mean this item excludes that item

    APTR mi_ItemFill    ; points to Image, IntuiText, or NULL

    ; when this item is pointed to by the cursor and the items highlight
    ; mode HIGHIMAGE is selected, this alternate image will be displayed
    APTR mi_SelectFill  ; points to Image, IntuiText, or NULL

    BYTE mi_Command     ; only if appliprog sets the COMMSEQ flag

    BYTE mi_KludgeFill00 ; This is strictly for word-alignment

    APTR mi_SubItem     ; if non-zero, points to MenuItem for submenu

   ; The NextSelect field represents the menu number of next selected
   ; item (when user has drag-selected several items)
    WORD mi_NextSelect


; --- FLAGS SET BY THE APPLIPROG --------------------------------------------
CHECKIT         EQU $0001       ; set to indicate checkmarkable item
ITEMTEXT        EQU $0002       ; set if textual, clear if graphical item
COMMSEQ         EQU $0004       ; set if there's an command sequence
MENUTOGGLE      EQU $0008       ; set for toggling checks (else mut. exclude)
ITEMENABLED     EQU $0010       ; set if this item is enabled

; these are the SPECIAL HIGHLIGHT FLAG state meanings
HIGHFLAGS       EQU $00C0       ; see definitions below for these bits
HIGHIMAGE       EQU $0000       ; use the user's "select image"
HIGHCOMP        EQU $0040       ; highlight by complementing the select box
HIGHBOX         EQU $0080       ; highlight by drawing a box around the image
HIGHNONE        EQU $00C0       ; don't highlight

; --- FLAGS SET BY BOTH APPLIPROG AND INTUITION -----------------------------
CHECKED EQU $0100       ; state of the checkmark

; --- FLAGS SET BY INTUITION ------------------------------------------------
ISDRAWN         EQU $1000       ; this item's subs are currently drawn
HIGHITEM        EQU $2000       ; this item is currently highlighted
MENUTOGGLED     EQU $4000       ; this item was already toggled

; ========================================================================
; === Requester ==========================================================
; ========================================================================
 STRUCTURE Requester,0

    APTR  rq_OlderRequest
    WORD rq_LeftEdge            ; dimensions of the entire box
    WORD rq_TopEdge             ; dimensions of the entire box
    WORD rq_Width               ; dimensions of the entire box
    WORD rq_Height              ; dimensions of the entire box

    WORD rq_RelLeft             ; get POINTREL Pointer relativity offsets
    WORD rq_RelTop              ; get POINTREL Pointer relativity offsets

    APTR  rq_ReqGadget          ; pointer to the first of a list of gadgets
    APTR  rq_ReqBorder          ; the box's border
    APTR  rq_ReqText            ; the box's text

    WORD  rq_Flags              ; see definitions below

    UBYTE rq_BackFill           ; pen number for back-plane fill before draws

    BYTE rq_KludgeFill00        ; This is strictly for word-alignment

    APTR rq_ReqLayer            ; layer in which requester rendered
    STRUCT rq_ReqPad1,32        ; for backwards compatibility (reserved)

    ; If the BitMap plane pointers are non-zero, this tells the system
    ; that the image comes pre-drawn (if the appliprog wants to define
    ; its own box, in any shape or size it wants!); this is OK by
    ; Intuition as long as there's a good correspondence between the image
    ; and the specified Gadgets
    APTR  rq_ImageBMap          ; points to the BitMap of PREDRAWN imagery

    APTR  rq_RWindow            ; points back to requester's window
    APTR  rq_ReqImage           ; new for V36: drawn if USEREQIMAGE set
    STRUCT rq_ReqPad2,32        ; for backwards compatibility (reserved)


POINTREL        EQU $0001  ; if POINTREL set, TopLeft is relative to pointer
                           ; for DMRequester, relative to window center
                           ; for Request().
PREDRAWN        EQU $0002  ; if ReqBMap points to predrawn Requester imagery
NOISYREQ        EQU $0004  ; if you don't want requester to filter input

; New for V36
SIMPLEREQ       EQU $0010  ; to use SIMPLEREFRESH layer (recommended)
USEREQIMAGE     EQU $0020  ; render linked list ReqImage after BackFill
                           ; but before gadgets and text
NOREQBACKFILL   EQU $0040  ; don't bother filling with Requester.BackFill

REQOFFWINDOW    EQU $1000       ; part of one of the Gadgets was offwindow
REQACTIVE       EQU $2000       ; this requester is active
SYSREQUEST      EQU $4000       ; (unused) this requester caused by system
DEFERREFRESH    EQU $8000       ; this Requester stops a Refresh broadcast

; ========================================================================
; === Gadget =============================================================
; ========================================================================

    APTR gg_NextGadget          ; next gadget in the list

    WORD gg_LeftEdge            ; "hit box" of gadget
    WORD gg_TopEdge             ; "hit box" of gadget
    WORD gg_Width               ; "hit box" of gadget
    WORD gg_Height              ; "hit box" of gadget

    WORD gg_Flags               ; see below for list of defines

    WORD gg_Activation          ; see below for list of defines

    WORD gg_GadgetType          ; see below for defines

    ; appliprog can specify that the Gadget be rendered as either as Border
    ; or an Image.  This variable points to which (or equals NULL if there's
    ; nothing to be rendered about this Gadget)
    APTR gg_GadgetRender

    ; appliprog can specify "highlighted" imagery rather than algorithmic
    ; this can point to either Border or Image data
    APTR gg_SelectRender

    APTR gg_GadgetText          ; text for this gadget;

    ; MutualExclude, never implemented, is now declared obsolete.
    ; There are published examples of implementing a more general
    ; and practical exclusion in your applications.
    ; Starting V36, this field is used to point to a hook
    ; for a custom gadget.
    ; Programs using this field for their own processing will
    ; continue to work, as long as they don't try the
    ; trick with custom gadgets
    LONG gg_MutualExclude       ; obsolete

    ; pointer to a structure of special data required by Proportional, String
    ; and Integer Gadgets
    APTR gg_SpecialInfo

    WORD gg_GadgetID    ; user-definable ID field
    APTR  gg_UserData   ; ptr to general purpose User data (ignored by Intuit)


; --- Gadget.Flags values ---
; combinations in these bits describe the highlight technique to be used
GFLG_GADGHCOMP          EQU $0000       ; Complement the select box
GFLG_GADGHBOX           EQU $0001       ; Draw a box around the image
GFLG_GADGHIMAGE         EQU $0002       ; Blast in this alternate image
GFLG_GADGHNONE          EQU $0003       ; don't highlight

; set this flag if the GadgetRender and SelectRender point to Image imagery,
; clear if it's a Border
GFLG_GADGIMAGE          EQU $0004

; combinations in these next two bits specify to which corner the gadget's
; Left & Top coordinates are relative.     If relative to Top/Left,
; these are "normal" coordinates (everything is relative to something in
; this universe)
GFLG_RELBOTTOM          EQU $0008       ; set if rel to bottom, clear if to top
GFLG_RELRIGHT           EQU $0010       ; set if rel to right, clear if to left
; set the GFLG_RELWIDTH bit to spec that Width is relative to width of screen
GFLG_RELWIDTH           EQU $0020
; set the GFLG_RELHEIGHT bit to spec that Height is rel to height of screen
GFLG_RELHEIGHT          EQU $0040

; the GFLG_SELECTED flag is initialized by you and set by Intuition.  It
; specifies whether or not this Gadget is currently selected/highlighted
GFLG_SELECTED           EQU $0080

; the GFLG_DISABLED flag is initialized by you and later set by Intuition
; according to your calls to On/OffGadget().  It specifies whether or not
; this Gadget is currently disabled from being selected
GFLG_DISABLED           EQU $0100

* These flags specify the type of text field that Gadget.GadgetText
* points to.  In all normal (pre-V36) gadgets which you initialize
* this field should always be zero.  Some types of gadget objects
* created from classes will use these fields to keep track of
* types of labels/contents that different from IntuiText, but are
* stashed in GadgetText.

GFLG_LABELMASK          EQU     $3000
GFLG_LABELITEXT         EQU     $0000   ; GadgetText points to IntuiText
GFLG_LABELSTRING        EQU     $1000   ; GadgetText points to (UBYTE *)
GFLG_LABELIMAGE         EQU     $2000   ; GadgetText points to Image (object)
; New for V37: GFLG_TABCYCLE
GFLG_TABCYCLE           EQU     $0200   ; (string or custom) gadget
                                ; participates in cycling activation with
                                ; Tab or Shift-Tab

; New for V37: GFLG_STRINGEXTEND.  We discovered that V34 doesn't properly
; ignore the value we had chosen for the Gadget->Activation flag
; The Gadget->Flags bit GFLG_STRINGEXTEND is provided as a synonym which is
; safe under V34, and equivalent to GACT_STRINGEXTEND under V37.
; (Note that the two flags are not numerically equal)
GFLG_STRINGEXTEND       EQU     $0400  ; this String Gadget has StringExtend

; --- These are the Activation flag bits ----------------------------------
; GACT_RELVERIFY is set if you want to verify that the pointer was still over
; the gadget when the select button was released.  Will cause
; an IDCMP_GADGETUP message to be sent if so.
GACT_RELVERIFY          EQU $0001

; the flag GACT_IMMEDIATE, when set, informs the caller that the gadget
; was activated when it was activated.  this flag works in conjunction with
GACT_IMMEDIATE          EQU $0002

; the flag GACT_ENDGADGET, when set, tells the system that this gadget, when
; selected, causes the Requester or AbsMessage to be ended.  Requesters or
; AbsMessages that are ended are erased and unlinked from the system
GACT_ENDGADGET          EQU $0004

; the GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE flag, when set, specifies that you want to receive
; reports on mouse movements while this gadget is active.
; You probably want to set the GACT_IMMEDIATE flag when using
; GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE, since that's the only reasonable way you have of learning
; why Intuition is suddenly sending you a stream of mouse movement events.
; If you don't set GACT_RELVERIFY, you'll get at least one Mouse Position
; event.
; Note: boolean FOLLOWMOUSE gadgets require GACT_RELVERIFY to get
; _any_ mouse movement events (this unusual behavior is a compatibility
; hold-over from the old days).


; if any of the BORDER flags are set in a Gadget that's included in the
; Gadget list when a Window is opened, the corresponding Border will
; be adjusted to make room for the Gadget
GACT_TOPBORDER          EQU $0040
GACT_BORDERSNIFF        EQU $8000       ; neither set nor rely on this bit

GACT_TOGGLESELECT       EQU $0100       ; this bit for toggle-select mode
GACT_BOOLEXTEND         EQU $2000       ; This Boolean Gadget has a BoolInfo

; should properly be in StringInfo, but aren't
GACT_STRINGLEFT         EQU $0000       ; NOTE WELL: that this has value zero
GACT_STRINGCENTER       EQU $0200       ; center the String
GACT_STRINGRIGHT        EQU $0400       ; right-justify the String
GACT_LONGINT            EQU $0800       ; This String Gadget is a Long Integer
GACT_ALTKEYMAP          EQU $1000       ; has an alternate keymapping
GACT_STRINGEXTEND       EQU $2000       ; this String Gadget has an extension
                                        ; NOTE: NEVER SET GACT_STRINGEXTEND
                                        ; IF YOU ARE RUNNING ON LESS THAN V36!
                                        ; SEE GFLG_STRINGEXTEND (ABOVE) INSTEAD

GACT_ACTIVEGADGET       EQU $4000       ; this gadget is "active".  This flag
                                ; is maintained by Intuition, and you
                                ; cannot count on its value persisting
                                ; while you do something on your program's
                                ; task.  It can only be trusted by
                                ; people implementing custom gadgets

* note $8000 is used above (GACT_BORDERSNIFF); all Activation flags defined

; --- GADGET TYPES -----------------------------------------------------------
; These are the Gaget Type definitions for the variable GadgetType.
; Gadget number type MUST start from one.  NO TYPES OF ZERO ALLOWED.
; first comes the mask for Gadget flags reserved for Gadget typing
GTYP_GADGETTYPE         EQU $FC00       ; all Gadget Global Type flags
                                        ; (padded)
GTYP_SYSGADGET          EQU $8000       ; 1 = Allocated by the system, 0 = by app.
GTYP_SCRGADGET          EQU $4000       ; 1 = ScreenGadget, 0 = WindowGadget
GTYP_GZZGADGET          EQU $2000       ; 1 = Gadget for WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO
                                        ;     borders
GTYP_REQGADGET          EQU $1000       ; 1 = this is a Requester Gadget
; system gadgets
GTYP_SIZING             EQU $0010
GTYP_WDRAGGING          EQU $0020
GTYP_SDRAGGING          EQU $0030
GTYP_WUPFRONT           EQU $0040
GTYP_SUPFRONT           EQU $0050
GTYP_WDOWNBACK          EQU $0060
GTYP_SDOWNBACK          EQU $0070
GTYP_CLOSE              EQU $0080
; application gadgets
GTYP_GADGET0002         EQU $0002
GTYP_STRGADGET          EQU $0004
GTYP_GTYPEMASK          EQU $0004       ; masks out to gadget class

; ========================================================================
; === BoolInfo============================================================
; ========================================================================
; This is the special data needed by an Extended Boolean Gadget
; Typically this structure will be pointed to by the Gadget field SpecialInfo


    WORD    bi_Flags    ; defined below
    APTR    bi_Mask     ; bit mask for highlighting and selecting
                        ; mask must follow the same rules as an Image
                        ; plane.  Its width and height are determined
                        ; by the width and height of the gadget's
                        ; select box. (i.e. Gadget.Width and .Height).
    LONG    bi_Reserved ; set to 0


; set BoolInfo.Flags to this flag bit.
; in the future, additional bits might mean more stuff hanging
; off of BoolInfo.Reserved.

BOOLMASK        EQU     $0001   ; extension is for masked gadget

; ========================================================================
; === PropInfo ===========================================================
; ========================================================================
; this is the special data required by the proportional Gadget
; typically, this data will be pointed to by the Gadget variable SpecialInfo

    WORD pi_Flags       ; general purpose flag bits (see defines below)

    ; You initialize the Pot variables before the Gadget is added to
    ; the system.  Then you can look here for the current settings
    ; any time, even while User is playing with this Gadget.  To
    ; adjust these after the Gadget is added to the System, use
    ; ModifyProp(); The Pots are the actual proportional settings,
    ; where a value of zero means zero and a value of MAXPOT means
    ; that the Gadget is set to its maximum setting.
    WORD pi_HorizPot    ; 16-bit FixedPoint horizontal quantity percentage;
    WORD pi_VertPot     ; 16-bit FixedPoint vertical quantity percentage;

    ; the 16-bit FixedPoint Body variables describe what percentage
    ; of the entire body of stuff referred to by this Gadget is
    ; actually shown at one time.  This is used with the AUTOKNOB
    ; routines, to adjust the size of the AUTOKNOB according to how
    ; much of the data can be seen.  This is also used to decide how
    ; far to advance the Pots when User hits the Container of the Gadget.
    ; For instance, if you were controlling the display of a 5-line
    ; Window of text with this Gadget, and there was a total of 15
    ; lines that could be displayed, you would set the VertBody value to
    ;    (MAXBODY / (TotalLines / DisplayLines)) = MAXBODY / 3.
    ; Therefore, the AUTOKNOB would fill 1/3 of the container, and if
    ; User hits the Cotainer outside of the knob, the pot would advance
    ; 1/3 (plus or minus) If there's no body to show, or the total
    ; amount of displayable info is less than the display area, set the
    ; Body variables to the MAX.  To adjust these after the Gadget is
    ; added to the System, use ModifyProp().
    WORD pi_HorizBody   ; horizontal Body
    WORD pi_VertBody    ; vertical Body

    ; these are the variables that Intuition sets and maintains
    WORD pi_CWidth      ; Container width (with any relativity absoluted)
    WORD pi_CHeight     ; Container height (with any relativity absoluted)
    WORD pi_HPotRes     ; pot increments
    WORD pi_VPotRes     ; pot increments
    WORD pi_LeftBorder  ; Container borders
    WORD pi_TopBorder   ; Container borders

; --- FLAG BITS --------------------------------------------------------------
AUTOKNOB        EQU $0001       ; this flag sez:  gimme that old auto-knob
FREEHORIZ       EQU $0002       ; if set, the knob can move horizontally
FREEVERT        EQU $0004       ; if set, the knob can move vertically
PROPBORDERLESS  EQU $0008       ; if set, no border will be rendered
KNOBHIT         EQU $0100       ; set when this Knob is hit
PROPNEWLOOK     EQU $0010       ; set this if you want to get the new
                                ; V36 look

KNOBHMIN        EQU 6           ; minimum horizontal size of the knob
KNOBVMIN        EQU 4           ; minimum vertical size of the knob
MAXBODY         EQU $FFFF       ; maximum body value
MAXPOT          EQU $FFFF       ; maximum pot value

; ========================================================================
; === StringInfo =========================================================
; ========================================================================
; this is the special data required by the string Gadget
; typically, this data will be pointed to by the Gadget variable SpecialInfo
 STRUCTURE StringInfo,0

    ; you initialize these variables, and then Intuition maintains them
    APTR  si_Buffer     ; the buffer containing the start and final string
    APTR  si_UndoBuffer ; optional buffer for undoing current entry
    WORD si_BufferPos   ; character position in Buffer
    WORD si_MaxChars    ; max number of chars in Buffer (including NULL)
    WORD si_DispPos     ; Buffer position of first displayed character

    ; Intuition initializes and maintains these variables for you
    WORD si_UndoPos     ; character position in the undo buffer
    WORD si_NumChars    ; number of characters currently in Buffer
    WORD si_DispCount   ; number of whole characters visible in Container
    WORD si_CLeft       ; topleft offset of the container
    WORD si_CTop        ; topleft offset of the container

    ; unused field is changed to allow extended specification
    ; of string gadget parameters.  It is ignored unless the flag
    ; GACT_STRINGEXTEND is set in the Gadget's Activation field
    ; or the GFLG_STRINGEXTEND flag is set in the Gadget Flags field.
    ; (See GFLG_STRINGEXTEND for an important note)
    ;APTR  si_LayerPtr  ; --- obsolete ---
    APTR  si_Extension

    ; you can initialize this variable before the gadget is submitted to
    ; Intuition, and then examine it later to discover what integer
    ; the user has entered (if the user never plays with the gadget,
    ; the value will be unchanged from your initial setting)
    LONG  si_LongInt    ; the LONG return value of a GACT_LONGINT String Gad.

    ; If you want this Gadget to use your own Console keymapping, you
    ; set the GACT_ALTKEYMAP bit in the Activation flags of the Gadget, and
    ; then set this variable to point to your keymap.  If you don't set the
    ; GACT_ALTKEYMAP, you'll get the standard ASCII keymapping.
    APTR si_AltKeyMap


; ========================================================================
; === IntuiText ==========================================================
; ========================================================================
; IntuiText is a series of strings that start with a location
; (always relative to the upper-left corner of something) and then the
; text of the string.  The text is null-terminated.
 STRUCTURE IntuiText,0

    BYTE it_FrontPen            ; the pens for rendering the text
    BYTE it_BackPen             ; the pens for rendering the text

    BYTE it_DrawMode            ; the mode for rendering the text

    BYTE it_KludgeFill00        ; This is strictly for word-alignment

    WORD it_LeftEdge            ; relative start location for the text
    WORD it_TopEdge             ; relative start location for the text

    APTR  it_ITextFont          ; if NULL, you accept the defaults

    APTR it_IText               ; pointer to null-terminated text

    APTR  it_NextText           ; pointer to another IntuiText to render


; ========================================================================
; === Border =============================================================
; ========================================================================
; Data type Border, used for drawing a series of lines which is intended for
; use as a border drawing, but which may, in fact, be used to render any
; arbitrary vector shape.
; The routine DrawBorder sets up the RastPort with the appropriate
; variables, then does a Move to the first coordinate, then does Draws
; to the subsequent coordinates.
; After all the Draws are done, if NextBorder is non-zero we call DrawBorder
; on NextBorder

    WORD  bd_LeftEdge           ; initial offsets from the origin
    WORD  bd_TopEdge            ; initial offsets from the origin
    BYTE  bd_FrontPen           ; pen number for rendering
    BYTE  bd_BackPen            ; pen number for rendering
    BYTE  bd_DrawMode           ; mode for rendering
    BYTE  bd_Count              ; number of XY pairs
    APTR  bd_XY                 ; vector coordinate pairs rel to LeftTop
    APTR  bd_NextBorder         ; pointer to any other Border too


; ========================================================================
; === Image ==============================================================
; ========================================================================
; This is a brief image structure for very simple transfers of
; image data to a RastPort

    WORD ig_LeftEdge            ; starting offset relative to something
    WORD ig_TopEdge             ; starting offset relative to something
    WORD ig_Width               ; pixel size (though data is word-aligned)
    WORD ig_Height              ; pixel size
    WORD ig_Depth               ; pixel size
    APTR ig_ImageData           ; pointer to the actual image bits

    ; the PlanePick and PlaneOnOff variables work much the same way as the
    ; equivalent GELS Bob variables.  It's a space-saving
    ; mechanism for image data.  Rather than defining the image data
    ; for every plane of the RastPort, you need define data only for planes
    ; that are not entirely zero or one.  As you define your Imagery, you will
    ; often find that most of the planes ARE just as color selectors.  For
    ; instance, if you're designing a two-color Gadget to use colors two and
    ; three, and the Gadget will reside in a five-plane display, plane zero
    ; of your imagery would be all ones, bit plane one would have data that
    ; describes the imagery, and bit planes two through four would be
    ; all zeroes.  Using these flags allows you to avoid wasting all that
    ; memory in this way:
    ; first, you specify which planes you want your data to appear
    ; in using the PlanePick variable.  For each bit set in the variable, the
    ; next "plane" of your image data is blitted to the display.  For each bit
    ; clear in this variable, the corresponding bit in PlaneOnOff is examined.
    ; If that bit is clear, a "plane" of zeroes will be used.  If the bit is
    ; set, ones will go out instead.  So, for our example:
    ;   Gadget.PlanePick = 0x02;
    ;   Gadget.PlaneOnOff = 0x01;
    ; Note that this also allows for generic Gadgets, like the System Gadgets,
    ; which will work in any number of bit planes
    ; Note also that if you want an Image that is only a filled rectangle,
    ; you can get this by setting PlanePick to zero (pick no planes of data)
    ; and set PlaneOnOff to describe the pen color of the rectangle.
    ; NOTE:  Intuition relies on PlanePick to know how many planes
    ; of data are found in ImageData.  There should be no more
    ; '1'-bits in PlanePick than there are planes in ImageData.
    BYTE ig_PlanePick
    BYTE ig_PlaneOnOff

    ; if the NextImage variable is not NULL, Intuition presumes that
    ; it points to another Image structure with another Image to be
    ; rendered
    APTR ig_NextImage


; ========================================================================
; === IntuiMessage =======================================================
; ========================================================================
 STRUCTURE IntuiMessage,0

    STRUCT im_ExecMessage,MN_SIZE

    ; the Class bits correspond directly with the IDCMP Flags, except for the
    ; special bit IDCMP_LONELYMESSAGE (defined below)
    LONG im_Class

    ; the Code field is for special values like MENU number
    WORD im_Code

    ; the Qualifier field is a copy of the current InputEvent's Qualifier
    WORD im_Qualifier

    ; IAddress contains particular addresses for Intuition functions, like
    ; the pointer to the Gadget or the Screen
    APTR im_IAddress

    ; when getting mouse movement reports, any event you get will have the
    ; the mouse coordinates in these variables.  the coordinates are relative
    ; to the upper-left corner of your Window (WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO
    ; notwithstanding)
    ; If the DELTAMOVE IDCMP flag is set, these values will be deltas from
    ; the last reported position.
    WORD im_MouseX
    WORD im_MouseY

    ; the time values are copies of the current system clock time.  Micros
    ; are in units of microseconds, Seconds in seconds.
    LONG im_Seconds
    LONG im_Micros

    ; the IDCMPWindow variable will always have the address of the Window of
    ; this IDCMP
    APTR im_IDCMPWindow

    ; system-use variable
    APTR im_SpecialLink


; --- IDCMP Classes ------------------------------------------------------
; Please refer to the Autodoc for OpenWindow() and to the Rom Kernel
; Manual for full details on the IDCMP classes.

IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY        EQU     $00000001
IDCMP_NEWSIZE           EQU     $00000002
IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS      EQU     $00000008
IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE         EQU     $00000010
IDCMP_GADGETDOWN        EQU     $00000020
IDCMP_GADGETUP          EQU     $00000040
IDCMP_REQSET            EQU     $00000080
IDCMP_MENUPICK          EQU     $00000100
IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW       EQU     $00000200
IDCMP_RAWKEY            EQU     $00000400
IDCMP_REQVERIFY         EQU     $00000800
IDCMP_REQCLEAR          EQU     $00001000
IDCMP_MENUVERIFY        EQU     $00002000
IDCMP_NEWPREFS          EQU     $00004000
IDCMP_DISKINSERTED      EQU     $00008000
IDCMP_DISKREMOVED       EQU     $00010000
IDCMP_WBENCHMESSAGE     EQU     $00020000       ; System use only
IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW      EQU     $00040000
IDCMP_DELTAMOVE         EQU     $00100000
IDCMP_VANILLAKEY        EQU     $00200000
IDCMP_INTUITICKS        EQU     $00400000
;  for notifications from "boopsi" gadgets:
IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE       EQU     $00800000       ; new for V36
; for getting help key report during menu session:
IDCMP_MENUHELP          EQU     $01000000       ; new for V36
; for notification of any move/size/zoom/change window:
IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW      EQU     $02000000       ; new for V36
; NOTEZ-BIEN:           $80000000 is reserved for internal use by IDCMP

; the IDCMP Flags do not use this special bit, which is cleared when
; Intuition sends its special message to the Task, and set when Intuition
; gets its Message back from the Task.  Therefore, I can check here to
; find out fast whether or not this Message is available for me to send

; --- IDCMP Codes --------------------------------------------------------
; This group of codes is for the IDCMP_MENUVERIFY function
MENUHOT         EQU     $0001   ; IntuiWants verification or MENUCANCEL
MENUCANCEL      EQU     $0002   ; HOT Reply of this cancels Menu operation
MENUWAITING     EQU     $0003   ; Intuition simply wants a ReplyMsg() ASAP

; These are internal tokens to represent state of verification attempts
; shown here as a clue.
OKOK            EQU     MENUHOT         ; guy didn't care
OKABORT         EQU     $0004           ; window rendered question moot
OKCANCEL        EQU     MENUCANCEL      ; window sent cancel reply

; This group of codes is for the IDCMP_WBENCHMESSAGE messages

; A data structure common in V36 Intuition processing

 STRUCTURE      IBox,0
    WORD        ibox_Left
    WORD        ibox_Top
    WORD        ibox_Width
    WORD        ibox_Height

; ========================================================================
; === Window =============================================================
; ========================================================================

    APTR wd_NextWindow          ; for the linked list of a Screen

    WORD wd_LeftEdge            ; screen dimensions
    WORD wd_TopEdge             ; screen dimensions
    WORD wd_Width               ; screen dimensions
    WORD wd_Height              ; screen dimensions

    WORD wd_MouseY              ; relative top top-left corner
    WORD wd_MouseX              ; relative top top-left corner

    WORD wd_MinWidth            ; minimum sizes
    WORD wd_MinHeight           ; minimum sizes
    WORD wd_MaxWidth            ; maximum sizes
    WORD wd_MaxHeight           ; maximum sizes

    LONG wd_Flags               ; see below for definitions

    APTR wd_MenuStrip           ; first in a list of menu headers

    APTR wd_Title               ; title text for the Window

    APTR wd_FirstRequest        ; first in linked list of active Requesters
    APTR wd_DMRequest           ; the double-menu Requester
    WORD wd_ReqCount            ; number of Requesters blocking this Window
    APTR wd_WScreen             ; this Window's Screen
    APTR wd_RPort               ; this Window's very own RastPort

    ; the border variables describe the window border.  If you specify
    ; WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO when you open the window, then the upper-left of the
    ; ClipRect for this window will be upper-left of the BitMap (with correct
    ; offsets when in SuperBitMap mode; you MUST select WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO
    ; when using SuperBitMap).  If you don't specify ZeroZero, then you save
    ; memory (no allocation of RastPort, Layer, ClipRect and associated
    ; Bitmaps), but you also must offset all your writes by BorderTop,
    ; BorderLeft and do your own mini-clipping to prevent writing over the
    ; system gadgets
    BYTE wd_BorderLeft
    BYTE wd_BorderTop
    BYTE wd_BorderRight
    BYTE wd_BorderBottom
    APTR wd_BorderRPort

    ; You supply a linked-list of gadget that you want for your Window.
    ; This list DOES NOT include system Gadgets.  You get the standard
    ; window system Gadgets by setting flag-bits in the variable Flags (see
    ; the bit definitions below)
    APTR wd_FirstGadget

    ; these are for opening/closing the windows
    APTR wd_Parent
    APTR wd_Descendant

    ; sprite data information for your own Pointer
    ; set these AFTER you Open the Window by calling SetPointer()
    APTR wd_Pointer
    BYTE wd_PtrHeight
    BYTE wd_PtrWidth
    BYTE wd_XOffset
    BYTE wd_YOffset

    ; the IDCMP Flags and User's and Intuition's Message Ports
    ULONG wd_IDCMPFlags
    APTR wd_UserPort
    APTR wd_WindowPort
    APTR wd_MessageKey

    BYTE wd_DetailPen
    BYTE wd_BlockPen

    ; the CheckMark is a pointer to the imagery that will be used when
    ; rendering MenuItems of this Window that want to be checkmarked
    ; if this is equal to NULL, you'll get the default imagery
    APTR wd_CheckMark

    ; if non-null, Screen title when Window is active
    APTR wd_ScreenTitle

    ; These variables have the mouse coordinates relative to the
    ; inner-Window of WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO Windows.  This is compared with the
    ; MouseX and MouseY variables, which contain the mouse coordinates
    ; relative to the upper-left corner of the Window, WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO
    ; notwithstanding
    WORD wd_GZZMouseX
    WORD wd_GZZMouseY
    ; these variables contain the width and height of the inner-Window of
    WORD wd_GZZWidth
    WORD wd_GZZHeight

    APTR wd_ExtData

    ; general-purpose pointer to User data extension
    APTR wd_UserData
    APTR wd_WLayer      ; stash of Window.RPort->Layer

    ; NEW 1.2: need to keep track of the font that OpenWindow opened,
    ; in case user SetFont's into RastPort
    APTR  wd_IFont

    ; (V36) another flag word (the Flags field is used up).
    ; At present, all flag values are system private.
    ; Until further notice, you may not change nor use this field.
    ULONG wd_MoreFlags

    ; ----- subsequent fields are INTUITION PRIVATE ---

    LABEL wd_Size
    LABEL wd_SIZEOF     ; you should never use this: only Intuition allocates

; --- Flags requested at OpenWindow() time by the application -------------
WFLG_SIZEGADGET         EQU $0001       ; include sizing system-gadget?
WFLG_DRAGBAR            EQU $0002       ; include dragging system-gadget?
WFLG_DEPTHGADGET        EQU $0004       ; include depth arrangement gadget?
WFLG_CLOSEGADGET        EQU $0008       ; include close-box system-gadget?

WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT         EQU $0010       ; size gadget uses right border
WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM        EQU $0020       ; size gadget uses bottom border

; --- refresh modes ----------------------------------------------------------
; combinations of the WFLG_REFRESHBITS select the refresh type

WFLG_BACKDROP           EQU $0100       ; this is a backdrop window

WFLG_REPORTMOUSE        EQU $0200       ; set this to hear every mouse move

WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO      EQU $0400       ; make extra border stuff

WFLG_BORDERLESS         EQU $0800       ; set this to get a Window sans border

WFLG_ACTIVATE           EQU $1000       ; when Window opens, it's the Active
                                        ; one

WFLG_WINDOWACTIVE       EQU $2000       ; this window is the active one
WFLG_INREQUEST          EQU $4000       ; this window is in request mode
WFLG_MENUSTATE          EQU $8000       ; this Window is active with its
                                        ; Menus on

; --- Other User Flags -------------------------------------------------------
WFLG_RMBTRAP            EQU $00010000   ; Catch RMB events for your own
WFLG_NOCAREREFRESH      EQU $00020000   ; not to be bothered with REFRESH

; --- Other Intuition Flags ----------------------------------------------
WFLG_WINDOWREFRESH      EQU $01000000   ; Window is currently refreshing
WFLG_WBENCHWINDOW       EQU $02000000   ; WorkBench Window
WFLG_WINDOWTICKED       EQU $04000000   ; only one timer tick at a time

SUPER_UNUSED    EQU $FCFC0000   ;bits of Flag unused yet

; - V36 new Flags which the programmer may specify in NewScreen.Flags
WFLG_NW_EXTENDED        EQU $00040000   ; extension data provided
                                        ; see ExtNewWindow structure

; --- V36 Flags to be set only by Intuition -------------------------
WFLG_VISITOR            EQU $08000000   ; visitor window (see autodoc for OpenWindow)
WFLG_ZOOMED             EQU $10000000   ; identifies "zoom state"
WFLG_HASZOOM            EQU $20000000   ; window has a zoom gadget

; --- Other Window Values ----------------------------------------------
DEFAULTMOUSEQUEUE       EQU 5    ; no more mouse messages

; --- see struct IntuiMessage for the IDCMP Flag definitions -----------------

; ========================================================================
; === NewWindow ==========================================================
; ========================================================================
; NOTE: to use the new features of V36, you may need to use the
; ExtNewWindow structure, below.
 STRUCTURE NewWindow,0

    WORD nw_LeftEdge            ; initial Window dimensions
    WORD nw_TopEdge             ; initial Window dimensions
    WORD nw_Width               ; initial Window dimensions
    WORD nw_Height              ; initial Window dimensions

    BYTE nw_DetailPen           ; for rendering the detail bits of the Window
    BYTE nw_BlockPen            ; for rendering the block-fill bits

    LONG nw_IDCMPFlags          ; initial IDCMP state

    LONG nw_Flags               ; see the Flag definition under Window

    ; You supply a linked-list of Gadgets for your Window.
    ; This list DOES NOT include system Gadgets.  You get the standard
    ; system Window Gadgets by setting flag-bits in the variable Flags (see
    ; the bit definitions under the Window structure definition)
    APTR        nw_FirstGadget

    ; the CheckMark is a pointer to the imagery that will be used when
    ; rendering MenuItems of this Window that want to be checkmarked
    ; if this is equal to NULL, you'll get the default imagery
    APTR nw_CheckMark

    APTR nw_Title               ; title text for the Window

    ; the Screen pointer is used only if you've defined a CUSTOMSCREEN and
    ; want this Window to open in it.  If so, you pass the address of the
    ; Custom Screen structure in this variable.  Otherwise, this variable
    ; is ignored and doesn't have to be initialized.
    APTR nw_Screen

    ; WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP Window?  If so, put the address of your BitMap
    ; structure in this variable.  If not, this variable is ignored and
    ; doesn't have to be initialized
    APTR nw_BitMap

    ; the values describe the minimum and maximum sizes of your Windows.
    ; these matter only if you've chosen the WFLG_SIZEGADGET Gadget option,
    ; which means that you want to let the User to change the size of
    ; this Window.  You describe the minimum and maximum sizes that the
    ; Window can grow by setting these variables.  You can initialize
    ; any one these to zero, which will mean that you want to duplicate
    ; the setting for that dimension (if MinWidth == 0, MinWidth will be
    ; set to the opening Width of the Window).
    ; You can change these settings later using SetWindowLimits().
    ; If you haven't asked for a GTYP_SIZING Gadget, you don't have to
    ; initialize any of these variables.
    WORD nw_MinWidth
    WORD nw_MinHeight
    WORD nw_MaxWidth
    WORD nw_MaxHeight

    ; the type variable describes the Screen in which you want this Window to
    ; open.  The type value can either be CUSTOMSCREEN or one of the
    ; system standard Screen Types such as WBENCHSCREEN.  See the
    ; type definitions under the Screen structure
    ; A new possible value for this field is PUBLICSCREEN, which
    ; defines the window as a 'visitor' window.  See below for
    ; additional information provided.
    WORD nw_Type


; ExtNewWindow -- NewWindow plus extension fields.
; This structure may be extended again, so programs depending on its
; size are incorrect.


    ; extensions for V36
    ; if the NewWindow Flag WFLG_NW_EXTENDED is set, then
    ; this field is assumed to point to an array (or chain of arrays)
    ; of TagItem structures.  See also ExtNewScreen for another
    ; use of TagItems to pass optional data.
    ; see below for tag values and the corresponding data

    APTR        enw_Extension   ; pointer to TagItem array

* The TagItem ID's (ti_Tag values) for OpenWindowTagList() follow.
* They are values in a TagItem array passed as extension/replacement
* values for the data in NewWindow.  OpenWindowTagList() can actually
* work well with a NULL NewWindow pointer.


    ; these tags simply override NewWindow parameters
    EITEM WA_Left
    EITEM WA_Top
    EITEM WA_Width
    EITEM WA_Height
    EITEM WA_DetailPen
    EITEM WA_BlockPen
    EITEM WA_Flags      ; not implemented at present
    EITEM WA_Gadgets
    EITEM WA_Checkmark
    EITEM WA_Title
    EITEM WA_ScreenTitle        ; means you don't have to call SetWindowTitles
                                ; after you open your window

    EITEM WA_CustomScreen
    EITEM WA_SuperBitMap        ; also implies WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP property
    EITEM WA_MinWidth
    EITEM WA_MinHeight
    EITEM WA_MaxWidth
    EITEM WA_MaxHeight

    ; The following are specifications for new features

    EITEM WA_InnerWidth
    EITEM WA_InnerHeight ; You can specify the dimensions of the interior
                         ; region of your window, independent of what
                         ; the border widths will be.  You probably want
                         ; to also specify WA_AutoAdjust to allow
                         ; Intuition to move your window or even
                         ; shrink it so that it is completely on screen.

    EITEM WA_PubScreenName      ; declares that you want the window to open as
                         ; a visitor on the public screen whose name is
                         ; pointed to by (UBYTE *) ti_Data

    EITEM WA_PubScreen  ; open as a visitor window on the public screen
                        ; whose address is in (struct Screen *) ti_Data.
                        ; To ensure that this screen remains open, you
                        ; should either be the screen's owner, have a
                        ; window open on the screen, or use LockPubScreen().

    EITEM WA_PubScreenFallBack  ; A Boolean, specifies whether a visitor window
                         ; should "fall back" to the default public screen
                         ; (or Workbench) if the named public screen isn't
                         ; available

    EITEM WA_WindowName ; not implemented
    EITEM WA_Colors     ; a ColorSpec array for colors to be set
                        ; when this window is active.  This is not
                        ; implemented, and may not be, since the default
                        ; values to restore would be hard to track.
                        ; We'd like to at least support per-window colors
                        ; for the mouse pointer sprite.

    EITEM WA_Zoom       ; ti_Data points to an array of four WORD's,
                        ; the initial Left/Top/Width/Height values of
                        ; the "alternate" zoom position/dimensions.
                        ; It also specifies that you want a Zoom gadget
                        ; for your window, whether or not you have a
                        ; sizing gadget.

    EITEM WA_MouseQueue ; ti_Data contains initial value for the mouse
                        ; message backlog limit for this window.

    EITEM WA_BackFill   ; unimplemented at present: provides a "backfill
                        ; hook" for your window's layer.

    EITEM WA_RptQueue   ; initial value of repeat key backlog limit

    ; These Boolean tag items are alternatives to the NewWindow.Flags
    ; boolean flags with similar names.

    EITEM WA_SizeGadget
    EITEM WA_DragBar
    EITEM WA_DepthGadget
    EITEM WA_CloseGadget
    EITEM WA_Backdrop
    EITEM WA_ReportMouse
    EITEM WA_NoCareRefresh
    EITEM WA_Borderless
    EITEM WA_Activate
    EITEM WA_WBenchWindow       ; PRIVATE!!
    EITEM WA_SimpleRefresh      ; only specify if TRUE
    EITEM WA_SmartRefresh       ; only specify if TRUE
    EITEM WA_SizeBRight
    EITEM WA_SizeBBottom

    ; New Boolean properties
    EITEM WA_AutoAdjust ; shift or squeeze the window's position and
                        ; dimensions to fit it on screen.

    EITEM WA_GimmeZeroZero      ; equiv. to NewWindow.Flags WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO

    ; New for V37: WA_MenuHelp (ignored by V36)
    EITEM WA_MenuHelp   ; Enables IDCMP_MENUHELP:  Pressing HELP during menus
                        ; will return IDCMP_MENUHELP IDCMP message.

*** End of Window attribute enumeration ***

        INCLUDE "intuition/screens.i"

        INCLUDE "intuition/preferences.i"

; ========================================================================
; === Remember ===========================================================
; ========================================================================
; this structure is used for remembering what memory has been allocated to
; date by a given routine, so that a premature abort or systematic exit
; can deallocate memory cleanly, easily, and completely
 STRUCTURE Remember,0

    APTR rm_NextRemember
    LONG rm_RememberSize
    APTR rm_Memory


 STRUCTURE ColorSpec,0

    WORD cs_ColorIndex  ; -1 terminates an array of ColorSpec
    UWORD cs_Red        ; only six bits recognized in V36
    UWORD cs_Green      ; only six bits recognized in V36
    UWORD cs_Blue       ; only six bits recognized in V36

* === Easy Requester Specification ======================================= *
* see also autodocs for EasyRequest and BuildEasyRequest
* NOTE: This structure may grow in size in the future

 STRUCTURE EasyStruct,0

    ULONG es_StructSize         ; should be es_SIZEOF
    ULONG es_Flags              ; should be 0 for now
    APTR  es_Title              ; title of requester window
    APTR  es_TextFormat         ; 'printf' style formatting string
    APTR  es_GadgetFormat       ; 'printf' style formatting string

; ========================================================================
; === Miscellaneous ======================================================
; ========================================================================

; = MACROS ==============================================================
;#define MENUNUM(n) (n & 0x1F)
;#define ITEMNUM(n) ((n >> 5) & 0x003F)
;#define SUBNUM(n) ((n >> 11) & 0x001F)
;#define SHIFTMENU(n) (n & 0x1F)
;#define SHIFTITEM(n) ((n & 0x3F) << 5)
;#define SHIFTSUB(n) ((n & 0x1F) << 11)
;#define SRBNUM(n)  (0x08 - (n >> 4))  /* SerRWBits -> read bits per char */
;#define SWBNUM(n)  (0x08 - (n & 0x0F))/* SerRWBits -> write bits per chr */
;#define SSBNUM(n)  (0x01 + (n >> 4))  /* SerStopBuf -> stop bits per chr */
;#define SPARNUM(n) (n >> 4)           /* SerParShk -> parity setting    */
;#define SHAKNUM(n) (n & 0x0F)         /* SerParShk -> handshake mode    */
; = MENU STUFF ===========================================================
NOMENU EQU      $001F
NOITEM EQU      $003F
NOSUB  EQU      $001F

; = =RJ='s peculiarities =================================================
;#define FOREVER for(;;)
;#define SIGN(x) ( ((x) > 0) - ((x) < 0) )

; these defines are for the COMMSEQ and CHECKIT menu stuff.  If CHECKIT,
; I'll use a generic Width (for all resolutions) for the CheckMark.
; If COMMSEQ, likewise I'll use this generic stuff
CHECKWIDTH      EQU     19
COMMWIDTH       EQU     27

; these are the AlertNumber defines.  if you are calling DisplayAlert()
; the AlertNumber you supply must have the ALERT_TYPE bits set to one
; of these patterns
ALERT_TYPE      EQU     $80000000
RECOVERY_ALERT  EQU     $00000000       ; the system can recover from this
DEADEND_ALERT   EQU     $80000000       ; no recovery possible, this is it

; When you're defining IntuiText for the Positive and Negative Gadgets
; created by a call to AutoRequest(), these defines will get you
; reasonable-looking text.  The only field without a define is the IText
; field; you decide what text goes with the Gadget

;* --- RAWMOUSE Codes and Qualifiers (Console OR IDCMP) -------------------

CURSORUP        EQU     $4C
KEYCODE_Q       EQU     $10
KEYCODE_X       EQU     $32
KEYCODE_N       EQU     $36
KEYCODE_M       EQU     $37
KEYCODE_V       EQU     $34
KEYCODE_B       EQU     $35

        INCLUDE "intuition/intuitionbase.i"

* Include obsolete identifiers:
        INCLUDE "intuition/iobsolete.i"
